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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. You guys bring up being "addicted" to masturbation. I just don't see how you can classify what is "addicted" and what isn't, regarding that.It's like those who are "addicted" to sex. Who is to say that someone who does it once a week is addicted whereas someone who does it once a month isn't?Everyone is different. And being that it's human nature to want gratification of some type(even animals do it), there really is no "addiction" to it.If that is considered addiction, then you're also bad because you're addicted to eating and drinking liquids. You're also addicted to sleep.
  2. Source - Wikipedia, lol....Uh...Wikipedia is made by anyone who wants to post there.So in terms of this story's validity, it's hard to determine if it is true or false.Do you happen to have any actual scientific journal entries about it?This just kind of reminds me of the "Hydrogen Dioxide is the most poisonous chemical on earth" thing that was being spread around forever...(H2O btw)
  3. Very, very nice system set up here.It really seems so easy too,lol.I hope you don't mind but I plan on using this to dissect and learn more about php and how it works. It seems to hit on a lot of the parts of the language(generation, comparison, etc.) so it should be helpful to me.Thanks for it, .
  4. About the terrorists mark...Uh...We have domestic terrorists that you wouldn't even recognize when walking down the street. Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist, for example.To even bring terrorists into the "Freenet" discussion is ignorance. You can't possibly get rid of all of them. And they have nothing to do with Freenet.Some of us just don't feel that it is the government's business what we are doing.Why is it that we say "Hi guys. You can see everything I do in my life. Hope you have fun!" yet we can't even see what *they* are doing?The door is only opening one way, and not both. If they have access to all of our information, we should have complete access to all of their information as well. Otherwise, the system is corrupt.So in terms of if they could honestly get this "Freenet" up and "anonymous," I would definitely take part in it.
  5. I couldn't see myself getting eye tattoos either...I didn't even know about those. I know that some people use colored contacts but...To actually tattoo your eye? I wouldn't see it being worth that much pain...
  6. Suprised nobody else brought this up, but aren't peanut butter and cheese known to "back you up?"If so, would that not combat diahhrea? I'm just assuming that they would also compact it(meaning it wouldn't be runny) but I could always be wrong on that...
  7. I have a couple questions about all of these hosting packages, if anyone feels they can answer them, . 1)Why would there be a setup fee on some packages and not others? Shouldn't they all just be automated anyways, or does the Extreme package have more control/features than the other 2? 2)What would someone do with 250 MySQL databases?lol...I only use 2-3 for an entire site, network, and forums. I can't really see the use of having more than that. These are not re-seller hosting, so it's not like you can just go sell some of your space out(well....I guess you can give it out?)
  8. There's actually a post about Xisto doing overselling, located here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/356-unlimited-free-space-and-bandwidth/ As for my view of it...It really just depends to me. I don't see anything wrong with overselling as long as some people can get their maximum. Most will not even get near it. A lot of people who want websites hosted only use up a small part of their space and/or bandwidth. The issue for me comes in when you expect to have a certain amount of bandwidth and then run out early and your site is shut down because of it(even if it is only until the end of the month when it rolls back over). That can be detrimental to websites for businesses and other important things. Also, most web hosts that use "overselling" will kick you off for using them as file hosters. By "100 TB of space" what they mean is "If you can manage to use up 100 TB of space using nothing but .html and .php text files, sure, you can fill it!" The issue is that a lot of people will view it and say "Hm $1.99 for 1 gb of space and 3 gb of bandwidth or $4.99 for unlimited of both...Let's go with unlimited." Everyone judges by the numbers, not the quality.
  9. Exactly. My point is that math isn't 100% what makes a game. You can't go pull a math professor and say "Yo, go make this 3d FPS game!" He'll look at you in confusion because 1)He doesn't know the syntax of the programming language, 2)He doesn't understand how the PC interprets commands, 3)He doesn't understand the bottlenecking of the system, 4)He doesn't understand collision detection...I could go on and on. As I stated, starting with 2D will help you learn how to do 3D. If you can't even do a simple game there's no way you're doing a complex one.
  10. My understanding is that you can cash the $3 mil check, and all of the people will die, but you're home-free, correct?If so...Why not do it?If you have ever heard of stories regarding terrorists, they will kill anyone for any reason.Therefore, they will just kill your loved one, the school children/teachers, and the Peruvians anyways.So, you might as well take the money, ."Those who have not learned from the past are bound to repeat it." I think is the quote. If not, it's something along those lines.Anyways, this "Hard Decision" was a very simple one. It's based solely on psychological principles and knowing what the opposing side is going to do before they've done it.Note : They know you obviously don't have 3 million dollars, nor will you be able to obtain that much. They sent you 3 million as well, therefore showing that they obviously do not need the money. They would get absolutely no benefit in the $9 mil, even if you were to send them that much. This is what makes it very obvious that they are going to do the killing anyways.
