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Everything posted by gisellebebegirl

  1. i started with the internet.. i would suck at myspace.. but then i got into it, and started memorizing codes & what not.. [& i run myspace sites & fansites for tawny heath, chantelle paige etc] and by doing this became [i like to think] amazing on photoshop. so i decided, to go worldwide.. and put it on the internet.. thats when i learned to use adobe's image ready.. where you can code web templates [ the links as imagemaps] & started tweaking styleshets, adding & removing codes [& memmorizing them] to learn more (: haha it all began with myspace XD
  2. wow. your help kinda sorta worked.. [with daniela] or maybe it was luck.. & me screaming at the guy to make his move.. well yersterday was daniela's birthay// everyone say HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIELA! (: anywho ya.. he drove to her house.. & they hanged out.. hugged.. talked.. hugged.. chilled.. joked.. flirted.. hugged.. [there was a LOT OF HUGGING GOING ON!] and yea.. oh my gad.. cutest thing ever. and well, when she got home, over messenger he told her how, now he was going to miss her even more.. and wam.. silence.. he said he liked her (:update on my guy.. nothing.. havent talked to him.. but i read my horoscope on mmm seventeen? [they always come out right] and bam it said on the 28th i would meet a new guy.. so im totally excited for this
  3. haha i agree.. well heres my fault with the final fantasy series.. i played ffx-2 first because it seemed cool. i did not get the story line at all, and i tought it was annoying [my mistake] so.. i bought final fantasy x, thinking it would be the same, just less comfusing.. and i love it// i agree the clips were like WOAH haha (: truly amazing.. and the whole story.. anything to do with yuna made me cry!!! ebven though i had played final fantasy x-2 already and ofcourse knew she wasnt going to die lol! (: ah blitzball annoyed the living hell outa me.. i didnt like it at all! haha (: what i loved from the game playig was that on ffx the opponents waited for hours for you to make ur move.. i was like.. ok let me go to the mall.. and out for breakfast.. ill be back in 7 hours (: ahahah! and well.. yea did i mention i ddint like ffx2 as much? other for the fact i never got to watch my 80% crappy ending.. [i boyught the gam,e used.. and it froze after i beat the boss// DAMN!] ahha i watched all the little endings on youtube.. yay for youtube and spoilers! yum
  4. (: was i the only one to fall in love with the story of final fantasy x? lol i must retarded if so (: but yea.. i tought it was soo sad.. how yuna tought she was going to die. and in the end BAM! shes alive, & tiddus disapeared.. and her speach at the end.. it was like.. aww [i cried (:] ok.. now to ffx-2 i was.. lets just say chocked.. me being a girlie girl. i loved the game.. [cant say that i ever passed, it, but i loved it!] i wish though, there could be a sequel or something. is this just me? or they coulda done things different in that game i mean.. you had to beat everything to get the beautiful yuna + tiddus scened you wanted to see [well giselle + yuna, when i played the game. i called him giselle XD i know i have issues] i wish. more had happened.. i wanted to see a kiss.. some kids.. a wedding? i dont know something! also rikku... i wish there had been a story behind her too.. somehow (:
  5. Xisto.. other than having to post on the blogs eveyrthing is great! great quality, love the cpanel.. people are always willing to help you! you get no ads, & can put your own in.. its free.. & if you dont have your own domain, you get a short url yourname.trap17.com or Xisto.com/urname i forget lol (: so welcome to Xisto!
