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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. The fries at ChickFilA are much better.I eat at McDonalds sometimes, mostly because a hamburger there is cheaper than making your own even, not to mention you don't have to cook it yourself, clean up when you're done, or go get ketchup and whatever else you put on it.I used to eat there a lot more than I do now, but now I usually just do other home-made foods instead.
  2. A charge of manslaughter is a lot better than "murder" though. With manslaughter you just get time in jail, rather than the death penalty or life in prison. If you killed someone on purpose though, it changes to murder.
  3. I watch TV for entertainment purposes. About games, it depends really. Everyone says they rot your brain but I have found that they've greatly increased my intelligence. Due to FPS's I've sped up my quick-thinking and reaction speeds(helps a lot when you do things that require fast thought, both mentally and physically - physical things like paintballing, mental things like debates). Games also increase your ability to plan, strategize, and lead others(MMORPG's do). I've proven countless times that no matter how good someone is at the game, someone else brand new to it can still win, solely based on "wit." But I like to learn about other stuff as well, . Those are just two of my hobbies. And I sleep a lot...Around 10-12 hours a day, amazingly. And once I wake up I go straight to either studying, learning online, or gaming.
  4. My issue is that if I'm going to use an OS, I want it to just be one... I could VMWare Linux as well(and have) in order to use that as a primary OS. I would just rather have one OS that I use for literally everything. I would be able to deck it out, customize it, etc. I've done that work before with Windows, and am too lazy to do it again. But as for VMWare - if I were doing that I might as well dual boot.
  5. They are converting all TV to digital in February, so wouldn't that mean that the unused channels would also be digital?If not, *every* channel would be unused in February anyways since they wouldn't be broadcasting on them.So that's a very good question.
  6. More updates for everyone who cares.I changed the colors of the site again. The grey/black got to where it was too hard to read. Especially late at night,lol.So I went with blue and white.I also added a new feature to the site - flash games!I decided to change the layout of the articles as well, in terms of how they are all organized.I cleaned up the main page some.I added a new, matching theme to the forums.I did some more background SEO work to the site, forums, and social network.I suck with artwork so I'm not sure what I'm going to do about really customizing the look of everything yet. Pretty much what I'd like to know from you all is what you think about the site, it's progress so far, what is still wrong, or even what's right, . Just let me know how you feel in general when you look at it.I'm taking all comments seriously, as I want to progress the site to the best of my abilities.Thanks again all, and I hope to hear something from you, .
  7. I'm confused by what you mean. It seems to me like you're saying it's possible for them to change the frequencies to 802.11 but that's not possible. If they did, it would no longer be the frequency that they are claiming is "unused." Instead, it would just be 802.11. The unused frequencies would be like 193, 183.11 or something. Just like TV's. So they would need a new system that is set up solely to capture their new signals, and *possibly* also 802.11's signals. Aside from that there is no way they could make it work. I kind of wonder what the speed of the internet would be like too...I could imagine it being slow if it's spread world-wide. Even my WiFi at home is slowed due to how many customers my ISP has.
  8. You forgot to add this part: Windows --- Games WORK...(Albeit sometimes they crash, have memory leaks, etc.) Linux --- Games are NOT supported. Most DON'T work For me that is the only thing keeping me away. Games. If I were not a gamer Windows would have nothing holding me back. Come onnnnnnn Linux. Pick up and start allowing us to play AOC/Lineage II/etc. on your system!
  9. How do people get ahold of SP3 anyways? I get my stuff directly from Microsoft, but of course I don't download them right after they're available either. I wait for "the herd" to screw up their PC's(or not screw up) before I take the plunge.Too many times I see that SP's and/or patches are screwing up programs that worked fine before.
  10. I am in school solely because I am going for a double-doctorate(psychology and criminal justice, in case you care).When I am not in school I am also self-learning. I can't stand being dormant. If I'm not learning, I feel like I'm wasting my time.I know the basics of multiple programming languages as well, and was going to get into robotics until I found the cost...A basic robot can be built for $300 or so but I want to go above and beyond. Sadly the robotics "sets" run ~1500 for the good ones.At this point I am stuck learning what I can for free. But once I have my career up I will be able to toss out money to learn.Something that my grandfather taught me a long time ago, that I will never forget is...It was regarding breaking technology items. It may just be a little broken(easy to fix issue) and he would hand it to me and tell me to figure out how to fix it. If I broke it worse I would feel as if I failed, being that I felt like I was wasting money. His point, though, was that "That $60 just taught you what not to do with it." or some things along those lines. It was all about how the money is well worth what you learn from the cost, assuming that you have the money to begin with.I am currently in college full-time and I take a lot of electives. Some are about things I couldn't care less about, because who knows...One day I may look back and say "Man, I wish I would have taken that class on (insert class here) while I had the chance." Instead, I give everything a chance.So I guess for me, I'm limited by only one thing: Money.
