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Everything posted by BuffaloHelp

  1. harrison858, Dude! What's wrong with the link? I click and some spam anti-virus started to download with message like "your system is infected..." Are you sure the link is legit? WARNING READERS!!! Although the article intended to be read are safe, the advertisements included in the site of newscientist.com are not the responsibility of Xisto. Please be careful! I had three separate instances where "your systems is infected, download to scan..." were popped up and messed around with my browser.
  2. Although many things have said about CuteNews and how terrible it is/was, I'm still going to offer CuteNews as one of the lightest and one of the only flatfile CMS. But, I know that CuteNews is no longer in development. And the forum and project leaders have moved on to newer, spinoff version of CuteNews called UTF-8 CuteNews http://jalu.ch/coding/utf8-cutenews/ They, UTF-8 CuteNews, claim higher security than CuteNews, majority or all of bugs worked out. I like the one upgrade UTF-8 made: login attempt block out. I wrote my own login ban for original CuteNews. I should have upgraded to UTF-8. However, I decided to keep CuteNews because of all the mods I insterted to CuteNews. I was told mods I installed to CuteNews most likely not work with UTF-8.
  3. I don't have a VISTA machine in front of me right now, but usually to change boot.ini for WindowsStart > bottom search box type msconfigThis will launch a new window where you can manipulate Windows booting sequence under boot.iniBut this is ONLY possible if you installed Windows first and then Ubuntu second (not the other way around).I have not installed Ubuntu and Vista together, but that's the usual case.There is a chance that VISTA is actually smart enough to notice another operating system if you installed Ubuntu the first. At that chance editing boot.ini will definitely ensure the booting order change.Good luck.
  4. Okay, I finally managed to work it out. Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine OnRewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.domain"x"\.com [NC,OR]RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain"x"\.com [NC]RewriteRule ^$ /file_default_for_this_domain.php [L] I can't believe I almost had it on my first post... and when it didn't work, I scraped the whole thing and started to write some crazy rewrites!!!! And all this time, all I had to do was drop index\.php from the rewriterule. This htaccess will execute different file name as its domain "default" index page. This serves my purpose.
  5. Please do not resurrect an old thread, and do not reply stating why are you reviving and old thread. This is for your information. Please report to the moderators and let it be. Do not reply to rebuke.
  6. Ah ha! Maybe that's why I couldn't find an example on the web. The fear of Google's search rank has led to underdeveloped dynamic htaccess page handling.Yes, it will hurt my SEO. And yes it will probably be frowned by google. I guess I'm not worried about that for now. And google is not the only search engine.In a way, I'm more curious if this can be done. And while I'm perfecting a website for google's sole pleasure, I doubt that my page #20 will be cached by google's search engine. So I'm betting on the hope that my page #20 isn't relative on domain "W", it will matter for domain "X." And so, I'm making page #20 as my index page for my domain "X."
  7. To lower your warning level is to be extra active in our forum--that means contributing quality posts and helping new members. Stay courteous and friendly (some people should really think about this when they are replying to a post). Because we are communicating with words only, the emotions you "feel" from reading a post sometimes carries more than what it is. And so when replying try to calm your self and reply with respect and kindness.What our forum will not tolerate is not reviewing our forum rules, posting topics solely for myCENT earning or concentrating on self-gratifying rather than building a community. Our members are kind and quick to help. So ask all you can and take your time when asking. Our members, including moderators are really good at explaining them step by step.Keep up the good work and stay active. Our moderators will notice you and your warning will go down in no time.
  8. Yes. I hope that the embed and object codes can be implemented in the IPB. iframe was banned not too long ago for security reasons and I'm assuming embed and object were not in the past due to similar reasons.Besides spamming, I noticed that when an embedded object is loading it stalls the rest of page loading time. I have a simple blog that I post various embedded YouTube videos. And I'm been noticing that when there are YouTube videos loading on my page, the rest of graphics or footer are hanging until some YouTube contents are ready. I'm not sure if that's on my part but it's annoying.
  9. I'm not sure what kind of data/information you would want to track using your calendar. But Google Calendar or Yahoo Calendar can be must efficient ways to publicly display your agenda or schedule.And both calendars will be web site embeddable. You can easily paste the code to your website which will show your calendar on any web page.Furthermore, if you would want other people to share your calendar and update information, simply give them (by using their email addresses) access permission to different levels and they can update the schedule, edit or delete information etc.I have introduced Google Calendar to many schools in my town and they are loving it! Especially the map part--since google and gmail are maps integrated, simply place the full address in "where" location and instantly google map is also part of your calendar.
  10. If you use $_REQUEST you have no guarantee that the data came from the post data, which leads to security holes in your script. It's better to use $_POST when you can. I would also avoid $_GET.And this form/script tutorial is not special or specific to Lockerz... this is a standard PHP form submit. What's the difference?
