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Everything posted by gisellebebegirl

  1. haha woah you have a lot of pets.. well ive had a bird [it died, because i didnt feed it for 2 days]a cat ~new born~ it died.. because i was young and well decided it smelled & needed a shower soooolets just say it was raining and it died from coldness like a popcicle (: haha i feel horribleive had many dogs.. 5 i think? one of them we had to "sleep" because it was going insanethe other 2 ran away.. one we gave away because it was 2 fierce.. and also im in imperial beachso ive had a lot of turtles.. 2 of them were the sice of a quater [well a bit bigger] and they like drowned & diedstupid.. i tought turtles lived underwater hahahmy other turtle.. got trapped under a rock.. on a funtain we had for it outside.. and it died.. [disgusting! it was all blown up and stuff]my other turtle [same thing]my other turtle.. jumped outa its fish thank and ran away.. ~dont laugh// turtles run away hahah=ive had fishes too.. some of them the turtles ate them.. but most of them.. died.. idk. i guess you need some magic crap to make them live on fish thanks O_O but yeathose smelland i currently have a miniature toy puddle mixed with a chihuahhua, and a tearrie or something like that.. shes tiny.. and my paris hilton doghaha <3
  2. i abosolutevely adore your signature (: haha anywho! topic well.... just. what i do, is starve for like a week or something and then gain the weight back. not healthy hahaha but it works!
  3. mmmm (: you should defenetely get hosted.. & share the credits with meh haha omgad.. ive had the same questions. i feel much better reading through all the topics and seeing that im not the only one with questions!
  4. woah england?? i feel jealous of where you live (: im in gay california hahha! well im giselle (: hii! what kind of website do you currently own? [sorry i am forced by Xisto to use proper language.. isnt it wonderfull here?] haha <3 i shall wait for your response & welcome! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. Umm.. Xisto is down again. well at least my site is. which is kinda bugging me eh. 2 questions XD one: on my website, its 2 websites in one pretty much http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ & http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is there anyway to get a new domain NAME for it only being a redirect? like. i would like all my files under the Chantelle folder to be [not sure of the url im using] so that my files would be chantelle.org/1.php for example. without having to set up a completely new website? [ installing everything is a pain] ~if its not posible, how would having 2 domains in trap 17 work [credit wise] would i have to post twice as much now? or something~ also. me being a panicked domain owner XD i was going to buy some credits.. but i tought hey.. why not switch to compuhost? haha<3 when i started my Xisto account i got the mmm the one you needed more credits to apply for.. i dont remmeber the settings.. but im pretty confortable with what im getting.. which one of the compuhost packets would that be? to get kinda the same im getting right now/even better (:
  6. if by a small chance, something is copyrighted [ i doubt it, because most sites with the same content as me, offer them.. & at some cases put their websites name on it. and nothing has happened.. big sites too.. hot lyts... wateverlife.. etc] would my site be immadiately deleted with no warning or nothing? [thats part of the rummor too]
  7. Ok.. so i was talking to my friend mandi.. she owns a site similar to my http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ one [ everything myspace & such ] and she said that there is a rummmor going around, about sites being miseriously deleted, and i wanted to know if this is true... ok so you know how there are myspace "sites" that distribute icons, photography, & pixels right? well according to her, your whole domain can be deleted, for uploading those on your website.. [if you didnt make them] on my site, i make everything except icons, photography & pixels.. which i gather and give people the option to upload themselves.. saying [ I did not make them, but i did take my time, to upload them & gather for you to use! feel free to link back to the site using this code ] totally not taking credit for the stuff... so i was wondering is the rummor true? could my site be deleted? if so.. i will remove the content found as soon as posible
