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Everything posted by gisellebebegirl

  1. ok so... im in cpanel making new pages for my website.. (ending the names in .html and saving them as an html document) but every now and then my pages, such as this one http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ will not work if you place the WWW. after the http:// only if you type in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is there anyway to fix that? without going in to all my pages and changing the navigation for each page?? ps.it happens both ways,, somethings i wont be able to acess certain pages if it begins with \ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. lmfao but thats no fun.. thats pretty much the point of standing outside your window.. to make you miserable =) haha! anyways and anywho... anyone reading this wonderfully awesomely beautiful post of mine.. same hing about the partner host.. is there anyway to change hosts but keep my Xisto url????????? not that i like.. its more like i need it so ya! answer me while you wait for your sites to be back up
  3. ok.. omg i was paniching here.. since my old host just deleted all my files.. and i was barely done transfering stuff!it better be fixed soon! eh im just happy its not a MY SITE GOT DELETED thing
  4. im i the only one that their site is not working? i have 14 credits.. so its not thatits just not respoding... cpanel wont load.. and i trried accessing the site through have-heart.trap17.comand have-heart.net and nothing AHH! i need help now! i think im going to die if i cant acces the site
  5. Ok so.. yea.. here it goes, after comfusing my co-host to death i decided to ask the wonderfull peple of Xisto! OK! soLets say i happen to buy a url for my site... what would happen?a.it redirects you to the site, the adress for each part of my website will always appear to be HAVE-HEART.COM no /somethingbut inside it really is have-heart.trap17.com/something.. its just redirectedORb.The site takes the identity of the new name.. aka.. the files witll me have-heart.com/jesusjuice.htmlplease answer.. before i start coding my site..btw, im buying the name from namecheap
  6. Oh of course Family Guy all the way!Family guy is like the most raddest show ever!!!Its better than the Simpsons in my opinion, i mean The Simpsons are okay but Family Guy just has that cruel humor in it.Most people are offended with that show because of some of the things that they refer to in racism and such, but you shouldnt take it personally.Family Guy<33[:
  7. Si! Feliz Navidad! Merry Christmas to you all and i hope you have a wonderful New Years!Hope you accomplish your end of the year goals and set up a new list for this coming year[:
  8. i see!@ your post is extremely helpful and defenetely answers all of my questions =). i wasnt aware of the fact that you can buy credits... lol when i found out of Xisto i was just desperate for a good host with no ads that was free, (should have read, but oh well) it better be true about them transferring everything or ill find out where you live and creep outside your window at night.. just kidding but yea.. i will defentely make sure this account never hits less than 5 credits.. i do already anyways.. since i do the designing i make my partner do some posting on the forums.. but yea she keeps things R rated. i love trap18 =) Notice from jlhaslip: minus 1 that would be Xisto
  9. Ok so im getting working on my site.. its a myspace layout site.. so you know its going to have OVER 200 pages.. (myspace layouts) and i was wondering, before i start to place them all in.. if i happened to transfer to the partner computer host, (just because im paranoid and im scared i will run out of credits) will trap 17/compu host, transfer all my files for me?will i be keeping the same tra17 url.. (i already purchased an url, but i dont want to go in if i transfer and change all the urls, since im guessing the url i bought is only a redirect-aka u can access your site through both the .com adreess and Xisto url)or// third question, i know im annoying but, is there anyway to stay with Xisto but pay so you do not have to post in the forums?Disclaimer: not that i do not enjoy posting on the forums.. me and my co-owner enjoy it very much.. but thne agian we are paranoid, the sites we build take weeks to put together, and do not want to wake up to a big old.. YOUR ACCOUNT WAS CANCELED hahaAlso fourth question.. if your account is canceled, is there anyway to get your site back? or when they cancel the account, do they just pull it offline? and you get it back when you get with the forum posting??sorry im new.. and i just, have many questions! Notice from jlhaslip: edit title
  10. I was wondering what were your toughts on the future of singers/artists with cd sales decreasing so much, due to downloads/internet, is there really a way to measure how much people like a persons music anymore? what are you supposed to do? do you go to limewire's offices, and demand for a ratio of the times each song was downloaded? it seems like there is no way to stop this, i mean think about it, how many of you actually own cds/boom box/cd player? no one huhits all about mp3s and ipods nowwill singers give up in the future? since there is no way for them to become big rich superstars anymore?what about record labels? are those out of the story too? no cds: no need for record labelswill youtube become the next big way to see how famous you are?myspace? should myspace be paying artists? i mean they are one of the reasons people have a myspace/visit itand the myspace owners, earn millions! when people visit myspace (avertisement adsence, im sure you are all familiar with those terms)are we back to the dream of the girl president? instead of the next britney spears flashing her underwear on the streets?/giselle
