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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I'm suprised nobody else brought this up. A 4 year old shot his babysitter after having his foot stepped on. The weapon used? A shotgun. Now, for me...I'm curious as to how the 4 year old even knew how to shoot a shotgun. Along with this, why was a loaded gun laying around in a place that the child could find it in the first place? I highly doubt that a child that young would be able to load and *BLEEP* the weapon by himself. Full story here: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/28512318/?GT1=43001 What are your views on this? And how do you think that he should be charged? Personally, I don't think that he fully understands the situation and what "death" really is. I think he is still in the age where dead people are just those you won't see again, and nothing else. Or maybe he didn't even understand that he could have killed the babysitter? For the record - the babysitter lived(in case you didn't read the story) but it still doesn't take away from the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It was so long ago for me that honestly I don't even remember anymore,lol.I'm pretty sure I ran into it from a webhosting comparison site of some sort.
  3. Distance relationships are really dependent upon the people who are in it.Are you willing to make it work? Can you and the other person be trusted not to cheat on one another?Will you ever be closer to them?Relationships are all based on how you want them to be. There are people in the army(such as my grandpa was) where they are away from their families for years at a time.All in all, it boils down to this question : What do you want out of the relationship, and are you willing to make it work?
  4. There is no magic. Everything that is done that is considered as "magic" is done via optical illusions. Some are based on "mirroring" things, others are just based on tricking the mind into thinking things are there when they aren't, or vice versa.The mind sees what it wants to see. You can trick yourself into seeing things that do not exist(either by drugs or of course mental disorders).So in terms of *real* magic, no. But in terms of *perceived* magic, I guess you could say yes.
  5. If anyone's account showed them missing funds it's because Saint_Michael stole them. I heard it's working in conjunction with Santa Claus and the Toothfairy now. Ever wonder why as you get older Santa doesn't leave presents as often, if at all? He's stealing them!
  6. Suicides are where you the following:1)Stand up straight2)Drop down onto your hands and feet(you kind of bounce backwards on your way down), kind of like in the push-up position(up)3)Pull your knees and legs down under your chest area to stand up4)Stand straight up5)Repeat itAt least that's how I remember it from in school.
  7. Ouch, talk about putting them down for trying...I don't see anything wrong with the game. Honestly, it doesn't look that bad. It's not a normal game, it's a MMORPG. There's a difference. Even so, if he's not using a game creation program, then +1 to him for actually working on it. If nothing else, it may path their way to the creation of a 3d game.
  8. How many times did I tell everyone that their earnings were not really dropping, only to pretty much be called a liar?lolI even told everyone to calculate their earnings/spent and compare them. Apparently everyone would rather just blow me off than to try it, and instead sit there crying.+1 for me, . I did the math.
  9. To give a few updates as to the status of the site...I couldn't figure out how to make the background image static. I even put in code there(just added a static message) to no avail.The social network now has a theme that somewhat matches the website, but not quite.... It's not set as the default right now though. Social network comes after the site, .As for the forums, they now match the website perfectly! Check them out and let me know what you guys think.And thanks in advance, all.
  10. Scientific journals are the most solid source of information. Unlike the news, or Wikipedia, where people can toss out any information that they want without it being verified, in scientific journals the people who write them detail the experiments, including what they used(where it can be obtained), how they came up with their conclusions, the methods used, etc. Not only this, they put their credibility on the line.Even MSN has had false reports before. They just say "sorry, it was incorrect information" or whatever. Scientific journals can not be incorrect, because they are detailed. It's not just "Here's what we found!" It's "We used xxx mg of this, 3 electron microscopes at 100x zoom" etc.And especially when you speak about poisons, there is definitely a journal entry somewhere(assuming it's even true).
  11. You do know that the site is down and the person who started this thread seems to no longer be around, right?. And interesting story line...I think the whole cons thing is a little overdone though. We need more movies that don't have to do with illegal activities,lol.
  12. You won't find anything much higher than that. That's actually quite high to be honest, considering the way it works.More or less they are just paying a CPM ratio based on the ads being seen. It would be like Adsense in a way, only they are not going to pay you extra if they are clicked(like Adsense will).As for the 20-30 dollar ones, they are rare but you'd be amazed.Edit : By the 20-30 dollar ones, they are *not* all going to be worth that much. It's not a program that you sign up to and get a guaranteed payout that high. It's programs like Adsense that have the ads worth that much. It's usually ones dealing with stocks and stuff.
