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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Okay Hulunes, to show my appreciation for making me a second gift, I went and made you another one as well. There you go. Hope you like it. (I do!) Everyone else, rate/comment/criticize.
  2. Hm...looks great. I'll add it to my collection. Thanks.When I have some time, I'll make you another one.
  3. No, the dictionary's not always wrong. It's only wrong when you're trying to prove ME wrong. Maybe he's a woman on the inside? Anyway, back on topic ladies and women.
  4. It's not GRIDS, it's TILE. Like it's painted on a wall, or a ceiling, or something.(Nobody ever notices it's tile. )
  5. Haha, we did that a couple years ago. AutoCAD as well. Then we "gave back" by installing Quake and UT everywhere.
  6. Indiana Jones has leather and a whip. I don't see you calling him a dominatrix. And yeah, that's good that you're lowering his warn level though. Hate to see one of the better sig designers, even if he's a lame fake 23 year old, get the boot.
  7. Okay, here's a general guideline for sig battles. WHEN STARTING A BATTLE: 1. Create a new topic with rules similar to these: RULES: Theme -- Grunge Size -- No larger than 450x250. Render -- Gaming. Use only one. Animation -- Optional. Due -- By tomorrow morning. Other -- Popouts allowed, but within the size limit. 2. Make sure you post up your sig, or tell that you'll be making the voting topic with your sig in it, after the challenger posts theirs. 3. Also, make sure you pick a set number of votes before a winner is decided, something similar to: The winner is the first to get 4 out of 7 votes. or The winner is the first to get 7 votes total. or maybe even SUDDEN DEATH! First vote wins! 4. State whether you want the battle to be a 1vs1, a 1vs1vs1, or a free for all, or something similar to that. You can have as many challengers as you want, but try to avoid too many, because that leaves less people to vote. 5. Don't enter the same sig in battles twice. Try to be original. This also helps stop people from using better sigs over and over again to win multiple times. 6. Don't accept battles if the battle starter already has enough challengers, unless it's okay with them to add more slots. WHEN STARTING A VOTING TOPIC: 1. Make sure you post what kind of battle it is, for example: 1v1v1 Gaming grunge so people know the theme for the battle. 2. Post up all sigs, with the owner's name above it. Not all sigs have the owner's name in them, so it's best to clarify that. 3. Restate how many votes are needed to win. 4. AVOID downtalking your opponent's sig or uptalking yours at any point in the battle. Pointing out your methods or the opponent's could change a voter's mind in one side's favor. 5. It's nice to wish each other good luck before the battle begins, to show good sportsmanship. 6. Avoid bumping voting topics. If you really must, do so, but try to include it in a relevant post, instead of just saying *bump*. WHEN VOTING IN A BATTLE: 1. Make sure it's clear who you're voting for. Try to begin the post with "______ gmv", meaning, _______ person got your vote. This makes it easier to find who you're voting for. 2. Give a -good- reason why you're voting for that person, or not voting for the other. Be detailed. Numbered ratings are optional, but useful. 3. At the end of your post, try to put the current score and which side is winning, or if it's a tie. This also makes it easier to locate current scores. 4. Avoid multiple posts, to keep voting topics more clean cut and clear. If you're a challenger, it's okay to thank people for votes, but try to keep it minimal. Okay, so that's pretty much it. Good luck in your battles, and try to follow the rules. It makes things easier for all parties. Feel free to suggest additional rules. If they're logical, I'll add them.
  8. Okay then, this is the closest to space I have then. It's an old one, but not bad, I don't think. If you don't consider it space, I'm out. Too lazy to make new ones.
  9. Psh...I wanna get in touch with Nils or Opa so I can talk to them about starting up a SOTW...only problem would be that the judges are sorta biased in voting, and there's not enough really good designers to be judges, with some to spare for actual competing. Hm...I'll figure something out. Maybe the judges can just vote for sigs other than their own Sig of the month or year might be interesting. Anyway, nice sig, but the text is pixellated, and the border seems off. 9/10. Next person rate this one:
  10. Haha, don't speak of losing just yet...I still need three more votes. (And if you get beat, don't sweat it...that's one of my best sigs. )
  11. A sig is a forum signature, in the form of an image. Like what those guys posted, and what I have in my signature. I create mine in Photoshop...try checking out: http://www.good-tutorials.com/ or http://www.pixel2life.com/ For some tutorials on them.
  12. Yepyep. Detailed renders take lots of time. You should see some of the Spawn ones I have lined up...that guy has so many chains and tears and stuff...JEEZ. Any Spawn picture I have will take like, an hour and a half minimum.
  13. Lot better than your first one. For the font, I suggest a more techy font...like Stuntman or Technoid. Maybe, I dunno.The pixel font's aliased again too. =/Also, I really don't like that big repeated star. :PNot bad though. 8.5/10.
  14. I agree. And Nguyen, that's wrong dude. Mike's up to 80% warning now...pretty soon here he's gonna get the boot. Anyways, awesome sig Mike. My only suggestions are to change the border, and fix the text. It seems really pixellated. 9/10. One of your best.
  15. Same here. I think he meant $200-$300 dollars though. O.o And to muksimp, you don't always get different software with windows...it depends on who you're buying the computer from. Dell likes to put a bunch of extra junk on there, I know. But that's just if you buy a computer with winodws all installed and ready to go. If you buy a no-OS system, or build your own and install windows after, of course you won't have any extra software than windows defaults.
  16. That was SO off topic. Nah, don't turn off the aliasing...try using some text effects (lower caps is my favorite) or changing to a -different- aliasing. Helps sometimes.
  17. Mike, dude, if that had a better border, and better text (not slapped on the middle of the planets), it'd be pretty sweet, but right now you're looking at a 7/10. Would this count as spacey?
  18. Holy joobies that's a big sig. Muk, if you made it more compact and boosted the contrast a big, it'd be sweet. But sorry, I'm going with Mike as well. His bg's more detailed, his font is kickass, and the blending's a bit better.3-0. Mike up.
  19. Erm...I changed it to script already. I was wondering what she meant by the normal font in front of it. I tried yellow, it was too bright... =/ Wow, you're doubling my tea? You're so sweet. Haha, why does everyone think I have something for Becca? I'm just nice to her, cause she's a girl, and unlike YOU, she doesn't steal all the reported posts, and unlike MIKE, she doesn't babble about stuff that doesn't make any sense. But the flower's awesome! Sliced it? Psh...you have the silliest ideas sometimes. Nah...the first one was really crappy. =/ Didn't fit the whole "girls get cute sigs" theme goin' on either.
  20. Much better. Nah...I've been making gifts constantly, but I just happened to finish at GameRenders, so I started to finish up my list for here.
  21. Mike, vote in the other topic.Nguyen -- Nah, it's grunge.
  22. @Mike -- They are blurred, a bit. I had to blur them to lighten them up...they were dark as all get out.@Muk -- Ha, thought so. Glad you like it.@Nguyen -- Never ever ever put text on top of a render. Ever.(Unless it's like, scratched onto a gun or something, but that effect gets old. =/)
  23. Would you consider that abstract? (Hope you guys don't think I'm hogging the battles. O.o
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