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Everything posted by iGuest
Great help!Open File Dialog BoxAwesome! Now I can have my users browse rather than type! Thanks! What I would like to know is, how do you know and where is a reference as to what object to create for a specific thing in your script? How did you know and where did you get a reference that by creating an object using UserAccounts.CommonDialog you would accomplish this? I've never been formally trained on vbscript but just get by through creativity using examples, but I've never been able to find anywhere a reference on what objects I require to create in order to accomplish something I need (I.E. UserAccounts.CommonDialog, Scripting.FileSystemObject, Wscript.Shell, etc) -reply by SelTech
its more fun if you type in "whats my mission?" then if you look sometimes it will say text ____ a _________________ or you can put one in from you and say like email me a funny story and put your email there and then keep putting that in and then check your email and see al the replys -reply by vivian
Is The Word "terrorist" Ever Used Too Loosely?
iGuest replied to Ho-oh'sRealm's topic in General Discussion
Hello. It is my opinion that calling someone a terrorist is dehumanizing shorthand for a number of more specific things you can call a war criminal. It shows an disadvantageous focus on fear on our part, blames the person not for their actions but the effects of their actions, and moreover it blurs the actual identity of your enemy, which is not good for the actual battle. That is my opinion. "For example you could no more convince a muslim that killing infidels is NOT ok than you could convince me that rats and mice are equal to humans." You probably don't want this shoved down your throat - but that's a little racist. It's "radical muslim" or "jihadist", not "muslim". Islam as a religion is not wholly devoted to destroying America. There is a faction spread through mosques devoted to jihad, and that recieves opposition from the rest of Islam. -
Use of the anachronistic European units of measurement called "British"Several Uk MisconceptionsYour use of the apostrophe is incorrect. I would urge you to study the use of the genitive in English. Furthermore, your opinions on anachronistic European units of measurement I.E. The pint etc... Is a personal one as usage depends on age-group. Every person under 45 has been educated solely in the international metric system. I know as I am a teacher. -reply by Philip
where is the shrine?Oblivion GlitchDude I need help with that I saw a video on youtube about the skel. Key and I've been running all over the place it looked like where it was for like 10 days now and I still can't find it or the shaogorath one. What do you need live to get the key? and that spell thing you talked about are you sure it don't give all those spells like that polomorph wolf spell thing that makes you a wolf? and really I need a look for that video again I've been looking for those 2 shrines for so long I forgot where the video said they were at. Lmfao. Oh and could you tell me what I need a get for an offering for both shrines if you know them? I like to be ready for every quest I do because there's a quest I'm doing for a shrine I've looked everywhere for a black soul gem I never can find any I got a black soul gem but it was from that quest where you kill the king of worms'-question by brian
VersesAnyone Write Rap Lyrics?Replying to DjLukiTITLED: BRAVE ME{Chorus}So if ya wanna hate me, hate meNo matter how ya rate meYour the one who made meSo ya better be afraid of meCuz of the way ya played meMy mother never forgave meCuz I was a brave meVerse 1I kill lyrically like I was SHAKESPEARStep away from me cuz I will BAKE A QUEERIf they step cuz I MAKE FEARNow look the the earhthQUAKE HEREAnd it will make ya BREAK CLEARSo ya runnin for the door to ESCAPEI am batman with my black CAPEThan you I'm sure I'm in better SHAPEYou a washed up rapper who only post a wack youtube TAPEHopin someone think ya good when ya *bottom* I could easily RAPE{Chorus}Verse 2I took the risk to STRIKEWith my vengance placed on this MICI gotta hatred lik a jew against the third REICHMy rhymes sweet like the candy mik and IKEBack to when I was a boy ridin my BIKESeeing the houses in the distant hills thinkin thats what my house gonna look LIKESo one day I left home and began to hitch HIKEIn and out off different towns all the TIMEJust showin the world every RHYMEI'm ashamed to admit I commited CRIMETo just live cuz it hard when ya only got a DIMEI was still in my PRIMEBut I was in and out of the gutter SLIMEFacing the world head FIRSTTrying to satisfy my THIRSTTo have the sickest VERSEBut I was feelin CURSEDTo brave me it only got WORST{Chorus}Verse 3There I was in the CELLLocked right up in county JAILFeelin like I was a complete FAILMother wouldnt come pay BAILIT felt like livin HELLWhen I was realeased I was just more CONVINCEDSo all my energy I DISPENSEDInto my raps makin sure they werent CONDENSEDAt my own painful EXPENSEBut finally I was FOUNDAnd I got a deal and no longer was DOWNNo longer did I feel DROWNEDCuz I had mastered my SOUNDThere I was exactly where I wanted to be listening to my heart POUNDCuz brave me had become a spittin blood HOUND{Chorus}
