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Everything posted by gisellebebegirl

  1. yea pretty much parents are gay, specialy mine, they cant seem to get over the fact that they are 30something & have a 16 year old daughter & a 8 year old daughter to take care off, its not all about them anymore. i hate it. everything revolves around them. you have 40 dollards? im gonna go partying with my friends, can i have those? and oh yea clean the house & do this and that, and take care of your sister.. its like what the ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff im not your friggin mom GROW UP! also grades, there is always preasure from them, they do not seem to trust me, i know how to get good grades, & have awajy to do that, they need to chillax everytime we get a progress report.. ITS A GAD DAMN IT PROGRESS REPORT! its not the actual grade!! and they get soo mad.. the only reason they care is because they want me too go college, get all rich, & be their pimp for the rest of their lives, which is just friggin gay! they need to grow up seriously
  2. omg i found the perfect post for me! well this are things i hate.. they are mostly related to myspace but yea I HATE 1.People who use OTHER PEOPLE'S pictures & say its them(thats pathetic, its obvious if you do & it just shows how many REAL friends you have) 2.People with all the crap in the profiles.. ok FIRST OF ALL, have u ever heard of a thing called "looking at your profile?" yea look at it & change it ifs its all alien slow/fat/retarded/weird/gay looking... learn to keep the sections width equal JEEZ 3.People who add SINGERS/WATEVER ok why are you adding them??? have u ever spoken to them?/gotten message/comment from them? if no:pathetic XD AND DONT TELL ME: BUT YOU HAVE SNGERS ADDED. becuz the ones i have added, unlike you people, i talk to/run fansites ok? 4.People who post liek 4758421buletins.. example:10:25-i just had cereal 10:30 i dropped my spoon 10:30 i SO TOTALLY HAD A SPOON OF CEREAL & there was a hair in it eww! REPOST OR YOU WILL GET RAPED BY AN ANGRY HORSE wearing a pink dress in 45751575145751 seconds! repost it now! this is no joke.. it happened to my friend..i mean wtf etc.. got it? 5.if you add someone, talk to them! jeez i mean dont just add them and dont talk to them that is RUDE! 6.dont put someone on your top that you've never talked to in your entire life and dont kno and or neever talked to , its fukin creepy! 7.chain letters jeez. look chain letters are NOT real! dont post one and see what happens, absoultly NOTHING! i've ignored over hundreds and look at me , im still alive and kickin! they're NOT real, you're not gonna find your true love and all that, thats just silly. also its against the policy terms on myspace and you CAN get deleted, simple as that. 8.every now and then someone posts a bulletin saying COMMENT MY PICTURES LOVE YA! ever heard of PC4PC (pic comment 4 pic comment). seriously COMMENT THOSE PEOPLE BACK! its annoying when you dont and you beg for pic comments. i honestly hate those bulletins, just if someone comments your pic DONT say THANKS FOR THE COMMENT!<3 jeez just comment them back its nicer 9.i hate when people look at your pictures but dont comment and leave you a comment or tell you at school saying, nice pictures you got there! its lke JEEZ COMMENT THEM! HOW HARD IS THAT JUST grr idk it pisses me off 10.dont post a BUNCH of new pictures all at once like 150 million pictures and tell people to comment them. jeez its like you're a fukin camera *BLEEP* or somethin. especially if you're doing the same pose and they all look alike. just pick ONE 10. h@t3 p30p13 wh0 t@1k 1ik3 th1s! or EvEN LyK DiZz or like...this...with..all...those...dots...its...like..a...never...ending...sentance... JUST TYPE NORMAL!!! i meqan dude// HOW HARD IS IT TO TYPE NORMAL.. just for me its freaking hard to type with all the numbers & the caps and lowearcaps gah! 11.i like people who i can actually have CONVERSATIONS with. not those cheesy whats up things that only end in nothin much just here bored. LAME 12.TAKE OFF THE CREDIT FROM HOT COMMENTS OR WHERE YOU GET YOUR VIDEOS OR LAYOUTS AND STUFF FROM! ITS ANNOYING! (not site small links, those are fine) BUT THOSE HUGE CLICK CLICK HERE HERE ima rape u links ya.. 13.dont put those stupid surveys all over your page! those just annoy the hell out of me. just write some things from that in your about me and ta da! you have a about me! for those of you who dont and all you do is surveys jeez.
