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Everything posted by moldboy

  1. Okay I think I know what you mean about blank lines. So this is what my code looks like (the php is from the second page) <html><head><title></title></head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><?php Header("Content-type: image/png"); $height = 300; $width = 300; $im = ImageCreate($width, $height); $bck = ImageColorAllocate($im, 10,110,100); $white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $bck); ImageLine($im, 0, 0, $width, $height, $white); for($i=0;$i<=299;$i=$i+10) { ImageLine($im, 0, $i, $width, $height, $white); } ImagePNG($im); ?></body></html>but I still get a header error, says there is something wrong with line 7. Could it be the way the GD tool set is set up on Xisto?
  2. I may be mistaken but I think Hmmz's option is not really using a submit button. Sure it is a form element using the submit command, but that's kinda what you want to do, isn't it, submit the form. Just make a picture that looks like a text link :DAnyway I will be upping Hmmz's rep as that is exactly what I wanted to do, thanks.
  3. I am trying to learn PHP and was wondering what is wrong with the tutorals on this site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I copied the code between the body tages in my site, and am returned with an error regarding headers. Does anybody why this is?
  4. Take four dots of color painted on a wall, red, blue, green, and white. Now move aday from the wall until you can only see one color (kinda grey) That is how digital fotos work. If you want to make that image bigger then you can simply walk coler to that wall, but as you do the dots become bigger, and rather then seeing the grey you once say you see frou dots. Now you can say, when those were small they were grey, so now they are big they should be grey also, well guess what so can a computer, but the problem is the image isn't grey. Understand? Probably not! Think of it this way, If I drew three circles on a page in a triiange and and said what shape should go in the middle, you would nave no Idea, it might be a triange because they are arranged in a triange, of it might be a circle, because the rest are, The computer can't guess what must go there so It simply zooms in and blurs the colors a little. If I printed something off at 10 DPI, but it was 17 meters high, and you stood back, you would see an image, but when you came closer all you would see is individual dots, Now lets say that 10 DPI picure was a group of people, and you wanted to take one person fom that group and make just him 17 meters high you would be left with a picture of a whole bunch bigger dots!. You see you can't guess what he looks like any better then a computer can. And if you say, but waite, I can take a negative into the store and get a person blown up, How come I can't do that on a computer? Well you digital camera has a resolution. As does your film, you film is most likly higher, it has been estimated to be around 8-9 mp that is if the film were digital, but it isn't.I'd say you been watching to much CSI. Software like that doesn't exist, and even if it did do you think the government would be telling you about it!
  5. I have made no attempt to require all answers, unless the way I wrote something made that statement. I think it may be a bug as today I experienced a result of 23 out of 25, and there were three wrong answers. I could not aggree more, I have tried learning Java, and Javascipt, from a book, the problem is, what I know I can't do because there is script preperation, and stuff. You need to lean infron of a computer, like learn to drive from a book, can't be done well, you gotta hit some things, that way you have experience
  6. SO I have a few things to say to that. First, why did you start at 11, not 01, for the answers. Also, I apprecieate the help, but I'm just learning, and haven't used the FOR command much, that Idea didn't occour to me. And when you say: what exactly are you saying? Because I can get 25 out of 25, when I do the quiz.
  7. LOL If you go to the Questions you may notice that I can't spell community (cimmunity) either!
  8. Thanks for your reply, but I started to mess around, and first tryed: IF (3 < $var < 5)Which would mean true if $var is 4. But that didn't work, so I tryed IF (($var > 3) && ($var < 5))Which works, so if anyone wants to see the result: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Let me know what you think.
  9. Thanks to you both, I don't think I am using an array. Anyhow I have uped your rep. So while we are wiating, how could I take this total and say all the numbers that fall between say 1-10 do this, and all the numbers between 11-20 result in something else?
  10. That's because you tricked it, You aren't supose to use negatives, Besides on you list which is correct?
  11. I have this tiny problem, that is I have a whole list of vairables, 25 infact, and I'm trying to add them, and store this result in another variable. The problem when I try to call that variable the resulting page justs leaves a blank spot, and the IF array that I have won't change, it just goes for the first choice. Is this wrong? $var1+$var2+..........$var24+$var25 = $vartotal; bearing in mind that there is more in the middle I just didn't feel like typing it!
  12. Check this out, The Google Oracle, ask it a queston with four answers, and in my experience it will give you the right anwer most of the time! http://www.mycgiserver.com/~Morat/index.html
  13. I can't see any of the aforemntioned shadows, but I think I saw one, and it looked alot like a hotair baloon shadow!
  14. Well thankyou, that's what I exped, but didn't want to without confirmation. While we are on the topic of tutorials, it says I must use image thumbnails (I understand why) but was wondering what the best way to go about using them is?
  15. Of corse, but the reason I ask is several fold, firstly, I found Xisto first, and and already obtained hosting, before I found Xisto, second, I can't spell Xisto withoug looking so I rather have a domain unter Xisto.com , and third, along a diffrent track, I think I like the Xisto forum better, There just seems to be a more specific topic system, plus I like the idae of hacking challenges, and coding challenges, although I would never be able to do one! The old host I was at had a forum, but stoped going there in favor of posting here to get credits rather then sped my time not getting credits.
  16. Thankyou that's what I thought I just wanted to be sure. I want hosting credits, but was maybe planning on creating a tutorials section in my page later.
  17. See that's what I thought, mayve it wasn't the TOS, I think maybe the forum rules. See the reason I'm wondering is because In the Tutorials rules thred it said don't post from a diffrent website. So I was wondering, what if that website was my website?
  18. There are some things on the http://forums.xisto.com/ forum that I would like to post to, and just might get an account to, there are also some intresting threds, that I would like to have continous activity in, (IE hosting credit goes up). I was wondering if there could be some sort of merger of credits, or if there was a place I could request a transfer of credits. (Or I guess, one could be built, rahter then one already exists)
  19. If I post a tutorial on this forum, and then decide to post it on my website, can I? I know in the TOS or something it says that I grant Xisto the right to post my wirk withough giing up the right to it, so does that mean I can use a tutorial (that I wrote) on this forum and my site?
  20. I wouldn't use the space, as it would most likly lead to you getting kicked off when the space came back, or at least loosing data. Not until we hear from someone of authority.
  21. If it says unlimited it's unlimited, cpanel will restrict the amount of space you can use. There's no going over, but if cpanel says unlimited then you have unlimited. I currently have unlimited, and judging by the fact that both accounts have unlimited that it is a temporary thing, anyone actualy installed cpanel? There probably is some thing where if you want to add more disk space you must set the current space to unlimited, that way when you come online it can reallocate the space, that would be my guess anyway.
  22. I would like to make a walk through of a building that includes hallways, rooms, and closets. The porblem is that I want the final product to be less then the size of a cd, and compatable on both mac and windows, without the instalation of librarys, or plugins. (except maybe flash/java). The other big limitation is that the software to creat said VR must be free. Any thoughts?
  23. Sorry GNu's not new it Guh-noo, NVU is new view
  24. Yes how do you know it's guh-nome. Like I've said before garden gnome, lawn gnome, or **long sigh** dryer gnome I know GNU is pronounced 'new' that being said I don't know anybody who does, so I was wondering on what authority you can say it is guh-nome?
  25. I have used DSL before, and found it quite good. I looked at puppy linux and don't like 250mb config file. DSL doesn't have a library I need to run a progeram. Anyway I found a distro called slax ( I hope that's right) anyway it is dessigned to be edited. the problem is I am on dialup so these things take awhile do get! Already 1.5 hours in! 15%
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