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Everything posted by gisellebebegirl

  1. ohhh, i know what i would do.. i would probably call up, 3 of my exboyfriends, and my best guy friends and girl friends.. [after spending some time with my family saying goodbye or what not you know haha] and i would just hang out with them, enjoy my last hours, having fun goofing off, acting weird, talking about random things.. and flirting with the guys lots of flirting haha.. and making out.. and doing(: yea FUN stuff haha.. what else..i would probably eat something really good too.. and listen to my favorite music and say goodbye to everyone i love.. also.. fill people who, used to like me, but dont talk to me anymore, with guilt because im dying.. and i would probably apologize for bad things ive done to people.. or for the times i didnt apologize, and just let friendships go.. you knowi would also.. call up chantelle paige , I MEAN i need my private concert before i die.. you know? haha.. i would also.. give all my log ins to my website/myspace to katelyn or daniela.. to keep and keep running like i have.. (: you knowi want to be remmebered.. if i was going to die
  2. haha well.. i dont make programs but my average typing speed is like 80 wpm or whatever the letters are, i can go as high as like 120 though [in school we had this stupid program to supposedly improve ur typing skills, but i just used it as myspace time, since like yea i can type fast already haha ] and it doesnt help me really, i mean sometimes i dont think as fast as i type, or ill skip words when im typing because, im not even thinking about typing, im just moving my fingers, because i have where the keys are memorized hahah(:
  3. uhmm excuse you people, avril lavigne is AMAZINg!! ive loved her, since she came out with "complicated" and her cd let go.. that cd was more intimate and negative/beautiful if you ask me.. she does write her songs.. and her lyrics are amazing, i do have to say her new sound is a little eh. she has some good songs with her avril lavigne spark.. but i mean.. i bought her new cd the best damn thing..and well.. i dont like her songs "i can do better" and the best damn thing, they are too cheesy and girlie haha.. they are cute though, i find myself listening to them.. but yeadont hate on avril(:my favorite quote from her is.."when your all alone, in the lands of forever, lay under the milkyway On and on it's getting too late outI'm not in love this time, this night" haha anything from her song MY WOLD i love(:
  4. haha galloping giselle?? omgad.. haha i cant be giselle gore because i have the original giselle gore added on my myspace she goes to my high school, haha so i need an original name.. or she will hunt ME DOWN haha, my original things were gisellebebegirl and babygizliz at first but eh.. im growing up here (: i likesexiie lexxie if your name is lexy or however you spell it hahacath catastrophe (:brianna mmh idk im a slow thinker hahai like savannah suicide (:
  5. thats completely wrong of people to think that atheist people have no morals/low morals, being atheist has nothing to do with your morals, or how you act when it comes to manners, that has to do more with where you were raised, the people you grew up with, the people who raised you, and the way you choose to act, nothing to do whatsowhever with your religious beliefs.thats a stupid stereotype if you ask me, you cant really tell whos atheist, catholic, or christian etc [just to name some] based on the way they act or treat people..all atheism is, is not really believing in any god, or religion.. which... if you ask me.. i might turn into(:
  6. well if your awesome at photoshop and can design something thats attractive for the header/graphics and have some matching/colors that match for the contest/text etc. and its neat and organized, and high quality (: then yes your site would look amazing, and that makes people stay in it longer, browsing through your content...unless you have no content haha, a good site is a conbination of both presentation and content if you ask me.. (: they both make people come back for more/tell their friends about your site
  7. well google adsence obviously does not like me, it deletes my account every time, im inches away from getting paid so i was wondering if you guys knew of other adsence programs that worked.. i know yahoo, has an adsence called yahoo publisher, but they never reply to my applications ive sent.. ;)what are some good adsences, and do they work for you? also, what kind of ads do they display [pictures/links/videos] i really want to make some money off my websites(: to pay for hosting this summer haha!!!!and one more thing.. it would be awesome if they payed through paypal.. its much easier/faster... & i already know about bidvistiser.. and let me tell you it.. kinda sucks(:
  8. well, it happened to a friend a while ago, and we told her to go check if she was pregnant, and guess what? she was.. she was like two weeks pregnant. so i say check, just to make sure with a doctor, i dont want you freaking out for nothing, you know.. but yeadid you have sex? cuz i mean.. babys dont come outa nowhere haha
  9. oh my lanta tell me about it but on the bright side.. we arent forced to put stupid ads on our websites.. and well everyone is nice.. do what sir mike says and get a new account.. i was going to do that, but my stuff is too complicated to move..though i might transfer Chantellepaige.org to a free fansite host or sometyhing.. because im freaking out about bandwith now
  10. hey dude(: welcome to Xisto.. well im giselle.. idk about making money online though.. google always seems to cancel my googleadsences accounts .. your going to like it here, people are nice.. and well its free hosting with no ads.. so unless your find posting for hosting annoying, you will like it here haha!!!! dont listen to all those mad haters walking around saying they have problems with their sites(: it was a temporary thing that im sure will not happen again!welcome!