  11. I never really thought about dual-booting the two OS's together...I did that once a long time ago, but lately I just find it easier to use one OS with all of my stuff on it.Does Linux come with the "Atheros" drivers though?(for Wifi cards). Or do I need to download those separately?If I don't have to go out on some wild goose chase for drivers I may attempt to dual boot.
  12. Yeah, I already did that with mine. What I'm more or less attempting to do right now is try to piece together exactly what the Google search engine wants, how it interprets various things, etc.It will guide me on it's own(as I learn) as to how to maximize the efficiency of my SEO work.What do you guys think is the most keywords that should be used at once? I did a search but the closest answer I could find was "too many will seem spammy to the search engine" which isn't really what I'm looking for.Like 15 is too many, or would it be more like 40?An estimate would be fine, or...How many do you all use?
  13. This sounds like a cool idea. So pretty much it would be usable literally anywhere, just as TV channels are.cemetary - if they changed the frequency it wouldn't be the same channel. For example, your TV knows the difference from channel 4, 5, and 11 because they are different frequencies.Your radio knows the difference between 103.1 and 109.3(theoretical) because they are different frequencies.Frequency is the wavelength. The higher the frequency, the longer the wavelength is.So no, they wouldn't change the frequency to 802.11.Most likely they would have their own hardware system for the WiFi access, with a monthly charge to use it, but unlike the internet we use now(excluding dial-up) we would be able to use it anywhere we want. On the road, on vacation, at home, etc.
  14. I use Photoshop, although I don't do much graphical editing.I'm still very new to it, and so I really just use it for making layover colors(like coloring part of a map green for example) or text additions.I did try GIMP, but I found that significantly harder to use. And sadly Paint doesn't offer the "layer" support I need.
  15. You can change the looks of Gmail on their site. I'm not sure how customized you can make it though. Honestly, regardless as to what email service you're using, I would highly suggest using a pop3 program anyways. Then you don't even have to look at the "ugly interface."
  16. Yeah, happy birthday to you....You're old,=/.And thanks for the advice that you've given me so far and will give me in the future about things(even though you don't know about it yet, )My birthday present to you is a "Block Saint_Michael for Free" card. Use it anytime you'd like, .
  17. Gmail has a very simple interface. It's a clean view.As for speed, it's much faster when sending larger files or receiving them.As for the fact it has BUILT IN CHAT, +1The organization of emails on Gmail is better. Nothing beats every email being compacted into one. Much easier to keep up with previous emails back and forth.Skinnable, very nice as well.Gmail also offers FREE pop3 service, whereas hotmail you either pay for it or just use http service.So I see nothing about Gmail that isn't better than Hotmail, .
  18. In terms of the description, should it be the same for every page or does it need to be different?Right now my site is in Joomla, and it has a "global" setting for the description *and* keywords, but either or both can also be overridden in each article.So should I set it up to where the description is global and keywords are different from one article to another?That was another concern of mine. I'm not sure how the search engines actually *read* the sites. If they see 1000 pages with the same description, would they automatically assume that they're the same?With how many pages I(we) are planning on adding to the site on a daily basis, it would be a hassle to go through each one and keep adding new descriptions. The key words, fine, as those are short.And I noticed that you use commas...So they should all be on one line, like literally "Games, Computers"? Or would it also be okay to put them on separate lines?