  3. Well i run technicly 3 sites, but they are all inside of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ so check those out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is basicly a site for all of your myspace needs, (Mostly focused on girls now, though) we will add some male stuff in abit.. once we get enough traffic and such right now we offer photography brushes myspace layouts (skinny) myspace layouts (default) myspace layouts (tiny) myspace icons myspace graphics myspace quotes myspace pixels adbive advice for myspace sites a site modeling agency myspace contact buttons myspace comment boxes myspace hiding codes myspace basic html codes premades photoshop/photofiltre tutorials & much more http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is a fansite for this amazing singer, called CHANTELLE PAIGE you should check her out, she is amazing and has worked with some amazing productors & stuff yea on that site i provide news myspace layouts banners to support her music player <--- hot! dairy of what she does every day the goood causes she supports her biography Videos Updated Lyrics Chatroom & amazing chatroom for the fans! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/all.php is a fansite for a new band, founded by juliet simms, called automatic loveletter with amazing songs&lyrics XD the site is currently beta.. aka we only have the design & much goodies nothing much or fancy !!!
  4. yea, but when you think about it, a CD was sort of like a tape, but mp3s, are pretty much taking over im sure singers can be rich, by using their fame to sell clothing, concerts, autographcs idk there is always crazy fans out there like me obviously.. i run several fansites.. anywhooo limewire & download sites (that are free) are mostly the cause of that... and i doubt people would pay the one cent to download the album! most people dont have creditcards & suchhh but... also, avertisement, sites could actuly allow people to download music for free but they will have to pay the singers, for the mp3s. from the ads money ofcourse since im sure they will be making a lot of money from the ads, & all the page views! i mean yea love music
  5. suicide is illegal? i wasnt aware of that? so you are saying that, if you commit suicide but not kill yourself, you are in big trouble with the law? anywho.. wow so many replys to my postwell when i said GAY i meant in the california way to say, it sucks... you know like when ateacher is really mean to you, and is alwaysing idk bugging you, you say, OMG THAT TEACHER IS SO GAYhaha... i think some people tought i was gay & ran a gayoriantated site.. o.o! completely not the case, im as sstraight as it getsanywho.. yea my site seems to go offline a lot.. its currently offline again! but yeapeople shouldnt really commit suicide
  6. Ahh is this happening to anyone else? my site have-heart.net is down again.. but yea.. i checked namecheap (where i bought the url and everything is set up just fine) my site just went bye bye about an hour ago..ns1.trap17.comns2.trap17.comns3.trap17.comare there and everything. i have enough bandwith.. and enough credits by the waynevermid my site came back magicly :)topic closed
  7. Well since Xisto seems to be down.. or just my gay site, im going to talk about suicide and about how wrong it is.Ok first of all IF YOUR LIFE IS SO MISERABLE AND EVERYONE HATES YOU AND YOU JUST CANT TAKE IT ANYMOREwhy in the world would you give the things that are hurting you (most likely people duh) the joy the HAPPINESS of seeingyou give up? and kill yourself! come on.. you are only making them happy not yourself! and so what you kill yourselfthats it! theres no turning back once you kill yourself.. nothing.. unless your extremely religious and believe in life after deathcome on.. what are the ods of that?! are you really going to take the risk? jesus.. just wait to die and liev life to the fullestbe a little positive for once.. see the colors of the rainbow.. dont just live in black and white grayscaleish dreamsyou are worth more than that! why in the world would destiny make it so you would be born then? for you to suffer?uh i dont think so... so just dont do it.. its wrong.. and trust me you will hurt at least one person by doing that (other than your lame self ogcourse) and it will most likely be someone who really cares for you.. and that perhaps.. even though you might not see it. cant live without you! so why in the world would you do it? i mean it might be your parents.. wait hold that tought the whole reason why you might be thinking about