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Everything posted by moldboy

  1. I ran that like two months ago, and am happy to report that I'm all good. But you want a shock turn off your firewall, if it's an option, and then run the test. All my ports were closed except one, but you know as it says stelth is better.
  2. If you're into live cds you might want to check out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it has a list that has been shortened to home entertainment cds. Some of them probably have an install option.
  3. Simple ask your ISP, if that isn't an option there is a number of services available, last time I checked one was no-ip.com. They install a small program and every time your address changes it updates their records. agreed but actually the URL is simply the number, no www or .com Well you could use a different registrar rather then Yahoo, but I doubt that's what you mean. You can become your own registrar, not exactly sure of the process but it would still involve paying an annual fee to ICANN the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, and again not sure how that works, but info might be found at their site. Also you can use the above mentioned service, no-ip they offer a sub domain service, and I believe domain service, but you'll have to check their site.
  4. I don't know what you all mean about develop for FF and trick IE later, and then tell me that that isn't what I'm doing. Because to the best of my knowledge that is what I'm doing, cause my site works exactly how I want it to in FireFox, but there is an image that is 3 pixels to the left in IE and I simply want it to display the same in IE as it already does in FireFox. That sounds to me like I'm developing for FireFox and trying to trick IE. Anyway thanks to Lozbo I will try that and post back with the results. *** edit --- added the following line --- edit ***Thanks a lot Lozbo, that worked, at least for the time being. Notice from jlhaslip: editted as requested
  5. I'd like to make one point about XAMPP, it is not designed for the above mentioned application, it simply isn't secure enough, it's based on apache but all the stops have been pulled out. Great for use behind a firewall or to test your php pages before uploading them to Xisto, but certinaly not for use as a web server.
  6. I have a site that lloks great in FireFox, but there are a few things that need to be tweaked in IE. I've seen a bunch of sites that have done something with toeir code to make it work with IE. Is there a way I can make FireFox ignore this line {position:relative; left:3px;}?
  7. Not that's not an option, and I plan to make it available to as many borwsers as possable.
  8. Hello I have an image which I am currently floating to the right of a DIV cell, that works great, however I want to place a table over it, I can make it work if I use absolute positioning but I hear that that isn't the best Idea, so I want ot float the table to the right also but it just bumps up adainst the edge of the image. I don't think I can use my image as a background becasue I already have a background image, if I am wrong however please tell. Also I tried using the z-index property but that didn't work either.
  9. I don't really know if this should fit here, but here goes.I have a dial-up connection ( ) that normaly displays its connected icon in the system tray, however today something happened and now it doesn't. Someone loged into MSN messenger and when they we't to go off the internet the icon wasn't there, I managed to disconnect from the Dial-Up networking window, but this isn't very convienant. Oh, I would guess your first response would be to goto properties and check the box to show in the tray, but I never unchecked it and it still is checked, I have also recreated the connection.
  10. Okay thanks, that worked well, but one question what exacly does it do? Okay I removed one of the absolute positionings, looking at the article it does make sense why, but one more question, how do we all feel about relative positioning? Oh, I'm also taking down the page until I have more work done on it.
  11. I was developing it around FireFox however as I continued to define the CSS I found that when I tested it in the Browsers it didn't look right, (The Background went away) now when I tested it in IE it did work still. It also kinda works on Opera, does anybody feel like checking this in Opera and seeing why I get a bar between the head and the body?
