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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. I made someone else (a girl even) 5 gifts. O.oThey're not all up in my gallery though, because two were complete crap. :DBut yeah, you guys caught me. I have the hots for Becca.
  2. All photoshops are backwards compatible, so anything that will work for an earlier version will work for a later one.Also, PSCS2 is better, but more memory-intensive, so if you don't have a lot of ram (a gig or more) it may be sluggish at times.Not sure about the registration thing...it was at the beginning for me, but other people say otherwise.
  3. STOP CALLING ME THAT. Anyway, looks nice Mike, one of your best, and you managed to pull off a tech border without completely killing it. @Muksimp -- This one has no background.
  4. O.o you can just lower the layer opacity too. I barely ever lower opacity for certain tools, other than maybe the eraser.
  5. Kremit gmv. His bg/text/render/colors are all slightly better. Nice job Krem.
  6. Text could be better, but it isn't bad, same with the brushing and the coloring.Overall, nice job.
  7. Yep. Sly dog. You got me there. A border around the flower? Nah...
  8. Haha, yeah, maybe, but I've seen some REAAAALLY sorry art get stolen before. X.x
  9. True. And if someone were to steal my work, that just means they like it THAT much.
  10. O.o I'm pretty sure that isn't brushing. All filters, like your first ones. ^-^
  11. Your first sig. I'm honored. And it's great for your first one. ^-^Thanks for the praise, but hey, it's nothing, really. I'm glad to help out.And thanks for the gift. I'll add it to my collection. And you were already on my gift list, but I'll make yours priority. :DWOO!
  12. It isn't. The first line of my post was for that quote, the other one was for the topic. O.o
  13. Yep. This saturday is our second month together.
  14. Don't call me that. And oh, I see, the -render-. Gotcha. Grunge is like...I dunno...dirty, scratchy, that kinda thing. Grunge.
  15. Yep, I did the flame. I sharpened them to give it a rocky look, like he's by a cave or a mountain or somethin'. Haha, no way. The dragon was a render. Trust me, I couldn't do that if I wanted to. Haha, sorry Dragonfly, once a sig has my name on it, it stays that way. I never give a premade sig as a gift. Yep, it's in your render pack. Twice. @Everyone else -- Thanks for all the comments. ^-^
  16. Nah, it's not just you. I don't have a girlfriend at the mo', but I met my ex through mutual friends at school. O.o
  17. Um...no? I never agreed to anything. Try again Mikey. This battle's still on.
  18. Please, don't call me Brooks. Anyway, the guy's name is Raziel, he's from a game called Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. He's like a demon dude with a sword (Soul Reaver) on his hand that he kills other demon peoples with. I know all this because it was the first game I bought for Dreamcast (well, I bought Jet Grind Radio and DOA 2 at the same time), but I barely ever play it. As for what he's doing, he just kinda "actiony" with his sword hand out, but I blended that with the bg on purpose. I forgot the Gift from Johnny thing, I guess I'll add that later, or just let it slide.
  19. Lol, Mike, you WOULD be the one to use the white tiger render and Shiroi Tora, but then makre he sig ORANGE. :DNot bad, but fix up the text and you're good to go. I don't see your name on it though?
  20. There's a section on DeviantArt devoted specifically for gimp brushes. Try looking that up.
  21. Haha, glad you like it, and thanks for the new one. Congratulations on being my 30th gift. But please, no more, I already have enough gifts to make for people. :PI'll make you a return for that one tomorrow...it's 3AM here. X.x
  22. Whoo, decided to take a break from all those gifts and do something for myself. I started playing around, and I created some of my own brushes. And so I decided to test them out in a new sig. This is what I got: Yepyep, everything but the render is 100% MINE. So, rate/comment/criticize.
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