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Everything posted by BuffaloHelp

  1. Are you going to be utilizing this bbcodes on a forum or somewhere already established script? I would strongly suggest searching plug-ins or mods because you'll be end up reinventing the wheel--and we don't want to do that Any case, if you want to compare acceptable bbcodes I suppose the way to compare is using array and pointers. Without really working on it, just from the top of my head, you want to build a function function bbcode($text) $text will be the source page/paragraph/sentence And then with series of str_replace and preg_replace you want to filter ( to <b> etc. You'll need to build another function to check if open bbcode is closed properly. After completing the replacing ( to <b> etc, you would then return $text. Try this page for a guidance bbcode function
  2. The basics of web casting: [video camera] --> [network interface] --> [user interface] --> [on screen] Video Camera Video camera can be anything: it depends on the quality or resolution. Due to the bandwidth issue, you may not want to have high resolution camera if smoothness of motion is higher factor. The difference is between a webcam and a HD camcorder. This is determined by the type of web cast. Network Interface Usually this device is a DVR or a server. DVR now a days has network control to broadcast. Simply follow the manufacture's direction and you can view any camera that's attached to this DVR. A server can do the same as long as the camera is IP based (which is easier) or directly attached to the server. IP based is easier since it only required to be attached to the network hub. This step probably requires router or firewall to trigger port forwarding to the camera. User interface This is simply granting internet (not intranet) to access the image. This can be the static IP address followed by the camera's port, i.e. Once this is established, you can either give this direct IP address for others to access, or embed the camera's image to any website. A sample of this description can be viewed here: Buffalo webcam (my favorite restaurant). On Screen The result is found on above's link. It takes good amount of planning to get this right. You'll need a camera system that can be configured to internet access. You'll need to know how to configure port forwarding. And decide how to manage the image, either direct viewing or embed to a web page. Basic form generation: I cannot stress how easy this site is for creating a simple contact form. It's bit tricky to use at first but all you have to do is first create a form's name. Then click on the form's name to create a page (multiple page is allowed). And then add fields to this page. Once the form is complete you can modify how it's going to be delivered (database, email, file) and overall style of the form. Easy pickins... PHP form generator
  3. zakaluka nailed it right on the head. Two choices presented by zakaluka are basically it.Whatever the case, a girl who kiss and tell is not the girl you want to have relationship. A girl that's so immature that she cannot say what she means but instead tells ambiguous shocking news is going to be wanting nothing but attention for the rest of her life--unless she changes.Sound like you're at a young age, melbourneboy. The beauty about being young is that this girl is not the only girl for you. So you got hurt. And she is cruel for saying that. You'll get over it--I promise. We all do at some point. The key is when will be that time for you to just say, 'da hell with it I deserve better than her'?There is something precious about open and honest talks between a couple. But something like this has only one reason--to provoke a response in favor of her's.
  4. A private server can cost any price depending on your needs. Bandwidth, disk space, PHP, ASP, java all that and more are usually included when you purchase a private server (you will choose either PHP or ASP not both).If you're going to run vbulletin you might want to choose Linux based server rather than Windows based server.Assuming you have permission to run your own private runescape server, disk space and bandwidth needed to run are determined by how many people/members are loging in. Start with middle of the class and have the option to upgrade. Hosting sellers are glad to upgrade your service as long as you can meet the monthly or yearly price. Be sure that you can have steady members paying for the service you provide. Any hosting provider will be glad to help you set up basic and some advance programs to help you run a private server. Before you purchase any you can contact them for details on how to get your server set in order to run your own private server.
  5. These days who actually pays for long distance calls? All cell phones now feature domestic long distance calls included with the "air time" or "peak time" usages. Which company actually charge separate long distance rate these days? Perhaps that's the first sign you're with the wrong company.Even if they used their own telephone line (not using your actual cell phone to call long distance) it's still preposterous to pass mere few dollars to the customer. That's your sign right there. It's time to change.
  6. Cave dies Irae!Welcome back, elevenmil! Remember the good old days when we kicked everyone at the Age II? ha ha ha or at least be kicked by everyone (probably that's more true than the first claim).What have you been up to? Still dealing for firehouse part time? What happened to your website? I cannot see it anymore. Oh by the way we don't use BR bbcode anymore so fix your sig ha ha ha.I lost my logo at ipbgaming...my one and only copy. I noticed that the other day some website is using my design. I wanted to make them pay some royalty but at the end I decided to be generous. What's bunch of teenagers going to pay...a buck a person for my demand? A big'ole welcome for a veteran of Trap! It's good to have you back.
