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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. China says they didnt, The US says they did. Bill Clinton says he didnt inhale. Can we say war of words? With Computers now a days and tracking, I feel sure we know just who did what and when.
  2. I have seen on You tube some have placed small wireless video cams on RC airplanes. Does anyone here fly RC planes or jets?Years ago, I did some storm chasing and spotting, and have always loved tornados. With all the storms in the middle USA now a days I have had some crazy thoughts of mixing chasing and Radio Controled air planes. I have searched all over the net, and still are to find anyone that may have thought about are doing this. Been to a few weather forums and nobody has a clue. I had thought that maybe here someone would be able to point me to the right person or peoples. Thanks
  3. I was wondering with all the tornadoes in the Mid western USA of late, if any of Xisto are into that or storm chasers?I now leave in New Jersey USA but grew up in the southern USA in Mississippi, and loved getting out and chasing these kind of storms when I could. Now that I am in NJ, I really dont get the chance to do that anymore, but would love talking with and hearing of anyone that likes doing that.
  4. Well here it is just May 26th and my Favorit baseball team The NY Mets are playing like a bunch of 3rd graders. This posting is not to fuss and fight of that but Base ball in General. You have so many players making so very much money now a days it isnt even funny. And what do we get as a fan? ZIPPO. Not too many years ago a player was lucky to make 2 million per season, and he would play until he was so badly hurt until he couldnt go anymore. Now if a player even has a hang nail, its the DL for 14 days. My point is this my friends. what has happend to one if not the best game around? Is it the money? Have other sports such as Football, hockey, basketball. Have they killed the game ?
  5. Well I agree with all above about dreamweaver, but one thing. Price. If your new to making a site, I would have to say to look around on the net for freeware, or even trial software such a coffeecup. This is what I did when I 1st started to learn the in and out of thing. Good Luck and have fun.
  6. As for the Poll, I do agree it "runescape" is rubbish, mainly do to the poor graphilc. But as for the game it self it is good. I find myself going there to play when there is nothing worth playing or some other game sites are full. They have been updating there site as of late, Some of the graphics are getting better but a long way to go. Of course I am a cheepster and not a memeber, so I feel as maybe there member side is much more faster and with better FX.But with game sites they way that they are getting to be now a days. It is a good and safe site for the kids.
  7. Yes Firfox that is a very bad Idea indeed. I grew up using Dos 5 and 6.5 Many a fun game too.
  8. Obama my get the nomination, but when it counts will be in november. It is only my feeling but I do not think he will have a chance.why?1. all the trash talk he and Clinton have had.2. his wife. Seems as she is doing most of his talking. Lastly, who he pick as his running mate. There really is not a front running for that in all of the Dem party
  9. seems as most are agree here. but as said by by Mitch, It is the owners. They breed these horses to run like anything. I live in New Jersey. In this state we have breeders who have had there horses run in the triple crown. If your driving in southern NJ you can see these horse in the field not only grazing but in a full run. So very beautiful to see I might add. But if you look closely you will notice there legs, vs there bodies. Like a tooth pick. Myself I feel if they the breaders and owners are going to have these horses running in a race for millions of dollors. They should also think. Is it worth having your milti million dollor horse get hurt and maybe being put down? I think not. Now I sound as a Peta supporter. one word NOT! But I do belive in rights for these animals. They are not able to say to anyone this hurts or it is unfair to us. Just remember this next time you watch horses running in a race.
  10. well as I have told you all, I have spina bifida. It has been a long road so far and a lot more to go.I am in Physical Therapy and walking on a walker. doing about 50 feet. A little trouble with the knee that was replace when it rains. My Physical theapist is amazed that someone my age had the want and the drive to do what I am doing. Just proves the old saying. once you set your mind on something, you can do what you want, if you want it bad enough as I do.
  11. tried your coding and to be honest it looks to me as your would like to have google and a way to go back and forth from site to site. Correct me if I am wrong? If this is the case, have you thought of running Fire fox off a cd? http://portableapps.com/node/10503 Good Luck
  12. might have missed it in all the threads but also you never know if that virus could have been dorment and in hidding someplace on your hard drive too. Could be said in another place but Give AVG a try also. I have found it great for finding the hidden ones.
  13. Okay here is the deal. I was watching TV and they had said that Peta was upset over the KY Derby and that they thought that horse racing is crule.Myself, I do not watch it much. but would like to know what everyone here in Xisto thinks.Is it crule or not?
  14. well, how I found Xisto is simple. I had been playing on another site. They had a link of for trap1.com. So I came by and had a look around. and poof I am here and hooked
  15. Anyone know of a sakar 3 in 1 cam?I was given one today. Take nice pics avi and is a good web cam, but the snap'n share software that came with it really is not that good.
