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Everything posted by gisellebebegirl

  1. well i like it, its professional & what not, but a little too plain & out there, im pretty sure ive seen something like it before. it loaded fast for me, and im using firefox so yea.. you might want to look in the ADD COMMENT form, its superdark blue on a black fontother than that, great site! i like the name
  2. sorry i didnt give a lot of details, i was on a rush well my email is gisellebebegirl@gmail.com for whoever asked for it, the guy is a flirt but hes a little shy, like we will have the time of our lives, when we are with other people [hes in his confort zone] & even though its always about me & him, when we are alone, we have akward moments, and have no one to blame them on , but yea hes always just kinda bugging me, [pushing my desk, taking my stuff, randomly poking or touching me]........ idk even his friends tell him, oh watch you two are gonna end up dating, thats the way me&my girlfriend were before, and hes just kinda like, im not gonna date her, but idk if he just says that because im like right there
  3. so theres this guy, and i must say hes perfect, he makes me laugh, and we have our little flirty momments, where im just like, omgad he wants me.. but heres the thing though, he seems to act kinda the same way with all the other girls, but more to me, i dont know if he likes me, or thats just the way he is, what do you think?
  4. Omgad thats absolutely adorable! (: im glad you asked for my help.. well, if shes shy, im pretty sure shes a little overwhelmed & might not be confident enough to think that, you a major hottie has a crush on her.. i say talk to her friends, and just kinda let them know how you feel.. so they are on the same plane and can kinda help you out you know? as in what to do, just make her smile.. im sure she thinks you freaking out is adorable, try asking her to go out somewhere, & hang out together.. or if you dont have the guts.. check to see if she has a myspace, or messenger or something...
  5. i doubt it will be on theaters.. i mean sure, high school musical is a hit, but its the 3rd sequel.. which is just destined for trouble! haha(: NOO! ashley is not dating him, she is dating this other dude, i forget who, look it up on ashley tisdale fansites.. and vanessa will be on it, one of the official possible "posters" for the movie was released already, and it had her name on it..also i think this will be the last sequel, because its gonna be called high school musical 3, senior year, or something like that..actuly, it is official lol, i just googled it, its on the imb movies database, as exactly that and both vanessa & zack on it
  6. never haha, i walk 2 miles home, & dont eat thats it lol. im a healthy one ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhand oh yea crunches! like 100when i do eat =/ mmm does dancing count? no sports whatsowhever thoughi run away from the ball, not run towards it lol
  7. i hate it! just kidding its a bit plain and glitterless for my taste, but its very organized & professional woot woot hahayour art is amazing by the way haha. this reminds me, i should start a portfolio
  8. Ok so for the last couple of weeks, ive been feeling ODD. All of the sudden ive lost appetite, i smell food, want to eat it, but i cant, the minute i try to, i just feel disgusted/or full even if i havent eaten anything, & stop. My stomach rembles but its not hungry? no im not pregnant, someone asked me that lmfao.. thats a NO! lol anywho, ive also been feeling extra thirsty lately, and wanting to urinate a lot, idk whats wrong with me? i just feel sick, anxious, & disgusted by many things, i cant even look at myself in the mirror, it just puts me in whatever mode even worse. =/well update, yersterday+today i started feeling disconfort on my lowerright area of my abdomen and stuff.. plus headaches & fever
  9. i found it by googling free domain hosting no ads lolNO ADS(: its like the first link loland i must say i aint leavingthis is much better than any of my old hosts
  10. haha i have gmail too, and just recently got my domains email hacked or something, so i was sent over 600 messages so far.. of spam, like 100 actually made it to my inbox, but other than that, if i get some kind of spam, i know i got myself into it, but signing up for stuff, or actually filling out those little ads.. i think they are fun to fill out? zooomg hahaha
  11. OMG! i got one of those emails a while ago! and was about to fill in my imformation when i told myself.. hey self the message was sent to your spam folder, and to an email adress where you dont have a paypal account?.. there must be a reason why? haha and then i looked at the adress, and was like ZOMG! omgad spam.. lol, since im a huge myspace person, i know that people try to use fake log in pages to get your log in info and hack you :Dyay for me and checking the dumb url
  12. OMG WHITNEY WON! finally a plus size girl, who can work her butt off in pictures, has personality, is edgie, commercial, & fierce won americas next top model! ahh(: im just so excited for her, shes like my daughter im a proud momma! lol.. honestly i would have gone and beaten up Tyra Banks with a stick if arnia or the other black chick won.. because Fatima, was a spoiled brat, and just had this little fake vibe to her.. and anya, even though i felt bad for her, and she was sweet and caring and could take amazing pictures, there was just something "odd" about her, she seemed kinda dumb at times, idk, i defenetely liked whitney wayyy more. i feel like me and whitney could totally go shopping together :Dbut yea, whitney.. i dont really see why they call her plus size? last time i checked a plus size girl was supposed to be a size 16 or larger, and whitney is a size 10 [on one of the episodes she says so] off a designers cclothes, which is wayyy smaller than the clothes you will find at the mall. shes just not anorexic, has a beautiful face, and is JUST HOT! hahaha
