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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Wow, is that really how it looks or is that photo photoshopped? That just....Confuses my brain. I think if I were to eat that I'd get sick from the mixture between the confusion and the sugar, .You should put that information in quotes though. It's something you pulled word for word off the website.
  2. I think I remember reading a post a long time ago where the admin here said that VBulletin is banned from their servers in general, anyways, due to how many people were pirating it. I'm not quite sure if that's what it was, but I'm pretty certain. But yeah, phpBB has a lot of themes, literally thousands. The only issue is getting mods installed in those themes,
  3. I have found Vista after Sp1 to be much, much better than before. Before, I would load up Vista and within a few hours want to go back to XP, usually doing so.Just recently I was forced to do a reformat again, after avoiding Vista for well over a year, so I decided to give it a try with the new SP's and other updates. I have no issues with it now.In fact, when I booted up from a fresh install, the only drivers I needed were for my video card. My motherboard, wifi, etc. were already installed through Vista.On the other hand, with XP I have to go find all of those discs and manually install them all.Now, I'm not going to deny that Vista is a huge resource hog, but with the ease of use and all I find it much more pleasurable than XP, and much better than Vista was in the past.One of the few things I would definitely recommend that you do with your system is disable UAC - User Account Control. I find it to be a huge annoyance when copying, deleting, renaming, etc. files. If you know what you are doing, it should be of no real use for you.
  4. If you don't like Diskeeper running in the background, you can turn it off. I'm not thinking it makes too much of a difference anyways, as it is more of an idle process than anything. Unless you're just kind of sitting there or surfing the internet(forums?) it won't do any defragging(unless you ask it to of course).As for the boot up defragging of the boot table and MFT, I've been having issues getting it to work since I last reformatted...For some reason when I use the start-up defragmenters(It seems to be any of them, not just Diskeeper) it will give me a black screen when I boot and force me to restart again, thereby not doing anything at all...
  5. Man, I can't believe that Runescape is worth that much.Is this how much they've made from that website/program, or is it based on their total networth? I have the feeling a lot of those made their money elsewhere.
  6. So what you mean by that is the more or less the whole bandwidth issue isn't about how much it costs for them to use a difference between 10 MB's and 1 GB, but rather to keep everyone from keeping their bandwidth maxed out and slowing the server 24/7?
  7. It's kind of funny how many free programs are much better than their paid counter-parts...For example, I find the best antivirus to be AVG, yet it was 100% free at one point.Here you guys are voting for the free Defraggler, yet there are many other expensive ones.Just kind of funny how "You get what you paid for" doesn't seem to exist anymore.
  8. This is an awesome tutorial. I did not even know that it was possible to create virtual drives without a special program. I've always used Daemon Tools for that.Thanks for the insider's look. I will still be using D-Tools but regardless, this helps understand the process it goes through much better.In terms of the folders, wouldn't it just be easier(if you just want easy access to said folders) to just add a shortcut to them on the desktop or something?
  9. Do any of you find that link directories are actually worth signing up to? I've read in a few places that joining top sites, link directories, link trading places, etc. can actually bring down your site's rating on search engines and all.Honestly, I don't know enough to judge, so if anyone could please enlighten me as to if this would fall under the same category or not, it would be much appreciated.(I'm speaking about addlivelinks.com by the way).Thanks in advance.
  10. Hmm, how did you come up with that information? I've been wondering the same thing though...I thought the negatives were only for that one period of like 12 hours, but even now there are a lot of people popping up with negative myCENTS. Does this really mean that they are all spamming or something? The reason I'm wondering is that I've yet to get any negatives(aside from the initial burst - but those were all given back afterwards), but I never spam.
  11. I want to kick off on a point that you made, about how the cracker always wins. I fully believe in this. When a company pays MILLIONS to get their new "protection" up, all it does is say "Yo, I bet my money is smarter than you. Let's play!" And what happens? 100% of the time the software ends up cracked. These companies waste money on protection, and it does them absolutely no good. They should keep that money and just lower the price on the software. The truth is, the cheaper it is, the more people will buy it. The funniest cracked piece of software I ever saw was something called Softice - I'm sure some of you programmers know what it is. For those of you who don't, it's a very high powered ASM(Assembly Language) debugger. Well the funny part about it is that it was running $600+ for a license to use it, but you could run it in a 14 day full trial mode. Someone, just to show off, used the trial of the program to debug the program itself and create a key generator for it, and then released it. I guess the funniest part was that they used the program to crack itself, lol... But I guarantee if the program wasn't $600+ people would have gladly paid for it. I know tons of programs that cost $5-10 that people shell out for just as donations. You get less per copy, yes, but you make more over time. Not to mention, you save yourself work and you make everyone else happier. I, for example, will never purchase another Office program. As stated before, the harassment they put you through is just too much, especially when you pay a high dollar figure for the software to begin with. This is what is pushing people(like me) into going more and more into open-source. The quicker the companies learn this, the happier everyone will be. (Note : I'm not condoning piracy or anything in this post. The references made are solely as an example, and nothing more.)
  12. Man, these extensions kind of make me want to move from IE to Firefox now...Sadly as far as I know there are no extensions for IE, but then again I didn't know there were add-ons for Firefox either.Now, some of those would be redundant for me, but still, that means that there's even more!