  11. well game consoles.. wouldnt make a big deal really, i mean its just addicting games, people would have had invented other things to keep themselves entertained.. but the handhelds are the big one, i asume you mean cellphones, pdas etc right? haha i cant see how life would be without a cellphone.. well actuly i can, lots of payphones, and people jamming them to use them..yea.. not a pretty picture
  12. eh its the same speed really.. i like the new look of your bookmarks that show underneath the navigation bar/look of the google search box next to it.. but thats about it.. the BACK & Forward thing is gay looking.. the X, Refresh and Home box are gay too, the navigation bar gives too much info about the websites youve visited... unwanted information if you ask me.and theres no little.. GO button at the end of the navigation bar, i liked that button.. and.. theres a newsfeed or whatever icon at the end of the navigation bar along with a gay star.. which is odd..so yea.. i like firefox.. but firefox 3, is a gay update of my love():
  13. i think what he means its like, a tiny layout.. ahah(: i would like make a table with a background, have it say click.. then hello.. then woah.. then little things like that(: have it be one of those.. u cant get out of sites
  14. eh its too messy and idk.. cheapish looking for me, and your div table is off to the bottom right, if you plan on keeping the blue layout box, you should increase its width, and increase the width of the black table, so the "weather map" doesnt look so out of place, also.. your navigation bar links/the fact that its on a scrowling box, looks kinda outa place and not neat.. you should make a header that has a place for your little box weather thing on the top left, so it looks more neat, then kinda center your navigation with your content side..also on the navigation links you should get rid of the gray, it doesnt look as attractive.. and on your header, i would suggest something more clean for the text, you know??also your background, i say you go with a solid color, because of the type of site you have, use a color that does well to the other colors.. purpleish and yellow, dont go with many colors..and.. the site kinda frroze on me.. lolnot being mean or anything i just have lets say.. uhmmm issues
  15. i dream in color, and from the outside, and from inside haha, its complicated but like, sometimes i dream, and see everything as if it were a movie or a tv show.. aka like i see myself, and everything that is happening, but its actuly me controlling what im doing etc, i know its kinda complicated.. but on those dreams, i kinda know im dreaming when im in the dream, so i start of think of stuff i want to happen in the dream and they kinda happen haha.. i love those dreams..the other deams i have are from within as if i were just living my everyday life.. and they are in color i guess it would be really weird to dream in black&white hahai shouild try it when i have one of those, movie dreams.. be like.. LIGHTS TURN GRAY haha
  16. oh my lanta.. i should have waited to have my password reseted i wasted 10 credits ;)any help on how to fix the my slq thing for the coppermine galleries?? Notice from BuffaloHELP: Sent database solution via PM.
  17. Okay.. so i was wondering if theres a way to give out subdomains names, without actuly hosting them on my cpanel/account such as cheese.have-heart.net or so, if i have my dsn things pointed to Xisto and they are installed on Xisto if not.. is there a way to give out subdomains to lets say a domain thats with namecheap, because i have have-heart.info i dont use it really, i had it pointing to have-heart.net but with the whole Xisto error thing, it unparked and im too lazy to park it again(: hope this is not too confusing..
