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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Yeah, without a website link we can't even see what the site is like, nor can anyone submit photos.More information would also be good. For example:How much are you selling them for?How many visitors do you have/do you plan on having?Are people selling the full rights to the photos?What kind of photos?(landscape, people, etc.)I'm a little interested in possibly adding a few myself, but would need that information, .
  2. Something else to consider regarding this though is that everything is as we perceive it in our brains. We could theoretically go back in time. How? Because it is up to our brains what we see, feel, hear, touch, and smell. If our brain wanted us to think that walking out our front door led off a cliff(how it was 1 million years ago) it could do so, causing you to think that you really fell and have a heart-attack. So what is time, really? If time is nothing but our perception of a state of matter, our brain is what determines how fast time is, how slow it is, etc. This wouldn't explain the whole "going back in time" thing, or even "going forward in time," because there are many more factors added in to those, but regardless, I feel that somehow, it's a possibility.
  3. Great information here! I've had this issue in the past but I didn't know what to do to fix it and so I just reformatted.It's nice to know that there's a workaround now though, .I'm guessing the methods would be a little bit different for Vista, although the same general idea.
  4. That is what he is currently doing, . I'm just wondering how much it is going to affect our earning as compared to how much we were previously making.
  5. There really is no reason to uninstall Internet Explorer. Just delete the links to it and make FireFox your default browser. Just opening FireFox should ask if you would like to do that.As for wiping IE, it's a small program as far as I know, and if it isn't running then it isn't taking up resources, so I would leave it. Who knows, one day you may really need it for something.
  6. You misinterpreted jl's response. It was the opposite of what you just said, . The people who are "missing funds" aren't because they shouldn't have had them to begin with. Which also means that a lot of people are going to be unhappy because they thought they had more money than they really had. More or less if you had $20 "taken," it wasn't supposed to be there anyways. So you didn't really lose it, it was like a loan.
  7. My only issue with EA has been with their sports games. Every year it's pretty much the same game with different characters in it. There's no real changes/improvements with them(well there are sometimes, but rarely).In their normal games, I've yet to really experience any issues. Obviously some people will enjoy games that others hate, and some people will hate games that others enjoy, so you really can't judge a company based on who likes and who dislikes them.
  8. I guess they've gotten more strict on who they accept. I signed up a long time ago with a very small site and was accepted. I never even posted one of their ads on my site and the account is still active after around or over a year,lol.Still trying to decide if I want to use Adsense or something else.
  9. I've recently(last night) decided to log into my Adsense account for the first time in probably around a year, and upon researching an issue I learned a lot about the program.1)They used to pay to embed Youtube videos with their ad code in it, and no longer do?2)Tons of people are complaining about very, very low pay(like 19,000 clicks but $0 earned) and other things like that.3)There are a lot who claim that they are still owed money and aren't banned from the system or anything but still are not being paid.4)Countless people can't even get ahold of Adsense support, after trying multiple ways of contacting them.So my question to you is...Are they going downhill? Have you guys been experiencing the same issues as listed above, or have you had better luck?Also, out of curiosity, how much do you guys make on average(per 1000 views - CPM)? And what is your click-thru ratio to get that much?For example, $3.91 CPM with 0.91% Click-ThruThat's a made up number but I'm interested in hearing yours as well.The reason I want to know all of this is that I'm currently looking into the advertisement(publishing) options to decide which one(s) I would like to go with the most. But I would hate to waste months of earnings to be burned when it comes to actually being paid or something.Thanks guys.
  10. Spoofing an IP is considered as faking it, being that your IP showing up isn't your true one. Proxying, spoofing, ghosting, they're all ways to show an IP that isn't really yours, therefore they are all "faking."
  11. Wow, great information here. It helped a lot being that you broke it down into easier to understand ways...I hate when you look something up(as someone mentioned) online and get nothing but the real technical versions of it. Thanks for the insight on this. It's not something I would have normally tried to find, but it never hurts to learn new stuff, .
  12. The sad part is that I got a "C" in the class that we learned that in(biology)... Either way, it's nice to know that I retained at least a little bit of useful(?) knowlege from there.
  13. I tried using Sudo and it didn't work, so I logged in with "SU" and the password.Then it gave issues about how GCC couldn't be found, so I went through tutorials on how to install that, and got it up.And now the program tries to compile but it runs into around 30 lines of errors, so I gave up on it,lol.It's just stressing me out right now,=/. I just wanted a way to set up a web host on it to where I could give people their own subdomains and stuff(like actual web hosts do).