  13. Nice to see another person. I was part of the community for quite a while before I actually started taking part in anything. I had joined and then thought this would be like every other free host so I left after a couple weeks and didn't come back for 6+ months.And wow, when I came back and actually gave the site a chance I regretted not staying here to begin with.Since then, I've been here 7 or so months and have had no regrets to rejoining!
  14. Wow, reading these posts is bringing up a lot of things I didn't know existed.I guess it should be obvious that a lot of this could be made, and therefore would be, such as the rechargeable batteries via USB. I just never really thought about it on my own.I think my biggest issue is my lack of knowledge about USB and how it actually powers things. Some things plugged in can be powered, yet others emit power when plugged in instead.
  15. To add on to his question...How is bandwidth made anyways? Like for example, why is it more for 100 GB's of data to be sent then 10 GB's? Obviously their servers would still be on for the same amount of time, so it's not an electricity issue or anything.I've been wondering this for quite a while now. Just how exactly bandwidth starts out, how it is actually used, etc.I have the same curiosities about the cell phones and stuff. For example, one call or two calls doesn't cost the carrier any extra money. So why do they charge you for the extra time?
  16. I've never even heard of a "DSi"...It seems like all the handheld consoles are going through a lot of upgrades though.It makes me wonder...Are they doing this solely for the cash, or are they planning on sticking with these systems for a while longer?Has anyone happened to hear about the "next" Nintendo DS? Not like a smaller upgraded one but a completely overhauled system. Much like the SP to the DS.
  17. Just whitelisted all groups to try. Still no luck. It still shows the videos when I am in "Preview" mode but deletes it all after I post.Edit : I got it. You have no idea how grateful I am to you. I have searched everywhere. I have asked many website devs and others who work with Joomla, and nobody had ever seen an issue like that before.Seriously, thanks a lot!Edit 2 : The first thing I did was whitelist all groups, which was when I posted that it still didn't work. Then I whitelisted just the admins(myself) and that's what fixed it.
  18. Back to needing Joomla help again. This time, it's regarding embedding videos from places like Youtube.I got the first one to work, and apparently over the past 2 days I've screwed something up. I can no longer link videos, but other stuff works fine.I have tried video embedding - linking the youtube videoI have tried direct HTML pastingNow what's weird is that if I preview the page, everything looks as it should. I can even play the video using the preview.But as soon as I click Save or Update, it wipes the video from the page.Any ideas as to what is causing that issue?It does it with Flash, youtube, and I'm assuming other things as well. Pictures still work perfect.
  19. At around 3 AM last night I finally figured out the issue.More or less I had created a new FTP account, as I use two different FTP systems(DW and FlashFXP). The FXP one uses my non-admin account, so it did not have the same privleges as the DW one.I did not know that different accounts had different privleges. I just thought that if you had an account, everything it has access to it could use, .Now that I tried out the admin account in FXP, it all worked perfectly.The worst part is that I spent hours and hours on that, reuploading, downloading, and all to get it working. When I finally figured it out I learned that the thing I needed it for(Joomunity) is crap anyways.What a waste of time.But I learned something from it, so I guess it isn't *too* bad.So to conclude - if any of you have issues CHMOD'ing your files, CHECK YOUR FTP USERNAME to make sure it's an admin one.
  20. About mod-rewrite, I've seen that in relation to forum options and stuff. Is that how you write real clean addresses, like the ones on these forums?(like 2-3 words from title + .html)
  21. Awesome! As weird as this is going to sound, that's stuff I've always wanted to do. You should see the sites I was making in the past. To save on bandwidth, I always framed up my site. It kept it from having to refresh the entire thing. So Ajax would be like setting up frames on a site and having only a certain framed window actually refresh, right?(In my case, I had the nav bar and banner in a top 20% frame, site in bottom 80%, with only the bottom ever changing).
  22. Awesome, thanks for that. I'll try it out in a while. First of all I need to learn how the various "locations" work in Joomla. Like top/bottom/etc. For some reason Header never shows up with anything at all, for example. I did try out a couple chat things though, but so far none mesh well with the site, mostly due to my ignorance I guess. What exactly is Ajax though? Some things pretty much brag about being Ajax based.
  23. Thanks for that. Reading up on that I found out that a shoutbox would work as well, assuming that it connects to the user database so that people can't use a different name than theirs on the forum.As for getting that to work with Joomla, I didn't find any ways to do it via forum searches(Google) and I'm new to Joomla so I'm not capable of doing my own edits yet.Thanks for the heads up though.
  24. Well now that it's resolved it's not a problem...Well at least I think that's what the problem was. If it ever does come up again I'll try the same thing I did this time and see if it works again.By the way, do any of you know of a Joomla chat mod like the one these forums use? One where you are automatically "joined" into the room once you open the site, and it saves all the messages so that as you go from page to page it will allow you to keep chatting as if you were still on a single page.
  25. I see what you mean by that...I'll explore more in Joomla itself to see what I come up with. I didn't even think of not being the "owner" of the files.I'll let you guys know what I come up with.And thanks!
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