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Could Not Connect To 2wire, Wireless With a HP ze4400
iGuest replied to xavierrd's topic in Computer Networks
Two Routers on the same networkCould Not Connect To 2wire, WirelessHi, I have a NetGear router which is my primary and a Thomson router which I just want to sue to connect another device through its Ethernet connection in another part of the room (it cannot connect wirelessly) I have managed to turn off the dhcp server on the Thomson router, but I cannot be seen on my network. Pls, what else do I have to do?. Also if I connect the Thomson router to the phone line it brings my network down even though dhcp has been turned off. Thanks in advance. -reply by John -
Removing Information From Google Search Engine
iGuest replied to Hillary1405241547's topic in Search Engines
County Agency and A Law Reporter / posting links on GoggleRemoving Information From Google Search EngineHello: Does a County Government Agency have the right to post information about House Foreclosure about a individual ? onto Google ? A Law Reporter newspaper did the same thing. Thank you. -question by Bob Kobar -
Eivony and Civony are quite like Tribal wars -check into those, they're quite fun. A great medival rts is Rise of Nations, but you need to purchase a disk for that one. Rome total war and Civilization Revolution are good too. Depends on what you like. -reply by Chris
I just wanna thank you for your inspiring article, it really matters to me most especially at this moment I was in financial trouble. Your article is absolutely right God is always watching us he knows exactly what we been through I always putting in God hands all my trials,troubles and suffering all my life I've been trusted God he never let me down,regret me nor forsake me praise the LORD and to God be the glory
Rearrange the string in such a way that the alphabet with most occurrence occurs in the followed by the next most occurring alphabet and so on... It should also be seen that the alphabets should occur frequency number of times.Data Structures -- String -- Arrange Based On RepetitionRearrange the string in such a way that the alphabet with most occurrence occurs in the followed by the next most occurring alphabet and so on... It should also be seen that the alphabets should occur frequency number of times. -question by Abram
Dispatch is the best indie band ever. They never were signed and sold out Madison Square Garden for 3 nights. Also they had a free concert in Boston which 100,000 plus people coming from all over the world. Mostly their music spread through per 2 per file sharing. Not to say that those other bands are not bad, but Dispatch proved a band can get noticed without having to be signed at all. Their "last" concert was in 2004 but they have held reunion shows since then. Look up more about them to find out what they accomplished. By the way they have a reggae/hard rock/acoustic/jam band sound.
Free Web Templateshello I would like to help , and here is a list of links which provide more than 1500 Free Web Templates and themes : http://www.template4all.com/ http://www.freethemes4all.com/ http://freewebtemplates.over-blog.com/ http://freecmstemplates.blogspot.com/ http://templates4all.blogspot.de/ Goodluck -reply by hicham
Dissing AftermathOk, I found this video where pac is dissing aftermath, snoop, dre, eminem etc. I made some researches and I found out that this video has been released on 2008. You can see the video here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Some one explain what this is about...
router probsBest Home Routerlinksys are made by cisco, one of the best manufacturers and I use linksys at home and manage cisco equipment in my job (network engineer). the reason you are getting packet drops is usually a utilisation issue, too much traffic leaving your network and once your router output queues/buffer gets full, you get packets drops. this is because your lan will run at 100mbps per second, and because your broadband connection isn't, you will get queues when you are utilising your link, but you would only get packet drops when too many packets are being queued (think of it as a bottleneck, you are sending lan traffic at 100mbps to a broadband connection that is anywhere between 256kbps up to 20mbps, so your router will queue outbound packets because your broadband connection is slower. Hope this helps! -reply by ciscokid
great sluething RoulaGreat job tracking down the prob 90% of the time that's exactly what it is.. Heat!! -Cactus
Join The Best Runescape Clan On Earth noobs are welcome..
