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Everything posted by moldboy

  1. In Canada right not we, as I'm typing this, are being faced with a major political event, known as a vote of no confidence. Anyway I've noticed this before but have never been near the computer to type this. After the motion when through the announcer said something to the effect , The next step is for Paul Martin to go to the governor general and ask for a writing of an election writ, it is expected that the election will be held January 23. How do they know that? It has happened before, martin is expected to make some speech on this day or say what will become of the 9 billion in oil revenue that wasn't budgeted. How's this If I were leader of a country You wouldn't know what the press conference was about until I started talking. And if someone were to say we expect the election will be held on the 23rd, well I tell you it would be the 30th, just to stick it to em.
  2. I have had this question, not for now but, perhapse at a later time, if I should choose to move to Xisto - Web Hosting, would I be able to have my files databases ect transfered to Xisto - Web Hosting?
  3. You mean to tell me that you have never came accross a javascript page that simply won't work in FireFox?
  4. I'd like to extend the sky a little...Mind reading so you don't have to push triangle to do something just think it, or build in Internet browsing, TV, all-in-one TV PVR Cable Satelight tuning system simmilar to a TiVO, except it also plays games, heck even iTunes, its been added to phones why not Game boxes?
  5. As far as making a ps4 with virtual reality, I believe you mean like you can walk around in a virtual world, with images on at least three sides, then no. That wouldn't sell except to extreme gamers (because of lack of hardware support, PS's in general are for TV use), by extreme gamers I don't mean own a $4000 gaming machine I mean own 10-20 $4000 gaming machines and HD projector to play on, and maybe surround sound.But as far as making a PS4, that's like asking if Microsoft will make another version of windows, the answer, of course. If there is a marked the marketers will come.
  6. I certainly hope you enjoy it, please tell us if you don't.
  7. Also if your planning on buying music online you must buy from apple because other stores put copyprotection on the wma files and they can't easily (with itunes) be converted to AAC.
  8. I wouldn't know from experience. But and apple is very diffrent from a Windows computer, both in what they can do and how they do it, from what I understand the apple would stand up quite well if you were running something like photoshop on both, but you know if you need your computer for a specific purpose better check to see if the apple can fulfill
  9. Did you make the aforementioned *.rar file or own copyright (have permission to use) all files contained within? Are the files contained within legal, and not for malicious purposes? If the answer is Yes, then your Answer is yes. You can. As for the 20mb limit, I don't think there is a file size limit, but with hosting package 1 you have 5gb bandwidth (I think), when that's gone it's gone.
  10. Firefox doen't understand all JS calls that IE does. Calls that MS has put in for their own reasons, FireFox doesn't understand them, and because of this is less feature rich, which leaves less room for error and flaw induction in the code. Of corse IE is more powerful, AciveX is just one example of a power ie has that FireFox doesn't have, yet we all know that ActiveX can be a carrier of viruses, kinda like mice (the furry ones that is), great for use in a lab to help cure cancer (sorry if you feel animal testing is wrong) but they still can spread disease, and infections.
  11. yes the real google site is google.com and print.google.com is a real subdomain of google.com that just so happens is now redirected to book.google.com or books.google.com, I can't remember.
  12. I doubt that, google has made a lot of jokes in the past (G.C.H.E.E.S.E, Google Gupl, Pigion Rank to name just a few) but I doubt that they would joke about spyware/virus. Now that's what I thought, but it only ever happens when I tried google print, that is print.google.ca, and when I tried print.google.com I got a simmilar error except without the enter the following word thing. But our school has less then 120 students, and our division (same IP address I believe) has less then 2000 people.
  13. I was at school and got this message... It's only ever happened at school, and only on google print, Odd.
  14. Okay but because IE looks great and runs great it presents a security risk, maybe not in the former, but definatly in the latter. The reason Firefox (everyone says) is more secure is simply because it is a far inferior browser, (that means worse then IE) it doesn't understand advanced JS calls, Several HTML exploits and AciveX one of the biggest security flaws in IE, and because IE is by all accounts more powerful there is more code to find holes in thus resulting in not only a less stable experience, but also a less secure one.
  15. What is something you have done on your computer that would qualify as the biggest waist of its ability? (Other then sitting idle) For me it would be installing DOS 6.22 and Win 3.1 on a 2.21ghz AMD Athlon XP 3200+ computer with 512mb RAM! Notice from BuffaloHELP: Title correction.
  16. I believe the port should be 80, 8080 and all other forms of that port, this port is normaly open for outgoing traffic, however the outgoing traffic open it for a retun response, you will need do something known as port forwarding. Or if the server is by itself you can tell your firewall to ignore that computer but this presents security risks.
  17. This question has been asked many times in the past. The answer is NO, not at the moment. You can however transfer credits between accounts so in theory would could "buy" stuff from other members.
  18. Sorry I should have been more specific, I would like to know how I would go about making a Privacy Policy, and a Terms and Conditions Document. Also, this is on a non related topic, a EULA for software.
  19. moldboy

    Video Help Please

    Try preforming a driver update
  20. I was wondering where/how I could get a legal disclamer for my website
  21. That's what I was thinking when I wrote the post but, oh well. The code you just demonstrated would give a rollover link(I think), I was thinking something more along the lines of a menu. The kind that drops down on rollover
  22. Thanks that did do the trick, I was aware of this already but I am wondering if you have a particular site in mind that would show how?
  23. Having never been warned (to the best of my knowledge) I wouldn't know from first had experience. However I understand that in order to become "unwarned" you must behave, that is no one line posts, SPAM, ect, be nice to everyone, and last but not lease don't ask to be "unwarned" at lease not for awhile.
  24. I have a little handbook for CSS by O'reilly and can't seem to find in it how to remove the bullets from an <li> that is inside a <ul>. Any help?
  25. SO I had a similar problem I FTP'd a few files in and checked them then when I went to another place I found that the files I'd FTP'd in had reverted back to the origional, but then I checked now and it worked, is this the same server thing?
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