  13. OMG SIR MIKE! miley cyrus, is not going to do that.. well maybe she is, i mean shes a little ****.. there are a lot of sluttie pictures of her in the internet.. but yea, shes 15 give her a break; even though im still kinda mad Miley cyrus got the role of hannah montana & not Chantelle Paige lol i would have laughed so hard at her, pulling off the wig and stuff.. anywho.. happy chantelle toughts :Di agree, miley is not that talented, but people like her, and even people like diddy kinda admire her..[look back at the making the band 4 finale special on mtv] where diddy claimed that danity kane & day26 where going to be the adult hannah motana, filling up stadios and stuff
  14. OMG ok, so i logged into my gmail account and shabam, 400 new messages, 100 to my inbox 300marked as spam, turns out some kind of sex pill or something company is using the email randomname@have-heart.net to spam people, since i have all my email accounts pointed to my gmail adress.... heres a copy of one of the spam messages i received back which is just annoying me.. lol i tried to bring my domain emails to AOL but its asks me to set up the mail mx thing to this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png well uhmm i dont see how to put all that info into cpanel? it just asks me, the domain email i want to edit, and trasnfer to [only one option not like the 4 ones on that table], but its not pasting right.. haha mmh you people with domains what company thing do you use to manage your emails??? is it complicated to bring it to gmail?
  15. Just the name of this post scares me, but this seems to be true.. First off go to youtube, and search madonna the first link or so, should be her channel, check out her latest video.. where she is featured on the set of her new music video "cleaning up in like 3 inch heels.. odd" haha in the video, she acts like a complete morron.. ironically thanking everyone who has made a video to her song four minutes.. [which is ofcoursed miley cyrus] and says.. "But you gotta remember to clean up after yourself" in the *BLEEP*iest mode ever.. i was chocked..Why is she so irritated? is it because Miley Cyrus Video to Her song four minutes, got almost 1 million plays the first day it was released? and hers only got like 200,000 in the first 2 weeks? is it because, she thinks the video is a spoof, or just a make fun of madonna video??? [which the video is not! its a video response to a online dance battle which both miley&mandy where challenged to fight in.. it was just a coincidence that they used madonna's song! and that they used like one move she does on her video]. is it because Miley's Video is better than hers??? lets face it Mileys & Mandy's is Catchy, young & fresh with tons of backup dancers, stunts, and even Miley Cyrus's GRANDMA DANCING! lol and it has that little disney channel spark, thats just ubber entertaining.. since it was choreographed by the same people who did High school musical.IDK i just think its stupid she is, she has always been my all time idol.. and everyones idol! singers like Britney spears & christina aguilera look up to her..But yea we have to admit madonna is aging.. what is she now? 40? 45? 50? its called.. way past midlife crisis.. haha she still looks hot though.. even with all her giggly skin haha
  16. haha.. mmh whatever happened to those "warningupdates" Xisto would send the hosted members? anywho.. ok so i got the subdomain added perfectly! but google.. enstead of showing the new name ChantellepAige.org shoes have-heart.net/chantelle which is the same thing.. but still, it looks unprofessional.. do you guys know of a way to fix this? contacting google/ or can you make the installed subdomain name a redirect? like have have-heart.net/chantelle redirect to chantellepaige.org? so many questions
  17. CLICK HERE TO JOIN SOCIAL VIBE So i was just browsing through my friend's music profile.. [Chantelle Paige aka sir mikes wife ] and i found she supported this service called social vibe. What social vibe is, is kinda like google ads, but the money goes to the charity of your choice [money gets donated everytime someone looks at the banner or joins through your banner] of course you earn stuff too.. you get to feel great inside, and also earn entries for giveaways.. theres ipods, redbulls, xboxs.. everything, [depends on the sponsor you pick] they have some amazing perks well! so join through my link.. TO WRITE LOVER ON HER ARMS, gets money when you do! TWOLA: is a foundation to help out girls who suffer from depression/cutting (: Notice from truefusion: No referral links
  18. i hate popups, because sometimes i'll just be reading something or typing somethin into the address bar and BAM! i get interrupted like several times. its definatly annoying to the point where it just frustrates me and makes me just logg off the computer. Ad's also suck, although the web owner dood XD wants to make some money off of it, they're some that just have way to many ad's on their page. probably more ad's than they do content.
