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Everything posted by gisellebebegirl
Are Girls Prettier Without Makeup? Vote & Say You Thoughts
gisellebebegirl replied to lihuyt's topic in Health & Fitness
Well if a girl is try gorgeous, she will look beautiful with or without makeup, whether the girl thinks shes pretty enough to not wear makeup thats a whole different story yes,makeup does screw your face over pretty bad.. i know it clogs your face, & makes it dry/gives you acne or what not, sadly -
First off, be extremely carefully with weather changes, -extreme weathers: a.heat b.coldness both of them can cause some extreme damage to your hair! -dryness -split ends remember to always use conditioner, always! & abstain from: 1.blow drying your hair 2.ironing/straighting your hair 3.curling your hair 4.dying your hair too often & use a shampoo that works for your type of hair.. example: if you have curly hair wear a shampoo for curly hair etc also try putting some hair oil, it will keep your hair shiny and healthy
Editing Digital Photos
gisellebebegirl replied to cmorganrhodes's topic in Websites and Web Designing
you should try photoshop cs2.. or photofiltre studio =) hope it helps -
Caffeine Addiction Is Caffeine Really A Drug?
gisellebebegirl replied to Yuripro84's topic in Health & Fitness
I wouldn't really consider caffeine as a drug, but it is pretty addictive, but unlike drugs, caffeine does not really have so much of a negative effect on your body. -
Does Pro Active Work ? prevent acne
gisellebebegirl replied to fayeebebe's topic in Health & Fitness
my cuzin uses it but i havent really checked out his skin lately.i've been pretty curious about that stuff too.is it just a fraud thing? or real? i've seen them sell it at the mallbut my parents always tell me taht it probably doesnt workthen when its on commerical and im like I WANT THAT they're likeoh its not that expense but blah blah blah.mall or tv? eitherway they seem to say no and yet say i should get somemy skins not horrible but its not great. i just want a flawless face hahahbut yep expericanced people spill the frijoles!!! -
i watched trhat too in school.. and i just i beluieve in it.. sorta kinda yea.. like a year ago.. i enetred this scholarship award thing.. and i remember i wanted it so badly, that after i turned it in for the next 2 nmonths.. all i would do is picture what it would be like to win it.. picture everyones faces.. the happiness i would feel.. the speech i would give! and sure enough i won.. its weird.. its all abo0ut believing in urself.. because if you dont NO ONE ELSE WILL! theres no operson out there looking for someone to believe in.. if u know wat i mean.. so yea.... u gotta work it, there is not trhing as staying the same way.. ur eather improving or getting worse.. to picture ur dream and make it HAPPEN! the secret is gold and everuyone should use it
Internet Are you addicted to the internet?
gisellebebegirl replied to nummell's topic in Health & Fitness
i would say i am very much addicted. im addicted to myspace. tagged chatrooms are the best thats where i met this amzing guy that i now kno personaly and some chick from cali who is the besttest ever. shes the best supporter who supports artists and runs fansites for them not for money but because they love to do what they do. i also love diaryproject and finding photography and icons and quotes and poetry. mostly myspace like i said at first lol sadly i guess i'd rather give up a liver to keep myspace and the interent still a part of me hahaha but then i wouldnt live to sign on again and that wouldnt be cool lol -
Internet Are you addicted to the internet?
gisellebebegirl replied to nummell's topic in Health & Fitness
i absolutevely am.. not as much i was before.. but yea.. it just seems liek i can find everything online! GAMES, movies.. tv, friends, musoc.. music is a big thing. its my passion.. my baby my passtime.. my amazing friend.. dont you agree> and graphic design.. OMG i cant make the smallest thing without having to goand change it a gazzilion tuime suntil it looks absolutevey amazing! AJJ! haha.. yea im weird and obssesed but who cares.. at least im not gettting kiny with someguy outside school.. or stealing cars,.,. or stripping in a bar.. or doing dfrugs u know! -
Anxiety anyone knows of a good technique dealing with it?