  7. When managing information regarding students you must first be approved by the education institution or board to handle such information so that it will not be used against anyone. Certainly, privacy issue is the fore most important when it comes to student information--you don't want this list to be accessed by unwanted eyes...Let's that you got all that legal stuff out of the way and you have the full blessing. You will need login system based on database or general access control, i.e. .htaccess. Scripts and more ideas on customized login scripts are found in our Programming Language and Tutorial sections.Then, you want to export the information as well as email or just an email notification per student of their login--consequently marking them as "present" from "absent"--or would you want to be able to pull information for a period of time per student, showing the entire attendance history? And is this only for attendance or will you add additional features such as punch in and out time as well?If you are contemplating about complex data information structure you will need to look into database management system. This system will keep track of time, date, student and login yes or no. And at the administrative side a teacher can run a report of a student and/or date range. This return result then can be sent via email (again with the legal issue...since sending any student related issue without filter may be harder) or capable of exporting as CSV.Database such as MySQL and PHP allows quick and easy import/export from CSV. CSV is easily converted to and from Excel.Explain in detail what is the main objective in keeping this record and then we can start writing a program.
  8. Newsletter was in the works long ago. But many of them were flagged as "spam" and thus it was viewed as loitering. If many recipients flagged newsletters from Xisto enough, the domain can be placed as "spam." Not good.From time to time admins will send out important alerts in the form of mass email. With the total registered members reaching great number it takes Xisto server hours or even days to send them out completely--huge drain in server resources.OpaQue set RSS feed for Xisto forum and perhaps that would be a best way to keep updated from the forum, for now.
  9. In PHP using $_GET allows to grab variable from URL and use it effectively such as in dynamic content style. Suppose you want to use $_GET to set the situation but instead of pop up window for additional information, target to the location and shift the viewer to the right place, i.e. herf=domain#target_id? Let's say we have a simple list of directions using Google maps. The list "UL" and "LI" shows different locations. And instead of opening Google map to a new window, you are going to embed Google map to the bottom of the same page. But perhaps it would be best to draw the attention to the newly included map by using # targeting method. File no.1 is for listing locations and links for map direction <ul> <li><a href="?direction=1#map">New York</a></li> <li><a href="?direction=2#map">Florida</a></li> <li><a href="?direction=3#map">California</a></li> </ul> <div style="height:400px;"> <!--this is to create distance between above list and below map. Mainly to demonstrate the # target effect--> </div> <?PHP if ($_GET['direction'] == "1"){ print '<div id="map">'; print '<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=new+york&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.489543,55.898438&ie=UTF8&ll=41.008921,-73.852844&spn=0.999718,1.746826&z=9&iwloc=A&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=new+york&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.489543,55.898438&ie=UTF8&ll=41.008921,-73.852844&spn=0.999718,1.746826&z=9&iwloc=A" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>'; print '</div>'; } elseif ($_GET['direction'] == "2"){ print '<div id="map">'; print '<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=florida&sll=40.822124,-73.987427&sspn=0.999718,1.746826&ie=UTF8&ll=30.012031,-80.441895&spn=8.816277,13.974609&z=6&iwloc=A&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=florida&sll=40.822124,-73.987427&sspn=0.999718,1.746826&ie=UTF8&ll=30.012031,-80.441895&spn=8.816277,13.974609&z=6&iwloc=A" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>'; print '</div>'; } elseif ($_GET['direction'] == "3"){ print '<div id="map">'; print '<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=california&sll=28.516969,-81.518555&sspn=8.816277,13.974609&ie=UTF8&ll=40.946714,-117.246094&spn=16.653748,27.949219&z=5&iwloc=A&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=california&sll=28.516969,-81.518555&sspn=8.816277,13.974609&ie=UTF8&ll=40.946714,-117.246094&spn=16.653748,27.949219&z=5&iwloc=A" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>'; print '</div>'; } else { print '<div id="map">'; //do something else print '</div>'; } ?> Save the above as filename.php and give it a go. To further discuss, you can see the familiar <a href="?direction=1#map"> which is the combination of index.php?direction=1 and index.php#map. When used together to manipulate a web page for ease of focusing on the newly embedded content this certainly is the quickest way to perform much desired function.