iGuest replied to lordshaun's topic in Computer Gaming
I would like to join a clanI am lvl 47, and have a rune suit of armor, and would like to join a clan.My smelting lvl is 34, mining is 36, hitpoints is 36, attack is 40, defence is 40, and strength is 40. If you are interested in recruting me into your clan please e-mail thedarkyobo@aol.Com. I will join any type of clan- skilling, clan wars of otherwise. -reply by Klaus_Charly -
Paranormal Activity Ever had a paranormal experience?
iGuest replied to Thing's topic in General Discussion
Man in BlackParanormal ActivityI remember when I was around 10 years old and I was visiting my cousin. It was a summer evening and my aunt an uncle were outside in the front of the house trimming the garden. In the house was my baby cousin, still in the crib, also a couple of twins around 4 years old. My aunt asked me if I would watch the boys (twins) in the bathtub so they could finish their gardening and get inside. My girl cousin, that I was visiting was outside with them. I agreed and went inside. I was sitting in the bathroom with them while they were bathing and I heard something coming from down the hallway. I got up to go and check on my baby cousin in the crib and something drew me towards the bedroom door of my aunt/uncles bedroom. As I walked into the dark room, my head was down. I got to the doorway and stopped dead in my tracks as I saw a pair of black aligator shoes up against the closet door to my right. I followed the shoes upward as a figure started to form. There he was big as can be. A man all dressed in black, from his shoes to his hat. Couldn't see his face, only black. I was frozen in my tracks, but was so terrified I turned around and with this unexplainable speed ran back to the bathroom where my cousins were still bathing and squeezed myself between the toilet and bathtub (small pace) in absolute fear. I couldn't move. Around 5 minutes later, my aunt and cousin came in and found me it total shock. It was awful. I am now 52 years old and have never forgotten that evening. They looked everywhere and couldn't find anyone in the house. I know it was there, what or who it was I will never know. But I never stayed there again. There have been many more para activities that have occurred in my life. Too many to get into. We are Christian people and I keep this on the down low because we aren't suppose to believe in this. My son, who is 14, says that there is only heaven or hell and when you die you go to either place and there is not a happy/unhappy medium. So I will leave it at that. What do you believe? -
Changing A Dynamic Ip How to change your dynamic IP.
iGuest replied to yoofus's topic in General Discussion
"the requested operation needs elevation" What should I do in this case?Changing A Dynamic IpWhen I enter command "Ipconfig/release", my internet connection did not drop, instead I got this message: "the requested operation requires system elevation" What should I do in this case?Replying to yoofus -question by Devon -
Help Unlock Mmc Help me unlock a MMC Card locked with Nokia N-Gage
iGuest replied to 4dsystems's topic in Hardware Workshop
format memory card micro sd or unlock code for nokia 5220Help Unlock Mmc1) how I can format my micro sd (sd-c512 Japan) memory card or unlock ? 2) if I wanna save all data , how I can save? 3) my memory card are demand for unlock code , when I enter the code he refused for open and same question again and saying that the mission is faild. 4) my memory card is unable to open the files and still lock every time. -reply by mohsan -
A. By Using the Motherboard Jumper: In most motherboards CMOS battery is soldered, which makes it difficult to remove the battery. In this case we use another method. Almost all motherboards contain a jumper that can clear all CMOS settings along with the BIOS password. The location of this jumper varies depending upon the motherboard brand. You should read your motherboard manual to check its location. If you don't have the manual then look for the jumpers near the CMOS battery. Most of the manufacturer label the jumper as CLR, CLEAR, CLEAR CMOS, etc. When you find the jumper, look carefully. There will be 3 pins and the jumper will be joining the center pin to either left or right pin. What you need to do, is remove the jumper and join the center pin to the opposite pin. E.G. If the jumper joins center pin to left pin, then remove it and join center pin to right pin. Now wait for a few seconds and then again remove the jumper and join the center pin to left pin. Make sure to turn the PC off before opening the cabinet and resetting the jumper. B. By Using Software: I have found that BIOS/CMOS Password Recovery Tool is the most effective.:BIOS/CMOS Password Recovery Tool is a program that works instantly to remove any lost or forgotten BIOS/CMOS password. Simply boot your PC to DOS and execute the program, and get access to forgotten BIOS/CMOS passwords in just seconds BIOS/CMOS Password Recovery Tool Service: http://www.biospasswordrecovery.com/ -reply by happymark
