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Everything posted by gisellebebegirl

  1. i am worried about death, ive feared about it since little. im not really religious so my fear doesnt come fromoh im i going to be sent to heaven or hell, it doesnt come from the fear of hurting the people around me by dying etherim just scared that im going to die, and thats going to be the end, just nothing, a blackout. bam... not a dream justlike when you take the batteries off a toy, the toy doesnt like go to heaven, or lala land, and live happily ever aftereverything just ends..
  2. lalalla.. well for me i just change the css [oh sr mike dood (: i used the word css (:] the stylesheet should say somewhere font: or something, and i change the name to the font i want and BAM its there.. i dont know if everyone is able to see them, or if its just me [i use fonts that i downloaded and installed on my computer] (: haha dont listen to me, it might not work ahaha.. it works for my website & myspace though! hehe
  3. eh i dont know where to start.. but at times i get really weak, and my head just feels light, and i start seeing black, and feel like im going to pass out.. but hold my breath & dont... i wonder is this normal? well my medical records, are pretty much clean i think; expcept for when i was about 11, and was diagnosed with the TB virus.. [just the virus just not disease] and i had to take medicine & vitamins for it, for like 2 years. and well ive fainted many times before; when i get shots, when im in a hospital and see blood, or think of death, when i get in car accidents, everything pretty much.. but when i do faint i get a different feeling, i get a "im weak what im i doing here, get me out of here, feeling, like im anxious for whatever to do to end, and the BAM i wake up to a million people standing besides me, asking me if im ok, or asking me, why i didnt tell them i wasnt feeling well.so yea. any ideas? i dont want to freak out my mom or anything, by telling her about my little blackouts. she has no clue about them
  4. i dont know whats wrong with me now. all of the sudden im anxious, i want to see him, i need him.. i feel lightheaded.. empty because of him. its getting to me, that theres no way for me to talk to him now.. [he is grounded and has no cell phone or internet because of that] i miss his touch, his hugs.. his smile, everything about him.. and the tought of not being able to at least hear his voice, is depressing; i know i will probably regret writing this by tomorrow, but i just had to let out how i really feel about him. truth is i need to start opening up, telling people how i really feel, enstead of keeping it all inside, and just making up some silly joke, to forget about what is bothering me.. i dont want to loose him. i dont want him to think that i dont care, i do. i wouldnt bother even talking to him, if i did not.
  5. well.. at least you have some html files, my whole site is php, and i have a myspace to go with it and keep people updated with like 7000 people.. so i just decided to go offline.. after a gazillion people asking me why the site is down (: from what i heard this doesnt happen very often.. but yea, just deal with it.. count some pebbles, get a hobbie on the meantime (: also. spam Xisto checkers// i dont think our credits should be taken away when our sites are down just a suggestion (: haha ;-) is a very scary face
  6. I have had glasses since i was in middle school. I only needed them for school really but i hardly ever wore them because i didnt like the way they looked on me. i only wore them when necessary. then i broke them to get new ones, nicer ones! but i got the same ones. then i broke those too and i went glasses-less for like until now lol my friend has the same vision as me and she said she was getting contacts so she gave me hers since my parents wont get me new ones :/ anywho, i totally use them for when im in school and cant see things on the board. i also use them when someone takes me out to drive, because im gangster and need practice. Makes things a WHOLE lot better. (: also when i watch t.v. from far away cuz...i dont wanna miss out on the good stuff(:
  7. not sure if this is how you do it but like YA! anywho he didnt tell me over messenger that he was gonna miss me even more. he told me when we were hugging! WHEN WE WERE HUGGING! HE TOLD ME! but he did tell me he liked me over messenger and i said i did too and now im just kinda upset cuz his ex is moving back. I totally dont want her hugging up on him, cuz she still wants to get back together with him, and he lives an hour away from me. I highly doubt that he wants her cuz from what giselle told me, ya anywho its her i dont trust. she made my life hell so i dont want her touchin him. not to be mean or anything but still. (:
  8. hi hi hi! welcome to Xisto! XD are you a guy? say si! si si! XD haha how old are you??? where do you live.. what are your interests.. what kind of website are you running? do you have a myspace? do you like to take long walks on the beach? lmfao XD ah gad. sorry. im just excited (: well anywho. i started my website for the same reasons.. XD i wanted to buy new headphones haha. but NOOO! google.. is evil. evil. evil! hahah XD yea. well nice to meet you. crap i didnt introduce myself. im giselle (: i run two websites, have-heart.net [its an everythiing myspace site, sorta like whateverlife. thats my plan too (:] and chantellepaige.org a chantelle paige website [shes an up in coming singer from the bay area, whos been recording with akon ;p] and yea.. im 16 going on 17. live in california XD and thats it! woah baby google meh ahha
  9. omgad i love spongebob! havent seen that show in ages though, but i was like in super love with it. Patrick was so stupid, i loved him XD and i agree with someone who posted about squidward being a prick. Anywho, i have like...two little spongebob dolls and they're super cute and awesome! Anyone who hates that show should like go milk a cow spud!
