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I myself have never been through a terrible hurricane, terrorist attack, or have ever even went to bed hungry, but everyday I see some of the most unfathomable things happening all around the world, Did God intend on things being this way? Disease spreading through the world, hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, parents killing their own children, children killing parents, war, starvation of millions of people in underdeveloped countries, thousands of Americans losing their jobs, and everything they have, children placed in state foster care without families, women having abortions, sometimes more than one, wildfire sweeping over thousands of acres of land, flooding, war, poverty, prostitution, addictions, greed, adultery, murder, suicide... I could go on and on, just the thought of this makes me sick, but that is the world as I know it, as we know it, and day after day it has consistently gotten worse, not better. Maybe God wants to wipe the slate clean, start new, or maybe everything that is happening is a result of an inconsequential sequence of events that has led us here. You can't use something over and over, day after day and not expect some sort of repercussion. And that is what we do, use. We use the world and now that we haven't taken care of it, it is probably going to punish us. But none the less, I am scared, because if I only have until December 21, 2012, which judging by today's date is just a little over three years, I fear that I cannot do what I want to do with my life, and I fear that my children wont ever have a life. And I hate not knowing something especially the fate of our world, or our destiny. But if the world shall end on that day, Dear Lord let it be over with fast... -reply by Sad Mother Of Three
How To Create Embed Image Mail In GmailHow To Create Embed Image Mail In Gmail Hello all, This topic is very important, especially considering the vast number of us using gmail of late. The imageshack option is nice, but sometimes we may require to directly embed an image into a gmail email (instead of linking it). Even though the gmail support says that embedding is not possible ... I have good news for you ... It is! /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley1.Gif Here's how ... Login to your gmail account In you gmail window,there will be some buttons on the top-left corner. Click on Documents A new window will pop-up, and Google docs will open. Here click Create New, and in the dropdown menu select Document. This will open a blank document, quite similar to MsWord.You need to compose your email in here To insert an image click Insert>Image. Select the button for "From this computer"Browse to its location and then click Insert. Attach multiple images you like and type the text as you normally would. Once you've finished composing, hit the Save button Next click on the Share button, and select "Email as attachment..." option Enter the email addresses of the recipients (I would suggest firstSending this email to your gmail account only first, and thenForwarding from there. This is because the layout changes a little whenThis document is converted into an email, and you can make theAdjustments from you gmail account while forwarding) V. Important!: Select the button for "Paste the document itself into the email message." Then click Send! That's it! Please feel free to drop in a word here if this method worked for you, to help let others know. Namaste! -reply by Chetan Sharma
Paranormal Activity Ever had a paranormal experience?
iGuest replied to Thing's topic in General Discussion
Open-minded.....?Paranormal ActivityI went to go see the movie "Paranormal Activity" tonight at the Rave Motion Pictures w/my brothers' best friends & his fiance. I knew this would be a spooky/scary movie, but I didn't know this movie would make me cry out of fear! Yes you heard it right, fear! See some of the stuff in the movie I haven't happened to me, b/c I didn't try to contact demons or anything of that nature. Let's just say after I got out of this movie & went into my car & on the way home I was crying out fear of this movie, b/c some of the stuff that I have seen on people's cameras on Youtube & people I have talked to in real life (NOT THE NET) have told me what experiences they have had w/the paranormal. That's why I was crying. Anyways, it was a great movie & I am a believer in the paranormal, I'll explain why down below... I have always been the type of person ever since I was a little girl I have always had this sixth sense from my open mind. My mom had the same thing when she was a little girl & so did my cousin when she was a little girl. But mine occur off & on...Like being dormant, then something happens. Anyways, for me it depended on the people I was around, the places where I used to live & the experiences I have been through & the new experiences I have tried. But my first sighting was my dead grandparents. I could only see the outline of them & I told my mom about it & to make sure I wasn't lying she asked me what her father looked like, I explained him to her to a "T". She was shocked. I have seen dead cats rub up against my mom & mine room that we shared when I was younger, only b/c I did have 2 real life cats that basically marked their territory & the dead cats couldn't come in. It was they were rubbing up against a barrier. But they would go straight through my dad's room b/c the cats never went in his room & he was a very negative person. I have played hide & seek w/a little boy that had trashy, torn overalls on himself & every time I would chase him he would disappear. I would talk to him & I asked how he died. He told me. I felt sorry for him, like compassion & pity on him. When I was playing