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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Runescape has made quite a bit of money for something that was made with only a couple people and wasn't made to make money anyways. How's it horrible that a couple people made millions off a game they made for fun? Have you, as well?
  2. I haven't had any issues with Megaupload's download speeds. As for uploads, I upload at full speed to them.My issue stems from their download maximum's based on time. It is based on time of the day, your country, and other factors.But, the best part about them is that they share some of the advertiser revenue with their users. Not to mention their downloading/uploading program has a lot of features, is easy to use, and very easy to understand.
  3. I have had no issues with Adobe products, and in fact I find them all easy to use and understand.As for Adobe Acrobat, it's there to just be a book-like system. I love it when reading e-books because you can add notes, you can bookmark your book, you can increase or decrease the size of the text, etc.Adobe is one of my favorite companies when it comes to development software. So many options, such good quality, etc.My only real issue is figuring out the justification for having two programs for graphics : Fireworks and Photoshop.
  4. There was a study somewhere, if I can find it I will post it later on, where they found out that the downloading of music has actually *increased* sales. The principle is pretty simple, really. Those who pirate the songs probably wouldn't have bought a full CD anyways, being that most do it because they want one or two songs, and why pay $10 for it(the one song)? But, by them doing that, they allow others to hear the song as well, and it's a sort of free advertising. This study was actually done before broadband was owned by everyone, so I'm not sure if it still pertains to now, but it was still a pretty cool one. Also, a lot of people will buy cd's if they really like the songs/artists anyways. The number of people actually pirating songs and aren't contributing at all are very slim.
  5. The only time I've ever called them was for my Office XP activation, and they helped me fast as well. I think that the reason that they have such good customer support is because their products have so many issues that they have no other choice but to provide the support to fix all of the issues that they're causing, .
  6. My experience with PSX and PS2 have been great, on both of them. I got a PSX a few months after launch, and it still works flawlessly. I've never had even a small issue with it. Even the memory card and controller still work fine.As for my PS2, I never had issues with that either...After having it a few years, no DRE's like most people were having(with blue bottom discs) or anything.You probably just got yours out of bad batches. Consider that all electronics have the chance of breaking down, some sooner than others. You could buy 3 of something and one be DOA(Dead on Arrival - already broken), one die after a month, and another last 15 years.It's all kind of random.And if you only had the PS2's for 2 months, they should still be under warrantee, in which case Sony would fix them for you, .
  7. Why are you paying for email, or what did you mean by that? I personally do not even use my free emails, as I use a normal gmail account right now, but why not just use Google, Yahoo, MSN's domain programs instead?
  8. It sucks that you went through something like that. But are you sure that there was no TOS? There are a lot of other programs like that that I've found, and usually below the email address line or whatever it will have a very small link explaining the program's rules, how it works, etc. As far as I know, without that there they can not legally charge your credit card, therefore they would be put out of business due to breaking laws. A lot of people do overlook the links there though. I'm not sure if this is your case because I've never experienced it with that company(I have never bought movie tickets online) but it is possible.
  9. I'm at negative 1136+ now, and I don't spam. So it's definitely just a bug in the system.I wouldn't worry about it in terms of getting credit for your posts though. I think the system fully calculates everything anyways.
  10. I would love to go with something that does PPC, but....Without people clicking on ads it does no good, . And my experience so far has left me with nothing really. I looked up my Adbrite stats for when I left it on my site for a few days. Almost 1700 impressions, 0 clicks. Earned 4 cents, XD. It would be a lot easier if you were able to request people to support you by visiting the advertisers. I don't see why the ad companies are against it anyways. You asking people to go to their site is like you vouching for them anyways, thereby giving people even more reason to do so in the first place. It's like someone wanting a new PC and you walking around with signs that say "Newegg" and "Amazon," but aren't allowed to say "Go to Newegg. They are awesome." People wouldn't just look at your signs and say "Hm, let's go check those out."
