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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Well, he said no, but I'm guessing that leaves magic eraser? Just as bad. =/@snlildude -- The bigger they are, the better. You can always size down a big render, but you can't up a small one. Bigger ones have better resolution when they're sized down too.
  2. Yeah, I know...which is why I basically redid the entire sig to make #3. Yeah, I know #3 sucks...I was trying to do another defaults-only simplistic sig, like the one I did for Plague09, but it fell short. =/(That was the "prototype" Diana sig...before the red boldyness. ) 4. True...I was trying to avoid a monotone sig, but I could've made it multicolor and had parts match, I s'pose. Meh....I blame Saint Mike. 10. (hm...why'd you start going backwards) Anyway, yeah, meh...I like my blue M. 9. I believe that's actually 50-cent...but yeah, I don't like that render either, but that's the only other musical render I have aside from that one 50-cent one that's like WAAYYYYY overused. =/ 8. I blame the original artist. ^-^ The good stuff? The only god stuff I have is candycanes, gumdrops and pink unicorns. Homie. 5. Lol... "Come here honey....come to Pucca...I won't HURT you." Thanks to you all for the comments. I 'perciate it. Now, back to KoRn. ^-^ *START OF MERGED POST* Heh, thanks. I know, I suck at text... Anyway, I'm not gonna make up excuses for all my shortcomings this time. I'll be a man and admit I've been doing crappy work lately. Thanks for the suggestions though. Alrighty, THANKS guys. You're all awesome in the facial area. Notice from Johnny: Merged my posts, because I left out two replies in the first one.
  3. Heh, you can tweak the text tool settings to fix that gap problem.
  4. Already told you bro...mega choppy.Use the polygonal. It's all about the polygonal.
  5. Yepyep. Scanned it? No, I cut it from it's original picture, Hah, it wasn't that long...that's a relatively easy one. Took about 5 minutes. Sounds good. ^-^ So, thank you all. I'm pleased to serve. Even though I didn't really want to, I just love my ex to death.
  6. @Saint Mike -- Um...what are you talking about?Oh, I just had one thing to add...friendships over the net are great. I've met two of the greatest girls in my life over the net, and met up later in RL. So, yeah.
  7. Okay, I've been too lazy to do more comic renders lately, but a certain master of persuasion (my ex girlfriend) wanted me to make her a sig, and unfortunately, I could find any cardcaptor renders. So, of course, to please said master of persuasion, I had to go and cut my own. So now that I'm done with that, I present it to you guys, to do, well, whatever it is you like to do with renders. (You can also find it and the rest of my renders on my blog.) Have fun guys.
  8. Snlildude, maresan, truefusion and I all voted Kremit's. 4-0. :PSorry bro.
  9. Okay, I haven't really been making many sigs for myself lately, just lots of gifts. Anyway, here's another set of new ones: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Not my best by far. In a bit of a slump. I don't think they're TOO bad though. 3,4,8,9,10 seem alright to me. You know the deal. Rate/comment/criticize. (You can also find these and pretty much ALL of my graphics on my blog. Check it out. You'll like it. I promise. )
  10. LOL. Whoo man, that was hilarious. Anyway, yeah, I've seen that on Runescape, and other games like Everquest and such. Chat rooms aren't much better. I don't see how anyone can truly call that a relationship. "I met this hot Dark Elf Enchanter, and we started raiding together, and one thing led to another and we ended up getting betrothed in the Halls of Icevale."
  11. One big fat [agree]. Pretty much hit it head on. Especially the humility/smile/getting to know them parts. Those are essential to me. ^-^
  12. I think it's generally not a good thing. I'd much rather have someone to be with, someone to be hold, etc etc, than just talking to them on the net all the time.But maybe every blue moon one might happen where things actually work out and such.I also did the net dating thing...didn't work out too well. 'nuff said.
  13. Oh, areawe, I understand, you researched it from that link, but wrote you own article on it. I see. I'm sorry for any trouble we might've caused (I was part of the decision towards it being spam, so I apologize for that.) Next time, yeah, like you said, name it "Additional Information", so as not to confuse anybody. This was a misunderstanding on the staff's part, and we're sorry for that. Guys, can we find that post and restore it for him please? Alrighty, that should settle things. Sorry again.
  14. Derka derka muhammed jihad. It works for me.Portfolio's not bad. Nice job Kremit.
  15. lol, exempt-boy. But it's not just me. If I were the only one doing the building up, it wouldn't be very exciting around here. Even if you're a newb at designing, you still have your own place here. ^-^
  16. Hm...on other graphics sites they don't use polls for the battle. People actually have to say who got their vote, and give a reason.Less complications and cheating that way.And sorry rejected (I promise I won't use a pun on your name here. ), but Kremit gmv (got my vote.) His is more appealing colorwise, and the text is better.2-0. Kremit up.
  17. NOW do you see what I mean? 35-40% of everything Mike says makes NO sense whatsoever. (He's SO not 23.)
  18. Wait wait, lemme do that one sound...doodle-oodle-oooo!You know the...when they're staring each other down, and wiggling their fingers over their guns...yeah...that.
  19. Second ones SOOOO much better, but it's slightly monotonely colored, and your pixel fonts always seem blurry. O.o Take anti-aliasing off I tell you!Also, I dunno, maybe there's too many renders...the text seems to be the focal point, which, in most sigs, shouldn't happen.Anyway, not bad, but minor details.
  20. Haha, you said blendering renders. And um...I already said it was Shadow. O.o
  21. 'twas a joke, 'o master of the sig. Everyone knows I'm actually number 17.
  22. Hm...so if you're an eccentric artist, what act of insanity might you perform? Jumping from tall buildings? Babbling in tongues? Taking your own manliness? (But I feel you man...I need one too. )
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