Replying to iGuestGML is a very bad choice for a first language. I tried it and found a very small amount of similarities between that and other more advanced languages. Of course it easy and can be fun but if your serious about programming it's something to forget when using other languages. For other languages I would suggest trying something like Python or Ruby (why hasn't it been mentioned yet?). I personally use Ruby and do some HTML (although not really programming is still code) but you should look into them and find which one you find most interesting. reply by Scott
Anita your question is not clear! u were talking about uploading a front page .. And than u've jumped and start talkn about scripts... Later on, u have noticed that u have accessed the site.. Which site? and how did u access it? Cpanel are independant servers... If you have client's ip address , this wont help u. -reply by Johnny Sokhn
Replying to astraesboiBlah it's quite simple.101-102 = 1? You guys have to think OUTSIDE the box. You still move one digit, such as moving the 101's "1" to the "1" on the other side of the = sign will be 10 - 102 = 11, which is wrong.If you really wanna know the answer, scroll down.--------------Last chance! Do you REALLY wanna know? XD------Alright! Here is the answer. You move the 102's "2"!! XD Where? Well, think. Could you move it up? Yes you can!This is the answer:101-10^2 (10 to the power of 2) = 1.Nice brain teaser! Took me a while but finally got it.-reply by Kevin
NAME OF INHERITANCE 3RD BOOKNew Eragon Bookbrisinger is the name of his sword that he makes out of a meteorite. Thats why they named the book brisinger, because it is the name of eragon's rider's sword. Also, a little nifty fact, when eragon says the word "brisinger" his sword lights up with blue flames that drain off eragon's own energy. the book was great, you guys should read it. -reply by SKAndres
How To Setup Your Own TacticalOps Server With Tost
iGuest replied to HellFire121's topic in Websites and Web Designing
master.mplayer.com??How To Setup Your Own TacticalOps Server With Tost I don't know what I need to do because in the bat file say: can't find file host master.Mplayer.Com -question by diego -
you could try wolfteam. Whether you're from europe or the USA, you could try http://wolfteam.aeriagames.com/; if you're from asia or somewhereelse you could take a look at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which is the original but has more lagg as well... -reply by Dshiznitify
im kinda new so bare wit me here A Freestyle my rymes are colder than a dairy queen blizzard when I ryme I spit em faster than a beginner, its like your the hobbit I'm the wizard I'm the one 4 secs left in this quest of fame, this ryme isnt a game I'm new at this ima beginner it sounds lame but I wanna rap and see what I gain, if I don't get helpd soon its just a shame I'm just hear to proclaim that I rap about life I rap about pain if you feel what I'm saying then thats insane cuz I'm just a kid trying to get a deal and entertane, I wanna be like eminem and have a cool name I wanna have a swag and dimonds red white and blue like the american flag, I wanna be the rapper of a centry I want to have a multi platinum sellin cd so if you wanna help me and do rite email me or just write. -reply by john
Say "i Love You" In 100 Different Languages
iGuest replied to spirit_valley's topic in General Discussion
i love you in romanianSay "i Love You" In 100 Different Languagesyou spelled romanian wrong. It's " Te iubesc" -reply by ancaa -
yo this ht I'm hot how I got a rap I repesent new york I got it on my back sixteen balls 24 shots this is what I'm hot so give me what you got
My Lyrics 1st song i wrote tell me what u think
iGuest replied to iGuest's topic in Art & Creativity