  11. I'm not atheist, and I believe that there are spirits here, just not seeable. About the radio waves...You know....That brings up a very interesting, yet possible theory I have now. Being that most of us(?) don't understand how radio waves work anyways, who is to say that those who are "seeing" and "hearing" ghosts aren't just because someone is messing around with sound waves and light waves? I mean we can already use sound waves to detect issues in bones, we can use various wavelengths to broadcast pictures and stuff as well. So is it not possible that what is happening is someone(people) have learned how to create visible pictures using them? If you notice, they *always* say they can feel the electric current, when there is a "ghost." The electric current that they feel could be caused by the sound waves. I mean, we don't know what sound waves feel like anyways. Just a thought. Could explain it, may not. But it's a lot better than the whole "there's dead people who talk to me. I can see them!" lol...
  12. Another real old post brought back to life, lol.Man, reading up on that...That is a lot of hardware... I was trying to imagine it and wow...How can they even network all of that together? I can understand the HDD, but all the cpu's?And keep them from crashing every 3 minutes?lol..
  13. I agree that eye contact is important, but people do understand various issues.Obviously some won't, but that's just how some people are. They like to look down on people they see as "inferior" to themselves.So in terms of your friend finding someone who will accept them, it will happen, . Those who won't, ignore them.
  14. First of all, this thread was brought up from 2004, lol.Second of all, I still don't understand what a Google Bomb is in the first place.They listed various ones but are those meta-tags or something?
  15. What makes Chrome so fast in your opinion? I know why Firefox is faster - it caches pictures and stuff. That's one of the reasons I hate it. It just annoys me, especially when doing web development, that sometimes it will cache the banners and stuff that I'm working on, keeping me from being able to properly view the changes.
  16. I'm not sure how you guys can be addicted to Counter-Strike...I have a hard time playing that for even 30 minutes. I just always feel like people are botting or something. I'm not sure if it's that I just suck at the game or what, but I die there constantly. Respawn, dead, respawn, dead. Half the time I don't even get a shot off.And no laughing. You all used to be newbs too, .For the record, I was at one point 100% addicted to Unreal Tournament. Nothing beat getting 1st place on almost every match against 20+ others. I guess it's just the more realisticness of CS that I had issues with. UT was my game for so long(years) that moving to CS was just too big of a change.Now I don't even play FPS's,lol.
  17. Reading these addons just makes me think that....What runs our internet websites? The advertisers paying the website owners for running their ads, right?With the ad blockers getting to be so widely used, soon ads will be obsolete, and then what are the website owners going to do? They will end up going out of business because of it. Without income, how can they afford to run the sites?:PI know this is probably a far-stretched thought, but regardless over time the situation will get worse and worse, and I honestly believe that it can possibly become a reality in the future.
  18. It's their imaginations. An easy way to explain it is schizophrenic people. They can "see" the aliens in their room, shooting at them or trying to kill them. They will freak out completely, and some of them kill themselves trying to escape the aliens, or other bad people that don't even exist. So it's pretty obvious that the mind can play games on us that make things seem like reality when they really aren't. Keep in mind that what you hear, see, feel, touch, and smell is all told to you by your brain. You can change those senses, you can fake them, etc. If your brain wants to make you think something is there, you will think it. That's when you have to really determine whether you want to believe your false senses or instead take control of them, rather than let them control you.
  19. Heh, I used to check email every 30 mins. 4 different email accounts. But now I have them all in Windows Live Mail so it just sits on my desktop and lets me know anytime any of the 4 emails has a new message. No more having to keep refreshing!(And it updates every minute, so I know almost instantly) I would say that I'm pretty addicted to the internet in general though, but it's mostly because I am a "geek" of sorts. I love to learn. I can't stand sitting around idle. I have to constantly add *something* to my knowledge bank. And those who claim that the internet is bad...Really you could say the same thing about other stuff as well. Those who play football all day every day(pros) are geeks of the football trade. Those who write all day every day are geeks of their writing career. Everyone has that one specific thing that they do all the time(even if it is socialization) and so it just depends on what you choose to do. Everyone is different, so of course not everyone will have the same hobbies. So for me, being "addicted" to the internet isn't a real issue. It's nothing I need to resolve, because I'm not in denial and I know exactly what I'm doing.