  12. I am making a website dessign that makes heavy use of CSS and DIV's now When I view my site as it is in IE it works almost perfect, but when I open it in Firefox the main background dissapears, here is the sitehere is the site and here is the external CSS file: BODY { background-color:#ffffff; background-image: url(images/topimage.jpg); background-repeat:repeat-x;}DIV.content { width:760px; position:absolute; top:19px; left:19px;}DIV.head { width:758px; height:125px; background-image: url(images/head_bg.jpg); background-repeat:repeat-x; background-color:#793d00; border-left:2px solid #510801; border-right:2px solid #510801; border-top:2px solid #510801; }.hb { z-index:1; position:absolute; left:266px; top:2px; }DIV.body { background-color:#e0dfe3; background-image: url(images/body_book.jpg); background-position:top right; background-repeat:no-repeat; width:758px; z-index:-2; color:black; border-left:2px solid #510801; border-right:2px solid #510801; border-bottom:2px solid #510801; }.login { height:47px; width:217px; z-index:4; position:absolute; right:15px; top:15px; Color:#d67900; font: normal small-caps normal x-small arial x-small; font-size:10px; }.login INPUT { color:#d67900; font-weight:bold; background-color:#894e00; border:1px solid black;}DIV.menu { width:150px; border:2px solid black; float:left; margin:5px }DIV.text { width:569px; border:2px solid black; float:right; margin:5px}DIV.lower_menu { width:150px; float:left; margin:5px; }According to the WC3 my HTML is conditionaly acceptable, something about Character sets, and my CSS has not immediate errors, but like I said thre are problems with the FireFox version. P.S. What do you think of the layout/dessign, (only on IE please)
  13. remind me never ever to pay you to design a site for me, that is the slackest attitude ever. If the world were to switch to electric cars, however traditional gas stations still existed, would you expect anyone who had a gas car with a breakdown to buy a new car, because manufacturers shouldn't be bothered to make replacement parts for their cars, because it "doesn't matter anyways". An Active example, in Canada we switched to the metric system many years ago, yet you can still but wrenches, tape measures etc in imperial, why? because people have stuff they need to fix and metric tools won't work! Now maybe we don't appreciate the hardware stores importing non-metric tools but they still do it, because well for example I live on a farm and to buy all metric equipment could cost in the range of 2 million dollars, but imperial wrenches get lost or broke, and we don't want to replace a $100,000-$200,000 piece of equipment because we can't find a 1/2" wrench. If you don't want to provide me the 1/2" wrench then I will go to a store (web site) that does.
  14. Now let's not be to rash, there is nothing wrong with iframe. Everybody always says iframes are a bad thing, but they are part of the wc3 recomendation, therefor they are fine. And be careful who you go around telling to use php includes, firstly do you know the server they are using suports php? Do you know if they know how to do php? And to the best of my knowledge php includes don't scroll. So if they were wanting to scroll then it wouldn't work. That being said, it really should NOT scroll, and I personal love php includes, but I see far to many people on this forum telling others to use php includes, without much follow up help.
  15. In Canada, in Saskatchewan our Insurance (car) license plates, and licenses are all handled by the same government body (SGI), you can't get on the road without insurance, or you can, but you wouldn't have a valid license, also you can't own a road legal vehicle without insurance because it comes with the plates.
  16. Other then to post a joke what was the origional point of this post? Although it was funny, how does the title make sense. Ha Ha Ha annoying, does this count. I guess I didn't just quote the entire post
  17. Is there a chance that the swf is accessing a server rather then just loading and staying static? That could cause errors when opened, and/or prevent it from showing up in cache. Does it still work after you remove yourself from the internet? (Unplug)
  18. No, not now anyway, or atleast not to the best of my knowledge.
  19. Or if you're using fire fox you can just go tools>> page info, then click on the media tab, the swf should be in the list somewhere, when you find it click "save as"
  20. You hit the nail on the head with the heat, if you were getting a desktop I'd say AMD all the way, but because it's a portable then power and heat are a concern, now even if AMD is less power (don't think it is) it still is hotter however the power you save on AMD (if you actually do) you would need to keep the fan running longer. SO speed isn't the most important thing
  21. The way I understand it you will still have to pay ICANN, you might want to contact them though regarding the details. It's sounds to me like you're like me, except I speak of Bandwidth, I think it's the biggest crock charging to bandwidth. I mean one minute you're using it then ext you're not, but what it comes down to is the maintenance of the backbone of the internet. It will be the same with the ICANN fees, they go towards maintaining the 13 DNS servers on the internet. (Which FYI are the weak point in the structure) One more thing I thought I'd add: You probably did buy the server for nothing, it was meant to be used as a LAN server not a web server, any computer, running any OS can be a web server, with the right software, and my guess is (just a guess) that WIN 2003 doesn't have web server software by default. I forgot to add that to my first post (Sorry)
  22. And If I do it that way I'll be able to add another permission entry if I wanted to ad another module.Thanks a bunch
  23. Okay I was thinking something like that, just one thing. Where would you put that permissions value. In the users table or in a separate permissions table?
  24. Lets say I want to using a database create a site kinda like a wiki that will allow only users with a certian permission level view it. and only users with an even higher level edit it. So you'd have three levels, can't see it, can see it, and can see and edit it.I can think of 3 ways to do this. 1) In the database for the page (where it's content is stored) there would be a coloum one for each of the above permissions, and users wh had that permission would be listed there.2) there is a table that just contains permissions so there would be three coloms storing boolian values for each permission.3) In the user's database there would be a permission coloumb that would state what permission they have.I was wondering what the most efficant way is, or the easiest, or most secure. What would you use?
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