  14. I would say that the one with the spoon would cool faster, as it would require less heat to begin with. Water has a very high "specific heat," which means that it takes a lot of heat in order to actually feel the effects from it. For example, you can heat up water in a pan and the pan will be very hot but the water will not be as hot yet. So in essence, the spoon(requiring less heat to get hot) would cool off the fastest, being that there wasn't as much heat added to it in the beginning. Instead of having to be heated for 20 minutes, for example, maybe it only took 17 minutes. That's my guess at least, based on my limited knowledge about the subject.
  15. Of course you can install drivers from CD's, but my point was you made it sound like his PC was a pre-made...My HP's for example don't come with driver cd's, so if I can find them I can burn them to CD's, but there enlies the issues. Some parts don't have Vista support because they are older.For example, my current PC I can run everything on Vista 32 bit but Vista 64 bit won't work with my Wifi card. It's because nobody ever made drivers for them.Another wifi card I have has drivers for XP, but they never made Vista compatible ones, so it's impossible to run it via Vista.Edit : And some of them go the opposite way as well. There are Vista items that won't work with the previous OS(XP) due to incompatibilities and/or lack of drivers too.
  16. Why not go with the newer one anyways, CS4?I'm sure that there are tons of different changes between the two.And about downloading them, you can probably find it via torrents. As long as you have an original key(and original cd's) you should be good from a legal standpoint.Why not just get a cheap cd-rom though? Dual layered dvd burners run ~$20 or so now.
  17. There may still be drivers that you can't find for XP though. I've ran into that with a few PC's. Just like there are things that work with Vista and not XP.So really it just depends on your PC's parts, and yes, the companies(Dell, HP, etc.) will try to talk you out of downgrading.
  18. Really...To me....I think it's more of the thought behind it than anything. Just as someone can type up one message and spike everyone's names into it, they can write out a lot of thank you letters as well. So in terms of if I feel that hand-written letters are more special, really I'd have to say no. It's like the digital signatures...Now a lot of spam-senders use real signatures on their stuff to make it seem more authentic, or they actually write out your name. I don't really see it as being much different though.
  19. I think that the issue isn't with the companies themselves as much as it is the government agencies that are in charge of cracking down on such "criminal" behavior.I am pretty sure that even Enron had people in the government working with them to keep everything quiet.As long as companies are forced to pay taxes based on *income*, there will always be fakes out there. That's my understanding at least, that Enron and others like it were just falsifying how much income they were making in order to bypass taxes?It's kind of hard to tell, considering you did not put anything regarding your specific story here. We need links or something to verify information with. There is absolutely no credibility here.
  20. I think hacking is anything that gets you into stuff you should not be in, more or less.For example, you can write codes that will go through and find people's passwords saved on their computers. This is not considered as a "hack" as long as the only people it is being used on/the only people using it are those who give their permission to do so. Once you start using it on people who did not give their permission, that is when it becomes "hacking."There are many useful programs that do unintended things, but are great for those who need them. People forget their Windows account passwords, saved passwords for websites, etc. all the time. Therefore, these programs are great.It's all about how you plan on using them.I'm also going to classify "cracking" and brute-force tools as "hacks," being that they are doing things that are not intended to be done. However, again, if you are using them only on yourself I see no moral or ethic issues there.Of course, some people will disagree with me, and some will agree. It's all dependent upon how tunnel-visioned you are, .
  21. Okay, after I use "make install" this is what it shows: Edit : I'm guessing the "permission denied" thing has something to do with it?
  22. I don't even know where to start at with that, . Any tutorials or anything?And looking online it seems I'm the only person with the issue compiling that program. Even on their forums and everything nobody else listed the error anywhere,=/
  23. That is a very good point. Although they will be downsizing and firing many people, hopefully they will be smart enough to keep the best workers and get rid of the slackers. Maybe in the end it will cause higher quality games to be released...But you never know. It would be nice(since they are now paying many less people on their pay-roll) if they would lower the prices on games as well, . But I highly doubt that is going to happen.
  24. With the program listed above, does it shrink the file size as well?For example, if you are converting from AVI to WMV, will it be smaller in size but still have the same/comparable quality?I've been thinking about converting most of my files to WMV due to how everything can read it, plus it's smaller, but most programs either crop the images by themselves or lower the bitrate by so much it turns into a blur.
  25. I think that writing by hand is going to go out of style sooner or later. I find it much faster and easier to type. I am capable of typing 5-10x as fast as I write, and it's much easier to read. Not to mention when I write sometimes I will skip a letter or two by accident. With typing I can quickly backspace but with writing you have to stop, erase(if you are using a pencil) and then rewrite it. Overall, I find typing to be significantly easier. Not to mention there are many people who write and I can't read half of what they wrote. With typing the only issues are those who use terms like "r" and "4" in their sentences. "I r wrytng this 4 u" for example.
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