  10. Can't tell exactly since I'm locked out from my control panel. But chances are your topic was considered spam like post. So a moderator could have deleted your topic.For more information on how to write or submit quality post, please refer to our Xisto Readme (see above the shoutbox or in my signature)
  11. I used both notepad and crimson editor and both said cannot find 'class=x125' as the search result. Excel, when saved as web, places tons of useless html tags. And that's why I only copied the section which starts with <!--START OF OUTPUT FROM EXCEL PUBLISH AS WEB PAGE WIZARD --> and ended where this appeared <!--END OF OUTPUT FROM EXCEL PUBLISH AS WEB PAGE WIZARD--> Where anything in between these two remarks were nothing but TABLE, TD, TR html tags. I created form version on my own. This form has process.php as application to execute. The process.php then compiles POST variables and sends it as php mail() where mail($to, $from, $subject, $body, $header) I used Excel to create $body by saving Excel as HTML and inserting POST variables to locations I desired. Attached is an example of Excel saved as web. Use this file to replace all class=x125 to style="border-bottom:thin solid #000000;" Thanks guys. Much appreciated. And I'll try code editor to replace strings. Page.htm UPDATE:: It's official, numerous sources point to the same solution--inline style ajaxapps.com and email-standards.org it could be a nice project for Xisto code masters...
  12. I've been pulling my hair for the last two days trying to send php mail from my webscript as html format to google apps (or gmail). But I have not been successful. The same script sends to my Yahoo account without an issue. So what is wrong?!? Today I found out that gmail will ignore any external or embedded styles and only accept inline style formats. How interesting. I have been trying to hack this so that I can change 200 formats without editing them one by one. Please help! I tried creating $header .= "<style type=\"text/css\"> <!-- .x125 {border-bottom:thin solid #000000} --> </style>\r\n"; but no success. The only time it will accept my style format is when I place it <td class=x125 style='border-bottom:thin solid #000000'> My html was created using Excel and Saved As Web option. So I do not have control over inline style (by default Excel places style format as embedded). Any suggestions would truly be appreciated. I have created html in Excel and I would like to avoid placing every class=x125 with my own manually. Furthermore, I even tried Find and Replace. But the editor cannot find class=x125. It can find class= and class=x but as soon as I place class=x1 or beyond it says it cannot find. And what's with that about?? (I'm assuming that's another story, another topic). Thanks.
  13. Greetings and Salutations.Welcome to our board.Looks like you got most of requirements for a free web hosting down: post, post and post. Other than that just enjoy the plethora of subjects in our forum to gain "myCENT"--the denomination which your free web hosting's payment method.Any questions please feel free to ask or post--we have so many helpful members you'll almost immediately receive an answer.
  14. BullZip is a virtual printer that can save it as PDF or another other file format including JPEG. For example, you wan to print a document or save a document as PDF:File (from your application just as you would print to a printer) > Select BullZip as printer > select settings such as PDF or JPEG (or other output formats) > select destinationTo save any "file" as JPEG, all you have to do is the same print file but select JPEG as output format (this includes "converting" PDF to JPEG).
  15. Electrical conductivity should be the main issue why computers are not shipped with any forms of liquid filled tank. Short circuiting definitely would shorten the lifespan of your hardware.PC boards have mildly coated with anti-corrosive formula to protect from natural corrosion. However things like even oils from your fingerprint can do harm over lengthy time. But if we are thinking of keeping a computer quiet from the noise of fan and harddrive spinning sound, I would prefer to submerge the foundation of a computer--motherboard, I/O cards and well prepared power supply. I would not, however, prefer to submerge CD/DVD ROMS (just because they need not be so oily when I take my CD/DVD in and out of the tray) and the harddrive. You never know when your harddrive needs replacing or upgrading. It's going to be a mess trying to fish out your drives from the bath of mineral oil.