suicide might be them.. so nevermind about that tought.. but what about your little brothers or sisters.. they look up to you.. i bet to you anything they do.. they want to be just like you.. so is that what you are trying to teach them? to give up be a quiter and kill yourself.. come on you are better than that.. and you know you areheres another idea.. your grandparents who love and care so much for you.. wow you killing youself would just make their year.. they would feel bad and miserable for you dyuing and not them.. making them want to commiy suicide too! smart move.. silly emo kids.. gad! jesus.. weell if you havent guessed alreadfy.. this is meant for teenagers emo/suicide kids thinking about commiting suicide.. haha anywho where were we? oh yea..s uicide.. dont do it GAD! jst dont.. there is no point on doing so! cant you try something new? make a friend? eat some playdough? somethinG! ok im gonna make a things to do enstead of commiting suicide list.. breathbreathsmellplaysinglisten to musicmake a friendwalk to the beachdrawmake a myspacetalk to your familygo shoppingget a boyfriendgo to collegeidk!! people add on im tired of typing hahah ill come back and add more th1ings kks?! gotta check if my site is back up yo!
  8. yea i tried what both of you said.. and even though i know it woulda worked.. if i really "meditated" the proper way.. it was inposible to focus on just one person.. my mind keept jumpin from one person to another.. and gah the bell is gonna ring.. ill type more when i come back
  9. i would pick a green! or a blue! those two are the prettiest colors in my opinion. i dont like my brown eyes, they look too plain. i would die to have 'em green or blue. i hope i get colored contacts soon[:
  10. i learned to draw garfield when i was a weee little child. bahah more like elementary. it made my days back in the day bahaha, but ya garfield is awesome. [:
  11. Me & my friend Daniela (the co-owner of this site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) were thinking since we cant see eachother (she lives in Idaho, & i live in imperial beach, california) we were thinking that we might be able to see eachother by entering eachother's dreams at night... and after some googling i found out that, that is called DREAM WALKING Ok so what dreamwalking basicly is, is being able to enter someone else's dream while sleeping.. after i did some research i found out that theres 2 ways to do this.. one is to become i have no clue what.. but being able to know when you are dreamining.. like when you are sleeping be like.. OK IM SLEEPING.. i dont like this dream, i want this to happen(which is like being able to control your dreams.. which means you dont ever dream) & well when you get good at that.. according to the site you are unable to "have lucid dreams" after you do that forever.. which is kinda creepy// its like being a ghost who can not rest.. gah. we dont want that.. so we found this other way which is (well daniela tought of it) spells.. we found this one "By the eye of the moon let enter the realm of the of the time and allow me to open its doors so I may see the ideas of another." & you have to say if before you go to sleep.. after you have been meditating/thinking hardcore/non stop of the person you want to enter the dream of.. and it also said something about realising that most of the things could be their fantasies not reality or whatever... so i was wondering are there any other spells out there? that are known to work? has anyone ever tried this before? i know it might sound kinda creepy/// but its worth it we really want to see eachother! its eather that or landing in the real world together... or becoming millionares with our site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ using google's adsence, which i doubt will happen! we only have 200 visitors and like 1 <- snipped -> .. hehe.. sad pathetic i know.. anywho yea.. i need your help! on this people of Xisto! /gisellebebegirl
  12. omg.. so i logged in today.. and my site is down again! WAT IN THE WORLD IS HAPPENING! ahh it was on yersterday as you saw.. what is going onnnnn! its like spazing out.. ahh i keep getting eather a: the ur connected with cpanel bleh bleh bleh message or b: just 404 _+_ ok UPDATE: i tried accesing my pages with and without the WWW. before have-heart and it wont let me access it with the WWW. is there a way to make both paths work? mmm for now ill just change every navigation on my page nvm.. i changed the diretorys to /name like i was told to last time and everything is just fine now!
