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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Not bad at all, and usually scanlines don't quite work if they're covering the whole sig, but they don't look bad here. They just don't match the theme. It still looks slightly plain, but not bad. The worst thing would be the the text, but that's not too bad.7.5/10.
  2. It wasn't about cyber friendship, it was about cyber dating. I already pointed out that internet friends are more than okay, they're great.
  3. Chef on South Park also talks/sings about chocolate salty balls just a BIT too much.
  4. Actions. You can open it up by going to the window menu. If you've used "macros" in Microsoft Office, it's basically the same concept.
  5. Givem to me, I just started that topic, and I can add more suggestions as they come along.
  6. Nah, a color balance wouldn't make a render choppy. But there you go! You're learning! No Ctrl+U!
  7. Those are probably my worst three sigs ever. Anyway, back on topic ladies and gents.
  8. Heh, well, I'd prefer to do them myself, because I'm probably a lot more familiar with the concepts, but hey, do what you like. I'll still be doing my own though. I know. Quite a few other members are too, and it's obvious. It's okay though, you guys are all still learning, so don't worry about it. Just learn.
  9. Maybe it's just a lack of motivation, then.
  10. Nah, I'm already gonna do my own image tuts. Don't worry about it.
  11. Alrighty. Sounds good. This makes me 2-0 (if a tie counts as a win for both sides, but he cheated anyway) then, counting that old battle with damann.And 4-0, if I also win against Kremit and Muksimp.Anyway, great battle. I'll move this to "Finished" now.
  12. Okay guys, to hold you over until I EVENTUALLY get off my lazy butt and...well, actually, I'd still be on my lazy butt, but whatever. Until I "get off" my lazy butt and do those tutorials I said I would, here's like a mini-tutorial as like a teaser or whatever. It's basically just general tips and resources... Tips (In no particular order): Don't use colored brushes. Don't use Hue/Saturation. Always add a brightness contrast layer and up the contrast. Always use color balance layers to color. Rarely leave text a flat color. Usually it's best to lower the text layer's fill opacity. Always add text effects. Drop shadow, and a black stroke with lowered opacity is very effective. Don't use bevels. Don't mix styles (grunge sig with tech border, for example.) An extra black brushing layer set on overlay is useful for toning down midtone colors. Patterns are very effective. Always use a border. When resizing a render, make sure the chainlink icon is clicked, so it resizes with height-width in proportion. Always use white or black text/brushing (white's usually better) for brushing, text, and similar details, and color later with color balance layers. Avoid Photoshop default filters and brushes. Resources: Brushes: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/(Grunge)* http://destiny952.deviantart.com/(Everything) http://metal-cx.deviantart.com/(Grunge) * http://wurklash.deviantart.com/(Tech) * http://sexyalice.deviantart.com/(Fractal) http://nickmeister.deviantart.com/(Tech) http://bash.deviantart.com/(Grunge) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/(Grunge) http://aleaja.deviantart.com/?rnrd=58429 (Lighting) The () show what style brushes they make, but some of them aren't limited to just one category...that's just what they PRIMARILY make. Renders: http://www.gamefront.com/ (Packs of renders)* http://www.gamerenders.com/forum/(Newly cut renders) Fonts: http://www.dafont.com/de/* http://www.1001fonts.com/ Tutorials: http://www.good-tutorials.com/(Photoshop only)* http://www.pixel2life.com/(Photoshop, but a bunch of other programs, along with scripting) Now, remember, the tips have exceptions (quite a few, for some of them), so don't take it as "set in stone". You can break a rule or add to one...those are just IN GENERAL. Also, some resources may be more useful than others, but I've found them all to be quite useful. * -- Recommended resource. Okay guys, that should give you a tiny bit of insight for now, I suppose. Keep an eye out for those tutorials of mine.
  13. Okay Mike, this is a close one, but I'm in the lead (5-4) and nobody's voting. Should I call it a win or let it go?
  14. Meh...well, scratch that. It's 4-1, with me up, and nobody else seems to be voting. Can I call it a win here, or should we keep going?
  15. That was one of my best old sigs...and definitely one, if not THE, best tech border sig I've done.
  16. Wel, it's 6-0, Johnny up, and nobody else is voting...can I just call it a win here Muksimp, or would you like to keep going?
  17. I think a lot of you guys are getting it a bit wrong...I believe the idea was to show your love for a girl to HER, but not to everyone ELSE. Either way, I still say it's better to show her and the rest of the world.
  18. Aren't you older than me too? That's quite sad, Nguyen. @Mike -- Hands, sometimes? How exactly do you go about kissing with your hands?
  19. That'd be one with the 2px part as white, on a overlay or hard light blending mode. I never really liked those kind though.
  20. True...I did get good fast, but I dunno about the genius part. This one? What about it? Dark side...riiight. X.x
  21. 1st (abstracts) -- 11.76MB2nd (games) -- 318.47MB3rd (anime) -- 65.81MB4th (comics) -- 47.55MB5th (dragons) -- 8.79MB6th (vehicles) -- 48.38MB7th (misc) -- 151.96MB8th (tv-movies) -- 41.8MB9th (ladies) -- 80.93MB10th (misc) -- 20.22MB11th (misc) -- 24.05MB12th (misc) -- 10.45MB13th (misc) -- 50.79MBIt lists them all and their sizes when you click the link, but I went ahead and wrote them all out for you.
  22. Bah...I know....I know. I just get so LAZY... OH, GENIUS IDEA! I'll split it into parts...I can do the first parts of a tutorial...take a break, and do the rest later. Silly Johnny. @SM -- The trick to using defaults/filters to make something really nice is to -explore-. You wouldn't believe the different stuff I've found just by fiddling and looking around in Photoshop.
  23. That's what I said...dirt, cracks, erosion. That kinda thing. Edit: Fixed your bbcode
  24. No, not transparent space...like, a fully uncut render, with a big white background still on it. And no, it doesn't really matter if you put the srtokes on seperate layers or not...it might make it easier if you decide to edit them later...but I just stick them all on one layer to save time and space.
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