  20. Really it is up to you which you go with. Some have said go with HTML first, then PHP.Honestly, if you're using something like dreamweaver, you will not need to know much HTML for the coding itself, but there are many similarities between the two as far as I know.In that, something that they neglected to bring up is that it depends on how you learn. Would you rather work up slowly, or do the hardest first?If you start with HTML, going up to PHP will be a little easier, but if you do PHP first, HTML will be like nothing to you.As a better example, take C++ and Visual C++. Learning C++ teaches you how *everything* works. But Visual C++ is much easier to learn, as you're not having to code the various parts, just the actual actions.In that example, C++ would be PHP and Visual C++ would be HTML.Or, you can do the beginning of BOTH and work through them at the same pace.You just have to experiment with learning on one or the other, or both, and then take it from there. Only you know what your best learning method is, .
  21. In terms of free HTML editors, notepad!If you are looking for paid, Dreamweaver would probably be the best. But still, there are many things that DW can't do and you will still need notepad for anyways, .There was also some other program that looked like notepad but color coded the various codes. It could be used for C++, C, HTML, and other types of code. Ultrapad or something? I really can't think of the name. But it used to be a 100% free program, and looks just like notepad except for the color coding that it has built in. Now they charge for it though, .Overall I would say that Dreamweaver is the most helpful though. Even if you know HTML, the time it can save you is amazing. Just use the WYSIWYG editor to get what you want, drag pictures back and forth, resize them, etc. without having to keep manually doing it.
  22. The biggest issue is going to be find people who are doing it for learning. I'm sure that a lot would like to help but only if they really think they are going to make a lot of money off it or something. Which, if we ended up getting a group together for it, we would need to discuss...I mean games like Runescape weren't meant to be as big as they are either, and now the owners make millions a year off it. For those of you who don't know, Runescape was at one point 100% free without any ads or anything. The ads came once there were so many people that the hosting of the servers got to be too costly, and that's when it became the empire that it is today. It moved off to dedicated servers, added the ads, and later on added the subscription stuff to it. For like 2 years it was 100% ad-free and all. But not many people are going to want to help unless they feel that it will be the next Runescape or something. So we need to find those who want it to be a sport more than anything.
  23. I'll agree with you on that. It's not even about ghosts or people coming back from the dead, it would just be flat out awkward. It's like when I think about how some of our houses could be planted on top of what used to be graveyards or something(our house's land, pretty far under it, used to be a landfill...We can dig up bags of trash and stuff,lol) it just makes me shiver. Honestly, I would not be able to sleep in a house where I found body parts or anything either. I have a hard enough time thinking about moving into a house where someone died. I think it's more of the "I could be next" thing than anything, or the lack of knowing *how* they died. Honestly, I think that is what makes people think there are ghosts. They already have the fear, and so they let themselves see things that aren't there, in order to make sense of the unknown. It's like the old saying..."People fear that which they do not know."
  24. Honestly I'm fine not knowing right now. I wouldn't need to know unless it was becoming a reality anyways. The biggest thing to think about when deciding whether you want to do it or not is to remember that your chances of successfully making one of the best games is low. For me, I would be doing it solely for the experience, nothing else. Whether it was a huge hit or not would be irrelevant to me. Because the next game would be better, . One thing that I do in everything I take part in is that I learn from the first try, and do better the second, and progressively get better as I go along.
  25. About the programming...People make games in java, c++, c#, basic, visual basic, darkbasic, pascal, and on and on. There are way too many programming languages to determine without knowing exactly which one the group would be using as a whole.I do know some c++, c#, basic, quickbasic, visual basic, and some java.
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