  11. well ive had many friends think about doing the same, thing and my suggestion to you is to talk to them, make sure that they are aware, that YOU are there for them, they are eather a.feel like life is not getting any better... ready to give up b.feel alone c.something happened that is bothering them d.someone is tormenting them e.etc etc just be there for them, show them how good life is/can be, make them laugh, do something, even scream at them if you have to tell them that: "Suicide is final once it's done, theres no changing your mind. You can always kill yourself later, why not wait? Even if you wait just one day, you may find a reason not to kill yourself in the meantime. Consider this if youre trying to escape from the pain you are in and seek relief, suicide is not the answer. You cannot feel relief, or anything else for that matter, if you are dead. You must stay alive in order to feel the relief you seek. By terminating your life right now, you terminate your future. Consider this we create our own future. You have the power to create whatever future you wish for yourself. But you need to be alive in order to have that future. f youre sensitive enough to be in so much pain that you no longer want to live, youre probably sensitive enough to care about, and want to help others. Maybe you dont feel like helping anyone else right now, but why not help yourself? And perhaps by not killing yourself and overcoming your difficulties you can later help someone else who is in a similar situation." and lastly, make them think about all the people who do believe them, and care, grandparents, parents, friends, little siblings and wat not, DEATH is not the answer! anyone reading this PLEASE HELP STOP SUICIDE PLEASE HELP STOP SUICIDE PLEASE HELP STOP SUICIDE PLEASE HELP STOP SUICIDE /giselle
  12. Interesting, i agree, you must be professional and what not, they are certainly not going to take you seriously if you are like "yo this site blows, i need my wifie jefree star" if you know what i mean haha =)
  13. Wow so many people replied to this post.Well i personally think Friday 13th is probably one of the best days in the year.I was born on a Friday the 13th.Actually i was born on St. Patrick's day till they decided to move that holiday to the 17th.Look at an old calender from the year 1992 and you'll see I'm not lieing.Many people think i lie because they believe St. Patrick's Day was always on the 17th.I was born at 3 in the morning and according to the movie "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" thats the hour of the devil or something like that.You see i always seem to have one of the best days every year on every Friday the 13th.So no, i don't believe Friday the 13th is a day of bad luck.
  14. I just take whatever painkillers i have lying around the house. But the ones I've taken are Motrin, Tylenol, & Advil.
  15. Okay, so I realized that I'm addicted to painkillers.I keep being told to stop taking painkillers unless i really need them.Every time i take more than 6 or 7, but the most I've ever gone is 10. i only took them for five days. Today makes it seven since i started again the night before today.I just want to know if anyone knows what those painkillers can do to your body because when i take them/stop taking them i get shots of pain in my stomach and they come and go and hurt so bad. I lost interest in a lot of the foods i use to eat, and sometimes i feel like throwing up when I'm eating something which usually only occurs when i eat breakfast. When i stopped taking the painkillers, i got horrible cravings and somewhat anxious. Anyone have any idea what is going on?
  16. well they do keep on reproducing but the person grows older and weaker for some reason, and diseases and what not weaken the system even more, i agree with you, on the "how in the world is that possible" you would have thought science would have comed up already with a way to live forever/stay young or a way to bring people back to live... somehow you know i hate death, so lets find a way!
  17. well i live in a beach in california, so i dont find it dificult getting tanned, the weather is horribly warm/hot & even if i didnt i would never tan, i mean first of all it smells, and its scary to use tanning beds.. (i mean) have you watched final destination 3? that killed it for me the scene where the 2 blonde chicks are in the tanning bed, and get stuck because of a piece of wood that fell, and just lay there getting hotter & hotter, until they eventuly die when they set in fire(horrible, couldnt sleep for days after that movie, i was paranoid) /giselle
  18. that is extremely weird =/ maybe the credits didnt get counted when your account was deleted or perhaps something in the post was against the rules? check your private messages maybe the answer is there.. i have a question though, if your account does get suspended is there any way to get it back? or are your websites gone forever??? if so.. im never going below 20 credits
  19. i think it might be the internet connection; since that seems to happen a lot with me, with just sites in general, such as myspace,youtube etc, just refresh the page, it will fix the problem i believe, unless they put the whole site offline
  20. i agree with all of the above, but honestly if people are going to write a 9 paragraph essay just to get hosting credits and are constantly repeating themselves it gets seriously annoying.. i mean i dont want to sit down and read for half an hour just to figure out what they are trying to pursue/answer with the post if all they are saying is "its horrible, its bad, it not good, its blah blah blah" not saying that one liners are the right thing to do, but yea, thats my opinion
  21. haha hey! i do that too!! except i curl the eyelashes then add mascara, and eyeliner =) its truly amazing what makeup can do!! mmm any help with fundation, as in any brands that wont clog your face??
  22. well an addiction is something you cant seem to stop doing whether it makes you happy when you do it or even if just thinking about obtaining from it makes you anxious i know im addicted to myspace/photoshop/youtube/guys =)
  23. that is truly sad.. if its true.. if not you do not have a heart because your playing with it as if it were a joke.. but anywho, yes just live life to the fullest now, dont worry about the mistakes you have made alreasdy live everyday as if it were your last.. even if it means hurting others, i mean it is your life /giselle
  24. mmm i found this on a site & use it very much =) hope this tips her you! Notice from rvalkass: You've got to use the QUOTE BBCode around anything you copy.
  25. i honestly have the same problem.. for the most part i use this brush that like spins O>o i do not remember what its called though, well what works for me, is putting tons & tons & tons & tons & tons & tons & tons & tons & tons & tons of hair products to make my hair stuff so it wont get frizzy =) but trying putting some hair oil made from herbs.. it will keep your hair shiny & healthy at all times.. hope it helps
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