  8. Saint Michael all the way baby! (: i find the image to be way better, more presize and the contrast of colorfull is beutiful(: idk.. if this is a facebook based on the thingies.. or performance on Xisto.. but eather way my vote goes to*drumrolls*Saint Michael!!! woah
  9. wow, so it is true.. i dont see how hackers choose what sites to completely destroy.. pathetic i think.. i mean your a Xisto administrator right???! ah.. please anyone whos reading tell me its not true, that the guy who started the Cutenews Project, completely abandoned it?! also i tried my lilcomments or whatever, and the demo was down, unfortunately if cutenews was abandoned by the owner, i hope someone takes over
  10. anything as good or better than cutenews? i dont know. i already have over 200 "cutenews" posted for content for both Have-heart.net and chantelle paige international fansite, so i dont really want to re install anything, unless is absolutevely nesesary.. in the remote case that lets say cpanel got hacked.. would you [Xisto] be able to restore everything? like do you have backups, of the hosted website.. or is that the hostees responsability? if so.. how can i download some of my files as a backup? just my html_public or whatever it is called folder? [containing cutenews] also, are cutenews, downloadable backups available? sorry for the endless questions (:
  11. umm again follow through lmfao. according to some people at my old host, the guy who found that fix, started the project of fixing it, but did not, completely fix it, so you are still at risk.. because hackers can just search for your password, log in etc using that feature.. heres what i got from my old administrator.. im so comfused, i just changed the parts, like i was told here, and deleted the file, so its on my trashcan on my cpanel haha"We do not recommend our hostees to use this fix.It is easier to simply delete the file. Most fansites will not make use of the search function in any case.This particular file has had several previous vulnerabilities discovered.By removing the file entirely, you safeguard yourself from being open to any future vulnerabilites, and having to patch the file again, or risk being hacked.We were aware of the fix, but did not post it because we do not recommend it for our hostees.If you are not hosted here you are free to do as you wish, or as your current host suggests."
  12. Ok so i was going through my email inbox, and i received a very scary email from my old host, starszz.com saying of this really dangerous thing going around with cutenews users.. ok let me summarize it hackers somehow found a way to hack your site by accesing your search.php file on your cutenews directory i googled into it, and there is a couple of Big sites that were hacked, and its adviced for you to delete the search.php file of your cutenews directory immediately, i dont know how this can be done, but imjust warning you i deleted my search.php file just in case! this is the email i got:
  13. omg haha i forgot to change her name on that last quote, actuly i dont care, thats not her real name anyways.. well me & my friends are coming up with something/we can eather call her mom, and tell her whats going onor, get the real girl to get the cops on her, i mean it wouldnt be hard, i know her adressbut still shes my friend, it only hurts that she wont "share" the joke with me you knowim thinking of just, "scaring her" into telling the truth, im going to tell her me & ALY [the girl from the pictures]are going to take legal action, & tell her mom about her little "getting high on drugs, things"i dont know. is it too cruel?
  14. well heres a little update: i actuly found proof that she is fake, by going to this one site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and still. she denies everything. which is just annoying. she deleted me off myspace and everything. it makes me so mad. heres a conversation we had, last night: please read. i really need advice now... shes making people hate mail me saying shes real or watever.. ugh Notice from BuffaloHELP: Be careful re-transmitting online conversation without permission. It must be used in conjunction with QUOTE tags.