  19. that is insane, i mean if the kid was on medication, i doubt he was concious of what he was doing.. and gad hes only 12! whatever happened to juvie! they are just gonna send him to prison? gad.. hes ONLY 12! 12+30 hes gonna be 42 when hes let out? thats so mean, i mean they are taking the best 30 years of his life away from him, and i bet the kid is realizing this, and will end up killing himself with or without medication, he should just be sent to a foster home, or something where he can be raised like a normal kid.. but watched carefully you know?
  20. ive added the subdomain chantelle.have-heart.net and when i go to the ADDONDOMAIN & type in: New Domain Name: chantellepaige.org UserName/SubDomain Name: chantelle i get this message "Bind reloading on gamma using rndc zone: [have-heart.net] Bind reloading on alpha using rndc zone: [have-heart.net] Bind reloading on epsilon using rndc zone: [have-heart.net] Bind reloading on shree using rndc zone: [have-heart.net] The subdomain, chantelle.have-heart.net has been added. Error from park wrapper: Using nameservers with the following IPs:,, Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ip.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver. Removed chantelle.have-heart.net Server at line: 42920. Removed Entry from httpd.conf Bind reloading on gamma using rndc zone: [have-heart.net] Bind reloading on shree using rndc zone: [have-heart.net] Bind reloading on alpha using rndc zone: [have-heart.net] Bind reloading on epsilon using rndc zone: [have-heart.net] The subdomain, chantelle.have-heart.net has been removed. " my name servers are pointed to: NS1.trap17.com NS2.trap17.com NS3.trap17.com TOPIC IS CLOSED (:
  21. I have been promoting my site ChantellePaige.org like crazy, and all of the sudden it dissapeared off google! it was one of the first links for Chantelle Paige fansite and on the second page for Chantelle Paige in google; why did it dissappear?? i know it's a redirect with a ChantellePaige.org frame (type in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and you will be redirected to Chantellepaige.org where on the navigation bar all you will see is ChantellePaige.org enstead of like chantellepaige.org/1 or something) but it seemed to be just fine on google, and now its gone! any help on how to get it backup? Notice from truefusion: Moved from Hosted Members Area
  22. i honestly do not think they will, i mean after someone downloads the video, there is no need to go back & play it over & over again right? which means: less money from the avertisement for youtube.. & many people will be mad, if they download it for free, since most stuff is copyrighted, & people just upload it.. [try looking up, how the company that runs mtv & nickelodion are suing youtube for allowing users to upload shows] the people who make the videos will loose money.. since theres no point of buying a video off ITUNES when you can download it right?im just glad youtube is increasing the video quality, so most videos dont look like crap anymore ^_^GO YOUTUBE BBY!
  23. well i used to be a supergamer.. before when there was final fantasy x & the ps3 hadnt comed out, and i couldnt afford it ;P haha, and i was skinny.. like normalish.. [but then again i was in dance, walked home did stuff you know] haha so yea ^_^you can defenetely be a healthy gamer
  24. well. most males start smoking to be "'cool" [honestly most females find smoking disgusting & will not try it, unless preasured to] & from then, they continue doing it to be cool, until the nicotine & addictive stuff in cigarretes gets their body addicted to the feel good sensation you get when you smoke.. & from there they'll become anxious.. continue smoking.. looose their wife, girlfriend, family, car, friends, teeth, & like 5inches of skin off their necks (: haha did i go to far? lol
  25. haha im addicted too (: ill get little anxiety things that tell me.. GO TURN ON THE COMPUTER! CHECK YOUR MYSPACE! [computer speaking to me}: I WANT YOU! haha but after i log in & do whatever i have to do [in 22 minutes] i will feel so much better ^_^haha im weird like that.. if i dont log in, ill have anxiety.. of like my site being hacked & deleted or something
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