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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. wow that is a little overboard but in a way I can see why they, Facebook has had to do this. So many people put things such as some photos lets say of an adult nature or very close to it there along with every saying things that just anyone can see or read. Rather than making Facebook a Ault Only Site they have had to update there TOS. Yes it is a little over the top But I bet they will modifie it even more in the comming weeks and months.
  2. I was about to do some editing of my site when I happend across this http://www.ready.gov and thought that I would post it here 1st knowing of this thread, and what a help it could be to everyone here in Xisto
  3. Well S_M I just had to go digging up this old topic just to raz you a little my Spammy friend. I now have 6010 most posts to go before I knock you off your can of spam mountain lol jk
  4. Oh so true. It is only good for a laugh or two in the paper in the morning but that's it. I never have trusted what they said. And I bet if you was to pick a date and read your horrisope for that day and then look back at that same day say 2 yrs back it would be the same word for word. Talk about spamming. They are a joke.
  5. That is funny you say that RPG because I get just the oppiset. Firefox is slower on dialup for me of the 3 that I use. IE FireFox and Google Chrome. Chrome being the fastiest then IE then Firefox.
  6. I have to say I totally agree. and that is called Catatude. I have owned bot cats and dogs. Every cat that I had had his or her own little catatude. But I have to say this in the defence of the Dogs. I have owned one dog that also had a Catatude also. Sounds strange but But Max was raised around cats so I guess he was Imprinted somewhat.
  7. Well I started out with paintshop pro, then moved over to fireworks. Now I am doing around with Gimp. Just wish there was a program that could so what all three of them could do in one and for free
  8. I do not know of side effects of this but I do know that Unless this so called treatment comes from your doctor it is worthless. There so many of these bogus treatments going around the internet that cause more harm that good or just ripping you off. You would be best to go to your doctor and not trying to cure yourself with any of these cures.
  9. Okay but what about us poor schucks that still use the old phonelines for dialup. what is the best way for us to boot up our speeds?I know of keeping my system clean and all that. But is there any way to give it that extra little kick?
  10. well yes, they can ve stressful, even more so if the relationship is brand new, Both parties need time to form a bond and trust between each other. I know when My girl and I started, she would be very upset if I even said hello to another woman. It just takes time for her as well as you to learn how it all goes. A little something I have learned in my 47 yrs. You may thing your right, But it is the woman that is always right. I know. Been in the dog house many times.
  11. Welcome To Xisto Jack, I know you will enjoy yourself here, We have a very good forum with lots of helpful topics of all kinds
  12. You guys left out one place that you really cant get parts and other goodies really cheap. Yard Sales. Yes I said Yard sales. you would be very very suprised at what you can get and at a dirt cheap price too.
  13. Your answer's are, your my Cents can be seen in 2 places. on the billing site and also on the left side after you have made your post. some advice though best to check the once from Billing. and as for your posts. after 30 Quailty posts. you should have enough Mycents built up to get your hosting packaged and maybe even a domain name for yourself. Now, Welcome to Xisto Christy. I know you will enjoy yourself here with the forum and in the shoutouts as I think you did tonight. We are a fun bunch of people, and a heck of a good forum too. lots of good topics to pick from
  14. 1st off I am sorry if I caused any panic Opaque. I thought it was best to ask here than to send a ticket in the event it was something silly or stupid I know how busy you all are. and to answer your questing no. I will send a ticket in now with a copy of the e mails I am still being bombed with. ty close the tread please.
  15. Wow that is what I call a great into b2sing4u. We are all just normal fokes here. We do not judge one another for who or what they are. I know you will enjoy your self here, as the forum is a great bunch of people of all ages and places all throughout the world, with a lot of very good topics to pick from.
  16. No I am the only one other than Xistos that has it. Edited echoofthunder.com: SMF Database Error!Wednesday, February 18, 2009 12:59 PM From: "Nobody" <nobody@zeta.xisto.com>Add sender to ContactsTo: echos@echoofthunder.com There has been a problem with the database! That is what was in the E mail. That Datbase was only in my files and not being used.
  17. Okay this is down right weird and a bit scarey. About 15 mins ago I got 6 or 7 e mails sayin from Noname saying my SMF database was down. Yes it was there but not in use. So I went into my C panel and Deleted it. Now the strange thing. I could not log into Xisto I had to reset my PW.Could someone have been trying to hack me? I have changed all PWs
  18. Very interesting intro Rachieche, and welcome to Xisto. I know that you well enjoy yourself here. we have a very large forum with lots of topics to pick from and to enjoy.
  19. Today I was reading in the shoutouts of some people talking what what the time was. some said it was 22:00 and some used the AM PM. Then some was trying to figure out the differnces. This made me do a google search. converting time This will also help with what we have here in the USA Daylight Savings Time
  20. I read the same, and to be honest no matter where we are all from or the color of our skins we are all the same. I will even go as far as saying that if there was a really big DNA test that could do on every person in the world. They would find out that it would break down into 2 to 4 people. From where? who knows' But I do know it takes 2. Who know's Networker you could be my brother
  21. Don't get me wrong I am behind it 110%. and I don't think it will be a big stinker here I have always felt that we have needed to see what is out there, not only what is here on earth but in space. Only probem that I can see will be a private company dealing with this. would you wanna pay XX Amount for a trip into space from a company that is not as well known as say NASA?
  22. mmmm deep fried. maybe breaded in someway. I will have to try that one day and let you all know.
  23. So true they do need to be taken down now. But I do have to say this in there defence. At one time Warz was a good bunch of people. Use to be when they 1st started up it was a bunch of old school hackers that only did this to people that they knew and in return they got hack. Like a game to see who was the best. But now, its a bunch of young bucks that don't see it that way. They are in it to cracking everything and anything they can, and for a buck. Also when they do crack something be it a site or a program they love to add there little trojans or worms into it then have it for downloads to people that have no idea it is there.
  24. well I 1st heard of it yesterday afternoon at the doctor's office. when I came home I checked CNN, thinking the same thing you did RPG. But was there. I also had a talk last night with a friend from Canada that is real big into Amature radio and Sattilite tracking. He was telling me of this too. That NASA did not think it was the leftovers of the 2 Sattlites that crashed into each other last week. here is another stoy of this not from CNN but Yahoo news. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I did a search of google and there are many reports from this. Not only from CNN Yahoo. but Fox and some from news papers out of Texas. So this was not Yellow Journalism but fact. If not it will go down as being one of the biggest fakes in history
  25. Well I just finnished watching A Rod's news confrence of his use of HGH. Myself I fell as he was lying threw his teeth over all of this. He was very wishy washy over a lot of things.1 His Cousin was the one who was said got this HGH and brought them back from the Domiquin Republic. Wouldnt that be concidered Drug Trafficing?Also it was said that this Staroid was sold over the counter. Yet he said it was injected. I do not know about there but Drugs like that are not sold over a counter when you have to inject it.2 He sounded as he really was trying to blame all of this on his youth. Hello A Rod, You play the game you have to Pay the price. Don't blame what you did on your youth. 3 There still was a lot of questions to be answered here. And I feel as this will not be the last of this. Yes he still has 9 yrs left on his Contract with the NY Yankee's but I will bet my last buck He will be droped.4 in his opening statement. It sounded to me as it was not his own words but something the front office of the NY Yankees has written and he A Rod had never even proof read. In closing I feel as this was a joke to Him, The New York Yankee's and the Whole Baseball world
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