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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. My wand is huge, and has joobies in it. I wish there were a shakes head smilie too...it'd be so useful for like...all of Mike's posts.
  2. The offset H was an on-purpose thing, and Nguyen, you should know that I never EVER drag brushes. EVER.
  3. Yeah, I like putting catchphrases on my sigs...I don't do it as much anymore though...Anyway, thanks to you (*cough NGUYEN cough*) and Muksimp. ^-^
  4. You totally stole my idea. :DNah, it looks good though. The only flaw I can find, really, is that it's flat. Like, really really flat.
  5. Hey Mike, I think I figured out one of the things that's screwing you over. It's text placement bro. You always seem to stick text in like, a bad place. In this case, it's right on top of an awesome Ryu render.If that and the color were better, you'd be set.
  6. Hm, not bad at all, but nothing too impressive this time Mike.I like the....whatever...behind the samurai though...I'm gonna have to try that sometime.
  7. http://ps2.gamespy.com/playstation-2/clock-tower-3/ There's the link to a game review. I'm pretty sure he's like this mad killer guy called the Scissorman. Not too sure though. (BTW, has anyone else noticed the Capcom official site (http://www.capcom.com/) is like, REALLY REALLY bad?)
  8. Hm....thanks for the suggestions/comments guys. ^-^
  9. Okay, decided to take a little crack at render manipping, and hell, I'm surprised. I love it. But that just means you guys will burn my hopes and dreams into oblivion. That's the way it goes. Anyway: Original -- http://static.hugedomains.com/images/logo_huge_domains.gif Modified -- http://static.hugedomains.com/images/logo_huge_domains.gif I think it's badass, but meh...let's see what you guys have to crush say. If it's good enough, should I current it?
  10. Nah, the lines add to the flow. But thanks. "15 SHADES OF DARKNESS! SUPER POWER BATTLE!"
  11. Okay, here's another return gift, and one I'm pretty proud of. Monotone CAN look good, you just gotta do it right. ^-^ Hope you like it. Everyone else, you know what to do. Or if you don't, RATE/COMMENT/CRITICIZE!
  12. Holy joobies. Do I have to go all Voldemort and kill people, so people won't say my name?
  13. Haha, Mike finally got his second gift! He's already given out, what, 15-20? :DAnyway, nice job Hulunes. Looks pretty sweet.
  14. Well, I'm going a slight bit off topic here, but THE NAME THING.
  15. Almost all the tools can lower opacity, if they actually affect something on the sig, but like I said, I just lower layer opacities.
  16. Dude, I understand, but you really don't have to go into detail. Now you have me picturing huge globs of saliva and...yeah....ew.
  17. What a tool.Me and Becca don't have anything going on, she's too young for me, we barely know each other, we only know each other online, and I could probably come up with a bajillion more reasons.Just because I make her two gifts and use the ...Get a life guys.
  18. Um...you wouldn't happen to be using the same color brush as the background, would you?Also, check to see if the opacity and flow of the brush are on 100%.
  19. I HATE THAT NAME! :DMilk, it's just a gift. It's showing that Mike spent some time making you something...you can just stick it in your sig (it can be just a link) to show that you like it, or whatever. O.oOf course, if you don't actually like it...um...can't help you there.
  20. You're loving it, aren't you? You're completely loving it.
  21. Yes, gmv means got my vote.No, you CANNOT call me that.And I usually post the score like this:3-1. Mike up.or whatever. with the highest number first, and tell who's up.
  22. I agree. We should decide beforehand exactly how many challengers we want, and if the battle gets that many, the entry topic should be closed. Any other people can make a topic calling that person out, I guess.
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