my n64 (when they were still around) I saw out of the corner of my eye a dead woman hanging by a noose in my downstairs bathroom. That made me turn off the game & go upstairs real fast. My brother never believed me & I don't think he ever will believe that. I talked about that experience w/my cousins friend at the time that let a demon in his body named "Loky" & would hover over his bed & over the floor. & he asked me where I lived at the time. I told him in North Richland Hills in this apt complex. He said he thinks there used to be people that lived there a very long time ago, where there was no apt complex & only land & a tree w/a rope tied into a noose & maybe a town or village there. I said maybe. But when he was talking about his experience w/me I was starring at the outside sliding glass door & saw a face that was showing that looked like sharp teeth & mean looking eyes as a white face like it was illuminating. That was spooky. He said the demon(s) didn't like him talking about it. There was also a time I have smelled a really bad smell in my old bedroom & my closet where we used to live. Then one day I went in my closet & bedroom again & I smelled roses. My mom said it might of been my g-ma. I have smelled cigarette smoke where we used to live when there was no one at all living around us. My mom said it might of been her father (my g-pa) b/c he did smoke a lot & cigars & pipes as well. When close to Christmas time, I got in this huge fight w/my brother & mom & went downstairs that day crying & upset & this wind-up Christmas music player started playing & it was so comforting that I think it was my g-ma trying to calm me down. It worked too. Where I used to live in the apt complex this older couple lived next to us & the man died in his apt. The woman stayed there a while longer & then she moved out. Well his spirit didn't, it stayed. One day I was running up the stairs after my dog & the space between me & my dog this little ball of light like an orb comes out of nowhere & then goes straight through the wall & into the apt where the man died. I think it was his spirit. He never hurt me in any way either. & I have heard my name being whispered in the day time & night & even when I am at work every now & then, but not every time. Where I used to live in the apt complex, I would hear my name whispered & then some whisper "help me" or "help". I never did, b/c I didn't know what to do or how I could help. Some of my dreams have come true & when I think of something that might happen in the future, it happens or if my phone rings it happens or when I think about my fiance, he calls me. My fiance says the same about me too. I have played w/star cards & tarrot cards, & never ever ever play w/tarrot cards. They look harmless, but they are just like a Ouijia Board. When I have played w/those cards & ask Qs, they have been true & they have all happened & some Qs that I asked it are still waiting to happen. It is against my religion to do that stuff. B/c I do have an open mind I will never play w/a Ouijia Board b/c that is opening a door that I won't be able to close. I would rather keep reading my bible than that. A friend I used to know told me that my g-parents came in the form of demon(s), but I didn't believe her, b/c my g-parents that are dead never hurt me. They only told me they wish they were still alive to meet me & then told me they loved me, my brother & my mom. So I do believe in this movie, & what can happen in it has or is happening in this world as we speak. I have looked on Youtube for videos of demons & spirits & ghosts & you will find real footage of what people have seen or taken footage of. It's pretty scary. Just be careful & you have to know when to close your mind off. The only way to have an open mind is if you have a child's mind, meaning be more fun, playful, & laugh a lot & if you believe you will see them. -reply by Kelley -
NOKIA PC SUITENokia Pc Suite AlternativeI have been using Nokia phones since their first mobile appeared in the market and I was always amazed at how such a good phone maker could produce such a clunky software to interface it to a PC. I keep my N95 loaded with music because I spend countless hour waiting at airports, but hated loading the music and creating playlists with the PC suit specially when compared with doing it winamp and other similar programs. Recently, I was informed that a new version of PCsuite was available and that it had "greatly improved" music module and jumped into installing it in the hope that my complaints had been heard, but to my amazement, the new version requires that I install a ton of, even more clunky, software from Microsoft. What the hell is happening at Nokia ! I like their phones because I believe Symbian is far better than the MS alternative and now I discover that they are pushing me into the MS realm. Fortunately, I still have the old version of PCsuite, quickly re-installed it and here I am looking for an "alternative', because I am afraid Nokia will find a way to make it unusable the next time I change my phone. Any advice will be very welcome. -reply by vmjosep
YES! It is a symbol of masculinity...And the taller you are, the better! No matter what girls will say, tall guys are definitely more attractive, and the taller they are, the more attractive. It's all about nature..Girls want a guy who is the strongest and most masculine and one they can feel most protected with. Height is equated with masculinity...Women like that feeling of being the "feminine" one...Despite what they do...And by that term, I mean whether they are a pilot, cop, lawyer, DEA agent...Or any unconventional female role, they still want a man's man. Sorry guys, but it is how you equate big boobs to being womanly...I think it's only fair...!
