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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. *ahem* I uh...uh....my dog ate them? I want to do them, really, I'd love to help you guys out, but I dunno, I'm lazy, and a lot of you guys are still new, so I'd have to go pretty in depth, which takes a LONG time...
  2. You could always just link them in your sig...you don't actually have to show them. It is nice though to wander around and see my work below other people's posts. (Not very satisfied with that sig in particular though.) And you don't see the repeated render? There's like, a duplicate of him right to the left.
  3. Why's it there? Cause I dunno anybody named Ulunes? I dunno...it just looked better like that. Never question a great artist (yeah, right.) And about repeated brushes, if you're talking about the white H in the background, the two sides may be similar, but they're definitely different brushes.
  4. Says the guy who zombified like 20 topics. Lock 'em if you like...I'm good. ^-^
  5. There there little Mikey, don't cry...it's alright...daddy's here. No, but seriously, it's cool bro. I've never had anyone not like a gift of mine (because I'm AWESOME. ) but hey, it's just like negative criticism on your own sigs...just pass it up.
  6. Yes I did. But then you said "Go get me some liquor, woman!" and then I cried. It's not really the darkness, it's just that I colored it differently, and I got sloppy with it and it came out all funky. Similar to getting lazy with cutting a render. (Speaking of which, Photoshop won't let you Alt+Tab while you're cutting renders, so you have to do it all at once....that's SO irritating.)
  7. Well try not to stick it smack dab in the middle on top of the render like you often do...that might be a good start.
  8. No, I didn't brush over the text. WOO! That's the kinda stuff I love to hear. ^-^ Although, I do appreciate bad-in-a-good-way criticism just as much (well, maybe a tad bit less) so please, if you guys ever find any flaws in my work, feel free to let it rip.
  9. That's exactly the problem. He didn't get rid of it. O.o And nah bro, Crop's the place to be. Not white space, but EMPTY space, rather.
  10. Quite the popular one nowadays, are we? Just don't go off and join the cool kids and forget your dear old mentor Johnny.
  11. Holy joobies Nguyen, you're a mod, you should know better than to ressurect zombie topics.
  12. WHAT!? Johnny didn't comment on a month-old topic?! FOR SHAME!Anyway, AIM icons are small, so I can't really give you much detailed criticism, but it's nice.
  13. Wow, talk about old topics. NICE ONE NGUYEN.Rendersdesign kinda died somewhere in the THREE MONTHS between this topic's last post and your new one. :DUse Pic-Host.com. It's bizarro.
  14. It's not that, it's just a terrible-quality render. XD
  15. *nods* Haha, no, I don't need more posts...I have a good what, 1500 or so, already?
  16. Same here bro. It's all about the kudos. All about the kudos.
  17. We REALLY need to get a "shakes head" smilie.
  18. Diggity done, but one last word...LONDON ROXORS TEH BOXORS!Go London. woo.
  19. Yep. You got it. That's a lie and we all know it. j/k.
  20. Yeah, other than the repeated render, it looks great. Nice job.
  21. Why thank you, for quoting me, NGUYEN.
  22. No, I didn't get a barcode, snlildude NGUYEN.
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