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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. Is it just me or is there a problem with the mycents? Seems as when I make a post I lose not gain? Looked at my account and I am down to $3.83? what is going on here?
  2. Okay I am pulling all my hair out over this, and have been for weeks now. I am not too bright when it comes to Java scripts and all this, but I have been working on a google map. my map okay got it all centered on the usa and the controls. thing is I would like adding a national weather radar overlay to it. I have searched google and every group they have on this matter. Everyone has said read the help files or go there or here or anyplace, and not really been any help what so ever. I am at a total loss of how. I have even tried to view source of radars thinking maybe it was a KMZ file I needed to add, and I do think it is but where do I add it and how? As I said Java is not my thing at all. Just drinking it in the morning. If anyone here is willing to help me out and make it very simple to understand I really would be greatful Thank you
  3. yes some snow flake images would look a lot better for this script, but as said it will slow down the site. I have used the same script myself, and every time I would always get someone telling me. remove it, it freeze up my system or makes it too slow.
  4. Well in weather news this we we has snow as far south as Houston Texas "usa". This got me looking and thinking of how this winter may be. According to what I have seen all around the internet. They say that we here in the north eastern us have a 50 50 chance of having a bad winter. As of Dec 11th and 12th there was a ice storm in the north eastern usa also. With all the talk of the dreeded globle warming and all that mess, in which I think was all made up by Al Gore, and his staff. I would like to know your thought's here. Do you think the winter of 08 09 will be bad or good and why?Myself as I have stated many times here. I feel as all this is just a phase that the planet it going through. We have only been keeping records for 250+ years, so we really do not know of what happend before then. Only bits and peiced of a few reports, and then you have to take some of them with a grain of salt. True, some of the winters have been on the mild side, depending on your location I know. But for me being here in New Jersey, the last 2 winters have been very mild. Last year we had no snow on the ground here where I live. only 1 ice storm. the year before maybe 3 to 5 inches, and that was at almost the end of the winter. So far this year however. We have had snow flurries on Oct 28th and 1/2 inche of snow on Dec 6th. This is telling me that things are getting back to normal so to speak and the winter here in the north eastern US will be a little on the harsh side. So what do you think your winter of 2008 2009 will be like?
  5. Gimmy pizza or gimmy death, unless pizza hut. thats both
  6. Okay I will be the 1st to admit when it comes to html and java I am not the brightest in the world. I joined googles API group to try and get some help since all there so called help files are too intence for me to understand. Made a post that I was very new to this, and the reply I got was. Read the help files, everything you need to know is there. Hello! These help files are for people that know what they are doing. I dont. I have read them re read them, and and for the love of me I am lost. Why can't google make some of there help files for a novice like me? They show you how to make your first map and that's it. The rest they show and tell you how to do is so far out into left field you have to have 10 majors in Java and programing.
  7. Well reading all that is here I have to say it really is not that hard. there a lot of good html programs out on the web that can help you to understand it all. Also too, there plenty of good and Free Web Templets too, where all you need to do is place your text,photos or whatever you need. but your basic HTML is not hard at all. Now for PHP and CSS? that is a step up. but if your a Noob, as you say. I feel it is best you start with the basics first, to get a good understanding of it all. We all was a "Noob" one remember that and I will be anything you want too, that there is not anyone here in the net that there 1st "real site" was perfect. Good Luck to ya
  8. 1st off I want to say myself I think all this is a bunch of bunk, just a date and time, Nobody could be that confident and so perfect to predict something down to the minute like that. I am not saying it will not happen, It will oneday. But on dec 2012 at 11:11 GMT? come on. They didnt even know of GMT back then. That should tell you something right there. So believe what you want too here, Just also remember to take it with a grain of salt.
  9. An Eye for an Eye. A tooth for a tooth, as the saying goes. way back in the day if someone was found guilty of say murder, they got strung up right after the trail. none of this waiting and waiting on death row with apeal after apeal. to me that is a waste of tax payers money, not even gonna go into all this with the injections. More waste of money. What's cheaper? the drugs or some rope?
  10. Google earth is a very helpful tool, yet it can be used for eveil things like this. If I remember right, it was also used on 9-11 as well. Don't get me wrong here but I honestly feel as Google should rethink the whole google earth program. True on the free one it is not updated that offen. and not owning the paid I do not know how offen it is updated. but with how things are in this world with terroriest. Such info should not be made to the public, and if it is, have a way to track them and what they are looking at. I know that sounds harsh and big brother like. But and this is a big but. Something must be done and done now. You had too many innocent people killed.