  15. Ok, one thing that disgusts me are britney spears haters. give the damn girl a break. you do not know half the stuff she is going thorugh, she is getting her kids taken away from her, paparazi following her everywhere to get pictures of her naked, and her good for nothing exhusban, acting as if he was mr daddy of the month.. which is so patheticly fake.. i mean come on.. rewind it. to about a year ago? maybe 2? i forget when the good for nothing kevin federline and ms britney spears started dating.. does anyone remember, how he corrupted britney spears? how he only wanted to date her, to become famous & rich? does anybody remmeber how he would go oout parting with britney spears money? and now, 2 years later, now that they have 2 kids, and hes realising, that if he can make britney spears look bad.. and take custody of the kids, he can just not work for the rest of his life [because of child support, as pathetic as that might seem, mr kevin babycakes is requesting that] which is just AHHH! ok enough of kevin. hes just gay. anywho. yea.. sure britney spears has made many mistakes.. such as gaining weight, shaving her head off. and partying with paris hilton, she is still an amazing singer, with some amazing beats, lyrics, and outits.. [dont say shes fat, because shes skinnier than the average person, and probably smaller than you, so shut up!] she is just going through a lot. and she deserves a break, a break that will help her. come back as a better woman, who can control herself/emotions... you know?now. on the other hand.. jayme lynn spears, or however you spell her name.. she is a ****, critizise her, and stuff.. she got herself pregnant.. and her family has no right to sue the guy. i mean come on. have they taken a look at the girls myspace? i mean i did/ and it just screams.. prostetute attack.. seriously. she acts like paris hilton gone wild.. ah yea (: she shouldnt even work for nickelodion or watever.. and her show sucks.. kk (L
  16. I personally think that abortion is wrong. If one isn?t ready for motherhood then one should protect themselves or stay abstinent, and if you do get pregnant, its your responsability to keep your kid, the kid did not ask to be made, you made it!. When one has an abortion it?s as if you are killing your baby because it?s still a living thing, its breathing, and struggling to survive. Imagine if you were 5 years old and told you were going to have a little sister and then your mom goes and gets an abortion but in your terms, your mom killed the baby. How would that make you feel? There are so many couples out there that cannot have children and try so hard and then the women who take having a child for granted, that are getting abortions? That?s just not right. I know in some cases a woman might get raped and may not want to have the child but majority of time women just aren?t being safe [not using protection and stuff]. Getting an abortion can also leave you emotionally scarred. Regretting or feeling guilty of what you have done whether it be after the procedure or over time. It will eventually leave you feeling guilty whether you wish to believe it or not. It could also cause you to have a miscarriage in the future with future pregnancies. I picked the topic abortion to scream about Xisto because it?s something that happens to young adults who don?t think about the things they?re doing and the consequences. I?m not saying that young adults are the only ones getting abortions, but still it?s wrong. Killing an innocent human being inside of you is just inhuman. Its murder. Some may say ?oh it?s not a baby yet? so then tell me what is it? A mass of cells still yet to form a living human being? People think that since it?s their body, that it?s their choice but their choice is deciding whether or not to let this living thing inside you live or die. It?s just like letting your parents decide whether you deserve life or not. It?s not any different whatsoever. If you think about it, its basically homicide, but this is actually legal.Which is just ridiculous if you ask me, i mean sure, you kill a guy, old ugly, watever, and go to jail for the rest of your lifeyet, when you kill an infant, an innocent baby, you just get a OH YOU DID THE RIGHT THING, wtf! just ok im mad. officially mad. if your not going to have the responsability to take care of your kidsjust get a pill, some condoms, or an operation, so you cant have any. seriously people
  17. just keep itunes. thats what i use. and nothing beats itunes! specially if you have an ipod or what not. itunes keeps you updated on the latest with all their little features:like the top 100 new songs countdownnew releases & your able to browsefor almost everything! because itunes is so popular!so defenetely stick to the cute itunes (: [that too! i love the player, & all the settings, my favorite is the one where, when you play songs, you just see the song's artist cd, rotating on a circlike like a slideshow! its super amazing! haha]
  18. haha, im not really clear on weather you ask for advice on this forum or post advice, so im just going to ask for advice. anywho. there is this guy ive known for two years now, but we never really talked until 5 months ago, before i transfered schools [20 minutes away-on the freeway hahah] & we got really close. at first i was really excited because [i had a crush on him from the first week i meet him] & it was just great, he seemed to like me to, but as the day came closer for me to move, he seemed to be avoiding me [even ignoring me] & i was so comfused by this... & when i left he didnt even say goodbye to me.. idk it made me feel unwanted? [well enough background information] heres the dilemma: we started talking again two weeks ago [he still lives 20 minutes away from me, -through the freeway lmfao-] & now he seems to like me? hes all like "i love you" this and that, lets go somehwere, i want to see you, do you want to be my valentine?, and all those cheesy questions, and i do not know what to do. part of me is happy that he is being this way [because thats what i wanted all along] but the other part is still a little mad for all the ignoring he did to me. and everytime i look at the whole situation i comfuse myself again, and again, and just cant see why, the change of heart you know? i doubt this relationship will work, because it is long distance, but if it does. i do not know. HELP!