  13. I'll definitely do that once it's up and running, and thanks for that information.I was told that another way to get visitors is to visit blogs as well, adding your link to them when you post a reply. Do you think this really matters or even makes a small difference?My understanding is that page rank is based on how many outgoing links there are on a site, as well as that specific page's PR. For example, if a PR4 has 10 outgoing links, they will be much more powerful than a PR4 that has 20 outgoing links, as the PR4 is splitting the outgoing PR.So wouldn't blogs be useless, since most of them have a lot of outgoing links?
  14. I lost $12 according to the forums, but as far as I know nothing was lost in Xisto's billing account. Should I still put in a report?(I could be wrong - I may have lost the money and just don't remember. Honestly I can't remember how much was in there to begin with. I just bought my hosting and didn't check since then,lol.)
  15. lol, nice little fantasy you have there. On a serious note, I'm pretty sure that it is very painful. So who would even come up with the idea of doing that in the first place, much less be the first test subject? I can understand to a point the people who have it done *after*(although I still find it..Messed up) but the first person to have it done has NO idea what kind of effects it will have on them or anything. I, for one, would definitely not be that trusting. "Hey, come burn my eye and let's see if we can make a picture come up. If I go blind, so-be-it."
  16. Even stating that it was on the discovery channel....So was the fact that I'm the elitest person in the world. But don't ask me to find that quote on their site and/or in their videos for you. You can go search it yourself, .
  17. That's another good point. Contrary to how it may seem, doing free work can make you more money in the long run.More or less what it does, if you find someone who can actually help market you, is give your name out to a lot of others.It's actually a common thing for lawyers. You take a big case for free(especially if it will be in the newspapers) and you will have so much business because of it(assuming you win...Obviously if you suck at what you're doing it's not going to help you) that you won't know what to do with it all, .Same thing with websites. If you can find someone who's site you think will be successful, the amount of publicity that you gain from it is well worth the effort you put into doing it for free. All in all, both of you win, .But if you're not that good, obviously you won't want to go do work for free. It will just make others want you to do free work for them as well.
  18. Along with what they're saying, make sure that you have a nice portfolio ready to show them. Usually people will want to see your previous work.And a couple of tips to keep in mind:1)Do not overexaggerate your abilities. If you do this, your chances of ever getting another job with that person again is lower. Which also leads to #2.2)The happy customers are important, but so are unhappy ones. Just as much as one happy person can get others to use your services in the future, an unhapy one can also have a huge effect on keeping people *away* from your services.
  19. You know, that's actually a great idea....You could turn it into a game at school as well. "Guess this fish" or something.I think it would be especially helpful with oceanic classes.It would be much better if the video was live though,
  20. I fully agree with him on this. Even if it was "proven," a doctor's guidance would be much safer. There are some things that are healthy for some and yet deadly for others. Unless...Are you meaning Okra like the food you can get at restaurants? Like the hard, small bready thing? If so, it couldn't hurt you but I highly doubt it would really have much of an effect... My understanding is that you can't cure diabetes.
  21. I've only been here a year or so but I have also experienced a lot of changes on the site.So far though, I must say that everything that has changed has been for the better. Which isn't something that I can say about most other places/things. Usually things get older and/or worse as time goes along, but Xisto isn't one of them, .
  22. Bringing up the space of the OS's...I find the only real issue being the slowdowns that are being experienced due to it.For example, a brand new Windows 2000 installation is like 300 MB's. You could fit all of that in your ram if you wanted. Vista is 4+ GB's, so unless you have a lot of ram your PC will be doing a lot of reading and writing while you are running various applications.For me, the issue isn't the HDD space as much as it is the ram.As for Rayzoredge...The game Age of Conan takes up almost 35 GB's of space for the normal installation. Biggest mmorpg I've seen, but it's graphics are phenomenal(spelling?)
  23. Yeah, and to the OP - it's not saying that the information is not true, it is just saying to be weary of it.We learned in a history class that.."Wikipedia.....General information, good....History and politics bad."I would classify this under the "history and politics" part though, as it is regarding something that really can't be "proven" without a scientific study.
  24. I think this is a great idea overall. Google Earth is an awesome system. Nothing beats "walking" down streets that you know and seeing cars/houses you recognize. It's scary to a point though.As for the underwater life....Is this going to be live pictures or just static? And is it going to be like the street ones where you can actually walk around down there and see sharks and stuff, or just "click here for another picture!"?If it's just static images it would be boring, but if it's an actual full-area view where you can look in 360 degree it would be cool.
  25. Well I was going to take the flat file route but after all of the thought I finally decided to fully dwelve into the CMS field.Now my view on flat files...I love them when it comes to un-changing information. For example a website about your hobby or something that you really won't change.But if you have a site that will be changing, having information added, etc. I would suggest steering clear and just going with a CMS.
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