  16. Few years ago, Xisto had this topic started http://forums.xisto.com/Swf-Fla-Decom&hl=sothink And back then I didn't think much of it. Besides how good can it be? Until I get this spam mail (yes I was curious enough to open this spam email :-P) and went to the website http://www.sothink.com/ and I started to read through. Amazing little program and features...I was impressed. I was hooked. I actually purchased the product. (Yes, there's a sucker born in every minute and this sucker badly needed the fix). And I decided to grab a SWF (the free plugin for FireFox was too good to be true) and decided to decompile it. Holy god of Jupiter! It actually worked. Well, not 100% exactly. And I'm thinking because I don't have Adobe Flash CS3. I'm still using Adobe Flash 8. Just few minor things like alignment of links and animation sometimes wouldn't be perfect. But it decompiled it like flatten image decomplied to layers. This topic isn't about the program, although I can see many would reply about it. My topic is what do you think it will happen if people decided to use Sothink SWF decompiler to grab designs from sites like Template Monster and start using it like they purchased it? Because the site shows the SWF file and it's so easy to grab it using Sothink SWF catcher, paying for templates may be the thing of the past. And if this fad catches on, will Template Monster guard their SWF files? Will the quality of designs diminish as it happened in OSWD.org? (This site used to be so good with free templates but no one seems to submit new designs anymore) Flash was suppose to be viewed as "safe" web design because no one can "copy" the contents. But if decompiling is as easy as A-B-C, will there be safer content design that cannot be decompiled? Paid designers might not be compelled to submit quality designs to Template Monster in fears of getting ripped off. I've been using Template Monster and gladly paid for designs because they were affordable with high quality designs. Will this be the end of low costing, high quality web templates?
  17. Do you want to show YOUR time to others, such as your timezone, your place, OR to you want to show VISITOR'S time? Or, perhaps you want to show the SERVER time? The quickest and the best time script I've seen so far is this (almost accurate to seconds) <script type="text/javascript"> // Current Server Time script (SSI or PHP)- By JavaScriptKit.com (http://javascriptkit.com; // For this and over 400+ free scripts, visit JavaScript Kit- [url="http://www.javascriptkit.com/; // This notice must stay intact for use. //Depending on whether your page supports SSI (.shtml) or PHP (.php), UNCOMMENT the line below your page supports and COMMENT the one it does not: //Default is that SSI method is uncommented, and PHP is commented: var currenttime = '<!--#config timefmt="%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S"--><!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" -->' //SSI method of getting server date //var currenttime = '<? print date("F d, Y H:i:s", time())?>' //PHP method of getting server date ///////////Stop editting here///////////////////////////////// var montharray=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December") var serverdate=new Date(currenttime) function padlength(what){ var output=(what.toString().length==1)? "0"+what : what return output } function displaytime(){ serverdate.setSeconds(serverdate.getSeconds()+1) var datestring=montharray[serverdate.getMonth()]+" "+padlength(serverdate.getDate())+", "+serverdate.getFullYear() var timestring=padlength(serverdate.getHours())+":"+padlength(serverdate.getMinutes())+":"+padlength(serverdate.getSeconds()) document.getElementById("servertime").innerHTML=datestring+" "+timestring } window.onload=function(){ setInterval("displaytime()", 1000) } </script> <p><b>Current Server Time:</b> <span id="servertime"></span></p> <p style="font: normal 11px Arial">This free script provided by<br /> <a href="http://www.javascriptkit.com/ Kit</a></p> Copy the above code and save it as .shtml For example, time.shtml And just call this file. It's an amazing little clock script. The time script that's easily to manipulate I would use PHP script <?php $m=date(m); $d=date(j); $y=date(Y); $testday = unixtojd(mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $y)); echo "$testday<br />"; $x=jdtounix($testday); echo "9.1.2006 in Unix time = $x"; ?