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Everything posted by gisellebebegirl

  1. Thats really cool, that you care about what we think, and might incorporate it into your teacher!! thumbs up(: wellme myself, the classes that i enjoy the most, are the ones where the teacher is just extremely cool, but its not like they dont leave you homework or make the class seem like lunch, the teachers that are like, are just really down to earth people, who are always cracking jokes, or laughing about themselves you know??like my english teacher, she was amazing!!! i might not like english and find it boring. but that teacher, she just knew how to make us feel good, and wanna come to class and learn!!! she would always tell us stories about what she did when she was our age, [and it wasnt like she told us, i studied 24/7 to try to become president or something, she told us all the cool things she did, and the trouble she got into etc], and since she has kids our age, shes always talking about them, and saying how they want cool clothes like us etc.. haha..one thing i reccommend you do is, not lecture for the whole class, that is so.. omgad boring, my pre-calculus teacher does that for 2 hours, and well honestly, everyone is ether daydreaming or sleeping after the first 45 minutes, so dont do that, and if you must lecture for a long time, average it out, with some freetime, or even teamwork/ put everyone in groups, that seems to work in most classes!well goodluck!!
  2. I feel you here, my brotha, haha my parents arent as extreme as yours, but they have their little perks you know, like the whole racist thing... we live on a sorta all white & hispanic community by the beach, so they are kinda used to seeing the same kind of people you know, and the minute they see someone who doesnt match that mold, they get all, eww, trying to make racist jokes about them, or point out that they are different/make fun of what they are wearing etc, which i find annoying, i see no reason why you have to point people out that arent nessecary like you, you know??haha same about the people i hang out with, they usually make fun of whoever im going with, or asume its a date, im gonna get raped get an std and die, which is annoying.. and well i dont like bringing over, its akward and annoying, because all they do is stare and try to talk to my friends, and im just kinda like.. mom, dad dont do that!!!lalala.. parents are too old school sometimes. (:
  3. Well like adsence, i doubt you earn much unless you intensevely huge plays and clicks on the ads, and like adsence im sure they will cancel your adsence account out of nowhere, and possibly delete your youtube.. haha not willing to loose my 380 subcribers and 700 friends haha, and besides, if you really want to get paid, the content has to be 100% original, not copyrighted or whatever.. and making stuff like that, thats actuly GOOD, and people watch is really hard...alike youtube with adsence, theres this video site that pay you for plays and stuff.. i forget what its called though, you might want to look into that
  4. anyone know when subdomains will be fixed?? my main site is online [which i dont really care about really] but my subdomain chantellepaige.org is offline ahhh.. somoene is loosing google ranks here haha.. alsono cpanel yet.. lalala hope im not the only one, who cant access cpanel.. or im screwed
  5. well since you say, that you dont really have much of a face to face relationship, i say you advice him, to go somehwere together, hang out, and see if there really is an attraction, because you never know, he could have been telling the same things he told YOU, to other people online, just take a chance.. you never know, like you said you might end up together.. so yea just talk to him and arrange you two to meet somehwere and hang out.. GOOD LUCK!!
