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Can You Go Back To High School? at 34....?
iGuest replied to gorgeouscreature's topic in General Discussion
going back to school.Can You Go Back To High School?cani go back to highschool at age 44 to set a good example for my teenage son? -reply by betty lewis -
Php Quiz Script Make quizzes for your site.
iGuest replied to maddog39's topic in General Discussion
How can I validate the answers with feedback to the studentsPhp Quiz Scriptmaddog39, this is an excellent script. Thanks alot. Its very simple and can be easily modified. Could you kindly guide me as to how I may be able to validate the answers and also provide feedback. For example if let say the examinee puts in 'A' but the correct answer is 'B' - how can I let the examinee know that the provided answer is 'Incorrect' and 'Why B is the correct answer' Thanks for your help. Aftab -question by aftab -
I truly believe that in this country, at least, we create more problems with the general mind set of the population in power. For some reason, people seem to think that they don't make mistakes. Or they seem to be scared to death of the evil that is out there. We have so missed the mark in being able to differentiate between the predators and the sexual misbehavior that accompany miss judgment. Both should never carry the same consequence. If you think about it isn't that considered cruel and unusual punishment? Branded for life for an error in judgment? In trying to protect ourselves from the evil that is out there, we overreact and it serves to only create new problems. If someone has made a mistake and has done their time it is not unreasonable that they should not be allowed to be discriminated against. Once the rules of society have established a person should become a citizen again then they should be afforded all those rights. And if the rules of society have put someone out in society, ie probation, then those individuals should be afforded the opportunity to work without being discriminated against. At the very least, not simply ruled out via a "background check". One should have the opportunity to tell their story. It is therefore, nothing less than a violation of ones civil rights to deny an individual the oportunity for life, liberty and the persuit of happiness. The question is how far do things have to get screwed to the other side before the demand for change comes. Change in this country can only come when people are heard. Our voice is our vote. Too many of us have stood by in this country and expected things to just run OK. We try not to get involved and keep from rocking the boat, but NOTHING can get done without the LOUDNESS of a unified front. Unfortunately, that takes commitment, stamina, and some endurance to pain, not to mention removal of fear. Ghandi said that there are things that he is willing to die for but nothing that he is willing to kill for. And that is what will be needed to draw attention to any worthy cause. The answer is to organize. Get people together, petition, march, vote out anyone who does not speak for you, demand to be heard. We are out here and we are brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, friends, cousins, sons and daughters. That means that there is a larger pool of support than we realize. I'm ready when you are. Just say when.
I loved the books read them all in like 3 moths and to be honest they were the reason I gave reading a shot my favourite books of all timeBut the movie doesn't follow the right story the characters are wrong age description personality darren sixteen he had1 teacher so was 11 12 debbie has a tailAnd Mr. Crepsley asks him to become a vampire on stage what happened to the whole denial bitAns he has super spit and can flite (cant mind spelling)And worst of all its God damn American what the hell Britain or Irish he plays football (soccer) at school and yes it matters //SLIGHT SPOILER// because he meets up with a friend and something happens on a football pitch that relevant to his positionDarren you were my favorite author now I just see you as a sell outI personally hope the movie fails and they give up so later a real daren shan movie can be made-reply by meikle
qwsetNew Eragon BookThat's all wrong 1stly eragon wont take the hearts from the vault of souls unless the dragond=s within let him and he will not kill murtagh because he will kill galabotorix and because he broke his word in the ancient language he will die. The new dragon cant fall 4 thorn because then it would have to be gay and that would be funny and paolini isn't funny. -reply by bobo
NO ONE WILL HIRE ME!!!Hiring FelonsI had twin boys that had major medical problems. When my one son passed away, I had a breakdown. I didn't handle it well. I opened up a credit card in my Mom's name. I was buying things that I didn't even need. I didn't realize how much I spent either. I spent $60,000 on the credit card! My Mom did turn me in. I am a 38 year old woman and I have never gotten into any kind of trouble before this. My Mom and I didn't realize how difficult it would be for me to find work once I was arrested for identity theft, which is a felony. I just got 7 years probation. No jail time, due to the fact that I have a son that is autistic and needs special care. I recently received a letter from the Clerk of Courts. They want me to pay $813/month to pay off what I owe! Obviously, since I can't get employment, that is going to be impossible! I have applied at all the jobs that I can do within my state. I am fully qualified for these jobs, but once they see my record, the employers refuse to hire me. Several months ago, before I was even convicted, I had applied for a cleaning position. I got the job. I was working for a couple of weeks and then one evening, I received a call from my employer to turn in my shirt and badge, for they saw my criminal record and said they had to let me go. I wasn't even convicted yet! I am not even permitted to clean toilets! How pathetic is that? I have not worked in a year. There are no more jobs at this time that I can apply for. I know that my probation officer will be threatening me if I don't pay my monthly payments. I guess they will have to put me in jail. I know I made a big mistake with committing a crime, but the justice system is setting me back more. At 38, I feel like I reverted back to being a child. I cannot financially take care of myself or my son. My son and I moved back at home with my Mom. The justice system is surely a money making business. They want to keep me down. Do you know that the judges get paid more money for people that are Incarcerated? I shouldn't have to kiss employers' butts to get work. How dare them take that right from me! -reply by Lori