sound driver for vista thats similar to xpIssue With Windows Vista - Sound Card Acting Wierd [resolved]I'm trying to find out how to get xp sound driver onto vista. I cnanot record on my mp3 mixer, but on xp I was able to record. It seems the only solution is to reinstall xp and rid of vista but vista has proven to be great security. Any suggestions? -reply by drew
Answer to above Shut Down, Restart, Log Off XP Using A Batch Fileok well so what you do is, open notepad and type @echo off shutdown -s -t 30 what that does is shuts down your comp in 30 seconds, you can change the 30 to 10 if you like or 20.. Just letting you know.. It's seconds.. and if you want.. You could restart doing shutdown -r -t 30 or log off doign shutdown -l -t 30 so yeah, whichever one you want basically, use.. and if you wanna add a message there.. Which I tend to do sometimes @echo off shutdown -s -t 15 -c " Reformating your hardrive, shutting down =)_ -reply by lulz
Confessing To Someone You Like
iGuest replied to fallenfirebanshi's topic in Dating And Relationships
Well... I am more with Tuddy's side.. I'm a girl, actually, and I haven't really asked anyone.. I did like this guy that knew I liked him, but he was pretty cool with it, but neither me or him did anything about this.. Then it was forgotten, and we both moved on. I soon got a GREAT boyfriend that I loved back, and fell for even more after he asked me out. Sometimes, if you think the time is not right, you just have to go with the flow.. Maybe the relationship didn't happen because its not meant to be- because right next door, there is a MUCH better person just ready to walk in! So don't be depressed if you get rejected. Yes, it is embarrassing at first but things will be forgotten, and you'll move on.. And I can guarantee, you will find someone MUCH better very soon~ Don't be afraid, be a strong person, and confess. Its better to try and fail than to fail to try and wonder and regret. I know it's weird getting told by a person who never got rejected.. But I kinda know how it feels, and saw a lot of people experiencing these problems like my friends.. So I really can feel the pain And no I am not lucky, and its not easy for me to get people. It only happens because they are meant to be with you... Even if something happens, and you two separate, you were once together, because at that instance, you were fated to meet, and love It might change, but thats only because you deserve a better person and a better love -reply by InLoVe<3 -
My wife is having the same problem as Lisa is (above) Specifically speaking to her post ... There's a real good chance we're barking up the wrong tree, and the problem lies with Facebook, *not* with Firefox. If the Facebook server is identifying the .Php files incorrectly, and if the MIME type is unknown, wouldn't Firefox offer to save the file because it doesn't know what else to do with it? Just throwing that out there as a thought ... It's driving me nuts though, because my wife is into the Facebook with a vengeance, and when she has a computer problem, I have a computer problem. :-) -- posted by bbo
Wireless On The Xbox 360 Without An Adapter.
iGuest replied to LegallyHigh's topic in Hardware Workshop
What About Desktops?Wireless On The Xbox 360 Without An Adapter.I do not own a laptop and I'm getting another 360 (other one died sadly) and I forgot to take the adapter off so I REALLY want to see if this would work with a desktop and a wireless router so I can save 100 bucks. Please Respond ASAP so I don't have to throw away more money. -reply by Ryan -
Girl problemsHow Do You Know If A Girl Is Lying And Just Playing You?Yea I'm in a similar boat. There's this girl I like and I met her over the summer and we started hanging out then it turns out she started going to my school so we keep talking and I go to her house every weekend but when I go we sleep in the same bed and all that but for some reason she never seems interested in the thought of dating me. She always talks with me and we go together places but like I said she never wanted to date me so I asked her out and she said no but she still like tells me to come over and stuff so I have no idea I'm confused and sad. -question by Anonomous