Gimp Userbar Tutorial Very Easy...
iGuest replied to Snake1405241559's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
because if you modify the same layer, you could end up starting all over again if you make a mistake... If you use several layers, you can just delete that layer =] -reply by njabella2893 -
Paranormal Activity Ever had a paranormal experience?
iGuest replied to Thing's topic in General Discussion
Replying to A donutSomething like this happened to me once. Although the shadow was of a dogAnd I DID NOT have a dog. It really freaked me out. And that thing is thatWe were only 15 years old. Now I'm 18 and I hear things at points but I don'tFace them. I'm use to it. And the last time I experienced something was likeAbout a week ago. Where I have this thing were I get paranoid and stareInto the screen of the TV . When its off. And I seriously start to freak out.When I start seeing someone standing.. -
In such cases I'm using Flash to Video Encoder for Mac. So you can try it to http://www.flash-video-soft.com/blog/?p=249 I used it to convert swf to mov and avi. Works excellent. It can also convert flv to mov. You can have a try. -reply by Jessica58
Using your code, page does not refreshUpdate Part Of A Page Without Refreshing?I'm very interested in this AJAX/Javascript script. I duplicated it and it is loading the data correctly on the initial load but won't reload the data every 500ms. Is there anything you could think of that could be causing this? -question by Andrew
uuummm dudess I think you all just are wannabes I mean if the world slit their throats would you all do that too?X_x seriously scene kids are scene because they obviously have no life whatsoever and so they become scene for the attention and just be yourself I mean seriously as someone pointed out earlier they get hate mail criticism all that bull why because they cant figure out another way for people to realize they exist want friends or attention try being social and actually talk to people not just wait till someone finally realizes you are there and I realize most of you don't come up with d names so guess ill help you drop dead____ dazzling____ _____on the dance floor dramatic _______ ______drama queen down!_______!down! ______darling
The Server Is Too Busy To Handle Your Request
iGuest replied to -Sky-'s topic in Web Hosting Support
May be u could try freeing up some space -reply by Mario? and Luigi? -
as everyone stated before, bloated with useless software and gimmicks such as windows file sharing which no one probably gives a damn. And whats this? under locals~1application datamicrosoftwindows live contacts lies cache files up to 200+mb taking up unnecessary space, I keep deleting but so long as u use msn it will return. Not to mention the resources it use to run even in background. The downfall of icq was because it headed into more bloated useless software and ads, seems WLM is heading the same direction for the same fate.
Replying to FeedBackerMaybe Liiaa Lockheart? o.O.. Or Liiaa Loveless, Liiaa Lockdown, Liiaa Lost, or maybe even Liiaa Lifeless.-Reply by Starstrukk Sabotoge
7 vs UbuntuLinux Ubuntu Vs Windows VistaI am going to ignore Vista completely and go to 7. First,Though, I must say Vista does take quite a lot of RAM. While it hasGlitches in its own protection and limitation system: UAC, it does haveA very nice cashe service and because of this preforms many actions in a quicker pace. ForInstance, when you open a file in Vista, and it is heavily opened, itLooks to the cashe and opens it in literally half a second. But is thisEnough? No,Vista has improved drivers for writing to the hard drive andWhile it still takes a large portion of processing power, it stillTakes less power to run than Ubuntu because power solutions are a veryLarge part of the OS. Ubuntu, on the other hand, is made forstraightforward programming with little difficulty on the side of bugsAnd errors. In this way, they went straightforward in doing everythingAnd did not consider power consumption (it is a large group effort ofStreight-foward OS dependencies and programs after all). However,Let me move away from Ubuntu's simplicity and Vista's cashing. Windows7 not only has even more improved voice recognition, cashe, and otherThings alsong the line from Vista, but the OS its self has fewerProcesses and takes less space in the RAM. It has a sleep look likeVista, but even more customizable and sleeker (in my opinion [newTaskbar look and take on loading and such features]). Windows 7 is also coming out with several applications that Ubuntu cannotMimic without paying its own large share of money to hire programmers. To start, the voice recognition software willProbably never be seen in a decently-close version on Ubuntu. It isJust another one of those things. Also, Windows is releasing driversThat can be used by system programs through the OS to access featuresSuch as multi-touch, something we are all looking forward to. We haveAlready experienced one such application, as I do not know the name,But it was a globe that could expand and spin by touch as a realisticOne does. Now, Ubuntu is backed by thousands of bug-fixers workingFor free, tons of people making open-source application, and an army ofDriver creators. Ubuntu come pre-installed with user-friendly apps thatCan help any user get