  13. you are truly my lifesaver! i hope i got what yout old me right!!! is this right here correct? =) lol just click on the link to see the screenshot http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png if not ill keep checking the post (i included the left menu of namecheap.. idk so if its wrong you can tell me where to go!) thanks once again! and happy new years (and according to name cheap the process takes a maximun of 24 hours! ) yay if i did right! reply as soon as posible!
  14. it actuly will not let me! but i just redirected the site to ns1.trap17.com eh hope that is good enough.. im freaking out here tough we want to open the site on new years night! mmm do u know if the cutenews news will be transfeered too? because if tey dont we are screwed
  15. http://tinypic.com/images/404.gif you mean there? what would i fill in for each box?? 72 hours.. ahh i hate waiting so much! if i had known it was going to take so long i wouldnt have had changed it in the first place!
  16. ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com? on namecheap? O_o mmh i see 72 hours.. omgad.. im thinking of just making a disaperance from the online world during those days.. (because) the site itself has a followthrough on myspace with over 10,000 friends.. so yea.. i got about 25 messages already *warning me* of the site down situation
  17. Well, i use the internet for Myspace. I'm a Myspace Addict and ya haha but other than myspace i use it for chattin (on msn), Tagged (sometimes), Online Games (rarely), Downloading Music. I bet every single person on here uses it to check their MySpace every day.I know thats what i use it for [;
  18. mmm i started the process about 2 hours ago, and nothing.. my cpanel is transfered but 1.the credits havent been taken off 2.this keeps showing up on all the pages: Not Found The requested URL /1.php was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache/1.3.39 Server at gamma.xisto.com Port 80 (note i did change it to the new adress/url- not Xisto) & when i go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ all i get is this If you can see this page, then the people who manage this server have installed cPanel and WebHost Manager (WHM) which use the Apache Web server software and the Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl) successfully. They now have to add content to this directory and replace this placeholder page, or else point the server at their real content. on average how long does it take for the process to be completed? (or is it complete.. & i need to do something?)
  19. also no intension to spam whatsowhever but i want to ask this before i forget! how do you put a pic next to your post.. *under your name) the way most people around here do.. lol sorry for the short post again! gah!
  20. eh first off. is there anyway to delete topics? lol anywho what i was asking was... if it was only going to be a redirect or not.. thats it for the most part it has been.. how do you change the toplevel of your site (to the paid domain) in cpanel? it doesnt seem to let me.. is there something i need to do in my cheapnews account to allow this? anywho i was aware of the whole /file name taking you to a page in your site.. that is so cool.. sorry lol this is kinda my second real website.. and im unaware of many things! (im only 16 lol) but yea
  21. lmfao opps wow now i feel stupid ;p i posted this question both here and in my old hosts forums lol!! and over there came out with the solution that it was firefox.. eh =) very smart thinking! clear the cache.. even if i have noe clue what that means lol! i did it and it worked, yay! im so glad you like it =) it was a royal pain to design/code
  22. mmm do you know, or does anyone know if there is a way to fix my problem?? to show the page both when or when not typing www/
  23. oh wiat nvm.. seems she was the one posting the post.. well yea dont do it anyways.. im pretty sure she already knows of all the dangers of painkillers.. sicne she has gotten pain etc.. sorry for the double posting, i tought she was hellping someone
  24. the other partner of this site here.. pain killers are an addiction.. if youtake like 9 at a time like ms daniela.. your liver might get screwed up pretty badly.. always do some reserach on them and follow the instructions REALLY carefully.. sorry i dont even know wat the post is about
  25. yes it was something like that, i kinda figured out the answer to it when i purchased my url have-heart.net what i wanted to know was if, it was only going to be a redirect frame, or the new identity of the site (such as, when your in cpanel and create a new file) enstead of it showing, new file created! have-heart.trap17.com/file name i was curious if it would show, have-heart.net/file name sorry if i comfused anyone.. i was comfused myself so ya
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