  19. Ok so ive heard some rummors going around school, that principals & staff were going to check everyones myspace's for offending material etc. do you think that is right?i mean isnt it invasion of privacy? i think that is the whole point about myspace, its called My SPACE which i think should be respected and kept private, dont you think? post your ideas here. in my opinion i think they should not check myspaces like that.another thing are job interviews, there are rummors that employers are going to start requiring you to show them your myspace profile before hiring you, which i think is completely ridiculous.
  20. reply to both of you (: umm chantelle paige is a singer. next fergie? idk. if your umm young enough to know. anywho! sorry im extremely new to websites & such [im just glad i got php to work!] but what are metatags? what would be the code to put them on my page? could someone post it <3 thank you
  21. umm i had absolutevely no clue where to post this, sorry moderators if i posted this on the wrong forum lol (: anywho. as i was googling Chantelle Paige [i run a fansite for her, called Chantelle Paige international fansite] & noticed that they were many other sites ahead on my fansite, when you google Chantelle Paige . How can this be fixed? i already submited my site to google yahoo etc. but my fansite keeps getting pushed down the list! any tips, on getting google to put it up higher? also i noticed the other fansite, is rank 1! & well. its annoying. when you google it, you see a umm i do not know how to explain it, but its as if you were clicking a youtube or google video [you know those random videos that pop up when you google stuff, & you can see the still picture?] well the image/video takes you to her fansite/website! & i want to do that any help? i'll love you forever hahah (: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ paige giselle
  22. lol he said she said is a classic it is friggin anoying when they do that its like.. say yes or no! if you say no i wont ever talk to you in my life! you bad friend! because, people are scared of being wrong naturaly, and they will be embarresed or something if someone find out they were.. wait for it.. WRONG! because, you gte tired of it being all about them, and never about you i take it well its like that for me.. you know? i like having things be 50 and 50 percent or nothing i dont want to be someones everything.. just yet! haha because, your not at the top of the list anymore i take it. its kinda sad, and it might seem like the right thing to do, but its not, ur just pushing away the people who need you the most because, they are into themselved, and do not think about anyone else, like their friends [i do that a lot] they think, its destiny and well. you gotta take opportunities by the horns i do not know - because, they know they did wrong, and realise that its not the way things are supposed to be, and just feel awfull and sorry about the whole situation ya> emotional regret? i do not know. karma, some people think on that, what comes around goes around, and you do not deserve anything better. when they are, they are worth something more. and deserve a second chance people live in the momment sadly and do not realise they are hurting others, they are used to being the complete center of attention and somoene always being there, to catch them when they jump into trouble, which i think its etremely wrong, you gotta take charge of your own life, and take responsabilites for you actions, not just blame it on everyone, come on your not 6 anymore. your mommmy is not going to go help you up after you fall, hug you close to her and give you some milk & cookies.
  23. Muahha, i like the new tittle of my post, abusing myspace. Haha (: intense! Anywho. she is not that stupid, i mean i would have to make fake myspace profiles and stuff for it to work! Haha, she seems to like stealing from girls who live, miles, and i mean miles away, like, mmm, australia, i don't know.. more like florida, etc. I completely understand, haha! It might just work! Haha, i know it is kinda sad. No, they never do, they just carry a relationship throughout myspace and messenger, never face to face, maybe a few phones calls or text messages, but thats it! I know. Well, she's not exactly very attractive, she's pretty, not gorgeous, she's a bit skinny and white and what not. I don't know, it's kinda lame though, i dont know if i said this on the post, but on myspace she says that she's rich, a varsity cheerleader captain and has a rapper boyfriend who writes songs for her.. Haha lame.
