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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Dell Latptop overheating & shutting down.Computer Overheating Had same problem-overheat-shut down. I was using an external window box fan to cool it down. Another forum (I can't find it again!) said dust between the fan and the heat sink heat. Remove bottom cover 8 screws. Remove heat sink 5 screws. Remove and BAM a dust buuny between the fan exhast and heat sink. This AFTER I had blown it with compressed air. Clean put back together and it runs 2x cooler and 2x faster!! The post had a link to dell sevice manual for removing the heat sink http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This fix worked like a charm.
  2. " have seen many games in football where its like 3-0.. And it took 3 or 4 hours for that score" assuming that you are talking about American football, what the hell? First. That score is almost impossible since a touchdown is 6 points, so you say they only scored with point afters (extra point), also at least in my canadian league, FOOTBALL IS TIMED GAME...IT ENDS AFTER AN HOUR, so that statement cannot be true seeing as it says 1 unlikely fact and one BS fact. Good day -reply by Edgar nelson
  3. Europe in the 21st CenturyThe Next World Super Power? In my opinion, the 21st Century will belong to Europe. It is the cradle of modern civilization and it is the European way of doing things that will prevail in the 21st Century. Recently smaller but typically powerful countries have come to realise that by teaming up they are able to build up a certain level of clout on the world stage. And Europe was the first to discover this. A United Europe is by no means a new idea and more than 2000 years ago the Romans entertained the idea of creating such a Europe. As we can see the united states of america are slowly forming alliances with mexico and canada which will maybe one day allow for a single currency system , military etc. Infact I don't believe we should be asking who will be the superpower of the future as I think power will be more evenly distributed but we should be asking who will be left out? Which country will not join such a union and forfeit their rightful position on the international stage. One thing I would like to bring to the reader's attention before I finish is the question of " Diversification, Globalization and multiculturism" I am an English man living in China and I have to point out that although the Chinese can do certain things imparticularly well( the power of immitation or in other words "copying") there are many things that they can't do imparticularly well ( most things) and I am of the state of mind that in the future those countries that are able to embrace multiculturism and utilize globalisation for the benefit of technological advancement and economic purposes are going to be far better off. -reply by Chris
  4. Runescape...I'm A Little Lost: MapleStory Or RuneScape ?I've played both Maplestory and Runescape. While you can argue that both games are almost the same rating, just because Runescape is made in Java and broswer based and Maplestory is not I'd have to go with Runescape. Graphics: Runescape graphics have greatly improved over the last year. I know this because I quit 2 years ago and now I came back and they added a new HD mode. While Maplestory graphics are more childish and cartoon-like, Runescape offers the user something else to look at aside from a billion Cartoon-looking potato head creatures. Runescape 8/10 Maplestory 6/10 Storyline: You can't really compare these two because of one simple reason; Runescape has a storyline and Maplestory doesn't. Runescape wins by default. Combat: Here both Maplestory and Runescape both lack extremly. Maplestory is boring and repetative and same can be said for Runescape. Runescape/Maplestory 4/10 Quest: Runescape quests revolve more around travelling and grouping to kill a strong monster while maplestory questing is Kill X of this or Collect X of that. Runescape 8/10, Maplestory 6/10 Leveling: While both game require grinding to level up, Maplestory is called a horrible Grind-Fest. Runescape on the other hand offers some other ways/things to do to level up. You still have annoying grinding but if your annoyed with that, go mine ores and blacksmithing armour, or cut trees or go fish, or go gather Rune Essence while enables you to create your own magic runes. Runescape 7/10 Maplestory 5/10 Overall: Runescape 7.5/10 Maplestory 5.5/10 -reply by Leor