> Simple and crude but very effective. And the next one is the motherload of all clock script. I've only used it once and proved to be more than I needed. <?php /*** Clock -- beginning of server-side support code by Andrew Shearer, [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; v2.1.2-PHP, 2003-08-07. For updates and explanations, see <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;. ***/ /* Prevent this page from being cached (though some browsers still cache the page anyway, which is why we use cookies). This is only important if the cookie is deleted while the page is still cached (and for ancient browsers that don't know about Cache-Control). If that's not an issue, you may be able to get away with "Cache-Control: private" instead. */ header("Pragma: no-cache"); /* Grab the current server time. */ $gDate = time(); /* Are the seconds shown by default? When changing this, also change the JavaScript client code's definition of clockShowsSeconds below to match. */ $gClockShowsSeconds = false; function getServerDateItems($inDate) { return date('Y,n,j,G,',$inDate).intval(date('i',$inDate)).','.intval(date('s',$inDate)); // year (4-digit),month,day,hours (0-23),minutes,seconds // use intval to strip leading zero from minutes and seconds // so JavaScript won't try to interpret them in octal // (use intval instead of ltrim, which translates '00' to '') } function clockDateString($inDate) { return date('l, F j, Y',$inDate); // eg "Monday, January 1, 2002" } function clockTimeString($inDate, $showSeconds) { return date($showSeconds ? 'g:i:s' : 'g:i',$inDate).' '; } /*** Clock -- end of server-side support code ***/ ?> <html> <head> <title>Clock</title> <meta name="template" content="none"> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- /* set up variables used to init clock in BODY's onLoad handler; should be done as early as possible */ var clockLocalStartTime = new Date(); var clockServerStartTime = new Date(<?php echo(getServerDateItems($gDate))?>); /* stub functions for older browsers; will be overridden by next JavaScript1.2 block */ function clockInit() { } //--> </script> <script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript"> <!-- /*** simpleFindObj, by Andrew Shearer Efficiently finds an object by name/id, using whichever of the IE, classic Netscape, or Netscape 6/W3C DOM methods is available. The optional inLayer argument helps Netscape 4 find objects in the named layer or floating DIV. */ function simpleFindObj(name, inLayer) { return document[name] || (document.all && document.all[name]) || (document.getElementById && document.getElementById(name)) || (document.layers && inLayer && document.layers[inLayer].document[name]); } /*** Beginning of Clock 2.1.2, by Andrew Shearer See: [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; Redistribution is permitted with the above notice intact. Client-side clock, based on computed time differential between browser & server. The server time is inserted by server-side JavaScript, and local time is subtracted from it by client-side JavaScript while the page is loading. Cookies: The local and remote times are saved in cookies named localClock and remoteClock, so that when the page is loaded from local cache (e.g. by the Back button) the clock will know that the embedded server time is stale compared to the local time, since it already matches its cookie. It can then base the calculations on both cookies, without reloading the page from the server. (IE 4 & 5 for Windows didn't respect Response.Expires = 0, so if cookies weren't used, the clock would be wrong after going to another page then clicking Back. Netscape & Mac IE were OK.) Every so often (by default, one hour) the clock will reload the page, to make sure the clock is in sync (as well as to update the rest of the page content). Compatibility: IE 4.x and 5.0, Netscape 4.x and 6.0, Mozilla 1.0. Mac & Windows. History: 1.0 2000-05-09 GIF-image digits 2.0 2000-06-29 Uses text DIV layers (so 4.0 browsers req'd), & cookies to work around Win IE stale-time bug 2.1 2002-10-12 Noted Mozilla 1.0 compatibility; released PHP version. 2.1.1 2002-10-20 Fixed octal bug in the PHP translation; the number of minutes & seconds were misinterpretes when less than 10 2.1.2 2003-08-07 The previous fix had introduced a bug when the minutes or seconds were exactly 0. Thanks to Man Bui for reporting the bug. */ var clockIncrementMillis = 60000; var localTime; var clockOffset; var clockExpirationLocal; var clockShowsSeconds = false; var clockTimerID = null; function clockInit(localDateObject, serverDateObject) { var origRemoteClock = parseInt(clockGetCookieData("remoteClock")); var origLocalClock = parseInt(clockGetCookieData("localClock")); var newRemoteClock = serverDateObject.getTime(); // May be stale (WinIE); will check against cookie later // Can't use the millisec. ctor here because of client inconsistencies. var newLocalClock = localDateObject.getTime(); var maxClockAge = 60 * 60 * 1000; // get new time from server every 1hr if (newRemoteClock != origRemoteClock) { // new clocks are up-to-date (newer than any cookies) document.cookie = "remoteClock=" + newRemoteClock; document.cookie = "localClock=" + newLocalClock; clockOffset = newRemoteClock - newLocalClock; clockExpirationLocal = newLocalClock + maxClockAge; localTime = newLocalClock; // to keep clockUpdate() happy } else if (origLocalClock != origLocalClock) { // error; localClock cookie is invalid (parsed as NaN) clockOffset = null; clockExpirationLocal = null; } else { // fall back