to not only KNOW the OS, but use it withSimplicity. The simplicity part is not always straightforwardThough...As you may know. Ubuntu is also arguably built well aroundMulti-user preformance. With sudo, your advanced computer user can haveA generously safe computer with little hassle...Except for theComplications. Sometimes you don't want to just use the command lineFor everything, but few people care. Booting into sudo would ruin thisJust like booting into admin on Vista. People may not realise suchSecurity threats...So, in Ubuntu, it is in no way to the normal userEasy to do that, but probably for their own good...Since it's littleEffort to use the command line in most situations. Ubuntu has some problems too...For instance, when youInstall a program, all the binaries are dumped to a file called bin.While this, I have found, is useful concerning Ubuntu, it may also haveProblems. When you install a program in windows, it doesn't install 50Binaries all into one folder. It has a Program Files folder forPrograms to dump their data into, executables and ALL. In ubuntu, theseThings, this data, is separated. A better organization is due, in myOpinion, for the binaries concerning applications. On that mark,You can usually add any installed program to your GNOME menu throughThe menu editor. This almost always works, but I have used Ubuntu forOnly so much time, and I have installed about 100 programs. From these,About 4 have had this problem. I had to go look in the bin folder forThe executable to add it to the list. Finally, I will talkAbout both Ubuntu and 7 here. The file browsing experience on 7 is muchFaster, as has been said, but from what I see, is much simpler. TheBacklighted icons are nice, just like on 7, but Ubuntu is pretty roughIn the GUI on my opinion. As little information as it is, I thinkPeople can relate to what I am saying. However, I would have to sayDragging files around in 7 and vista is quite annoying. Most of theTime, it just makes a drag box...But I think when you click on theBackscreen only, it should do that. The only way to avoid this is toHold down the cursor for a second, which has probably wasted about 50Minutes of my life...Yeh, I drag lots of files around on the GUI!All in all, I find 7 to be the best with all of its program support andUsability. I think most people like Ubuntu because it's open source andThat only...However, I can think of many situations in which Ubuntu isUseful. Of course, Windows has something people around here may notKnow about, DRM, which slows it down exponentially and does nothingWhat-so-ever. If DRM leaves, Ubuntu has another thing coming...Still, 7Takes about the same amount of RAM as Ubuntu, nearly as much as XP, andIt is inevitable that they are both in the big leagues. You can't denyEither one of these great OSes. I suggest having a dual boot, since IHave run into many problems that just cant be solved in windows! Good luck guys, choose both! -reply by water
Remote Desktop Connection In Windows Vista
iGuest replied to soleimanian's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Re: Jimmy89, saint-michaelRemote Desktop Connection In Windows Vistasaint-michael: TeamViewer is far worse quality, dose not support multi-logging and requires installation. Jimmy89: Ultimate is not Desktop Connection-Ready and you need a patch. -reply by Jerry -
Best NFS series? - Which is the best Need fer Speed serie
iGuest replied to Milli Riba's topic in Computer Gaming
The best game by FARBest NFS series?Need for Speed 3 Hot Pursuit I grew up on the original NFS, and I bought every consecutive one after it. It was the original Hot Pursuit that set up the rest of the series for greatness. Without it we wouldnt have any on the new games like Most Wanted and Undercover. Oh, iGuest, you want more realism, get Pro Street or Shift. After Hot Pursuit I would choose Underground 1, without it we wouldnt have the extreme amount of customization all the later games have. I still love the original game, but there is one game feature that SHOULD have been exploited on later games. Need for Speed : Porsche Unleashed One of my all time favorites, why? You could go to the junkyard and buy cars you wanted for dirt cheap and fix them up. And as the game progressed through its timeline certain cars became rare, and later impossible to find as they got older. You could buy cars for half the price of new, and fix them for cheap, sometimes they were pre-modified! Just like you might actually find at a junkyard! It gave you a certain sense of accomplishment. Imagine pulling a totaled Skyline or Rx-7 out of a salvage yard and fixing it up for less than a new one. All the money you'd save goes under the hood! -reply by Chris -
Loading the counter strike game Counter Strike ProblemOK when I try to run my counter-strike source it loads up and goes to the connecting to account blah blah blah. Then it goes to the pop-up of preparing to launch counter strke source. Then the pop-up goes away then gets ready to start up the game. The loading screen pops up and then pops away and the game is not runned. After all of this I go to the task manager and the processes are gone. What am I missing, is there an application that I am missing. Or what? -reply by ThatOneGuy