  5. Actual Acer customer service transcriptAcer Customer SupportMy Acer Support experience Title: Locating an Acer repair center Customer 11/29/2009 09:10 PM Greetings! I have an Acer Aspire One netbook (D150-1165) that I have had for about 4 months. I just recently tried using an external monitor (lcd) and the picture at any resolution (tried native for the monitor and all other options) is fuzzy. I tried 3 different monitors (different brands) and different cables, and even tried a fresh driver, but I still get ghosting that makes the external monitor unusable for me. My other old acer laptop looks great on the same external screens. Help! Should I send the unit in for repairs? If so, where? Running XP. Thanks! Acer Response Thank you for contacting Acer America. I will be happy to assist you with this external display issue. The Aspire One supports having the display output on the internal LCD screen, an external monitor, or both. Hold the Function (Fn) key down and tap the F5 key to toggle between the different display modes. Note: To switch to an external monitor or have the display output on both an external monitor and the internal LCD screen, an external monitor must be connected and powered on before switching the display mode. It's been a pleasure assisting you. My next reply: Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately, Your response did not answer my question or solve my problem. I can make the second display function - that is not the issue. The issue is that with this netbook (and only with this netbook) the secondary display is very fuzzy, has bad ghosting, and gives me a headache. As I stated before, I have tried different resolutions (including native resolution), different external monitors, and a fresh driver for the second monitor. Today I borrowed a friend's acer netbook, and the same secondary monitor is crisp and clear with HIS unit, but not with mine. I think there is some RF internally with my unit that is causing the ghosting. Can you address that issue? Again, I know how to make the display appear on the second screen. The primary screen on the netbook work fine, the only problem is with any external screen that I try. Please let me know if you need further clarification, or if you would like me to try to take a photograph showing the ghosting. Thanks! Acer Response Thank you for contacting Acer America. I will be happy to assist you with this external display issue. I apologize for the inconvenience that you have experienced. After verifying your serial no:-xxxxxxxxxxxx, we found that your product is in warranty. I suggest you to update the VGA driver to resolve the issue:- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/- Download.Acer.Com/GDFiles/(etc.) Your service request id is:- xxxxx It's been a pleasure assisting you. My next reply: Thank you again for your quick response to my question. Unfortunately, downloading and installing the driver you suggested still did not fix my problem. I had already tried an updated driver, but I reloaded the driver from the link you sent and tried it anyway, and it did not improve the situation. The external monitor is still ghosting just as badly as it did before the driver was installed. I cannot stress enough that I really believe I have a hardware problem. I work in Information Systems at my job, and if this issue were happening with one of our units, we would return it under warranty. I really believe this unit is getting interference from inside the case that is causing the VGA port no not function properly. I do not believe that any combination of drivers or video settings will fix this issue (I have tried them all). Please let me know if you can be of assistance. If not, please direct me to a phone number or warranty center that I can call. Thanks for your help! Acer Response 12/02/2009 Thank you for contacting Acer America. I will be happy to assist you with this display issue. After verifying your serial no:-Lxxxxxx01, we found that your product is in warranty. I suggest you to contact our voice technical support telephone for further assistance. Our voice technical support telephone number is:- 1-800-571-2237, Mon-Fri 7am-9pm CST and Sat-Sun 8am-5pm CST excluding holidays.Your service request id is:- xxxxxxxx It's been a pleasure assisting you. My final response: Hello, I spoke to a person in the number listed above. That person referred me to a PAY for technical support number. When I asked the person at that number why I was sent to a site that would COST ME MONEY to address a WARRANTY issue with an Acer computer, they told me I should INSIST TO TALK TO AN ACER MANAGER. Please READ ALL of the correspondence in this case. Please understand that I know about computers; I work on them at work, and I am VERY familiar with hardware, software, ports, addresses, and settings. Does Acer really have a warranty department, or is the warranty worthless? I have a physical hardware problem within this unit. If ACER is not going to help with that, please let me know, and I will do business elsewhere forever more, and post reviews containing all of the above text at retail review sites. Note that I would not do this for any reason other than to warn other people, and that I would not state anything other than the contents of this correspondence. Please just tell me, this time without my having to ask again, if Acer will stand behind their warranty. Yes or no. I do not expect they will provide any help.
  6. Just a ThoughtNon-visible DisabilitiesHere's a thought, if you want to know about a person's disabilty and there benefits ask them (politely) you might learn something and they may get a kick out of having been asked. Having a conspicuous disability does not give you the expertise or right to judge other who are dealing with health issues. -reply by Justin
  7. Reset BiosReset BIOSI heard that cmospwd can do that, but with my prob cant even access dos or windows. It just a grey screen asking for primary password. I have a Dell vostro.