gisellebebegirl replied to rozinante's topic in Health & Fitness
me.. i get a feeling inside.. that just tells me sometyhing is going to happen.. and i get anxiety attacks in my teeth.. its weird.. even if io think nothing will happen.. if i get the feeling.. something extremely weird usually happens.. surprices most of the tiem XD -
ofcourse i do! it just makes me so calm.. and takes me out of the world.. u know just standing in the shower jamming to ur favoritye songs.. american idol style baby XD i heart taking showers.. gives me an exccuse to not see my parents
mine may not be the healthioes.. but im sorta in the middle.. beetween skinny andchubby.. so when i go t school and wat not and want to look my best, i do not eat anything for breakfast or dinner. just eat lunch, and do exersize thats it.. but when i dont.. its mayor stuff urself time.. mostly because my parents are around.. preasure.. they are the typical stereotyping jerks.. so whenever i make an noticebale attemp to loose weigt they make fun or tease me so watever.. just go healthy
well idk but i believe i've been depressed. growing up was hard for me. my brother and dad fought alot and i cried because i loved them both so much. i saw things and had things happen that left a scar on my heart. i became insecure and couldnt trust anyone. no one seemed to notice as this all happened. i lost intrest in everything i did as i got older. i use to draw, then i stopped. i use to want to be in dance then i gave up on it. i use to do all these things that i loved and i just gav eup. i isolated myself and my parents noticed that too but didnt think anything of it. then i met this guy. he's amazing. i met him online and he and i talked and he made me realize many things. he helped me realize life really isnt as bad as i make it out to be. well we've met now. hes gorgeous lol and i relaly like him. but i appriecate what hes done for me. he helped me through my rough times. he talked me through it and i realized many things. i realized, that for once in my life...someone cared. lately i've been depressed though and i cant talk to him about that kinda stuff anymore. i'm depressed. not as bad as last time though. it was horrible i went all suiciddal and stuff. i was stupid. and latly i've been poppin pills just to help me sleep and my stomachs been actin up and friends are not who they seem they really are...my best friends...disappoint me. the guy i like that one who changed my life. i miss him. my dad hes just treating me like my brother. he calls me worthless. that he doesnt need me. he wants me to be a somebody. not a nobody. i feel like i dont deserve my mom. like she deserves much more than how i treat her. i've made her cry and feel bad before and i've cried myself to sleep regretting it. i've seen how my dad makes he feel with their arguements and seeing her cry makes me feel heartbroken. she deserves alot more especailly a better daughter than what i am. sometimes i feel like i need someone to listen to me. listen to what i have to say for once. but i dont think thats ever gonna happen :/
The Future... havent you ever thought about it?
gisellebebegirl replied to bthaxor's topic in Science and Technology
well i think everything will be at the palm of ur hand.. like the iphone.. u know and lost of mmm wat are those things called.. ah projectors? u know just pixalized stuff.. that actuly works -
Suicide/emo, I Am Strongly Against
gisellebebegirl replied to demonatashadow's topic in Health & Fitness
i agree wih whoever posted this =) sorry im new and dont know how to just reply! haha well yea. i think suicide is stupid, i mean why in earth would you give people the pleasure to see you give up? i mean if u do give up, ur not hurting anyone but urself.. sure if it was their fault, theyl;l feel bad for a week or 2.. and then thats it.. u ended ur life, no one cares, you screwed yourself over,.... and if u do find the need to end urself.. just listen to some good music.. let that carry you until something good comes along// dont excpect someone to come in and be like OH THIS PERSON HAS Suffored big time, im a make their life so much better, i will love them and solve their future.. that wont happen! ITS ALL ABOUT MAKING UR OWN GAD DAMN IT HAPPINESS! go out there and chase it.. life is not about finding urself.. its about CREATING URSELF! dont just end ur life.. ur alive for a reason.. =) -
well i believe we just die, our life ends and thats it.. many people like to think, Oh theres something after we die, bleh bleh watever, they are just scared, and need something to believe in... we all do.. we all just need to know that there is something out there bigger than us taht will save us.. you know? well i think we just die, and bam nothing... like when u break a pencil.. the pencil doesnt come back, to hunt you down, its just broken.. end of that if you know wat i mean at all
if i knew i was going to die soon i would most likely just do several things in life that i havent gotten a chance to do and wont ever get to. i would tell my parents how much they really mean to me and how im sorry i wasnt the perfect little girl they wanted. the perfect little girl they expected to go on to college and become someone important. someone who is actually a somebody. then i would tell my cuzin that im sorry for ever telling him the things i did when we were young and that i really hated how we couldn't be as close as we were when we were kids. he was like my best friend and i love him to death and all i would say is that im sorry. i would bang rico [; haha cuz i mean who wouldnt want to tap that & i'd tell him how much he means to me and how he's affected my life. && i'd also live life to the fullest so i can die thinkin to myself, those were the most amazing moments in my life. and then die[: fin. lol well if it was my last day alive.. i would probably go into total panic mode.. and try to find out a way to stay alive.. somehow.. the tought of death scares me.. and well i would probably find all those people that i never got a chance to say goodbye to and wat not.. ex boyfriends.. loves.. crushes.. i would tell it all =) and i just.. i would spend my last day with my friends... and probably scream to the world.. CHRIS I AHH MISS YOU! Notice from jlhaslip: merged per report
Is This Normal? cause im starting to think it isnt
gisellebebegirl replied to midnight87's topic in General Discussion
mmm ive gone thorugh this, but you have to realise, that most of this stuff is mental.. aka its in your head, just think positive, im sure theres many people who want to help you..! you have to make your own happiness, enstead of thinking your life is miserable, or coming to an end or what not, be thankfull for all you've experienced.. and just idk get a hobbby?