  6. omg i bought the game the minute it came out for the xbox 360, i must say.. its REALLY good, ive played the previous versions:Grand Theft Auto IIIGrand Theft Auto Vice City&Grand Theft Auto San Andreasand this one its really good, they fixed almost everything they did wrong on the previous versions.. the graphics are amazing too.. and now you carry a little cellphone to call people [the whole missions/your advance on the game depends on it, which i find really cool] and you can play multiplayer on XBOX Live, i cant say much about it tthough, since i dont have XBOX live.. ya! haha what else.. at the beggining i find running/hitting people annoying.. because your weak blah blah, but just get past that and you will love the game!!i really like how, in the map they tell you, where the cops are [so you wont get busted] and they have a red circle hovering the danger zone, aka the area where you should get away from if you want the little wanted stars removed..mmh what else.. the music!! they have some really updates stuff, such as daddy yankees song with fergie.. i forget what its called, but yea, the game is amazing.. go buy it, or steal it
  7. i like .tk and had it for a while, in my opnion its really good, google indexes it wel, and everything, the only down side is their ad at the top, and that some sites with paid domains, wont really take you seriously, because you have a free domain [when applying for affiliate and link exchanges] but yea, it does work.. (:
  8. i dont like it, just by looking at the commercials.. its just one of those.. OUT THERE, cheap comedy movies.. even the tittle, and the sloppy seconds of the commercials annoy me.. sorry(: now that one movie with angelina, and the curving bullets..that i GOTTA watch
  9. okay.. so im soo moving again.. dont even ask me, if im moving outa state, outa the country or anything big, cuz im not, im literaly moving a freeway exit away from where we live right now.. i know pathetic?? haha... but let me tell you moving.. a freeway exit can change everything.. specially if its your damn senior year in high schooll.. and you are going to have to be a loaner in your new high school ehh, i hate it.. ima miss my boy.. and this ther boy.. and maybe posibly my website.. lalalala.. i broke my monitor.. so i cant really use it, plus it takes a while for internet to be installed.. which means.. ima be offline for a while.. and unable to post here.. so bye bye high ranks in google [about my monitor, it like works for 4 seconmds then goes black.. its still on obviously just the image is lost.. anyhelp.. sir mike if yyour on??}anywho.. back to reasons why i hate moving..numero une, would have to be the people you loose when you move.. not be antisocial or anything here, but i hate making new friends.. just the tought that i hve to be nice to someone who doesnt even care about me, cuz i have no other thing to do, annoys me.. specially it being my senior year.. like i just wanna sit back.. relax, be mean to some people, and make use of my popularity.. for gads sake.. lalalala..i dont wanna learn 7977567 names.. and offend the whole town because i cant remmeber 89786 names in one day.. gad..another thing i hate about moving.. is packing up, and moving everything.. its such a drag.. trust me.. [if you have never moved before] im getting so used to moving, i arrange my room the way i would pack it all up.. if we were to movoe again.. whih is seriously pathetic..anothe thing i hate about moving.. specaking about high school again.. is that one one knows anything about you.. i feel like i started life again, and im a nobody.. ahh some people like this, vut i dont.. it just depresses me, when people arelike.. omg you changed so much for last year.. or, oh remmeber when we did this last year>??? it was awesome.. an im just kinda like.. uh, i have no clue what your talking about, and i feel so left out :Danotherthing i hate about moving.. are neighbors.. omgad they can be.. such.. ugh bodypart lol.. im serious.. some neighbors will just look at you, like your some kind of weirdo, cuz your moving in.. and will dislike you, until you move out, for blocking the street with your uhoul truck.. gad..well i think im done.. for now.. ahha, does anyone else hate moving as much as i do here??VTW.. HAPPY BDAY Xisto!!
  10. oh my gad! i hate smocking too~ it is so not an option, for me, i dont wanna smooke, do marigana, anything that is smocked.. hooka etc, i find it to be such a waste of life, i mean sure, you get a little relief and satisfation from smocking, and when that might be good.. you still get about 78 pounds of crap.. i mean lets go down the list, shall we?first of all if, your a guy, and think your so hot, and hood, because you smoke, think again, its a MAYOR turn off when a guy smockes, its disgusting, its addicting, and you can only think bad things about, a person who smokes, you know???.. and the by the way.. buy a mirror, your teeth look disgusting if you smoke [after a while ofcourse] and lets not forget about that smell, that makes people choke, and and smells bad.. ok.. and not only that, it can kill you if you smell it.. [and you age faster, so your pretty much sick, disgusting looking, smell, and wrinkeled up after smocking.. great way to live a wonderfull life huh!]ok thing number two.. lets go to the killing part.. you can get lung cancer from smocking.. you can get all screwed up if you smoke.. so yea thats it. i hate smocking, and i find it extremely rude, like you say, if someone walks into a restaurant and ignores the no smocking signs.. even if they see a family sitting next to them.. like i dont wanan be rude and get up and point at the sign or tell on them.. but still... eww