  16. I cant see why you couldnt. There is a lot of free software out to do just that.
  17. Talk about sticker shock. Today I had to fill up my car, $62.57!!! How in the heck can people drive to get to work, the store or even to a doctors appointment with gas prices like this??!Between Gas, food, and not even talking cigarette prices. it is unreal. You figure for a familly of say 4 people. 2 cars.both kids say 8 or 9 yrs old going to school.for them just to go 1 year at these prices. I figured it out to be close to or a little over $2000 a month. "here in the north eastern USA. I dont know about everyone, but I am sick and tired of getting ripped off. And I know what some are thinking. Let's Blame Bush!No dont go and do that. He isnt the only reason why. You have to also put the blame on all the money hungry %$#@ in the mid east.They control the Oil which Gas comes from. In sorry, it just makes me sick to think of just how we are being raped by all this. Soon it will be if you go to a gas station, the will not accept cash. but a credit card only. But then you will have to go to the bank and take out a loan just to get gas.
  18. well, I ended up going the safe mode route. Faster and cheaper than calling a repair shop. Then ran AVG and Bitdefender. would you believe 174 Viruses adware and spywear!!!!One of them was XP Antivirus, which was a pain. What I really would like to know is, how I got so many?I am the only one that uses the computer. and I know better then to open E mail from people I do not know. or go to any "funny" sites. Well thank you all for your help, Again.
  19. Need some help or advice here please.Need to reinstall windows XP but have no Admin Password. I bought this PC used from a office that was getting rid of a few computers and such. Thing was, they did not give me the PW for the admin. I have called them to see if I could get it, but the I.T. guy is no longer with them, and they knew nothing about it. well now I must reinstall XP due to ad ware that has even trashed my anti virus programs and CC Cleaner. I had thought of maybe running down a password cracker but I used one in the past but did more damage than good. Any Ideas? Because it takes me a good 5 mins now to just open up Gmail or Yahoo because of the ad's popping up.
  20. after reading the above posts I have to put in my 5 cents.Yes the usa does need to tighten things with all the people coming into the states without a visa, But you all need to understand how hard it is to get a visa now a days. Before 9-11 all you had to do was fill out a few forms and poof you had a good chance of getting in. Now they check everything from how much money you make to if your working and even if you or ANY of your family had a record of any kind, even a speeding ticket! I know this because of my girlfriend, she is from the phils and we plan on marrying. But for the INS and all there red tape and all the one that come into the usa the WRONG way it is making it very hard for the good and hard working ones to get here.there I have spoke my peice. thank you
  21. well spent a few bucks and took it to a PC shop. I had 2 choices. 1 replace the motherboard or the trash heep. The Trash heep won out, not before I saved all the working parts though.
  22. Simple and short.Playing around with a bunch of junked PC's Got a old HP privlion 8750 here that I am fooling with. No Operating system, CD, hard drive and floppy drive are not working. Figuring it is in the BIOS someplace. Went to HP and found a BIOS Update but have to Download it to install. but Nothing works. Anyone here have any idea's other than the trash heep?
  23. So sorry maybe I was not clear. forgive me. The Floppy drive is not reading. It lights up and is spinning but NOT reading the disk. Long story here and not really worth the credits.The CD Rom and Hard Drive are both seen during start up and on the BIOS. I will admit it here, I am not too bright when it comes to things with a PC, but learning slowly. I tried 2 differnt Floppy drives and get the same problem. As for the CD rom and HD can not boot from there as of this writting due to not having a bootable CD handy. But I had been told that a Floppy drive for a older 8 yrs or more. Did not need a driver due to it was already in Bios. "shadowed"Maybe the person that told me that knows about as much as I do, dont know. This is just something that I like playing with, by the way. Too much time on my hands. Going to get a bootable CD this weekend so who knows. TY
  24. Need your HELP! Today I had to reinstall my operating system and low and behold my A:/ drive is not working. I have replace the drive and still nothing. My Hard drive and CD rom are showing up when I go into the BIOS, but are also not reading. I downloaded a Fresh copy of Dos 6.22 which is what I normally deal with on this PC. I even tried replacing the Jumper Cables from the mother board to the A Drive, and still Nothing. This is really bugging me. The PC is a Home Brew by the way.
  25. I have to agree with you, the best way is to play in a group or "clan" but I also have to add, the graphic could be a lot better, and you do have lags. When I am playing it. Normally on a T3 Line, I still have a pretty good lag or freeze. But I have also learned that if you are playing in a world without a lot of other players these lags are not as bad or offen. Have fun with it and if you ever see a Lord storm14, Please don't kill me. I am not evil
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