  19. Hey guys, just wanted to share some information with you, and also hopefully learn more from you, regarding Search Engine Optimization(SEO).For those of you who don't know, it is the process of making your site a much more search engine friendly one. Take Xisto for example. If you notice, the address of each page has information relevant to what the topic is about. This helps search engines "classify" the page based on content.Now, based on what I know, there are different things that search engines frown upon. Please correct me if I am wrong on anything.1)Search engines hate addresses in the format of...For example, "http://www.yourdomain.com/index.php?pages=19f;Instead, they would much rather see it as "http://www.yourdomain.com/relevantinformation.html;2)Search engines do not care if your site is on a domain or subdomain? I thought this was wrong but others claim it's correct.For example, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ would be just as good as http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ still want to dispute that, but my knowledge is very limited.3)Search engines love metatags. Now, here's where my issue comes in. How do you metatag things like forums? At the moment I am using SMF, but would gladly change to another forum if I knew how to make them more SEO'd. Preferably a free forum-base for now.4)Search engines love sitemaps.Now, there are many different addons to CMS's(Content Management Systems - Joomla, Drupal, php-nuke, are some examples) that will create dynamic sitemaps. But I was reading earlier that it is very important to have a link to the sitemap on your homepage as well. Is that really necessary? I personally uploaded the link to my sitemaps to google, yahoo, etc. So does it make a difference whether or not I have a link to it on my index page as well?5)PageRank is based on "linkbacks." Now here is another issue that I have had in the past. It's obvious that linkbacks do matter, but do the pages they are on have to be listed under Google as well? I have put in ~50 links to my site before(older website) and only 2-3 ever came up as "linkbacks" in Google Webmaster Tools. Is this normal or did I do something wrong?6)Search Engines love newly updated information. Dormant sites are not as good as thriving ones, in terms of how they are ranked.So here go my questions(aside from the few that I posed up above).1)How do you efficiently SEO and get forums crawled? That is something I've always had issues with. When it comes to websites I know how, but forums rarely ever get listed. I have noticed a lot of threads on Xisto appear on Google within 24 hours.2)If you have a website, SMF forums, and a social network, what is the most efficient way to sitemap them? Run 3 separate ones? Have a sitemap that just links to the main pages of all 3 and hope that the search engine crawls all 3 mediums by itself?3)How do you get more linkbacks to show up on Google?Thanks in advance guys. There is probably a lot more that I would like to know but right now my brain is locked out. Please post any questions you have as well. Hopefully we can all work together to better understand how SEO works and how to maximize the efficiency of it.
  20. Are you sure that you have a .html as the index? I know it's a "dur dur dur" thing but never know if you accidentally changed something.Also, have you changed the .httaccess file?And otherwise, maybe your IP is blocked from it.Edit : Your IP is blocked. Site loads fine for me.
  21. Maybe as the site grows more and more we'll have more people visit the links? Never know...For me, I look at it as "Anything is better than nothing."I'm still pretty suprised that Trap would allow us the chance in the first place, considering they could have taken 100% of the revenue if they wanted.
  22. I didn't even know that you could buy touch-screen monitors. Do you know about how much they are for various sizes? And I'm going to assume that if Windows 7 is really as efficient as they say it is regarding touch-screens that the price of the monitors(especially non-touch) will end up going down? Honestly I may actually consider the jump to Windows 7, assuming that I can afford the upgrade hardware-wise and that it's close to Vista like they claim it is. But I can't imagine trying to type on it,lol. And I hate speech recognition software. Too many complications.
  23. Yeah, you should be fine with 40 gb's. There aren't many games for Linux, and you can game on Windows anyways if you choose to.Do you already know what distro you are going to use?And as for installing Linux on the second drive, you just have to boot up using the CD(or DVD) and then go through the install procedure, choosing the second drive as the installation.It will ask if you want to install GRUB or something else(They're boot-loaders) and I'm not 100% sure which option to choose there anymore. It's been a while.Maybe someone else can shed some light on that part?Aside from that it is pretty straight-forward. Just make sure that you choose the empty HDD, not your Windows one.
  24. A huge question I have now is...Why would we want to travel through time anyways?Obviously we would not be able to ever go into the past. If we could, it would shape the future. Thereby it's a definite impossibility.So the only thing that you could do is go into the future. But for what? To destroy any suprises that you may have? To test out various ways of dealing with situations to see which one is the best?Or is it solely for the knowledge of knowing that you did something that nobody else did?I just, personally, can not think of how I would use time travel to begin with. The only possibility I am capable of justifying would be to show off that I did the "impossible." Aside from that, nothing.
  25. I don't really know a lot about air soft weapons, but aren't they just as hard/harder to load than normal ones? Especially since you have to do a lot more to them to get the power of them up(pumping or whatever)? And he could *have* killed the babysitter. It just wasn't a fatal wound.
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