  11. I really wouldn't even care if OpenGL was less graphically pleasing than DirectX is. I would love to be able to move off Windows platform for good.I would much rather have a game that doesn't look as good but runs on a stable platform than a game that looks great and constantly crashes(not "constantly" as in non-stop, but as far as I have heard Linux rarely, if ever, crashes).As for the pictures shown up above...You really can not compare the looks of them unless all 3 were of the same area of a game or something. Even when advertisers are showing off their blue ray, they take the same 10 second scene and play it in normal, HD, and then BR. It's just too hard to compare when they are not all side-by-side.
  12. When you speak of article submission sites, do you mean that you just copy and paste the whole article, just give the link, or how does that work? And what are some decent ones to use? I'm quite interested in that, but I would hate for it to be like the millions of "link directories" where they really don't even help you.
  13. Would it be possible to host all of the music from a web host, and then do the speaking on your own?For example, everything(station, all songs, etc.) are ran remotely via some sort of program that connects to your central database(website) and then you can cut in whenever necessary to do any speaking, clear things up, override songs, etc.I think it would be a great idea, if it is not already done, as it would allow those with slower internet connections to easily host their own.
  14. I use both, but I am also very careful as to what information I take as being true and all. There are many, many false reports both in the news and online.You must first understand that your local news needs to make money. That is their primary goal. Therefore, they will often do what is called "yellow journalism," which is more or less turning something un-dramatic into something dramatic for the purpose of dragging your attention in.The online news places do the same thing.Along with this, the news are always going to be biased towards and against something. You can hear the same report about an event that happened(especially during the election times) and both of them take completely different sides. One will say something happened, the other will say something different happened, etc. Like if Obama and McCain got in a fight, one would claim Obama started it, the other would claim McCain viciously assaulted Obama for no apparent reason.So really, if you look at it, both of them have tons of faults. You just have to read multiple reports about the same things and then draw your own conclusions based on that.
  15. But how did they work anyways? Just add various meta-tags that had nothing to do with the site?I am very new to SEO in general, and don't really know how to boost my ranking there anyways,lol. So learning older methods would help out a lot.
  16. Do they have detailed instructions on how to edit the CSS? Like what to open, what code goes where, etc.? That was an issue with PhpBB. Not only is it hard to install the mods to every theme, but along with that you also had to *know* what to do with everything. There were many mods where the forum threads were full of people asking how to install them, without even one reply. That's the kind of thing I am trying to get away from.
  17. .........Wow...I'll pass on that.There are other places that I find to be...Awkward too though, so it was only a matter of time.I think the reason a lot of people do that stuff is because it gives them bragging rites : "Look what I did. I dare you to do the same!" or whatever.I honestly doubt anyone does it for any real purpose other than showing off,lol.
  18. How would I go about doing that? In the code itself it says the following, when regarding the background. #body-bg {background: #160A1F url(../images/style1/bg.jpg) 50% 0 no-repeat;} Looking at that, I'm not sure if I'm in the wrong file or how that should work, but that is the only reference of the background I was able to find.
  19. What do you mean? What's wrong with the background, exactly?
  20. Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa, okay. I put the site through a pretty much full transformation.I'm not finished with it, I'm at a brick wall mentally right now. So I decided to go ahead and re-share it with you all.Consider this TakeOver Version 1.1The primary goal right now is the website, then the social network. I may do away with the normal forums altogether, as the network has some anyways, .Please give a small review of the website itself if you can please.And thanks in advance.Site address : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. Yeah, I agree...If you go eat a stake, it really depends. Wooden ones give spliters, and metal ones can give you rust poisoning. Now *steak* on the other hand.... , Sorry. I couldn't hold it in,lol.
  22. And I'm assuming that the math required for 3d isn't harder than that required for 2d then? Is it not an upgrade? If it is, then my point still stands. It's easier to start at the bottom(2d) and work your way up(3d) afterwards. If you don't even know how to program in 2d, how could you possibly go out and make a 3d game?
  23. Yeah...It is accurate. I didn't know this(as it's nice and warm inside) but the past couple days it has been freezing(30's and 40's). So I guess it's not a complete lie, . I just haven't been out anywhere in a couple days so I assumed it was still hot.
  24. It's really up to you when you do things. Nobody can tell you really when you should have(have had) your first kiss or anything. Only you are able to do that. I know people who are in all sorts of situations... Some don't like to speak to girls Some are afraid of speaking to girls Some think they're pimps and try to sleep with as many as they can Some are looking for marriage Some are looking for "friends with benefits" Etc. etc. There is no "right choice." You are free to choose how you want to live, and don't let anyone else change your mind on that. If you change, it should be because *you* wanted to.
  25. Forgot to add in that you can most likely also just email support and let them know the features you would like upgraded to. If it's just more space/bandwidth they should have no issues with that. If it's php settings and stuff they can boost them a little but for some things they require VPS's or actual dedicated servers.
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