  10. try carrying a mirror and reaplying your makeup after some hours (: i love eyeshadow too i like bam.. mix 8977 colors together.. but can never get the eyeliner on right.. can you? haha you know what i also love..? curling my eyelashes and putting some really good macara on.. your eyes look i dont know. intense hehe
  11. haha your graduation like being stalked? haha i went through that.. mmm how many years ago.. 5? i dont know im a junior right now. so im guessing its 5. but graduation is amazing (: you get your little diploma.. get to see all those girls in the high heels trip [specialy if its outside in the football field like in our school] my graduation was hilarious.. girls where wearing long dresses the ends were getting stuck to their high heels, and the high heels ends, where being stuck on the grass.. and they ended up tripping XD good times.. haha your a guy so you shouldnt really worry as much.. just look cool you know? hahah XDyou will have fun.. probably.. if you have friends.. i mean if not.. your gonna feel akward when no one claps for you.. when they call your name.. [me and my friends go to the 6th & 8th grade graduations every year, and ckap for the people who dont get claped.. its sad] haha XD good luck in middle school.. those are going to be the best years of your life hehe.. because once you hit freshman year.. oh boy.. hehe, unless your tall girls are gonan make fun of you! [we do] haha (: we go around telling little freshman they will be hitting puverty next year hehe.... another thing NEVER hit on an older girl. they are most likely have a boyfriend whos a year older than them, and will have friends, who will harrass you hehe:lol: eh i shouldnt be saying all of this im probably scaring you!
  12. Trapper of the Year-sir MIKE DOOD! (:Most Helpful Member-buffalohelp stmikedoodMost Improve Member of the Year-meh & daniela XDgraphics ability, providing resources for other members, and general graphics support to others that are starting out.7Gears Gamer of the Year-oh me XDComedian of the Year-meehShoutboxer of the Year-mmmh st mike dood im on everyday and hes always posting something, and i mean ALWAYS 6am in the morning while im doing my hair, or 11pm Lives at Xisto-st mike dood XD [oh wow]
  13. wow so many replies. well i tried googling this, and in most cases, they referrred to the bibble, and how numbers appering over and over again, might be a sign that mmm the chick who is going to have jesus is alive.. and i read somewhere else that she will be a virgo.. most virgos, are from the 09th month which is september.. idk. i also read something about that movie 23, and how people might be paranoid because of it.. well, i have never watched the movie in my life, or heard of it XD haha i should though// everyone keeps bringing it up! haha but yeai dont know.. but yersterday when i wrote the topic, i was freaking out.. haha.. weird things always happen to me, i get feelings, which usually come true.. horoscopes, never lie to me, its weird// [my friends are jealous of this, haha] and i can somehow feel a persons energy.. [you cant really sneak behind me without me sensing it, or knowing something is coming] its strange i guess; i can also read people very easily..
  14. well ive seen it in times, room numbers, adresses zipcodes, math class aahhaima try to lottery :lol:if i never log in againi became rich and switched to compuhostXD
  15. i didnt know where to post it.. move it if its in the wrong place (: but here it goes.. i keep seeing the same numbers everywhere 918 at first i was just kinda like OH COOL, but now its kinda freaking me out, as im reminising about all the times ive seen itfact: my birthday is 09 - 18 & idk i keep seeing it everywhere.. is it a sign of some kind? idk.. its just weird. everytime i decided to look at the clock, its as if the time freezes at 9:18 and i just find it weird// any ideas why this is happening?
