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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Oooh, neato. That looks great KuBi. Some improvements could be made, but that's to be expected, because you've only been doing sigs, what, two days now? And for two days, it's great. :DAnyway, thanks. I may have to make you a second one as well. ^-^And not a bad job at all with the render. It's MUCH better than other sigs where people just grab google images and leave the white "block" around it. People tend to do that when they start doing renders. X.xGreat job.
  2. Hm...I wouldn't classify it as grunge...it's a bit more abstract. Grunge is the "dirty and broken" look. But yeah, it looks alright. Slightly plain, as you admitted, and could use improvements here and there, but overall it's not bad for one of your first ones.Just keep learning, and keep trying.
  3. Thankies Maniac. And the change happened yesterday... I requested some subforums and Nils made them...then me and Nguyen sorted everything. Might be a few odd ones, but it's still in progress... I gotta talk to Nils about changing some things again.
  4. I just refreshed 6 times and it showed hulunes gift every time.
  5. He's like, in front of the hallway. O.o But thanks, glad you like it. Nah, this one's the 50th one, and they're not really the same style...the only things the same are the colors, really. The render is from Onimusha. He's a samurai type guy. I didn't make the fence, it's a picture of the outside of a dojo, that I modified a little bit. And thanks to all of you for the comments. I love it.
  6. Nah, the other day I had 30 gifts recieved, and this is my 51st gift given. Mike got #50. Yep, Splinter Cell. He's a secret spy ninja espionage type guy. He's dropping from like, a hole in the ceiling or something. Yep, Splinter Cell, and I'm glad you like it. It actually does have my name on it...try to find it.
  7. =/ Those're all kinda low quality...but nice cuts.
  8. That they all have white backgrounds so they're ultra easy to cut?
  9. Wow...that might be your best yet. If there were a little more background, and the text were smaller and off of the render, it'd be great.
  10. Alrighty KuBi, you may not have gotten my 50th sig, but personally, I like this one better anyway. It actually started out as an idea for Peter Griffin standing by a train passing by(inspired by your avatar), but meh...it just didn't look as cool as I thought it might. So, it turned it to this. Hope you like it KuBster. Everyone else: Rate/comment/criticize.
  11. Alrighty guys, this one's something special, because it's my 50th gift (unless I've forgotten to put one on my site, thus making me count wrong...which would be terrible.) And sorry KuBi...you would have gotten yours first, but as this is a special one, I think it's fitting to give it to my partner in crime/trainee. I'm posting yours in like 3 seconds though, so hang tight. So anyway, it was supposed to be a really awesome sig, but I dunno...I think it came out pretty nicely as a sig, but maybe a slight bit lacking for a special one like this. Oh well... Hope you like it Mike. Everyone else, rate/comment/criticize. (Oh, and yes, my name IS on it, along with the number 50. Try to find them. )
  12. Uh-Oh... :DChop off the halo, and you're set with a nice render. Hm...you may be catching up to me in yet another area of expertise...at alarming rates too. O.O
  13. Slight bit choppy in one or two places, but it's very minimal. Great renders Mike. I'll definitely use them sometime, and none of those have been done before.A lot better than your first.
  14. DARN...you're right...I haven't even used Trim. I thought it just cut off specified lengths of the image. O.o Touche Nguyen. I've been outdone by a guy who just made his first sig (albeit a nice one.) Touche indeed.
  15. What he said, with a couple additions... The triple render thing looks good for the flying render, but not really for the other one...it's not really clear what it is unless you focus on it, and the ones in the bg kinda detract from the front one... The text is a darker purple than the rest of the sig...maybe lower the opacity on the gradient overlay there. Other than that, it's a nice sig...I'd give it a 7/10.
  16. Okay, lets see here...the text and render fit together, but not the bg. If you switched out the text and render, or switched out the bg, for a more suitable one, it'd flow pretty nicely.Um, you're not doing bad color-wise, but the tank is a bit off in that department.Also, the tank is kinda dark, so you might wanna boost the brightness/contrast just a smidge (wow I sound gay)...Um, overall, not bad for your first sig...but why's everyone start out with filters? I started with brushing. O.oIt's okay though, nice job. And you can always ask me if you need help with something...just not like...constantly. I already get a LOT of sig questions all the time, but I'm sure I can spare some time to help you out.
  17. 1 -- OMG IT'S LANA! (We're secretly lovers, but she doesn't know it yet.) Anyway, you said don't tell you how plain it is, so I'll just um...say nothing.2 -- Not bad, but a render should never be fully transparent (well, very few cases) and yeah, it's a bit plain. (DEJA VU!)3 -- Not bad, interesting background, but the render doesn't quite fit (it has a halo too) and the font doesn't fit very well either.4 -- That one's probably the best one...if you had used a better font and added some colors it'd be pretty nice.Basically, they're all kinda monotone (colorwise), flat (depthwise), and need text improvements (better fonts, mainly.)Work on those.
  18. Well, I'd like to have some "home" tutorials here on T17, and a lot of those tutorials expect you to already have pretty good knowledge of photoshop/brushes/whatever.
  19. Signature images, human lives, it's all the same.
  20. Sure, that's a nice method, but I can bet you 5 sigs people are bound to screw it up.
  21. Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. Listen bro, the text could use some improving, but regardles of that, it's a great sig. Nice job, and thanks dude. :DI'm definitely gonna have to make you a return on this one. (Hey, check that out, I didn't chew your butt up like usual. XD)
  22. True, but hey, my gifts are showing at all times. I just keep them in my gallery. And trust me, I wouldn't be offended at all if you just linked mine, or even didn't show it. I got my point across, and made a half-decent sig, so I'm happy.
  23. Mike! Don't back down now! This is your chance to catch HIM being bad for a change! DOOO IT!
  24. NOOOOOOOO! I missed my 1337 post! MY 1337 POST! (I love math.)
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