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Everything posted by moldboy

  1. Woa Woa Woa, just a minute, yes you can create 3d models in blender and you certanly CAN make games with it. However Xisto won't be of much help in the matter, I recomend http://www.blenderartists.org the blender community, I believe the offical one now that Blender is Open Source. With Blender you will be able to make games that are sutable for sale, the question will YOU be able to make games, I know I certanly can't! That aside it is an extremly powerful program, and in constantly under development, in fact it is part of google's summer of code!
  2. Let me first of all say, I know what you want, and Am working on it, a few glitches currently. But let me start by replying: The image is already saved on the computer, did you not hear the part about not putting it on the web? You're right not everyone has WinXP, fortunatly for kvarnerexpress that doesn't matter because as it was said this will be a local thing and he has WinXP! Okay this one I have to break down You know what I aggree with that, but that's as far as I will go, why not use a nice photo organizing program like Picasa, it's free. See above about not going online. I believe he doesn't want this because once you creat a gallery in photoshop you can't zoom or pan the way you can in Imageviewer. So you ask why not use explorer in thumbnail view? Good question, I would assume because hw wants to add a little html flair and not have to wait for thumbnails to build.And finaly: See the problem is when you build an HTML file you can't right click on anything and choose openwith, it just ain't an option. Now on to what I believe could be the solution, I must warn that I havn't got it to work, but perhapse we could work on it together. Because MS is dumb they don't use the .exe file format for any of their programs what they do is make each program a .dll and then point to rundll32.exe in hopes that it will parse it, there is probably an advantage to doing it this way, however I can't see it! Now what you'd need to do is point to the picture viewer program with the file name you wanted to open. normaly, in the traditional way of windows if you wanted to open a .wav with sound recorder you would create a shortcut to "sndrec32.exe mysound.wav" but the more advanced .dll programs have many options and don't work simply like that. (which might I add is to bad) So intheory what you'd need to do is create a href link to "sndrec32.exe mysound.wav" when you opened that in the borwser you may still have to choose open upon clicking the link but it should work. The problem we now have it opening the image in imageviewer, we first need the path to the program. which can be found by opening any folder and going Tools >>Folder Options, and then the filetypes tab, now in my configuration I scroll down to JPEG file type which should by default be set to open with Image Viewer, if it isn't you choose change, and this will get you the same dialog that ashiezai was talking about. NOw if it is already choosen we choose advanced, then the open action and edit. This will reviel to us that the path to image viewer is really "rundll32.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen %1" Noww the intresting thing about this path is the %1 this is where windows will put the path to the image when you doubble click it, so in theory if we put the path to an image in place of %1, and place the whole thing in a shortcut, or better yet a weblink, it would open image viewer with the selected image viewable, unfortunatly it doesn't, so anybody know why that might be we could get along further in the production, otherwise... Oh, and I'd like to appoligize to anybody who might be offended by the above comments I know you were trying to help, as am I, feel free to harass this post as I currently don't have a solution to the asked question, just a start. I have a few free days to work on this, so I just might make it work.
  3. Thanks! Just one more thing, if I were to ever want to do one of those complex thing in the address, you know, index.php?link=food, or something, would that still work with an html page (index.html?link=food)?
  4. This isn't really that urgent but I was wondering, I read somewhere that you can configure you server to pars all html pages for php code, and I was wondering if that was true, and if Xisto has that feature enabled?
  5. have you tried define:yourword in google?
  6. Eversoft first page 2000, it claims it's WYSIWYG but all you see it code :unsure:P.S it may be firstpage not first page.
  7. The way I understand PHP is that it is simmilar to html in taht it works from the top down. But lets say that I wanted to display a bunch of information and creat a result based on this information, and then once I was done generating this information and building that page I wanted to put the total neer the top of the page say in the title, if there a way I could skip the building of the title code and then once the rest of the page was built have it go an then build the title and display that information on the page? Something like this1 Goto 32 build the title3 compute the document4 calculate the vars5 goto 2P.S I didn't code tag that because it isn't technicaly code.
  8. There is alos a program called TinyCAD try looking on google, it's quite simple.
  9. Okthanks for that. Now as I mentioned before if I boot to linux (CD) and run a copy command from Local C: to portable would that then make the bootable HDD the same as the Local HDD, seeing how linux should copy indescrimitaly things like the regestry page files ect.also, do you think I would still be able to use this as a portable drive, just with a copy of my HDD on it, (I could still put other things on it)
  10. Okay this is more a theory question then anything. Let's say I have a portable USB HDD, that I want to make bootable, and once I make it bootable (Assuming my BIOS supports this feature) I'd like to make a backup of my HDD.If I were to remove the HDD from the drive enclosure and install Windows to it then place it back in the enclosure and using a linux boot cd copy everthing from my HDD to the Portable HDD would this Portable Drive then be able to boot as an exact replica of my current system. Or better yet is there a free (I stress free) utility that will make a clone of my HDD to a portable HDD that will inturn be bootable in the event that my system were to crash?
  11. This could be due to the core heating in the AMD processor, they have a smaller area that heats up faster then a P4 and as such needs to be cooled more, this would require a faster more powerful, and accordingly louder fan. About the high heat shutdown my MoBo has that feature too, soltek calls it the ABSII, Anti Burn Sheild.
  12. She truly is a very good program. But I must say very confusing. I started and still haven't been able to make much of anything, learning something new every day!
  13. HaHaHaThat's was great, you're right very hard to read, feel like a translation? Particularly this:
  14. Well your information on the left says your hosted, so How much space are you using on your Xisto account. Also how many people do you know who could actualy fill up a 1gb website with content, let alone make a website in the first place? THere was another thread on here regarding the amount of spage on google: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/20885-how-much-space-does-google-have-on-their-servers/
  15. I'm still learning, so thanks for the tip, and don't worry about me making a 10mb file, that would take me two hours min to upload. Not to mention typing, that's what, something like 10,485,760 characters!
  16. I couldn't aggree more, and some things make sense as abvreations (My problem isn't grammer, it's spelling!) Like MMORPG, you know how long that takes to say let alone type, but hey that's what abvr...... (you know) are for. but some of this stuff you see around the chatrooms. Like the one guy said they say it the chat lingo. Things like lol do help speed up your typing but when you must condense everything into a few characters, it make it hard for everyone to read, for example g2g, what does that mean, got to go, or good to go? two very diffrent meanings, they say you can derive the meaning from the conversation? Well when the conversation as a whole consists of a few letters and a whole bunch of numbers and smily faces, that doesn't help. Then it extends beyond the typing, everyone knows gr8 (great) but have you ever heard anyone say grrrr-eight. And what more most of these people are still in school, so finding a job hasn't been an issue (myself included) but try applying for a job as typist with a resume/cover letter that says: b4 now i wrkd @ mark's house 'o' chee$e; CU s00n! Oh, one more thing, like I like totaly forgot about this thing like umm it was a thing, like you know. If you have nothing to say don't say it!
  17. I was wondering, now that I'm learning PHP and the whole IF thing. Let's say I made a 10mb (god forbid) PHP page, however at any given time, using variables, and the works the rendered html page was only 100kb, would the bandwidth used by that page everytime it was visited 100kb or 10mb, after all the server still has to open the whole page either way. Notice from snlildude87: Your topic title needs to describe the thread more clearly.Also, I'm moving this to PHP since it relates to that more
  18. Just to make it feseable a messenger would have to be like trillion (hope I spelled it right) an be workable with all the others, I know I have gmail, and you probably do to, but people you know outside this form, or the computer world don't, so they would be just a leary of a google messenger. To words for you, I WISH, I started this thread in hopes that someone from google might stumble on it I think I'd also like to see perhapse a CMS tool from google you could install on your own server that would function well with the google search spider, you know the whole make the internet searchable thing.
  19. Now that Googles got the Earth, what should come next? If it were me I'd like to see hosting, and not just web hosting but Image, Audio, Download, everything!
  20. moldboy

