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Everything posted by gisellebebegirl

  1. From all the messengers, hands down i think Yahoo is the worse, it has cool aspects, but i find it unreliable and mostly no one has it. GMAIL is amazing but not as many have itMSN would have to be the most used, you have your privacy plus you have the ability to costumize a bunch of the aspects and such.AIM is unreliable for me, just because anyone can talk to you, you can block someone, they can make a new id, and bam see if your online without having to accept the friend request at all. & lets face it i do not know anyone who actually makes use of the AIM email.Go with aim if your a myspace *BLEEP* or something
  2. mmmhh;; opera is defenetely fast, and gorgeous when browsing, but for me a FIREFOX fan & user for almost three years now, it just feels off, sure its gorgeous and amazing but you will have a hard time adapting to it.. most of my friends tried to and went back to firefox.and i surely gave up, almost an hour later of trying to change my homepage screen!!anyways, my favorite is firefox. seems to be the most comprehensive and less dream breaking when designing websites, thus it resembles a bit of every browser.internet explorer is disgusting. period. unless you lke to have 79767576 windows open in your desktopyuck(:
  3. Heyy i know people who are like that in class!!specially since i have different people in my classes and in some i have my buddys who i talk toand obviously cannot stop talking, and in others im dead alone.But i mean, i would say ignore thembe like WHY DO YOU CARE? its none of your business, i'll talk whenever i feel like it!
  4. dishnetwork doesnt not work at all;; if you want to get it, your better off hacking their system and not paying a dime =Xmuahahhaa. uhmm. didnt hear it from me though/another company is american online//we previously looked at our creditcard statement and turns out, they've been withddrawing the montly fee for the last 4 years, even though we canceled the service 4 years ago.and ofcourse they refuse to return the money
  5. i like the new design.. the other one had was disgusting.. even though this one is a premade :)AHEMM;; i like the stuff.. i love how you make yourself seem like the bigger person.people are attracked by that when it comes to hiring
  6. i think that is just embarrassing, even if its something as small as kissing, i tend to act normal, like its nothing, or pretend like im not paying attention, hahaha, because theres always the fear that they will pop theare you sexually active question? or the sex talk ahahhaetc
  7. I agree with the above posts, capturing a perfect picture is all about the angles & the lighting//you can have the same girl shot by two photographers and one of them will be better based on the angle.a stradegy i have, since there is no real way of previewing an image in full the momment you are taking the pictures, is that i explore all the different agles, and shot them just in case.real lighting is definitely a plus when taking pictures of people// and i mean outside lighting by this. you dont even have to be outside, something as simple as moving a picture to a nearby window can make the biggest difference in the world.**flashes for me are a big no. no.it limits your options// if you want a flash effect once the picture is taken, you can always go to photoshop and mess with the layers
  8. First off, they will only host fansites, or website design websites, if you already own a fansite with them. ++++ The hosting is amazing, you pretty much have an infinite amount of bandwith, as they increase your quota as your fansite increases, it is free & support cpanel etc. -for the most part you have an intimate relationship with both moderators & other hostees as you are encouraged to post in their forums when you are in need of help etc. -i learned a lot about web design through the forums, since Starszz.com was basically my first real host, over a year ago *downsides: -you must place one of their ads in your website, BUT NOW you are allowed to place one of yours in -it can be challenging to be accepted as a hostess, you must have a viewing example of your website, of HQ, some sort of included content.
  9. I think, this itself is going to be a difficult thing to go.. do you currently attend college? if so that would be a good start/you could do word of mouth, & make it your colleges "secret" or almost unique thing, once you get everyone involved your network would get more attention etc// you can use adwords (i think?) that google advertising system to get it across more as wellgood luck trying to beat myspace & facebook though
  10. i think your header needs help.. do look into some tutorials//mess around a bit more with it, what program do you use??i would change the font as well, and maybe alter the colors a bit.. the design itself as it is now, seems like a powerpoint premade
  11. Well if you like darks, depending on the concept of the website your designing the layout for, use whites// shades of whites & grays, stick ONE color in there, make sure everything looks very neutrallook into colorology (i think thats what its called ) and see how different colors make people react*from my personal insight, i find it very unatractive when a website is all black & has yellow/neon green textbut then again thats my opinion
  12. Well, for me, i get the concepts i want to get across in the layout & just kinda paste them (without cropping/any customization) into a Photoshop white sheet, the size of the header i need. & do think it over, until the design clicks in my head, then i start working on it.. 50% of the time though, i do not stick to my original gameplan hahahhaim still a bit amateur though.. im only 17// and no graphic/web design education whatsoever hahaha http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ thats my latest design
  13. hahaha my name is Gisellethe report said 3259th name in the United States 10,013 people in the U.s have my name hahahawell my name used to be pretty unique until the disney movie :Enchanted: came out.. so now a little disney princess is named after me hahahaha..i like the report though.. hahah its along names like 3258.hieu 3260.gaurav makes me seem unique hahaha
  14. Me & Lina went to watch the premiere of Valkyrie (operation valkyrie) today it is a really good movie, i give it an 8.5/10 here is my review: The movie itself is great IF you have some sort of insight into Germany during the times of WW2/Hitler/Nazis/SS, if all you know about this time in history is the Holocaust & how jews were treated poorly, you will have a complicated time watching this movie, (and looking around the full theater room, i realized many people had no clue what was going on// were clueless about some of the highlights in history that revolved around Hitler) PLOT: Staunffenberg (Tom Cruise), a German Coronel, after being injured in battle returns home, & decides to finally follow his faith and do something for his home Germany, thus killing Adolf Hitler, executing the version of Operation Valkyrie he tricked Hitler into signing (the original operation was a plan which Adolf Hitler had planned himself, if he were to be assassinated ), releasing the jews from the concentration camps & bringing peace back to Germany, by negotiating with the allies. i will not spoil the ending/the outcome of the story.. you will have to watch it *I really enjoyed looking at the different settings, since everything looked so real, even the characteristics of hitler's ideal race, such as everyone having blue eyes (yes i did check every German person in the movie)//