  8. How it worksMake Yourself Admin On A ComputerReplying to rejected When windows is installed a user account called administrator is set up. When you get a new computer and you go through the mini setup it has you create another administraotr account with a name of your choosing lets say it is called "Bob". Now you have to administrator accounts "administrator" and "Bob". If you do not log in and setup a passowrd for administrator then anyone can just log into the administrator account and change any settings they want. You do not need to be in safe mode. All you need to do is click CTRL+ALT+DEL then CTRL+ALT+DEL at the login screen and you will get a box you can type the "administrator" username into then leave the password field blank. If it logs into the account you have no password on that account and you should set one up! Hope this helps.-reply by BriGuy
  9. Reservationrewards.com is a very slick online scamReservation Rewards - A Scam!when you book a ticket, be it airline or sports event or a movie. You will end up with this Reservationrewards.Com offer, ask you to click YES to register. in my case it happened when I booked an online ticket with Allegiant Air. 1. Never on the offer page did they tell you it will automatically charged you $12 from the same credit card info you input to purchase a ticket online. It implies that the membership is FREE 2. Then they send you a snail mail telling you the e-mail address you use to register is wrong, asking you to go to their site to change it. If you do, they use it as a proof that you initiate a PAID membership 3. In the same letter at the back page fine print, then they tell you if you do not cancel your membership by certain date, you will be bill $12 to your credit card. 4. If you want to cancel now, there is a toll free number to call 1-800-732-7031 5. You hit a voice mail, telling you to dial for directory assistance by input 1014578#, and informing you this directory assistance will cost you $3.99. They will not let you proceed unless you go for their SCAM $3.99 6. I just hang up. Then call the lost and stolen of VISA. Telling them this Reservationrewards.Com scam. They told me they are aware of it. Many of VISA customers complain about Reservationrewards.Com. They will block all charges from this site 7. Reservationrewards.Com knows by the time one reads the $12 charge and they cancel by calling 1-800-732-7031. They will at least get $3.99 from you 8. You can cancel by sending a e-mail to customerservice@reservationrewards.Com now you have a dated proof you have cancel to reverse any charge bill to your credit card I really feel sorry for the American, first they have this moron Bush to start the killing of young innocent US soldiers in Irag/Afghanistan, then the sub prime mortgage crisis, then the movement of 9-11 truth saying this is all a plot by Bush to profit from his family interest in the oil business, finally the LO DOWN scam of $3.99 from a US online site. Why is the FBI not hunt these guys down and sue their pants off ... Another 30,000 US soldiers to the killing zone, only to make the Taliban stronger. These people are willing to die by strapping bombs to their chest ... Please wake up Dear Mr. US president. -reply by allegiant air customer
  10. My Acer Pc went faulty within 6 months took it upto the repair centre which is a 10 min walk from where I live. I'm told it will be fixed in 10 days. 6 weeks on and serveral calls now being diverted Offshore I'm told that they cannot fix my pc and have offered to refund me. Ok I think I'll be up in 5 days on my day off. I take my reciept with me thinking they would write the cheque then and there but NO it has to be scanned and the request sent off to God knows where. Nice chap say's it will be with me the refund that is within 10 days. 16th of November I went to get my money back it's now the 3rd december more than 2 weeks on and I go back to them today to see why it hasn't arrived yet and the guy who initally offered the refund has no idea where it is. No record on his pc or ability to check to progress. Meaning it hasn't yet been dealt with. I should have known there'd be problems as it was me chasing them for 6 weeks and another customer being dealt with was told they'd couldn't find her pc in the warehouse. Great I was looking at replacing my pc with another Acer but I think I'll switch back to HP or save up for a iMac -reply by mdoyle
  11. MTU settings is the maximun transmission unit for your connection, if you are using a wired connection from the laptop and the laptop is using a wireless connection, you just need to ask on the network server whre you connect the wireless connection on the laptop to set the MTU settings to 1364 or 1400
  12. have computer that has ethernet card and wirless cardNetworking With A Wireless Network Adapterethernet card using to print to copier using crossover cable and setup ip address print with no problem. Wirelees card using for web access. problem is when going on to web wants to use ethernet card instead of wireless card. How to default so it will use wireless card. If I disable ethernet card it use wireless card. -question by Frank