  11. Ok so theres this BIG SITUATION HERE.. yersterday ish/the day before that, 3 guys asked me out, i guess you can say i saw it coming, but just not all 3 within the same period of time you know, what im saying? haha so i guess i should describe the guys.. and the big dilemma, at the end.. ok so here are the guys: Guy Numero Uno: Hes a senior.. so he graduated already.. i meet him in one of my classes, and somehow found his myspace, then we started talking.. and well yea, he seems like a really sweet guy, but all we end up talking about is, getting drunk, me going to his house, and most resently he was like, i really want to see you, and i like you, do you want to meet up somewhere and just kiss? like i dont want anything else, get you laid etc, i just want to kiss you.. and stuff like that, but like i said he seems like the sweetest guys because of the little things he says, now & then.. my theory with him, is that hes just shy, and thinks that you know, acting all tough and playerish blah blah blah, is going to impress me.. ok enough lets go to the next guy Guy Numero Dos: Hes my age, really sweet.. i meet him over at my old high school, and i kinda fell for him.. in love sorta, everything about us together, was so surreal.. like in those movies, where stuff just HAPPENS! lol.. but yea, when i was around in my old city, he just didnt have the courage to go all the way.. and ask me out, because he knew i was moving, and just didnt want to start something, that he knew was going to end in 2 weeks or so. or go into a long-distance relationship thing.. but yea we live about a 30 minute drive from eachother... and he makes me laugh so hard, hes the most adorable guy ever.. i have just kinda given up on him though. because of the distance, like i always tought, you know, i was going to move back to my old town, and live happily ever after with him.. but now its just kinda like, im not expecting much, and probably wont be as upset, as i was back then, if nothing happens, you know?? but yea, 2 days ago, he was just kinda like.. ok i miss, you, i like you, i cant see you with anybody else, do you wanna be my girlfriend? [this happened over myspace] and i was just kinda like.. mmh i dont like replying to this kind of stuff over the internet, so how about we meet somewhere and you can ask me then?// he was like ok.. ill meet you at the mall, and i can take you to the movies, etc.. and we ended the conversation on me saying.. i just wanna hug you know, i miss you soo much, and him saying.. well i just wish you were right here.. i just wanna kiss you.. ok on to the next guy.. Guy Numero Tres: I meet him in middle school, like 5 years ago or something? haha im a junior going on senior so yea.. the thing about him is though, that like when we were in middle school, he always seemed to be dating one of my bestfriends, one way or another, but we never got to know eachother you know? it was just one of those.. hey.. your my friends boyfriend.. hey your my girlfriends freidn.. ahah. lol but yea, i ended up hating him a little because of that, in middle school,. like i always tought he was playing everyone.. and the tought that he wasnt playing me upsetted me, haha, okay.. i had a crush on him, in middle school. there i admitted it! haha.. okay.. fastforward.. to where we left on guy numero 2.. i moved right?? well i moved back to my other town, where i live now.. [i moved back in septemberish last year] and surplice surprise.. he was in my 6th period class.. haha, at first i was completely obvlious, but he recognized me, he was like.. OHH THATS YOU! HEY! FROM MIDDLE SCHOOL?? I totally have a picture of you, from back then!!! [here i was thinking in my head, oh boy.. its this guy i hate.. why does he have a picture from me, in middle school. i was hideous..] haha, well we kinda got to know eachother,, hes sorta of a punk, and i have my little rockglab rebel side... so we are kinda compatible haha!!! then time passed, we didnt get to see eachother as much, and he had a girlfriend, so it was kinda akward, since his girlfriend, for some reason, always tought he liked me, or i liked him, or i was sleeping with him or something, i dont know, she was a stupid freshman.. fast forward.. haha, he dumped her, and they are not going out anymore.. and all of the sudden, like 2 weeks ago, he was like, your hot, ima start hitting on you.. and we have been sorta flirting on and off... but this last 2 weeks, have been intense.. and yea.. you know it.. he asked me out two days ago.. lala Guy Numero 4!: Nothing crusial like the guys above.. i dont really think he likes, me honestly.. [hint hint] he didnt ask me out.. BUT I LIKE HIM! hes so adorable, and my type, and we have3 fun together, and he makes me smuile.. and ahh! LOL but yea, i think he likes this girl.. shes so not.. AH SHES A STICK, and i mean A STICK, like i dotn see how he would find her attractive but whatever,,. they are always super close.. so yea, what should i do to this situation?? should i say yes, to guys 1-3 or deny them all, and just try to get guy numero 4?? what do YOU think? haha one more thing.. guy numero 1, is a jock, numero 2, is a gangster/cholo kinda guy.. guy numero 3 is in a band.. guy numero is a skater..