  24. Okay, so i have this friend, i'm not going to name people because, yes, she might read this, since it is open to the public and comes up when you google gisellebebegirl (which is my internet name, and everyone knows that sadly, ugh) anywho, yea, i'm gonna name my friend pattie, i don't know, parttie bannanie? Whatever, where were we? Oh yes, i hate her. Why do i hate her you might ask? She's stealing guys from me, she's prettier than me i will admit that, but its not her beauty that's stealing the guys away from me (these are guys from my school. she goes to another school, which makes the situation even more pathetic, and pisses me off that much more, ya?). okay, so how is she stealing guys away from me you might ask? She goes around on my myspace friendlist and just requests random guys who talk to me so they can whisper something sweet in her ear, like, "OMG, you're so pretty, let's have some sexy babies," etc. But okay, that's cool, that's cool. Here comes the annoying part: She goes around on myspace and steals pictures of random beautiful girlies who she thinks look like her. Whatever! They look nothing like her! But anyway, SHE steals the pictures (sorry for my use of caps, my keyboard was acting up) and puts them on her picture albums and says it's her! so people think she's this mega gorgeous model looking thing walking on earth. I've tried confronting her about it, you know what she does? She says, "No, that's me, are you calling me fake? I think you're calling me fake? Shes, you are. You know what my friends are laughing at you right now because you think im fake, and i'm not, do not talk to me, if you think i'm so fake." And when i get enough evidence to prove that whoever pics she has on her myspace isn't her, she just goes, "Oh, that's not me, that's photography i found, sorry, i thought we've gone over this. It's photography, kks? bye peace." Ugh, it's so annoying! Don't even get me started with my inbox on my personal myspace account, so many guys i know (and have a crush on) message me and comment me saying, "Dang, adrianna is hot, hook me up, gimme her number, can you arrange something?" blah blah blah. And this goes on too in school, which is just pretty and gay, ugh, so, yeah. It pisses me off, because i do not want to be like, ok your a fake **** **** *** ***(cursing haha, i cant curse here can i? so ill just put a bunch of stars haha) do not ever talk to me, ok? I hate you, get out my life. because she is an awesome person and knows all my secrets and we have fun together! I love her personality bunches, except for the whole, "i'm fake, your calling me fake" blah blah blah speech. So, what should i do? Is there any way to make her change without getting her all mad at me or without ruining our friendship? I mean, i can't go around myspace lookin' for every single girl she fakes. Which is a lot, and i mean a lot. Ahh, i really need your advice fellow members of the chat thingie Xisto, ya, ya! (Haha, that sounded so fancy and smart! Try saying it super fast a gazillion of times.) Aywho, yea, i have to go now since she is messaging me over msn messneger. Haha (: please reply with your help! Notice from opaque: changed topic title from "i hate my best friend"
  25. omg i absolutevely agree with you 100%! myspace is so annoying! and you know what all those little 8 year olds getting raped because of myspace.. its their friggin FAULT! they are the ones that are like.. BAM IM SO HOt wah wah i have naked pictures.. im honry.. 40 YEAR OLDS RAPE ME! i mean come on, theres a block&a delete button and a DENY REQUEST BUTTON they are just getting themselves out there like a friend i have shes 12 and says shes 16 me and my friends, are seriously just waiting for eather her to get kidnaped her to get raped or her to get pregnant.. its just GAY! another thing i hate is people who stealpictures to make guys think they are hotter than they are like a friend i have, its so annoying! every single friggin guy i might be crushing on & get them to be cool with me and requesting me onmyspace she REQUESTS! and make them say OMG shes so cute & perfect & cute, and im just like shove it! stop asking me to hook you up or get her friggin number, shes FAKE! she has a friggin low selfsteem and is getting it up, by using fake pictures of gorgeous model/pronstars lookalike chicks and saying ahh im so ugly, im gonna be single for life im fat wha wha, im a cheerleader and im ugly&fat put a freaking sock on it! it makes me so mad when people compliment her its just AHHH! shes fake!! jesus
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