  15. Ive had the luck of owning both the previous version of the env, and now the env2. & i must say i am disspointed about the env2, first off because of all the advertising & reviews in websites, which bash the old env, & claim how the env2 is soo much better, ill list the basics 1. The design itself from far awar, is more digital & professional props up on that, sort of reminds me of the sidekick slide// (when the phone is opened) *handling is a whole other issue though: the front display is tiny// they should have made it a bit longer, since one of the best features of the previous env was the ability to see yourself on the external display when taking a picture (more on the camera later) - as far is the number dialing// it is better, but the commands & other keys such as END, CLEAR & SEND are a bit awkward and you will find yourself clicking the number 3 a lot. & the menu on the outside isnt as attractive looking or usefull as it was on the old env. 2. The inside of the phone// The keys them self feel a bit more right, because you can actually feel when you press each letter, the keys are closer to eachother also.. & you will have some trouble using the SYM command// the actual phone when you hold it though, doesnt feel as right as the old one, it is smaller/ & it is hard to find a place to rest your fingers when you hold the phone. *The appearance of the menus are so much better than the env1// no more annoying blue line across your screen +1 3.The Camera// the apperance of it is slicker, since its just built in the phone, the autofocus has improved as well. *you will have a difficult time w/ the zoom, since you have to unlock this feature by changing the picture size. im a big photography person, & the lighting itself of the camera is a bit weird// ive messed with the settings and have yet failed to make it as accurate as the env1 default settings - there is no protective shield for the camera lense, so i suggest you do not scratch that area/drop your phone & the camera has no flash; the phone is an over 2 year update, i would have expected the camera to upgrade to at least 3 megapixels. it is definitely a better phone than the lg rummor// the voyager & SOME models of sidekicks though
  16. i placed the on top the directv receiver (which is below the plasma, next to the wii, the cox receiver & dvd player, long story made short, it seemed like the warmest place to place the phone) hahaha.i got an env2 for Christmas// but i will try taking the env to verizon and see if they can widthdraw my information & such back
  17. verizon doesnt use sim cards; they use another sort of technology which is why i need to get the phone to work somehow so i can get my info back o.o;;
  18. Okay, so a couple of days ago, we got some severe rain/winds in san diego, (i might be exaggerating) but they were almost hurricane bad, me & my friend Paulina got a horrible time just trying to get out of school due to the wind and severe rain. I had my Orange Verizon Env Phone inside my totebag (which is made of cloth and obviously got the contents inside of it wet, such as the phone, my itouch etc). The minute i got inside the car, i checked my phone, it was still on, and worked perfectly, when i got home, i rushed and took a shower.. when i got out of the shower, and was drying up, i decided to look at my phone to text my friend, "im naked" hahaha;; but i when i took a sneak peek at the phone it said "SERVICE REQUIRED" on both the outer & inner screens & my wallpaper & contacts were missing. i ofcourse panicked & thought reset the phone, so i slammed the battery out & turned it on again, same thing.. not even the vcast stuff came up when powering up;;; THE PHONE ISNT FRIED i know because ive been googling for solutions and most of the phones end up being fried because they wont even turn on;; has anyone experienced anything like this before?? or know any ways to fix it?? i really need my contacts and information on the phone back.
  19. Well I had fevers for 2 days already; haven't been able to eat and now on day three the tonsil pain is killing me ( they are just inflamted to the point where they both touch the little bell inside ur mouth.. They are not white or anything disgusting) I can't really talk right now so communicating with my mom who thinks I'm faking sick to not go to school isn't really an option.. Any good home remmedys you know of? I've been drinking benodryl because that's the only drug I own hahha; and tried drinking hot milk but that didn't go well hahhYes I've suffered from them before. They've gotten to the point of bleeding out. Or as normal as just a morning pain. And no I will not go under surgery to remove them
  20. i think he has different ideals, about how kids should be worthshipped, etc because he is kinda sick in the head.. i think of willywonka, but anywho, i doubt he has actualy meant to cause both phisycal or mental harm on the kids.. people give him too little credit
  21. she lives too far, and longdistance relantionships are most likely to fail;; give it a shot though.. she might like you.. i wouldnty know because you provided no input on yourself;; but anywho, it might be a bit young to start such a demanding relationship if you know what i mean
  22. i think the fear of numbers has to do with our acient civilation and fear that has been passed out;; similar to the whole 2012 wold ending theory, etc. in my opinion they are just numbers..and how can a building not have certain levels? haha no matter what they name them, they are still the same floor number;;
  23. gisellebebegirl


    that is rather odd; but im a democrat, and even with ms palin exterminator on his side, i still wanted him to win;; anyways.. offtopic, but theres a theory that he is going to get killed.. before/during/after inaguration, by racist people.. possibly the KKK, anyone know whats up with that??? i thought such thing didnt exist, until i saw a post on CNN, i believe, about how the KKk beat up a latino..
  24. okay;; so today in ap chemistry class, our teacher put a puzzle on the board and we all spent an hour trying to figure it out, and no one was actually able to complete it;;.. lets see how smart you are.. heres the puzzle:3344556677=153make the following equation make sence by adding the following signs: + + - -(note the symbols are in in betwen the numbers;:)The closests i got to the answer was 154;; urgg..
  25. oh wow what part of no picture messaging did u not understand mike;; picture messaging is the same as file tranfer which equals ringtones;; I have no Internet on the phone, sure I get the little MSG but I can't receieve it
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