  12. Thats really sad/messed up! im sorrryyyy well my last one, was bad.. well the eneding washeres what happened..there was this guy, he was cute, on the football team, blah blah blah, and well we had friends in common, just had never meet or been introduced, until one day, he found me in one of my friends top friends over at myspace, and was like oh shes cute and added me; at the point, i was just kinda like, oh boy another looser added me (i didnt know who he was), then we started talking (me still thinking he was a looser, so i was kinda playing him.. and i told my friends i was) then after talking to eachother a lot over myspace (i was really bored, and this was like 2 months of talking, and seeing eachother at high school. but not talking or anything) we decided to meet eachother.. and i really want to, i tought he was the sweetest/funniest guy ever! [specially when he told me, he would always see me, staring his way, my eyes on him, but looking at something behind him, almost as if he was invisible]ok well, we meet, and i was really shy and freaked out, so when i saw him, i walked the opposite way, and he ran behind me, to catch up.. and was like heeeeeeeeeey, and well it all went from there, i guess.. now time for the heartbreakhe was on the football team. i was on summer school/had my friends etc, so we were both really busy, and had no time for eachother, so we grew apart, and one day, i signed on my messenger, and he was on, and he was like hey, and i was like, are im busy, or something, i was half awake, and had typos, but really meant to say.. your not busy?? and he took it completely the wrong way, which hurt him.. and he just went to his exgirlfriend, who was like, OMG GISELLE IS A B** dont talk to her.. blah blah, and she told him, about how i was "playing him" which i was on the beggining, but not anymore.. and as usual, he didnt let me explain myself, so that was the end of us.. and we havent talked ever sinceconfession: i miss him
  13. Well, i dont think you are gay, you are just comfused and like experiencing new things i guess. my theory is that all guys, NO MATTER how macho cool they act do too! so just dont worry, i mean you are attracted to girls, that means your ether straight or bisexual..now ask yourself this question.. forget about the sexxx, and think, would you really see yourself marrying a guy? holding hands on the beach? hugging a guy.. kissing a guy.. calling him your babycakes??? okayyif the answer is yes, your bisexual(:glad to help mauahaha
  14. uhmm ill laugh for 25 seconds to be nice.. HAHAHAHAHHAHA ok enough.. its tape? how is that funny? lol he stole tape? the school gives the teachers tape for free... so its technicly not stealing..even though your friend is an idiot.. i HAVE done that before but me, being a girl, just smile and say.. sorry??
  15. Gas is super expensive... haha mines on september 18 ;P might not be two months or whatever i said, im a slow one who cant add! but yea... i think i might be on a better train than you... my parents are buying me an "09 car when i learn how to drive [which will be.. HAHA never, yea right giselle driving] haha..and all of the sudden the "war for oil" makes sence and i completely support it haha....ill ride my bike until the prices go back to a dollard or two dollards haha..do you have myspace.. & are you hot? ;p
  16. Oh gad im feeling you! i turn 17 in two months too! and my parents are begging me to drive, saying that they will buy me a car, but okay first of all i find it to be a waste of money, with the gas prices being so high, i mean, im not paying for the gas, gimme money for gas, and ill take the bus to the nearest mall! ahhaa and secondly im scared to drive, what if i bump into a pole or kill an old lady while driving or something.. haha(:you should just get a car because your a guy in school.. gotta be PIMPING you know.. get some females.. if you know what i mean haha! just dont use it as much, unless you want to work for gas.