  6. well. you cant really get a url from url, if your servers are pointed to Xisto// wait not.. just point some ofthe left ones to aol i guess
  7. o wow the girl sounds like meh (: haha. well im about her age... so try getting into her head.. maybe she needs some attention from you? before when she dindt ditch, and went to school everyday, did she have good grades/do right, always did what you told her to? did you ever praise her for it? i think all she needs is some attention.. its a cry for help..it could also be her friends.. since you did go trhough family problems, she might feel, they are the only ones who care, or know whats good for her.. even though they might be influencing her wrong.. [could be a boyfriend too]good luck (:[and yup everyone has those exit exams.. today everyone is taking the california exit exam here.. casee]
  8. well it depends.. she could me being a b!tch because she likes you.. [& its flirting, & whats YOU to flirt back] what if you try talking to her friends.. they might have some scoop on that.. but first find out if shes single.. you dont want to get yourself our there, if shes already taken!good luck amigo (:
  9. haha "hit that" funny (: well ive told daniela so many times to stop being negative & just go for it.. be like ok i like you.. you know ah.. for me.. its comfusing.. i woke up this morning missing him.. & magicly not over him.. its weird yup
  10. what is ftp? im new to pretty much everything haha (: is that when you download this thing.. and you can access the website through that reader thingie? i think it is.. i wish there was a way haha.. because. all she pretty much ever does in cpanel, is add myspace layout testers.. [cant do that in cutenews! haha] but yea.. also. ive been having trouble accessing my website on my school. it is not blocked or anything. it just doesnt load. when i cheked in home.. i have no users banned.. so idk
  11. ok.. so since i have two owner run this site [kinda[ me & danielaand right now we are prettymuch both logging into cpanel undermy account.. & its an easy password.. [she shell remmeber it]and im kinda freaking out about that.. is there anyway tohave more than one user accounts.. on cpanel?idk.. if im comfusing anyone but yea (:& if there is.. is there a way to make it like cutenewswhere you have the master admirin acoount & the partner account [with less privilages]like unable to change the password, or do anything dramatic like erase files, or changesettings etc >>thanks Xisto! (:
  12. its not my avertisemnt providers, none of then have the kind of avertisemnt i saw.. im going to run a virus scan when i get home// i started yersterday but only got about 15% and found a virus.. maybe theres more(: hopefully its not the site! and its my computer
  13. Ok.. so as you may know, two people run this site [ giselle & daniela ] and well we both need guy advice, here are the situations: 1.Daniela has been talking to this guy online [she meet him on tagged, & they started talking like.. a year ago? around october 2006? i think] and well they both live about 30 minutes away from eachother.. have seen eachother a couple of times, & obsevely talk to eachother on the phone / myspace / text messages.. & ive talked to both.. the guy [the couple of times ive talked to him] seems to reallly like daniela.. but hes doubting, and so is she.. [she can be kinda emo & what not] & well.. they were talking two nights ago.. [flirting] and daniela was like: oh i can read your mind and he was like, oh really what im i thinking about and she said, something.... is it a tree? an animal? a person? and hes like yes and after like 30 guesses, shes like.. does that persons name start with a D & end in an A? and he said yes.. & she was like, what about her? and he said, i like her.. & she said, oh i think she likes you too and he said.. i think she does.. and well yea [i know adorable] ok.. from daniela now (: shell explain what the problem is okay so like i texted rico right and like i was sayin somethin tryin to like get it somewhere and he was just like totally not getting it and it like seriously made me wanna like punch him in the face. i was like ugh. idk i feel like i should just like stop talkin to him like text or phone call until he calls or texits me cuz i usually am like the one whos always doin it and you kno its just like "if he WANTS to talk to me, he'll do it." but i have a feeling if i stop talkin to him like completely then i'll screw it up again. ahhhh man. i seroiusly wanna punch him in the face so bad and i really wanna see him so bad right now its just ugh idk. idk what to do. :/ any advice?? 2.Numero Two: Giselle's problem (: ive posted about this before.. but ok, i moved last year [around september] & i was crushing on this guy. & had the guts to telll him this & well, i always had a crush on him.. & about 3 weeks ago [before valentines day] he called me & asked me to be his valentine and weve been talking on myspace/the phone since then.. heres the thing though.. we didnt talk for a week, and during that time.. i kinda moved on from him.. [no new guy] i just dont get the butterflies or anything when he talks to me over myspace// i think it might be that.. that maybe when i see him, ill fall for him again. idk what to do; honestly, i dont want to do something i will regret later.. & he keeps saying that he loves me..