  18. Omg.. ok so i think im tramatized, i logged into my msn, for no reason whatsowhever, and some random guy on my msn sends me an invitation to use webcam, i was like, oh gad how annoying, and i exed it out..im guessing msn doesnt believe on ESC, because as i dipped my cookie into the milk and stared into the screen, saw the guy holding his penis on his hand, and moving it on circles, i seriously wanted to TROW UP, i was like omgad, ESC, AHH EWW ALT+F4..why are guys like that? im not saying all guys are, but half the guys out there are like, all they want is sex, or some sort of sexual thing, and i find it so disgusting specialy when your not even going with them, its like, okay are you serious? i dont even know if you like me, and you want ME to meet you somewhere to make out/have sex...ladies.. what do you think haha
  19. Okay.. so i have my gallery set up at photos.chantellepaige.org and everytime i try to access it i get this error"Coppermine critical error:Unable to connect to database !MySQL said: Access denied for user 'giselle_copp1'@'localhost' (using password: YES)"how do i change the password etc?? or fix the problem??
  20. haha why doesnt anyone spam me..i wanna make some sexy female friends.. sike hahahthats funny though! has anyone gotten those, im trapped in an island, and have millions of dollards in a bank in korea, come help me emails?
  21. i guess if you want to take the religious way, its wrong too.. but yea, come on people suicide is not the way to go, if you need help, find help, there is help out there, no matter how messed up your life might be.. theres always someone out there whos willing to help you..and if you just cant live with that, theres always medicines that can somehow keep you positive..but yea, there are many associations out there illing to help.. like TO WRITE LOVE ON HER AMRS
  22. i think you should get the xbox 360... because.. here is why.. ok breath, first off prices, im not going to lie here, but the play station 3, is way better than all of the other ones, graphic wise, etc, and you can do more things on it.. but its way too expensive really.. and there isnt many games out there for the console because of that./.the wii, its cool, but i only recommend it, if your into kid games, because thats the only good things they have on there.. mario// if your a mario fan, get that, graphics wise the wii aint that weee lol... and yeaaaaa i play video games when im tired, not when i wanna get a one hour work out..so yea i say you get the xbox 360, i have it and i loveee it, xbox live is lovely! haha and you can have your ipod plugged in.. go on the internet etc
  23. what i do.. is chop up some onion, tomatoes, and [smaller amount] of a peper [green pepper].. and it tastes amazing.. and less greesy etc..but yea.. salt is common sence..ever heard of ketshup
  24. i didnt know where to post.. but hes HOT NEWS.. haha! has anyone watched the tv or listened to the radio lately? Akon is going all out with new artists signed to his "konvict music" label, what are your toughts on his "takeover" kinda hahai mean theres Colby Odonis, one of the first artists he released this year.. his song WHAT YOU GOT, is being OVERPLAYED on every radio station in the country.. hes literaly on every radio stations website and/or music websites, i have to admit hes cute & can sing/produce good musicthen theres Kardinal Offishall or however you spell it.. another good song.. DANGEROUS, i find that song a little bit catchier, and more danceable, even though hes not half as hot as Colby Odonis..another artist hes releasing and perhaps one of my favorites.. is LADY GAGA, that girl is on fire.. even PEREZ HILTON likes her, [he resently posted her video for JUST DANCE, on his massive blog, even though he cut out Colby Odonis/Akons part, i take it hes not a fan of them.. but i mean LADY GAGAS style is techno gone retrosexual.. you cant help but to love the girl..& Finally.. and most importanly Flipsyde.. now with Chantelle Paige in the band.. they are going to be the new BLACK EYED PEAS, in the music industry if you ask me, their sound is a blend of love, amazing beats, unbelievable lyrics, just everything you want and more.. im seriously anxious here, AKON, had his Konvict roadshow tour with all of the above artists and like 2 more.. scheduled for June/July but pushed it to august, i take it, hes going to make the little roadshow, an immense event
  25. eh eh eh, get over it, haha ive moved and transferred schools more than 3 times in high school, and even though you are all deppressed at first, you eventually meet new people, who are as equally good, or better than your friends.. dont worry about whats going to happen, lets say tomorrow, just live on the momment, and enjoy your friends while you still have them, you know!and besides.. since they are going to ALL go to college i asume, they will make their own lives, an forget about you(: sooo/... yea, thats life
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