  17. Thats good information, but me being young, i find it hilarious - some parts of the article.. haha in my opinion i would just kick them, run bite them or something, trip them even.. haha woah.. and admin... getting quote tags from a moderator.. how degrading> ehhh
  18. well, the united states in no condition to go to another war, its already kinda in debt, and experiencing another depression, because everyone is freaking out about gas prices and house prices, you know? but then again China.. i see some wrong stuff with communism but have always heard in school, communism is bad, BLAH started war, this and that, so thats why i brought it up.. what worrys me is that, well a Communist Country has no freedom, pretty much, they cant rebel, experience anything that might cause a rebellion, any liberal toughts are blocked, and they arent allowed to own stuff, you know? since according to communism the goverment owns everything and splits it equally within their population, which is SO not true, they are poor in China.. Good thing you brought Africa up, ive always wondered why the communists didnt conquer Africa and claimed it Soviet land or something, since everyone is poor in africa [mainly] and i guess they would agree in a heart beat to unite with another country, who would promice to help them or something, or split up their wealth with them [communism]
  19. Okay, so me and my friend katelyn, were browsing and i found my myspace page indexed in google, but as MYSPACE CHINA right.. sooo i tried to log in to myspace China because it looked really asian and cute, and it wouldnt let me log in.. then katelyn told me, that her teacher used to live in China and she told them that in China they have their own internet network and cant access anything from all over the wold, because their goverment [kinda like hitler, who burned all books, that might give inside to the people on how life outside their territory is] doesnt want them to get their hands into any liberal toughts readings or websites, or even speak to anyone outside the Communist land, because of the same reasons, and because they might linger "Goverment Secrets" or something.. so all sites are filtrered and blocked by the China Firewall, kinda like in school haha, which i think is a little extremeEven on myspace, which is a site linked world wide, you cant access your world wide account in China, you must have a myspace.cn account, & if you want to go to the world wide website in China you need a goverment password of some sort... odd...and on the myspace terms, it says something about not spreading anything too liberal/goverment secrets/hatred towards goverment or your myspace will be deleted [myspace china]... they even have filters that filter those outso heres my question.. is it really that bad in communist lands? and if it is, why the hell isnt the United states, doing anything? they are getting friggin brainwashed
  20. My homepage is myspace's home page so whenever i click HOMEit takes me to my myspace home page hahahhait comes in handy if your a teen lol
  21. haha i like your random toughts:P im scared about the world ending when i graduate haha, i feel like im gonna be old, & ugly, & miserable and poor haha, im such a positive person algebra.. please wait until you get to precalculus and polar cordinates.. and PIE, PIE IS THE DEVILS TOOL right there, so is trigonamitry and triangles, they might look cute now, but they are EVIL! guys.. are comfusing, sometimes smell, dont know what they want half the time, & are CONFUSING mmk(: ive stated my point haha white people, annoy me at times.. they are so negative MUAHHAAA
  22. well you seem to be kinda my age, so ill tell you what i would do:Pi say just have fun & try to get your mind off it, not nessesarily go and find some other guy, im sure that makes things a bit worse.. so have a girls night out, party whatch movies, stuff yourself with food, just have fun!and if you just want to be alone i say, just listen to some good music, relax, think about how good you are, enstead of trying to put yourself down and wonder, a million reasons why you broke up..you know what i mean? haha i hope you are ok..
  23. that is really cool, me myself have no problem whatsowhever with gay people, i mean its their life, they can do whatever they want, but yea im as straight as it gets.. like i will do stuff that might look "bisexual" but its just for fun or dares, im not gonna go and marry a girl hahaas for depression, i know TO WRITE LOVE ON HER ARMS is a great cause, it offers online help and what not, if you need someone to talk to you can always call a deppresion hotline or something, or just open up to your bestfriend, because i know most people, are depressed but are embarresed by it.. specially here in california, where half the people will think you are an emo weirdo if you are deppressed
  24. i like the gray on purple you have going on, im just not so hot about the font you used for RADIO its a bit too groovy for me haha, use a better font and it will look hotter
  25. well i sleep, on shorts& a tank top, but i have slept naked before, its fun hahha, idk a little akward sometimes, like when my couzin & his guy friends are banging on the door, telling me to wake up and open, or they just get the key and open the door haha
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