to clocks in cookies clockOffset = origRemoteClock - origLocalClock; clockExpirationLocal = origLocalClock + maxClockAge; localTime = origLocalClock; // so clockUpdate() will reload if newLocalClock // is earlier (clock was reset) } /* Reload page at server midnight to display the new date, by expiring the clock then */ var nextDayLocal = (new Date(serverDateObject.getFullYear(), serverDateObject.getMonth(), serverDateObject.getDate() + 1)).getTime() - clockOffset; if (nextDayLocal < clockExpirationLocal) { clockExpirationLocal = nextDayLocal; } } function clockOnLoad() { clockUpdate(); } function clockOnUnload() { clockClearTimeout(); } function clockClearTimeout() { if (clockTimerID) { clearTimeout(clockTimerID); clockTimerID = null; } } function clockToggleSeconds() { clockClearTimeout(); if (clockShowsSeconds) { clockShowsSeconds = false; clockIncrementMillis = 60000; } else { clockShowsSeconds = true; clockIncrementMillis = 1000; } clockUpdate(); } function clockTimeString(inHours, inMinutes, inSeconds) { return inHours == null ? "-:--" : ((inHours == 0 ? "12" : (inHours <= 12 ? inHours : inHours - 12)) + (inMinutes < 10 ? ":0" : ":") + inMinutes + (clockShowsSeconds ? ((inSeconds < 10 ? ":0" : ":") + inSeconds) : "") + (inHours < 12 ? " AM" : " PM")); } function clockDisplayTime(inHours, inMinutes, inSeconds) { clockWriteToDiv("ClockTime", clockTimeString(inHours, inMinutes, inSeconds)); } function clockWriteToDiv(divName, newValue) // APS 6/29/00 { var divObject = simpleFindObj(divName); newValue = '<p>' + newValue + '<' + '/p>'; if (divObject && divObject.innerHTML) { divObject.innerHTML = newValue; } else if (divObject && divObject.document) { divObject.document.writeln(newValue); divObject.document.close(); } // else divObject wasn't found; it's only a clock, so don't bother complaining } function clockGetCookieData(label) { /* find the value of the specified cookie in the document's semicolon-delimited collection. For IE Win98 compatibility, search from the end of the string (to find most specific host/path) and don't require "=" between cookie name & empty cookie values. Returns null if cookie not found. One remaining problem: Under IE 5 [Win98], setting a cookie with no equals sign creates a cookie with no name, just data, which is indistinguishable from a cookie with that name but no data but can't be overwritten by any cookie with an equals sign. */ var c = document.cookie; if (c) { var labelLen = label.length, cEnd = c.length; while (cEnd > 0) { var cStart = c.lastIndexOf(';',cEnd-1) + 1; /* bug fix to Danny Goodman's code: calculate cEnd, to prevent walking the string char-by-char & finding cookie labels that contained the desired label as suffixes */ // skip leading spaces while (cStart < cEnd && c.charAt(cStart)==" ") cStart++; if (cStart + labelLen <= cEnd && c.substr(cStart,labelLen) == label) { if (cStart + labelLen == cEnd) { return ""; // empty cookie value, no "=" } else if (c.charAt(cStart+labelLen) == "=") { // has "=" after label return unescape(c.substring(cStart + labelLen + 1,cEnd)); } } cEnd = cStart - 1; // skip semicolon } } return null; } /* Called regularly to update the clock display as well as onLoad (user may have clicked the Back button to arrive here, so the clock would need an immediate update) */ function clockUpdate() { var lastLocalTime = localTime; localTime = (new Date()).getTime(); /* Sanity-check the diff. in local time between successive calls; reload if user has reset system clock */ if (clockOffset == null) { clockDisplayTime(null, null, null); } else if (localTime < lastLocalTime || clockExpirationLocal < localTime) { /* Clock expired, or time appeared to go backward (user reset the clock). Reset cookies to prevent infinite reload loop if server doesn't give a new time. */ document.cookie = 'remoteClock=-'; document.cookie = 'localClock=-'; location.reload(); // will refresh time values in cookies } else { // Compute what time would be on server var serverTime = new Date(localTime + clockOffset); clockDisplayTime(serverTime.getHours(), serverTime.getMinutes(), serverTime.getSeconds()); // Reschedule this func to run on next even clockIncrementMillis boundary clockTimerID = setTimeout("clockUpdate()", clockIncrementMillis - (serverTime.getTime() % clockIncrementMillis)); } } /*** End of Clock ***/ //--> </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="clockInit(clockLocalStartTime, clockServerStartTime);clockOnLoad();" onunload="clockOnUnload()"> <div id="ClockTime" style="position: absolute; left: 406px; top: 28px; width: 200px; height: 20px; z-index: 11; cursor: pointer" onclick="clockToggleSeconds()"> <p><?php echo(clockTimeString($gDate,$gClockShowsSeconds));?></p> </div> <div id="ClockBkgnd" style="position: absolute; left: 406px; top: 28px; width: 200px; z-index: 10"> <p> <br> <?php echo(clockDateString($gDate));?></p> </div> <p><i>Click on the time to show or hide seconds.</i></p> </body> </html> Save it as .php and you're good to go.
