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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Mike, you couldn't have done that first sig in your dreams. Something you could do. PSH. RIGHT. That pink one looks great, but it has monotone coloring and not a bunch of depth. The font is great though...which is that? 8.5/10. Rate this one next person:
  2. How dare you tell me how to make a GIFT for YOU. How could you do something like that? Who do you think you are!? I HATE YOU BECCA! j/k. Updated it, but I'm not sure what you mean about the normal font in front.
  3. Okay guys, I'm suprised we don't have this here yet, but anyway, we're gonna play a little sig game. Basically, when you go to post here, you rate (and give good criticism) for the previous person's sig, if they have an image sig. So, for example, if Saint Mike were above me, I might say: "Nice job Mike, the bg and render look nice, but the blending, color and text could use some improvement. 7/10." So, go ahead and rate away. You can go as many times as you want, but don't rate the same sig twice (you can do the same person if they have different sigs), go twice in a row, or post more than twice an hour, so there's no spam. If your post is less than 5 words, it's probably not a good post, so I won't hesitate to delete it, and you will lose credits. I'm pinning this, btw. But instead of rating my current, can the next person rate this one, please.
  4. Do what I do, stick all the most important icons in the quick launch. It's so much easier to find things than the desktop, looks neater, and it's easy to get to even if you have programs up.
  5. Wow, didn't notice all that...All I noticed is what looks like 2 gravestones.
  6. HIIII Becca! Here's a new gift, to make up for the terrible job I did last time. Simple, but I think it looks nice. Hope you like it. ^-^ Everyone else, rate/comment/criticize.
  7. Haha, that so? Well, maybe sometime if you're playing around in Photoshop, you can IM me or whatever, and I can give you some tips. Then you'll be the MAN.
  8. Heh, tough call huh? Don't sweat it.(I'm partial to blue too...can't resist it in most cases. )
  9. Okay, this started out as a COMPLETELY different sig, for another person, but then somehow it turned into this, and since you seem to be a big CS-type guy Muksimp, I figured you'd like it best, and either way, someone's crossed off my sig list. ^-^ Have fun. Hope you like it. Everyone else: Rate/comment/criticize.
  10. Yeah, your sig is nice. I love the bg. ^-^
  11. 'Kay, not sure if you wanted a seperate voting topic, but I figured might as well. I also edited my entry a little before the voting, if that's okay, if not, lemme know and I'll switch it back. [:: 1v1 Grunge ::] Kremit: Johnny: 'Kay, first to 7 I suppose. Good luck, and awesome sig.
  12. Alrighty guys, topics are obviously up. Nice sigs, and good luck. If there's any more challengers, by all means, feel free. ^-^
  13. Haha, I just redid mine actually...now it's sorted by where I know them from. (Real Life, Web hosting, Graphics, and then I have subcats for School, NOS, T17, etc.) @odomike -- Um, who BRAGS about a cluttered desktop? You just wrote like, a whole bunch of babble on how cluttered your desktop was.
  14. Hm...dunno if GIMP does animation...I know Photoshop (which comes with Imageready, which does animation) is higher than 30, for sure. I dunno, maybe look on Amazon for animation software under 30 bucks?
  15. Or maybe you're just so cool, that nobody else can comprehend your level of greatness? Could be. Never know. Hey, by all means, go for it. ^-^
  16. No, it's to 7 for one person, not 7 total. So I still need 5 votes, or he still needs 3. O.o(Knew I shoulda picked a better sig. Didn't think I'd get whooped THAT quickly though. )
  17. Ohhh....you mean when you restart photoshop, the brushes you were using leave? Hm...can't really help you on that one. I just replace my brushes whenever I want to use a new set.
  18. K, same as the other one, make sure you tell who you're voting for, give a good reason, and try to put the current score at the end of your post [:: 1v1 Gaming ::] Saint Michael: Johnny: First to 7 votes. Good luck, and nice sig.
  19. Okay, time to battle. Here's how it goes. I post up the two sigs, you guys say "Blahblah gmv" (got my vote.) then you give a (good) reason why you vote that way. Also, try to put the current score at the bottom of your post, so we can keep track easily. [:: 1v1 Gaming ::] Muksimp: Johnny: It's first to 7 votes. Good luck, and nice sig.
  20. Much much better. The colors are better, and the text is better. Only thing left is the popout-ness, but meh...can't really fix that, I s'pose.
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