  14. well, today i saw it on my website twice, & at some point at had my website & my friends website open, and they showed up on hers too
  15. ok.. so i have a thing to look exesevely at my website.. & the hell.. like 4 times already a random porn add shows up [its like a lil tilt at the end of my website frame.. and when u hover over it, the porn ad spreads all over my website] a hot babe is waiting for you, or something like that. i dont know whats wrong, if something hacked my website, and added that, or if its my computer, with some nasty virus again o.o [ i used to have nebuler s/purity scan viruses, but got them all off my computer.. thanks geeksuqad! haha]anywho, yea, i tried doing some research and nothing shows up!!!! help?
  16. i dont see why you would need a book to learn php or html (: im 16 and i learned it pretty quick.. just through testing stuff out! hahaand my site is fully php now.. it might have some errors.. but it works for me ha!
  17. actually.. i think the whole goverment is pathetic.. we get attacted and do nothing.. and the news. are imposible seriously.. its called a news station and yet all we ever see, are gay "segments" of schools.. and partys going on.. and where to adopt a dog [stupid] i dont know why the goverment seems to want to "hide" everything thats going on.. i mean we have soldires in iraq.. but we never hear anything about them on the news.. it actuly seems like, there is nothing going on, if you take the news "word for it'... stupid.. stupid.. stupid.. i feel lied by my own country o.o ahhhbut yea.. try watching cnn or some news from another country.. theyll have the WHOLE STORY.. or ever google. google it (:
  18. oh wow.. thats hilarious lmfao.. we would totally be besties.. if we went to the same school haha.. how old are you? enywhoooo haha.. oh yes order pizza thats hilarious haha.. when we have lockdowns over here, people comelike slamming on the doors.. and if the door opens, you fail the test basicly.. also we are told to run and get textbooks and all this gay stuff haha.. i think we should have a tsunami drill [ i live in southwest california, and the school is like.. BAM on the beach] haha.. do any schools have those? anywho? hahah hahaha.. but yea.. i would like to request on of those.. omg i just checked.. and ur 16 (: me too.. are you cute? haha lol! are you really from canada? do you have a myspace? lol myspace.com/gisellebebegirl add me (: hahah sorry i just get so excited when i find someone my age here XD
  19. hehe.. yea. its just the skin.. i personaly like the new skins, better than the ones we get here in Xisto.. but then again im getting freehosting with no adds.. i cant ask for much (: hahahha <3 even though the new skins.. are pretty
  20. my cpanel is the same way.. im unable to add anything.. new domains.. park domains.. email accounts etcit always gives me some kind of error message.. so ive gived up on it haha
  21. just request your admirin.. over&over again.. where are you hosted? <b>please everyone do not post</b> if you know a way to hack cpanel.. Xisto is really well placed in google.. so if someone was to google it, the answer will pop up.. so yea.. the whole hacking into cpanel thing is freaky so yea.. just request it over and over again
  22. i live in san diego, california & i give it an 8 its way better than down south in mexico & the views are WONDERFULL! but theres just something that doesnt fit in.. like the fires that happen everynow & then.. & the fear of the san andreas earthquake followed by a tsunami!
  23. well i dont even play video games anymore [the computer took over!] but my favorite would have to be playstation 2 (: i still own itits wonderfull.. and afoordable.. unlike the play station 3 ~i kinda quit videogames when the damn 600 play station 3 came out]but yea.. finalfantasy x/x-2 & dance dance revolution for life baby!
  24. my favorite food.. would have to be anything that doesnt involve sea food.. or too much animal meat (:i love mexican food.. california burritos, & carne asada fries are the best! also... chinese food yum hahahthis is making me hungry
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