  11. 8 hours?! that is just a blink of an eye as trails go. Also for some people, it could take them that 8hrs just to figure it all out. Good you can ask for an extening of the time though. Only thng that gets to me though is the price. There so many other board out there that are cheaper or even free. that do the same thing.
  12. Well I was working on my site dealing with better meta tags and rankings and did a google search on the topic and found this site. http://www.submitexpress.com/ Showed me everything that I needed along with helping me find the best tags to use and how to use them. Before I had what I thought to be the perfect ones to use for my site. After running there programs and seeing a very poor. I tried changing them and moving some around and brought it up. all for free. Great site for the begginer
  13. thats what must have happend. re did everyting and working fine now. I talked to a friend also that had this same problem and he too had to do it all over again. must be a google problem
  14. Okay I am lost and I hope someone here can help me, because I do not wish to send a ticket in on something as what I feel is as stupid as this. E mailI have set up or Think I have set up right 2 accounts with my site. I have tried sending mail to both of these accounts having the going through my site since when I got the logic plan they gave me that. Well it says it could take 48hours and well now we are going on day 4 and I have yet to get mail that I sent or any other mail on these accounts. I am really lost here as what I did wrong or doing wrong. If anyone knows how to set this up please let me know as soon as you can.
  15. Okay here is all is in a nut shell. Now we have the internet, not only in our homes, work and schools. but also on Cell Phones. Who watched the TV anymore for news and information? Now it is all just a click of a mouse button and bam your there. I feel as the TV is getting to be a thing of the past. Yes they now have there HD but and you can search this. The HD TV's use more power than a desktop PC. In this day of going green and all that. Where do you get your info from?TV or the internet?
  16. Well for some reason I could not get that link to load for me, but I do know of some internet radio broadcasts that do use video as a tool during there shows. Not owning a Cell phone with the net, though. I dont know how or if it would work there. But it is a sign on the times.
  17. Could I live without the internet? Honestly? No. It used to be back in the day we relied on snail mail or the phone. But now it is E mail and internet phone calls. This is they new way of the times. I must say for myself I could not live without this. Checking my E mail every day is one of the 1st things that I do in the mornings.
  18. Not suprising really. So many of these poor asain countries have kids that love the internet so badly they will do "Anything" just to get onto the net. And once on the net they will also do anything to get more money. They will say something like I have a sick mother or father, or I need money for school. I see things like this daily. Also my Girlfriend is from the philippines and she tells me stories of how kids and even young adults will do these things just to get a dollor or two just to get onto the net. So it really does not suprise me at all that a 13yr would kill just to get money to play a internet game. This also show you how addective some of this games are.
  19. Mine is a SMF Visit My Website Simple and easy to deal with I have found out. I have not needed any real Tech Support as of yet. Thank goodness because I really am new to all this. But I do love the admin interface for its operations. Scratch the above. I have found a better forum now that SMF it is AEF. almost as simple even has a shoutout where the othere didnt have. I also feel as the layout is a lot better looking. My new forum
  20. honestly I think one day it will be legal. They do know how to remove the THC from the waky weed. And with price of tabbacco here in the US, I feel as maybe this is a ploy to to try and get the goverment to take a look at making it legal. They have been trying for years and years to do this, and in fact it was at one time. So was Coke and LSD. But that was way back before the FDA and all that.
  21. How I agree with you 100%. It really upsets me seeing a lot of posts here, that so many use slag or just bad spelling. Like say the word "that" so many times I see it spelled Dat. I know when I was growing up if I used a slang word, I was stopped right then and there and told. No you the right word and Never use slang in this house again. There is however a time and place for such. But when you are chatting with someone. I agree. Use a COMPLETE SENTENCE!ttfn
  22. When I read this story of OJ Simson getting 15yrs, I honestly was so happy. Full story here he could have gotten life for this.
  23. You said your a skinny guy that people are not to happy to be around, and a little talkative? Ever think its not the skinny or the muscles but the talking they may not like? just my thoughs.
  24. I have to agree with all the above. HP computers and laptops are the best. I have own a sony Laptop and within 1 year it was trashed. Battery always Died too fast, the internal mouse never really worked very well. So I would have to say HP is the best by far. Then again if you went by price? I would have to say Dell then Acer.
  25. I have to agree. Bring it back. Was so simple, just click and you was there. now it seems you have to search everthing. Also maybe a small Arcade would be nice, that may bring some new members in too.
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