  13. i fell in love then he left with my heart In Love With A Best Friendokay theres this guy he moved here from ridgeland and we got really close you know he was my best friend we always hung out but then I realized that I liked him alot then all my friends knew they said it was obvious they started messing with me then they told him that I liked him but he didnt believe well the end of the year came and it was our last day thats when he decided to tell my best friend that he liked me why would he wait till the end of the year ??( but he didnt tell me he told my bestfriend) well the next school year came and I seen him his hair got longer and he looked so cute .. Well I knew he liked me but did he know I liked him?? ,we got closer he even told me he would never leave me but then that day that day he came to schol and told me I'm moving back home ...It hurt me I tryed to look happy for him because he is getting what he wants you know he is happy but it made me sad he noticed he would do these things to keep me happy like poke me in my cheek and tell em these stories ... I loved it because he cared but then that friday he left and so after school I decide to txt him we talked alot!! and thats whn he told me his self he liked me alot but he said we couldnt date because he just got out of a bad relationship so I was like okay ill wait then he started saying I love you to me yes I said it back because I do then he stoped talking to me I don't know if he sick or he just don't wanna talk to me then last night I had a dream that I was going to his moms work to talk to her and to see if he was okay well when I walked in she asked if I was me and I saud yess!! and she told me I have bad news she said michael has been sick and the doctors said they couldnt get heal him but his body wold have to heal on his own then she said but right now he is really sick and he might even die then I just started crying and I couldnt stop then I woke up.. I miss him alot I wonder if he things of me.. Thats my story!! -reply by brittany
  14. lol the ai sucks bawlsCivilization IvDefinitely have to agree with the AI issues having an AI suddenly declare war "and he would have say, 4 cities" then come and take my capital " 25+ people" with 30 catapults and grenades when the city is being defended by 10 tanks and heli's and win... all the realism they worked for goes right out the window. I actually stopped playing and went back to Civ3 because of something that happened similar to that.. The difficulty setting was 2. I had been warring with this nation for awhile and we finally had peace. in 10 turns he managed "with about 5 cities" to turn out about .. Thats right.. about 15 units... Catapults, grenadiers and bowmen "whats with the AIs love for pults btw?" and successfully, in 1 pass take my capital. Defended by machine guns, modern armor and and a few marines... I mean ***? doesnt even make sense, thats when I installed it and gave away the disk PS: the chick I gave it too sold it on ebay, said the AI blew *bottom* -reply by secrets
  15. I recently saw a BBC production on the Power of Art and they claimed that Darius the Great was the first to employ a logo. Check it out on Youtube. Alexander the Great was the first to employ his image on a coin. Great Documentary series. -reply by Rudy Gardea
  16. KDE4 quick updateHotkeys / Keyboard Quick Launch Keys In LinuxIn KDE4, at least under OpenSuSE 11.2, the directory for autostart is actually ~/.Kde4/Autostart -reply by Jessica Tanenhaus
  17. Savegame neededXbox-save-gameshey, Is it possible to get a MODDED savegame from some one and then put it on my harddrive and then play the modded game ( single player cod 5 ). If so pleas message me back and give me pleas the modded savegame ? Thanks a lot ! Greeting Jero Game -question by Jero Game
  18. What program are you using?Trouble With Rpgmaker XpHello! I got the same problem and I'm running windows 7... Just right click, go to properties, go to Compatiletierusaueo something, and then run as winodws xp 2003 -reply by RMXPThingGuest
  19. Skype Vs MsnSkype Vs. MsnI have used Skype for a while but now am using Windows Live Messenger. I started using skype because it has an easy interface. But very bad call quality made me switch to Live Messenger.Skype Video Call :- Video stops after a while.Skype Audio Call :- Audio doesn't get to the other side. Both parties have to constantly repeat themselves. Even if we are not doing anything else the problem exists.First I thought maybe the connection is slow or something. But then I started Using Windows Live Messenger and have problem in call quality.Also on mobile phones Skype is not available for Blackberry. I heard that with Skype wifi cannot be used to make phone calls. I wouldnt want that. Looking into other possibilities like OOVOO.Any suggestions other than Skype would be appretiated.-reply by Anonymous
  20. This is kinda sad...Dem0nfire's Pokemon Starter KitPersonnaly, Demonfire You're starterkit sounds great and all but starting to doubt you'll ever make it--you have been promising this for a wi hile and during that time I completed A 2year pokemon game project, so you all might as well give up on wating. -reply by Judgement Day IV
  21. lil' rain - adore youDigga -brokenStereophonics - maybe tomorrow
  22. hi..how can i know the answer for thisFibonacci Number Program Problemmachine problem: fibonacci series: 1. Enter 1st number :5 enter 2nd number :2 enter number of iteration: 5 output: 5 2 7 9 16 -reply by gigi
  23. How to solve Memory Card File format is unknown. Format Memory Card- Yes/No?Help Unlock Mmc In Nokia 5139c-2 mobile I've a 1GB Micro SD memory card. When I try to enter into Memory Card it tells Unknown File Format in Memory Card. Format Memory Card Yes/No? Please help me how to solve this problem. I've a lot of data in the card. It doesnot have any Write Protect handle. Thanks Nelson -question by Nelson
  24. Fan noisePc Making A Strange NoiseMy PC made a grinding noise too. Turns out it was the little fan on the graphics card. I never thought to clean it, I just moved it back and forth until the noise stopped. The card ended up dying because of overheating, the new card I got has the same problem, but just lightly touching the fan fixes it, I think I'm gonna clean it out sometime. -reply by Fullmetal
  25. to recover ntldr file boot they system by windows xp bootable cd and use the R=repair option then select your windows number its likely 1 then type the administrator password and go to your cd rom prompt then use dir command its show the i386 directory use cd i386 command and now use copy ntldr c: and press enter now restart your computer. -reply by mahesh
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