    Google Earth

    See no I downloaded it (day later) but when I try to use the program it can't connect to the servers!
  21. The above was just (what I thought to be) a simple example.Yes there are four rows, and in each row there is a dropdown, and a textbox. For each row the dropdown would contain A, and B. These would be the catagories. Each text box would have a number, defined by the user. Now after entering (or before) the drop down would be choosen. All the numbers assigned to catagorie A would be added, and then independantly all the numbers assigned to catagorie B would be added. In the above example there would be only number assigned with B so there would be no adding, however there are three numbers assigned to catagorie A so there would be three numbers. My question was how to add them when there would be no predefined order, like we will do all the A's and then all the B's, there could be a few A's and a few B's scatered randomly.I was asking for insight simply because I want to do something simmilar, but rather then trying to explain that project to come up with a simple one.You say that you are more into ASP, just for intrest, which would you say is better? How about learning curve?
  22. Despite what you might think I don't want to have SQL involved in the solution, just a heads up.So let's say I had a page with a table and 4 rows, on each row there was a dropdown box with the options A, and B, there was also a text box, with the option to type (obvously)Now lets say I wanted the user to choose either A or B and enter a number in the box, then when they pressed submit on the next page the readout would be a: ______, and b:_____ where in the _______ there would be another number, infact the sum of the numbers on the other page. So if they choose A) 3, a) 5 A) 8 B)3 then the results would be A: 16, and B: 3. The script added the two catagories independantly. I laready know how to do input and output, just can't figure out how to tell the srcipt only to add the numbers of the individual catagories. This script would of corse need to be expanded for my purpose to hold many more numbers and several more catagories. Any thoughts? Notice from BuffaloHELP & snlildude87: BuffaloHELPE: Eited topic title (corrected a spelling) and added description.snlildude87: Fixed a spelling error in the title
  23. News Flash, as of just a few days ago Google opened the service up for viewing, so now, providing you are running windows 2000+ and have installed the viewer you can view any of the movies!!!!!
  24. The time has finaly arrived, google had released the next generation of Keyhole products, under the title, The google earth Project! They currently aren't accepting downloads but more information can be found here:earth.google.com
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