wat am avoutRap Lyricslookk d0gg u cant rap all u could do is crap u a l***** u don't knoe nothin about rap alritte yo am out cause frann told me to go take a nap but I feel rapping ritee noe u just don't wat am I about your hater on the block ok here dolla for the night that your gurl gave me brain last nigh alrittte homes am really out cause am tired and dismart... -reply by juan carlos
Firefox is trying to download pages instead of displaying them.Firefox Trying To Save WebpagesI have been having trouble, mainly on facebook when I click a link such as home and a file home.Php wants to install rather than take me to my facebook home page. Interesting enough, this also happens when I click on the facebook home link that I have in my bookmarks toolbar. I uninstalled firefox, removed all traces of it on my computer and in my registry, scanned with malwarebytes and avast, then cleaned my computer with ccleaner, then reinstalled firefox. I did not add any extensions or add ons when I reinstalled. The problem still occurred. It is happening on both computers in my home. I spent almost two hours with someone from firefox chat help trying to figure out why this is happening. I sent the person a copy of the home.Php file, as well as a hijackthis log. I was unable to resolve this problem with the person from firefox. I hope emails me with a solution. These are all possible causes that I found, without any solution mentioned: Something is changing the headers in the browse, firefox is leaking code. I personally think that the microsoft vista updates that I just installed screwed with firefox in order to make my experience on it unpleasant so that I would have to go back and use internet explorer. All this started happening around the time that I installed the updates. If anyone has any info on how to fix this, I would be grateful to know about it. -reply by Lisa
Riddle 9:There is a 8 ft hole...How many dirt was in it? Riddle 10:There once was (a) something/guy in a cabin.No furniture was around him.He was dead and next to him was a puddle of water.How did it/he die? Riddle 11:What comes first a egg or a chicken? Riddle 12:If u were in a dark room with a candle,a wood stove,a match and a gas lamp.Which do u light first? Riddle 13:When one does not know what it is, then it is something; but when one knows what it is, then it is nothing.What is it?
Normally At What Age A Child Start Speaking.
iGuest replied to contactskn's topic in Health & Fitness
3 year old boy memorized the whole Holy QuraanNormally At What Age A Child Start Speaking.check this little boy he is only 3 years old he memorized the whole Holy Quraan, 3 Years old Boy speaking Quraan I need your comments. I don't try to talk about religion. I am in finding the right answer for you "Contactskn" I found this video. Now guys what you think. -reply by Rakeen -
System Does Not Detect Dvd/cdrom Drive
iGuest replied to master_bacarra's topic in Hardware Workshop
My System didnSystem Does Not Detect Dvd/cdrom Drive Please help me? My pc doesn't detect my dvd drive. It can open or close but when I went to the device manager an apostrophe is in their meaning it was not installed. But I put several drive on it but its still like that!(having apostrophe)? now, I cannot reformat my computer. How can I fix it? Please help me? -question by CracksGealon -
You can also create video to a gif,using VidGIF 2.3 (http://www.geovid.com/rdg.html? ).-reply by Vandy
How To Bypass Bios Passwords. Read This Amazing Guide
iGuest replied to Rs-Server's topic in Websites and Web Designing
This information is intended for experienced users. It is not intended for basic users, hackers, or computer thieves. Please do not try any of following procedures if you are not familiar with computer hardware. I'll not be responsible for the use or misuse of this information, including personal injury, loss of data or hardware damage. So use it at your own risk. A. By Using the Motherboard Jumper: In most motherboards CMOS battery is soldered, which makes it difficult to remove the battery. In this case we use another method. Almost all motherboards contain a jumper that can clear all CMOS settings along with the BIOS password. The location of this jumper varies depending upon the motherboard brand. You should read your motherboard manual to check its location. If you don't have the manual then look for the jumpers near the CMOS battery. Most of the manufacturer label the jumper as CLR, CLEAR, CLEAR CMOS, etc. When you find the jumper, look carefully. There will be 3 pins and the jumper will be joining the center pin to either left or right pin. What you need to do, is remove the jumper and join the center pin to the opposite pin. E.G. If the jumper joins center pin to left pin, then remove it and join center pin to right pin. Now wait for a few seconds and then again remove the jumper and join the center pin to left pin. Make sure to turn the PC off before opening the cabinet and resetting the jumper. B. By Using Software: I have found that BIOS/CMOS Password Recovery Tool is the most effective.:BIOS/CMOS Password Recovery Tool is a program that works instantly to remove any lost or forgotten BIOS/CMOS password. Simply boot your PC to DOS and execute the program, and get access to forgotten BIOS/CMOS passwords in just seconds BIOS/CMOS Password Recovery Tool Service: http://www.biospasswordrecovery.com/ -reply by happymark