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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Cat sig -- It's monotone color-wise, the borders not so great, and the grass background's kinda odd (because it's white grass on...pink ground?) and like Nguyen said, the text isn't the greatest. 6.5/10.Other sig -- That looks like a really great background, but the border doesn't fit it (color-wise and style-wise.) and the text, although it matches the border, doesn't really match the bg. Oh, and stay away from stencil text. 7/10.
  2. Not bad, I suppose, but lose the bevel on the text, and maybe lower the fill on that layer a bit...The brushing is decent, but a little on the plain side...it could use more spice.And as said above, the render's a bit choppy and blended oddly.So, a 7/10.
  3. The color (especially on the render) is a slight bit monotone, and I'm not feeling that black bar thing on top...other than that, great though. 7.9/10.
  4. Nobody told you about the new 10 million rule? Yeah, each win is 10 million for the winner. Something about battle marketing and incentives...Microsoft's sponsoring the whole deal, of course...
  5. Now now Mike, let's not stray from the truth here. You do it for cool points. Everything's about rep and popularity and pats on the back.That's exactly why I do all the designing I do...c4d renders, sigs, renders, etc etc. It's all for that "feel-good" feeling you get when someone likes it.EDIT: Just took a look at it...quite a few renders I already have (which will always happen, I'm sure.) but overall nice job. Some cool new ones in there. I've always wanted that one Dante pic rendered, but never got around to it. Sweet deal.
  6. Meh, I was talking in general. Also, it's easier if you know how to make actions...you can make an action for the 3px border...I have one for that, and a few other things (starting a new 450x150 sig and adding a black border, switching the foreground color to white for brushing) Oh, and if you want, you can use "normal" mode on the 2px part and use white or a different color to have that between the two black ones...if you use the sigs "detail" color (as opposed to the main color.) that usually looks nice too.
  7. Er...yeah, when I said lower the font opacity, I meant the fill, not the whole layer. O.o
  8. Um, wow, not a -great- fan of either one, but I'd have to go with MIKE on this one. The bg/effects are a bit more appealing.1-0. Mike up.
  9. Much better, still not perfect. A good 7/10, I'd say.
  10. Yepyep, that would be a great looking sig if the font were a bit better. For now it'll be a 6.5 on the richter.
  11. How in the world would I be directing that towards you? You don't do any of that stuff. What Mike said, but instead of WHITE on the 2px part, set the blending mode (in the stroke menu) to clear. Makes it easier to use.
  12. Meh, I've never heard that before...they've always been referred to as tech borders. O.oAnd speaking of which, Mike, it kills this one bro. The colors don't match, it's too big, and it's not detailed enough...oh, and Subzero does not relate to tech. ;)Resist the tech borders Mike! DO IT!
  13. Dude, that's a great sig, but the font is like...bad. =/You would have done better with like, times new roman, half transparency, half transparency black stroke, and drop shadow, up in the top left corner. (I swear that's how most of my text is...lower the opacity, drop shadow, black stroke and lower the opacity on that too.)
  14. And yes, animation kills sig, exempting a few rare cases. (Mostly only pros can make animation HELP a sig instead of hurt it...I'm still not to that level, but I don't really -want- to animate my stuff.)
  15. It looks good in this one, but trust me, there's much better ways to blend.
  16. I'm gonna be posting some more suggestions up in the staffie forums...thanks for that one, I'll add it to my list.
  17. Glad someone knows the truth. But no, j/k, it's not impossible...just keep trying, learning, watching. You'll get better over time. (I used to be completely terrible...I have no idea how I got so good...tutorials and watching people, I guess.)
  18. Yes, tanks are usually in the jungle, but odd yellow circle things aren't. "Why is everyone starting out with renders?" I think that was supposed to be "Why is everyone starting out with FILTERS?"...anyway, yeah, I understand...for some odd reason people think filter tutorials are GOOD. I'll do some good ones. I promise. WHEN I'm doing them...that's a different story. X.x
  19. Bad cut, ugly render, 'nuff said.
  20. Yes, in rendering terms, the halo is a white outline on the render. Dude, lasso? NO. Use polygonal. It takes longer, but you get a much better cut.
  21. If they have edges that rough, they're probably not gonna end up being good renders anyway.
  22. I find it fun to hide my name in gift sigs nowadays. One of the pro designers, MaynardsTOOL, ALWAYS hides his name, in every sig he does. It's kinda fun looking for his name on them...there's some where I STILL haven't found it.
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