I Love My Neighbor, I Get Free Internet From Them
iGuest replied to musicfreak's topic in Computer Networks
This is so stupid...I Love My Neighbor, I Get Free Internet From ThemI am not going to lie. I skimmed through most of the comments on here and to be honest, I think about 80% of you guys are ****ing idiots, except the ones that say its ok to "steal" internet. I agree with master_bacarra 100%, its not "stealing" when they openly broadcast a signal and don't secure it, and the analogy that its the same as someone leaving the front door unlocked is ridiculous. Its not. Being able to connect to, and use, a neighbors internet is completely legal. Walking into someones house and taking something called what people? Breaking and Entering and Theft. Look, the bottom line is that wireless internet has been out for many many years and if you have it, ****ing secure it, if you don't know how, ask someone. Using a neighbors internet is not "stealing", its more or so simply "leeching". I will agree and say that if it helps you sleep better at night, go next door and ask, the only thing they can say is no, and unless they know how to secure it (in which case they would have already), theres no stopping you from doing it anyways. Sorry if this sounds ethically unsound, but if you don't like being leeched from, lock your internet, or pay me to do it for you. -reply by SparXx -
Your Favorite Rpg Game and why its your favorite
iGuest replied to XxPrinceValoxX's topic in Computer Gaming
StarwarsRPG.netYour Favorite Rpg Gamehttp://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This is a wonderful roleplaying forum with many great writers and roleplayers, set after the battle of Yavin, it has run for over ten years! If you register, put down that Raien Keth referred you and then send me a message if you need help. -reply by Raien Keth -
thanks...It's really works fine and help me lot to make part file from a large file...Thanks again. -feedback by Partha Sarathi Das
Norton Ghost Tutorial Good computing practice with Norton Ghost.
iGuest replied to brokebloke's topic in General Discussion
can some one explain me?Norton Ghost TutorialI am katta I am actually saving my c:/ and d:/ disks as a ghost into my my external hard drive. If I wanted the ghost what I have copied will it work in different PC? will the ghost can create the same partitions and Data in another PC? or will it only work with the original system? because one of my friend told me that it can not be copied into Different PC. I am in a bit of confusion, please can some one clarify my question please? -reply by katta -
Petabytes of Data? Soon enough...1.2 Petabyte HarddiskSoftware that dynamically generates its own data - such as immersive 3D games - will easily generate these amounts of data (assuming you want the data to persist and not fade away as you leave an area). These could include extra data to enhance the experience (3D audio, olfactory/ tastes/ textures, per object) and allow for destructible (and persistent) environments.THEN we get to all of the above, PLUS the objects are raytraced (in realtime) rather than vector mapped and texture-wrapped.Petabytes of data? No trouble at all. -reply by Ag Arthan
Yeah I feel the same way. I was always easy going until I hit 25 and then I just got tired of people rejecting me and pushing me around. When I do explode, I normally feel long bouts of guilt and I really just wish I could take myself out of my miserable life. I'm an educated professional with most things going right, but underneath I am a volcano with explosive potential. Most of my friends look at me like I'm a weirdo b/c I'm not happy. Why can't anger be normal ?
If you listen to the right kind of music from both sides then you cant go wrong.rappers like lil wayne who are "cool" because they have cash, I don't consider that music its just showing off. rock such as fallout boy and gay boy bands like that, if they would spend less time trying to be cool and more time learning how to play more than 3 chords on a guitar they wouldnt be so bad. rappers who don't rap about money are okay with me. Even though I prefer rock, I will listen to biggie and NWA sometimes, they're pritty good and have clever/good lyricsRock bands who can sing and play instruments is what I like the best. Classic rock ('65-'75) are all pritty much good too me. 80's bands who would just dress up and have rediculous hair styles never really made that much good music but I do enjoy metal from the 80's (Maiden, Priest, Sabbath, etc..) overall, id say rock is better -reply by guest1234
My name is so non-common that I can't think of any cool name. /: My name's Autum. Any ideas? Don't say 'AutumAutopsy' cuz I know too many peoples with the word Autopsy in their name. X] -reply by AudieLlama ;D
Why does it take so long for NAV 2010 to uninstall McAfee?Norton 2010 Are Out!The install of NAV 2010 has been uninstalling the McAfee software that came pre-loaded on my computer for the past 3 hours. It should not take that long to uninstall ANYTHING! Anybody got any notion of what's hanging up this process? Thanks.
