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Everything posted by gisellebebegirl

  1. Lmfao. i know im so lame, but ive seen many scene kids who have weird names likewhiteny wrecklessmarylyn masaccre KikiKaamosKaylaKancerAshleyAestheticHaileyHeroineCodyChodeyCharlie SceneScotty VanityRusko StarJeffree Star& i want one, that goes with GISELLE (: haha.. im not scene dont get me wrong i just wnat a cute myspace name:P
  2. well my friend michelle told me about it, & ididnt believe it so i googled it.. haha what i understood from research is that he wasnt like outside on the street banging the table, he was video taping it on his deck "the videos show Price tilting the metal round picnic table on its side and then laying up against it to have sexual intercourse with the table. Afterward, he can then be seen cleaning the table and the deck." haha those kids are going to be bullied a LOT
  3. hmm? at first i didnt believe this, but a man [Art Price Jr., 40, of Bellevue, Ohio] was arrested for having intercourse with a table ????? can you really get arrested for that? there were some dvds he made of himself doing so, but he wasnt distributing them... he was kinda seen four times having sex with the table, but always between 10-noon. sure there was an elementary school nearby.. but come on, theres a elementary school near everywhere in the us. and he wasnt doing the thing with the table with the hole in the middle in front of the kids, or at a time when kids could be present i feel bad for the poor guy & his three kids [all in school] how embarrising
  4. lmfao i treat muffins with respect mmh do you have scheduled to move to california anytime soon? [west coast] if so.. call me :Phaha.. i lov etrap17... and fiji make take a plane to see you haha
  5. i doubt its the computer, as for the proxy, we have many blocked, including that one.. but i dont really trust proxys with my website log in... i guess im just gonna have to be good and wait(: we have testing all next week anyways haha<3
  6. Well, im in school a lot, & before i could access my cpanel.. & website, but now everything thats hosted by Xisto wont work, [i dont get the the, website is blocked message, i get the unable to load message] is there anyway to unblock the port? some proxy of some sort.. idk really.. help would be much appreciated
  7. haha yay(: on the navigation right? wow dejavu you messaged me on msn.. ill ask you there haha, & thanks i think so too! (: also to mmh everyone reading this, i added a music player to it, so you can listen to some of chantelle paige's tracks & fall in love with her, & her new band FLIPSYDE ;p
  8. omg omg your 17! your so totally legal for me (: hi im giselle im 16(: im from california lmfao.. gad sorry i get over excited when i find people my age here.. so whats up.. are you.. you sexy little muffin... jk jk (:
  9. OH! a post for me well im an amv maker.. [i know what a nerd] & well, this is how it goes.. WMM IS TRASH! pure trash, you will get tons of error messages, it will freeze, you will have to change file formats.. & the slicing tool, is annoying & so not precise! i have sonyvegas, & i love it, its not free, but im sure you can find a way to get an older version of it for free [the latest version is 8.0 platinum, i think] sonyvegas is amazing, & most video makers use it, there are tons of effects, its fast, & you have many options on how you want to render your projects! i love it(:.. i also heard that you can edit videos using photoshop cs3, so if you have own it, you might want to look into that.. im not sure if they have any transitions though, all i know is that you can edit&split the clips, as well as you could in sonyvegas.. some of my friends also use Roxio's wave video editor, [ i think that is what its called ] its much cheaper & works as well as sonyvegas [roxio is like 60 dollards, you might be able to find it on clearance on bestbuy or some store though, for about 19.99.. since one of the latest versions they released doesnt work for mmh vista] (:
  10. that is a really cute feature you have added to Xisto!(: haha i would have never noticed it was there, if it wasnt for this post though! lmfao(:
  11. honestly im an obbsesed pyscho who must have the sn gisellebebegirl everywhere, & im signed up for yahoo, gmail, hotmail, & other crap(: but i personaly love GMAIL <-- it stole my corazon(: i find it great how they organize everything, & how emails from one person [same email you reply over&over] are listed as one EMAIL with little tabs to see older messages you sent & received, its so organized! & i the spam blocker works like a dime.. my problem with hotmail is that its a bit slow, i dont like it as much.. all i use it for is the msn messenger, which kicks aiim's little behind, in my opinion..yahoo.. is great, it was the first email i ever made, but the spam blocker is horrible, if you dont sign on for over a month, you will most likely have 798789678unread spam messages
  12. my goal is a lot(: hahahahaha! you dont even want to know how many sites i run on myspace[dont ask saint micheal (:]
  13. bye bye haha.. you should share some credits with me(: im going to get another website hosted here.. because two of my websites are sharing bandwith right now.. haha love ya
  14. great advice haha(: also, making sure the page looks good on both internet explorer & firefox is important, ive gone to sites [&me myself have had layouts] where when i look at them on internet explorer feel like crying(: haha.. also fast loadings, & easy to find navigation hahaa im working on the too much image thing(: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ think im doing agood job? haha be honest
  15. i like it, but it could be better, & have more contrast, also.. the blending is kinda weak.. i like the border & the faded text effect though!great job (:
  16. well me, i just use photoshop to make the template, & adobe image ready to come slices, & imagemaps i want on my layout.. im not sure if theres some program that codes everything for you, but what i do, is tweak stylesheets, [the one i have on chantellepaige.org, ive had for so long & just know how everything works so well, i can just move everything & create a new look] haha.. im pretty new at design(:
  17. well i run a fansite & a myspace layout site, and as i browsed for top affiliates & what not, i have seen sites who somehwere on their site have a small paypal DONATE link, [you can go to your paypal account&create one as well] as for if they actully get money, i wouldnt know, i got myself a link up and got a one dollard donation, haha(:. just dont beg, dont be like "OH CLICK HERE, HELP DONATE, blah blah" look professional (:
  18. does anyone know of a converter where you just type in the youtube video url, & it converts it to an avi or wmm format? i know of one, but i keep getting an error message 70% of the time, & it decreases the quality terribly
  19. As many of you Flipsyde fans might know.. Flipsyde took kinda of a break since their album "We the People" which was released on 2005, & was a hit with fans all over the world, and well now after their little break, they are back... but with a twist. The group is now 4 members, Piper, Steve Knight, Dave Lopez & Chantelle Paige [Chantelle Paige is an amazing r&b/pop singer, whos taking the myspace charts by storm.. she is extremly talented & beautiful, check out chantellepaige.org for more info on her] their new single, will be released sometime around May & their album [according to interscope records] will be released on September 2008 [might be earlier it all depens on the fans reaction to the new & improved flipsyde]Their new album is going to be a hit, with amazing tracks produced by producers as Akon, Fingazz and Yaku.. did i mention their single is featuring AKON? [akon is a hottie, & i might marry him on 2009(: haha..]if you have no clue about what im talking about.. go check out both Flipsyde & Chantelle Paige at:https://myspace.com/browser& https://myspace.com/browser & feel free to make predictions on wether or not you will like the new sound.. now with upbeat chantelle paige on the group, im personally in love with it, its sorta like a Black Eyed Peas or No Doubt sound, just better.. (:[you can listen to "Its Cool" on chantelle paige's music player, it is featuring Piper - from flipsyde]im out(:
  20. Ok.. so i ask alot of questions, but right now i have have-heart.net right [main account] & have-heart.net/chantelle [i have a rediect for it, so whenever you type it in you get ChantellePaige.org] i was wondering if there was a way to install Chantellepaige.org into cpanel, but only have it be for have-heart.net/chantelle if i cant, i might start a new Xisto website lalala.. does anyone know how that works? do i get twice the ammount of credits subtracted daily, or what?? also is there a way to transfer allmy cutenews directories.. [without having to actuly add all the news one by one?] hehe(: answer me people
  21. muahah i completely forgot where i posted my old post, but i changed up the website, listening to all of your advice&suggestions & since saint micheal is not on [ i dont think he is ] i need your help again you can access the site by clicking on the below icon http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ note is it a fansite for chantelle paige (: ahah
  22. hhaa maybe i am just tired (: or like my friend's doctor says, ITS ALL IN MY HEAD, her doctor is hilarious, shed be sick & paralized & he will send her home, telling her its only in her head.. gad (: & for everyone else.. i shall try water haha.. or see the dreaded doctor.. ah
  23. haha i know (: but cosmogirls horoscopes like are specific, they say you will be over your current guy, you will meet a better one, blah blah blah haha and for some reason they are always right.. i guess im weird like that haha<3 you know that you like my style lmfao
  24. omgad that happens to me too, i'll be sitting just lightheaded, stand up and bam.. everyone goes black, breathinghelps (: haha but yea, to everyone else... i have been tested for diabetes [& ive had blood tests, but nothing] im guessing its low blood preasure i know my grandma takes medication for that.. but i mean come on shes old (: im young hahah! <3
  25. ok.. SO thie one right here i thinkis the strangest dream ive had, only because its happened, over & over again, in the dream im about 6 [ive been having the dream since i was 6] and im just standing on the backyard to my old house, [the house was built weird, so you could see outside to the street] and im just standing there, when a van pulls up to my house, and just kidnaps my mom from the sidewalk, and snaps her into the car... i couldnt do anything, its one of those dreams where you can only feel your emotions, you cant move, scream, do anything.. funny thing is that, a week or so after the dream, my dad left forever i guess. [he didnt died, just left] and everytime i have the dream, something bad happenssecond:On monday, i had a dream that i was at my highschool, its a 2 minute walk from the beach, andlike, supposely we were at war with the world [iunited states against the world haha] and like there was sorta like a disneyland/soak city ishh enviroment, we had to slide in big doughnut looking lifesavers, and hold on to them.. [because we were on ah mmm tsunami warning, and were told that if a tsunami hits, to hold on to whatever we could, since landing on enemy terrotery would be like our death riight there, haha (: -im guessing there was some sort of earthquake, and everyone was freaking out-. then i just kept walking with my mom next to me, and there was going to be some sort of concert? and i wanted to go i guess, and then i fell haha. i tripped.. and then.. i landed inside a room, and like i looked out the window and saw that we got bombed.. and everyone started running.. and then i woke up [my mom was knocking on the door.. rawr]last dream:So yersterday, i had a dream (: [so lutter king haha] it was rather weird, i was walking into the school, and theres this hallway that goes through the whole school, i was walking through it.. and this guy*the guy.. [short info] i had a crush on him freshman year, like before i moved, i came back junior year, and we were kinda close.. thanks to myspace muahha, and like, we dated supposely/ he asked me out, but i space out a lot, so i wasnt really aware we were. until he broke up with me lmfao*and well i was walking, and all of the sudden, i saw him walking.. he was sorta in front of me, then went to the side of me, like following me, and he kept smiling.. i just walked faster, so i was in front of him. then we got at the end of the hallway, but something was off, it was sorta like mall at the end. i could see restaurants melt in with the school.. then he started walking next me to me, and he was like.. are you going to kiss me? and i was like no? then he was like, just one! and then he kept following me, then somehow he ended up on top of me, and im like wtf? then he just kissed me.. [akward] and hes like mmh that wasnt romantic, let me try again, but then i woke up lmfao(: it was a good dream hahah
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