  11. The question is: can it be done? I would like to park multiple domains to one hosting. So I can use one total web design and multiple domains to tie them all together. However, I would like one of domains to have its own DirectoryIndex to be page a.html. Basically, all other domains will go to index.html but when Domain X is used, I want it to go to home.html. In htaccess, DirectoryIndex home.html will do the result. But this will do for all parked domains. I was wondering if it can be done with php or any code to achieve this, like RewriteRule or RewriteCond? Thanks. PS, I realize that add-on domains will be the simpler way to solve this problem. But that would mean I would have to upload one website design (about 95 files with 200 images) to each of add-on "folder." And that too would be fine except pages are changed and modified almost daily. So uploading 295 files X 6 domains can get very irritating... ========================== Update ========================== Not long after I posted this topic, I did little more searching, cussing and pulling my, what's left of, remaining hair and I think I have found a simpler solution. Manipulating .htaccess RewriteEngine to direct all incoming HTTP_HOST that matches my domain "X" to redirect to "page.html" so that RewriteEngine OnRewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^http://domain"x".com$ [NC]RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; [NC]RewriteRule ^index\.html$ /file_default_for_this_domain.php [L] I am not the best in writing .htaccess rewrites, but please help me if I need to clean up my code. But basically, I have domain"x" or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; coming in, for this domain only "file_default_for_this_domain.php" will be the default home page. If you have index.php as your default page, edit to this rule RewriteRule ^index\.php$ /file_default_for_this_domain.php [L] ========================== Update ========================== Scratch the whole posting from the last update. It does NOT work! Help me...
  12. I'm having IPB database error when I try to reply to any PM.Anyone experiencing the same issue or just me? If so, I need to let OpaQue know.
  13. Perhaps it's because after long hours of coding and bug testing, before the final launch of the software/program, people have exhausted the last brain cell and thus only has one common word to say for "it's a success if you see this page"--"WELCOME!"It's like a great sigh of relief. W-E-L-C-O-M-E
  14. I remember hearing about smokeless cigarettes back in 1985 or so. But after some multi-million dollars in research and development and countless hours of marketing, the owner of smokeless cigarettes pulled the plug. The reason was because it tasted horrible!But that smokeless cigarettes was an actual cigarettes you light with a lighter--burning real paper and tobacco slash other real ingredients.I am seeing more and more electronic cigarettes in the mall and kiosks. Although they may claim it's a safer way to smoke, it's still violating cigarette advertising to minors law. These products are still promoting smoking that may have health side-effects, also deploys sex-appeal to lure young and minors for the "sensation."
  15. Welcome to Xisto forum.Please take the moment to review our forum rules. We encourage lively discussions and various topics to be made in our forum but short, one-liner and irregular topic title are considered spam in our forum.To review our forum rules and other key information, please click on Xisto Readme on top of the shoutbox or in my signature.Our forum places strict attention in good forum posting first, and for your participation Xisto offers free web hosting. Be sure to register with Xisto - Support.com/billing using the same email address when you registered with our forum.Once again, welcome to Xisto forum. Take a look around and participate in any of our discussion.
  16. The combination of Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law promises to be one of the thrilling action movie for the end of the year films.It's been a long time since Robert Downey Jr. was in any respectable film. But surprisingly he made a good review from Iron Man (2008), which even surprised my girlfriend (yes, a female who enjoyed Sci-Fi flick).I too really enjoyed sneak previews back in November. It's one of few previews I do remember vividly. Robert Downey Jr.'s acting style could turn Sherlock Holmes as blundering, clumsy, reckless yet cunning character--much different from poised, calm, sophisticated and complex Holmes from the book. But, if Star Trek can turn many die-hard trekkers into accept the fate of "out with the old, in with the new" Captain James T. Kirk and Mr. Spock, I think this movie will draw different fans of Sherlock Holmes.
  17. Google Voice is free and does what you stated and more...Google.com/voiceThe nice feature of google voice is that if you don't want to answer from 555-1111, simply log in and mark 555-1111 to voice mail or spam box. And you will never hear 555-1111 ringing to your forwarded phone number. You can choose to have google voice's original number to show on your caller ID or, show the actually caller's caller ID on your forwarded phone (if you have the caller ID service).SMS with google voice is totally free. You can now send and receive SMS to your google voice's number, and have that forwarded to your phone. You can call your google voice number and check voice messages just like you would check your cell phone's voice messages.