  16. ok.. hopefully everyone here knows, who the hill billy wannabe hannah montana is.. miley cyrus, or destiny hope cyrus, watever.. shes this one chick from disney channel.. who annoys the hell outa me.. i mean come on, shes brain washing youth! her show ispatheticly stupid.. omgad.. yes, we can all pull this off, buy a BLONDE WIG and BAM! ur hannah montana. and no one will be able to tell who you are!!!! what? you dress the same way? and have the same fface? non sence! your hannah montana.. omgad pathetic!~ AHHH hold on i have to go turn off my sisters tv.. guess whos singing? lil mmisss show off.. ewwww anywho/ britney spears/ ahh.. has anyone watched her pieces of me music video? i was amazed when i watched it, i was like OH WOW! the britney spears i know and adore is finally back!!!! [the video is amazinG! go watch it now!] but as i googled to read of some surpriced reactions from fans, i found out as i kept on reading, that thats not britney spears on the video.. sure her face is there, but she has 3-4 body doubles, and a crew who photoshoped her face into those bodies.. now if thats not pathetic i dont know what is, honestly... also.. her break the ice video? did anyone watch that? the song is amazing, i give my props for it [i was listening to it for like 2 hours, as saint michael helped me, set up this script on my site.. you rock! hehe, spam,!] anywho the video for it.. its some lame anime.. anime?? brin=tney spears and anime? at first i tought it was a joke but then i turned my tv on to mtv, and trl was playing [they were having a match off beetween britney spears lame anime video, and mmm lil waynes video? idk] i was chocked! she won the trl thingie too.. omg im just Mafd dnjskjhujdfhd
  17. ok.. i downloaded php ask it or whatever.. but on the instructions, it says"--------FOR NEW INSTALLATIONS OF PHPAskIt--------Before you upload the files to your server, take care to complete the following steps.1. Create a MySQL database and user for this script. You can of course use an existing one, provided you do not already have a script (this one or another) with the same table name."how do you do that o.o cant i just upload everything into the file manager XDhaha. well i pretty much got it all worked out now, thanks to saintmichael (: he did some remote asistance thing, that at first possesed by computer to a point where it collapsed.. but after i closed down my sony vegas, photoshop, limewire, myspace, aim, and all the other crap. we got it to work yay (:now does anyone wanna help me pay the bill?hes not cheap o.o
  18. well.. me and my friend were going through some pretty cute sites, and came along this site that had a pretty cool ASK&ANSWER script [by wak or something like that] we tried to go to the website, and bam, we just get ads, so its obvious its down.. and as we were looking for a link to download. we found one, but bam, it was imcomplete.. sadly. and so we went on googling & found out waks answer&ask scrip is nothing more like a virus. sorta like cutenews, [with the search feature] anyone can hack your whole directory, just because of the chrmoded settings.. (no wonder, the site is down >>) but yea we were wondering, if there was a SAFE well known, ask&answer script similar to wak's, if there is could you include the mmm. link to download [official site, if you can!] hahha thanks! the xcript looks like this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. CP is a hot new singer, whos going to hit it big, with her new "band" flipsydemake sure to check her out!Chantellepaige.org
  20. haha i didnt know it took that long to load.. [its probably because of some videos i had, i removed them.. since the website didnt pass the daniela test/.. she has really slow dial up internet, and if it loads within a minute for her, we are cool (:] haha is the pic really that big? i dont know, i like using PNG format, because when i make it jpeg or whatever, the quality looks cheap, almost as if i did it in some crap program, like paint... [i like to show off hehe] but yea.. mmm artwork? i have a lot of brushes/.. trust me a LOT over 100mb of them.. i dont know, simple has never worked for me, when i do, i feel like it looks crappy.. (: also, days? haha, if i spent days making something, i would shot myself, from all the times i redid it haha.. the website itself [new look, took me an hour, which explains the crapyness (:] haha yup, 100,000 hits, since i moved it to have-heart.net ... (:
  21. well umm.. i didnt know where to post this.. so i need affiliates for Chantellepaige.orgi moved the site again, and i need to get it back up in google [old url is top 1, when googling chantelle paige fansite]mmm (: i only ask that your site, appeals to a young audience.. idk 11-21? other fansites are cuteand stuff.. no porn sites.. (: just tell me if you want to trade, top, elite, or regularkks<3 ill reply as soon as posible!
  22. haha i finally got the time to make one.. ok so i have it installed.. & everything.. but im trying to change the theme.. right now im looking at : CONFI: themes settings: have everything i wanted.. but i want to have an image at the top of the gallery. like have it be the first thing people see.. i know its posible ive seen people have it [ & i love my big huge pictures in my websites (:] Path to custom header include: does anyone know what i would have to put there? do i put the image url there? the code or what? this is the image i want to put it: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or does it work like php? and with that, they mean, include the HEADER.PHP code you want? if so... wat would be the code??? NEVERMIND! problem solved http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ hawt (:
  23. errors? haha most of them, are from me, [my ip adress] i write out the wrong diretctories on test pages and keep getting error, when nothing shows up, or is found.. haha.. but i like the big headers.. saint michael is just jealous no one has made a fansite for him haha (: and the text. i had a problem with it, i forgot to close to itilixe thingie.. haha (: other than that, im changing some of the colors, so theyll pop.. [ i just kept the colors the original stylesheet had (:]
  24. Ok.. so. after almost trowing up on how disgusting my site used to look. i tried something different.. please visit here. Its a flipsyde & chantelle paige fansite.. doubt you know who they are.. but still i need opinions & advice on the way the site looks XD
  25. haha ive gotten a lot of thosei dont see why we need candy.. when theres a thing as sweet as youMy love for you is like the Energizer bunny, it keeps going and going.If you were a new hamburger at McDonald's, you would be McGorgeous. [hilarious lol]Is your name Summer? 'Cause you are as hot as hell babyyI have never had a dream come true until the day that I met you.Hey I just realized this, but you look alot like my next girlfriend.I don't normally date models, but ok, here's my number..hey you, face of an angel girl, hows heaven eh?Global warming? You're the cause.gayyyyy
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