Well, I would advice you to learn Java at first. Its a complete OOP language and you'll be able to do a lot with just a few lines of code, what will give you extra confidence and joy, what's especially important in the beginning. Plus all the tools are free. Then, you will decide what language you need, and will quickly migrate to it. Like, last week I needed to do a simple program in C. I just got a book C for Java programmers -and it was easy. Once you learn one language, its really easy to learn the others. Its important you understand the OOP principles, get used to problem solving, just get more computer science minded...
i would love to be wearing guthix armorRunescape Clan Lvl 40 To 50I can not just keep doing all kinds of this stuff on rune scape it drives me crazy!Please help me try to get guthix armor!/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley6.Gif atack lvl 41 def 41 strength 41 -reply by dark deemon7
I bought a program called Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio 9.0 and it works quite well for getting rid of voices in music. It leaves a faint sort of echo of the vocals, but nothing that can be heard if you're singing over it. Also, using the program is really simple: open the song, click the Tools heading of the toolbar, go down to "Vocal Eraser" and select your options for removing the voice (default options works fine, but you can fine-tune it to your specific needs) Hope that helped
Running, Jogging, Training How much to do so you dont overdo it.
iGuest replied to ~Upnorf Cr3w~'s topic in Health & Fitness
increasing my staminaRunning, Jogging, Traininghi/ I go running for about 4 miles 3 times a week, I do the same route each time but every time I'm finding it harder to push my self and I get tired so quickly, can any one give me some tips on what to do to give me the will to keep going, is it all to do with what you eat, I do eat a lot of protein, and have protein drinks, but I do tend to stay clear of carbs because I want to lose weight has well, and I am under the impression that if you eat carbs you put on weight, so I really could do with some advise. I recently took part in a football match for charity, I really enjoyed so ive decided I'm going to join a football club, may be this is the push I need to get me into shape. -reply by lisa -
What Is The Best Processor For Gaming? Is it Intel or AMD?
iGuest replied to 2091's topic in Hardware Workshop
which better AMD or INTELWhat Is The Best Processor For Gaming?same people say amd best for game,some people say intel is better I know intel is the best processor in world...All internet cafe use amd 64 but I want ask you amd athlon2 and 2.90GHz and intel dual core which better for game MY MOTHERBOARD...ASUS...GRAHIC ATI POWER COLOR -reply by abdul azim -
How To Bind Mssql Table With Jtable
iGuest replied to tinoymalayil's topic in Science and Technology
How To Bind Mssql Table With JtableHow To Bind Mssql Table With JtableHere is a sample code from my project... I hope it will help you. void getTableData() { Vector<String> heading = new Vector<String>(); heading.AddElement("Code"); heading.AddElement("First Name"); heading.AddElement("Last Name"); Vector data = new Vector(); try { String table="tbl_cand_primary"; DB_Query.SelectAllQuery(table, null); while(DB_Query.Rs.Next()) { codeT = DB_Query.Rs.GetString("cand_code"); fnameT = DB_Query.Rs.GetString("fname"); lnameT = DB_Query.Rs.GetString("lname"); Vector<String> tmp = new Vector<String>(); tmp.AddElement(codeT); tmp.AddElement(fnameT); tmp.AddElement(lnameT); data.AddElement(tmp); } } catch(SQLException e) { // } finally { if (DBConnect.Conn != null) { try { DB_Query.Rs.Close(); DB_Query.S.Close (); DBConnect.Conn.Close (); } catch (Exception e) { //Ignore } } } table = new JTable(data, heading); v=ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS; h=ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS; jsp = new JScrollPane(table,v,h); panel_Content.SetLayout(null); jsp.SetBounds( 0, 0, 500, 150 ); panel_Content.Add( jsp ); } -reply by Prashant Sharma -
Flippingbook Html Edition download FREE version
iGuest replied to serverph's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Problem Publishing with Flipping Book to HTMLI purchased it last week for a critical project, all the reviews I could find where great, over a week later and now my client is threatening to cancel the entire account because their customer service and support is downright horrible. I was given a "solution" which did not work and with no way of actually contact them by phone or chat it is rather annoying waiting for an email for weeks on out. My problem, I import the pdf, even with out customizing, it renters the preview, I'm happy with it so I choose publish > To HTML. After which the software reaches 15% of import and gives me an error saying it can not load the COM license. I have registered the software, used their patch they sent me, even completely re-installed my os and still I get the same error. -reply by Kenia -
luckily I use Moyea HD Video Converter which adopts advanced audio and video synchnization. Therefore, we don't worry tha issues about audio out of video. Moreover, with this program's built-in codecs, it will never add the burden to the original system. -reply by partake06