  18. It's not really a VoIP, rather a single number, multi phone service much like RingCentral. But it's free.Google purchased GrandCentral few years back and I have been using GrandCentral for a while now. I like the service especially when I have to give a phone number for someone to call--but I wouldn't want to be called by that person all the time--one phone number to follow me where I am at the most (work, cell, home).GrandCentral's limitation, I thought, was the inability to accept SMS. Google Voice revamped the GrandCentral to accept SMS and send reply. The phone number is real. It forwards a call to the designated number(s) you set up. It accepts SMS, voice mail and fax (yes I have another GrandCentral that forwards to a fax machine). Great thing about this service is that even if I change my cell or business phone number, I can simply update my GrandCentral (now Google Voice) to simply point to the new number. But the caller would never notice the difference.
  19. I'm assuming cron.php contains list of instructions? Remember that cron itself has standard commands such as copy, "cp" with command extensions, i.e. r for replace etc.And the correct path name you should use is/home/cpanel_name/public_html/cron.phpif the file you want to execute is within public_html folder. /home/cpanel_name/cron.phpif the file is located outside public_html folder.A simple example to copy a file over, writing over the existing file from location A to B:cp -rf /home/cpanel_name/public_html/A/filename /home/cpanel_name/B/Notice that I can copy outside of the public_html because /home/cpanel_name/ is my root directory. The same file name will be preserved and the existing file in location B will be overwritten without confirmation. This can be entered directly to Cron job using Standard method. No need to enter Unix command form.
  20. I'm afraid there is not a way to obtain paid service for easy and free way. Their service terms states the rules of obtaining premium accounts. Any methods other than their terms would be a violation of TOS and will be treated illegal.I have known other sites giving access to premium accounts by contributing to their forum/service. Although I cannot see in writing this sharing an account is wrong, one thing is for sure that with one account that is paid with single payment, this group is collecting donations from many people. That itself may be viewed as illegal since donations are funneling to one account.
  21. I have not updated my VMware since I tried the following:One of my servers runs Windows 2000 server family and Windows XP with XAMPP as VMware. The reason for this is when I screw up too much trying to run, edit, modify XP that runs XAMPP, I can simply delete it and copy the image over to start fresh--rather than reformatting and installing XP.Of course drive image and other backup options were considered. But copying a file over is so much faster and easier to "restore" the OS the way I left off.Another server runs programs and batch programs that are nested withing the VMware image I created. And every xxx minutes I stop VMware, copy th image from CD drive and restart the VMware. This creates fresh program run in automated method. I do this for a public machine that is used by others. This is my way of clearing up the public machine that may contain previous user's information--much like a Cyber Cafe style of cleaning a machine.No, I don't think you are in the wrong path. It's tough, however, to get it to run like the way you want it.
  22. It's because formatting a drive leaves with index sector, or so called boot sector, that cannot be used by regular access level. This is a default for any PC based format. I'm not sure with Mac format.I believe it has been and it will always be that about 8% ~ 15% will be lost from the claimed total capacity.
  23. It really depends on how you are presenting your photos. I have picture galleries that run as Flash Album. It's not much but flash image cannot be "saved as" easily as regular image embedding. You can create watermark with Photoshop by creating another layer on top of your image with a logo or text. This forum has few graphics tutorials on how to do that. I have a script that automatically inserts watermark with a set logo everytime an image is posted on my site. The working script can be seen at http://ww2.tips-scripts.com/?folio=9POR7JU99 which I modeled my script after.
  24. OpaQue opened up Hosted Members Area for general registered members a long time ago. I will review the permission once again. But if you were able to create a new topic here, you should be able to create topics anywhere since the general permission level overrides the individual member's permission level.UPDATEI will have to consult with OpaQue. General member are not allowed to start a topic in Hosted Members Area because it's for hosted members only. General member can reply to a topic started by hosted member, however. But due to the change in the group status as we integrated with Credit System v3 I do not know if this still abides by the group permission level. Stay tuned.
  25. Chances are your database was set incorrectly...either check your database name, database password, database permission or database location.Without seeing your cpanel I cannot assume what would be the problem at this point.
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