  18. Alright, it's not like I did not search the web--I have.But I cannot seem to find what I am looking for, exactly. What I am looking for is an iPhone or iPod Touch browser emulator or simulator that works exactly like the device. I have seen other emulators and they only mimic the width and some functionality.I am interested in the way the alert message box pops up. I like to see what TAB does when input box, input drowndown or textbox appears. I want to be able to see the resizing or not resizing when the browser's width is smaller than the page created.Thankfully, my girlfriend has iPhone which I can test my web page. But borrowing her iPhone whenever I want to see the function is driving my girl to the next level. Anyone know of a good site/program that can handle my criteria? Or, do I need to go out and get iPod Touch to get what I want? I've tried Safari but it's a full browser and so it does not fully function when it comes to zooming in for inputs and text entries.Greatly appreciate it
  19. But, Bob can nod "yes" as in, "yes," Bob uttered while nodding his head.Writing can be simple and complex. Since writing is to achieve visual representation it's better to elaborate than simply imply--although "read between the lines" have been much practiced by many writers. I was always told that I didn't have enough adjectives and descriptives in my writings. And to write something that others can enjoy sometimes requires writing to anticipated readers' style. I never forgot about this quote my English teacher once said, "news papers are written at the reading level of 7th grader, so that more people can read the paper."
  20. Dating business always has been lucrative for people who are running the business. It's been catered towards the business rather than the person who subscribes to the service.The basic needs of companionship created business that drives the whole dating service world. You might say that if people are content with being alone, there wouldn't be any discussion for dating service(s) topic(s). And furthermore, because there are dating services people need to find that special person in their lives. And so the circle of what came first goes on and on.I believe that online dating sites are after one thing--your money. They may have the greatest intention according to their service pledge but at the end, it's all about the money. After all, who in the right mind runs a successful business without getting a rightful compensation? And what business charges only the fairest amount? It must make profit.There's no harm in being curious or inquisitive about dating sites and even joining them. And if you do happen to find someone that a service says you ought to meet, try and venture out.But if you are willing to venture out on the account of some service, you also should be able to venture out on your own and mingle. What gets me irked is that a person is willing to put his or her future by answering some questions and letting some stranger (or a complex and carefully crafted computer program) to pair up with another stranger, who also spent time answering some questions. And this person is willing to trust some selection chosen by this service and not trust his or her own self by going out different places, meeting different people.I wonder if the advancement of online services, online forums, the online itself created less and less time to meet real people in real social situation. And yet, use online service--which isolated us in the first place--to find someone whom we can share the rest of life together...perhaps sending SMS and chats to each other
  21. We've had many suggestions and requests for Xisto shoutbox. But the bottom line from OpaQue is usually to be sure it's fully 100% compatible with the current version of the forum. And it takes very little server resource (cpu, space etc). And most importantly, above all, it must be free--forum cannot afford costly script that does not provide support after the purchase. We've had too many of that.And since this forum is custom designed by OpaQue's myCENT codes, sometimes even the ordinary add-ons will fail to work properly.Only way to change anything is when OpaQue has time to sit down and study the code before installing. And that may take some time since he's concentrating on hosting business. Forum add-ons will have to be on the second case.Keep those suggestions coming. Maybe OpaQue will have some time later.
  22. There are ways to break into Windows but it takes some know how. I hope it's not the BIOS password and that you cannot access Windows because of Windows password.My first question is, do you have files which you must retrieve from your father's laptop? If so, simply purchase laptop EIDE or SATA to USB kit and save your files before attempting anything.HP will sell you a restore disks for small price. Depending on how old this laptop is, perhaps it would be worth $50 or so. Once disks have arrived simply put the first disk in and let it restore the laptop as if it was operating for the first time.Good luck. And sorry for your loss.
  23. Hello, pritamsingh98, welcome to Xisto forum.We are internet community striving for better forum discussion, sharing knowledge and at the same time take advantage of free web hosting just by participating in forum discussions.As with all forums we have some rules which all members have to abide by. Please review them by clicking Xisto Readme (either at the top of the shoutbox or on my signature).Please use proper English and avoid slangs and short hands. Be sure to fasten your seatbelt during takeoff and landing. When the captain signals for seatbelt please promptly return to your seat and fasten your seatbelt. During a normal flight it is common to have bumpy rides. Should you experience any difficulties please seek out moderators and members for guidance.We understand that you had many choices when joining a new forum. We would like to thank you for choosing Xisto, Free Web Hosting, No Ads community. Have a nice day.
  24. Few places I go for fonts that are hard to find:urbanfonts.comdafont.com
  25. One that I use the most is http://phpformgen.sourceforge.net/new_demo/phpformgen/ Although many have expressed it's hard to get started, I actually found it quite easy to create the form. It offers three different ways of delivery: database, email or as file attachment. First give it a name by submitting "form name" and click on "start" button. On the next page, click on "Form Pages > Add a page" to start a new form template. The next page states that you created a page. Click the "return" button. You'll see "Page 1" icon. Click that icon to start your form generating process. Choose various types of inputs from the left to create a sample form on the right. Once you have entered all necessary input fields. When finished simply click the "click here when done." And just finish up the rest of process. Good luck.
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