i have a whloe note book of rap lyrics i have been writing for a bout a year now, and i want to know what you all think...My LyricsI told you once, don't cross mypath twice do a drive by stay quiet like house mice caps be bitin yo dome just like head lice when you see them head lights, freeze like a deer, still got you in my night sights ready for the kill, I'm locked on, like a door you about to get knock on, 12 round clip you about to get glocked on yeah its goin down but I wont put young joc on, like he say you can hear me when I'm comin, marchin through yo city you can hear the drummer drummin , like the cavalry, you don't want to battle me, ill heard you up like cattle, see send you to the slaughter house, lock you in the cupboard like its ****in harry potters house, give a break man, its kit kat, kill you with me bear hands make you neck snap, you can hear yo bones crack, cuz I'm on that fast track, to gettin fat stacks, sittin high like fat cats **** with me grab that gat stat, get snapped in that rap trap, stay strapped with that ratchat run up in yo crib like where is my cash at, don't make me find it yo life is a race and you fallin behind kid, - thats just one page, of a whole note book, I'm am only 17 by the way... Let me know what you think -reply by whyte diesel -
Speed up tipHow Long Is Your PC Boot Time ?I agree ronalddarcey with your point. I have tried all the boot speedup steps from last 6-7 years, but after sometime windows starts to slowdown. I find re installation of windows once a year have fixed my computer boot up speed. I suggest everyone to backup your data very often and have Windows OS CD/DVD ready in your drawer. Spare one day in a year to clean up your system before OS throw out of you from window. One more thing, get latest driver your hardware -reply by harrymanMPLS
What Was Your Worst Heartbreak [true] Story?
iGuest replied to saitunes's topic in Dating And Relationships
My heartbreak story is I,m in love with one of my friends, a girl, well it started me just thinking she was pretty then I began to like her more and more and now I cant get her of my mind, shes the type of girl who flirts with my friends and kissed my mate more then once but they arnt dating. I have to see her when we go pub or clubbing as my sister is friends with her also, I try to shrug it off like oh I just lust for her but I know it more than that. When I see her it hurts because I told her I liked her and she ignored me so I just said to her please tell me you told like me like that which she did and now when I see her there is awkwardness I never wanted -reply by 444cott -
True solutionWindows Media Player Plays All Video In Full ScreenStart MPC (not with a video file) > View > Options > Playback > Output > Direct3D Fullscreen > Uncheck itThis is the option what is causing it. Couldn't disable anything on my videocard so I dug a bit deeper.
Conserving Battery Power Efficient usage of your laptop battery
iGuest replied to varalu's topic in Hardware Workshop
Laptop battery Conserving Battery PowerHave been using my laptop for just over two years, and my battery gave up on me ?What's the lifespan of a laptop ? Not at any stage did it show deterioration up to that level cause when I recharged, it will show up to 100%, with the level being about one and half hour power available for usage-reply by patric -
Blood Type GeneticsBlood Type Genetics I am answering the question of whether or not it is possible for someone to have type O blood and their parent have type AB. It is impossible. I would recommend having your blood tested or your mother's blood tested again. There is no possible way a parent with AB can have a child with O. Both parents have to have the allele (I) for O blood. Your mother only has the alleles for A blood and B blood. Either the blood tests were not accurate, or maybe you were adopted? -reply by Teresa McGinnis
I am the only goth at my schoolGothswhen it was non uni day at school I expressed myself through wearing some of my goth clothes and makeup and most people were staring and pointing at me because I looked different to them some people would not go near me and some were in at my face saying goth and asking daft questions do you slit you rists like emos (which I don't) ect this was sooooooooo anoying but one teacher said ignore them and that I looked origanal I do not think people should ask questions that they are small minded about my mum and dad are cool about the way I dress so why can't otheres be the same. /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley15.Gif /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley11.Gif/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley16.Gif -reply by fallen angel
Chavs are not an effect to the world around them, they are hands down the most disgusting people you could ever meet. The fact is our actions are our own choice, and you cannot excuse it as a "reaction", a chav is a chav because they decide that they don't care, they decide to be the most putrid part of society, violence, binge drinking, drug taking, ignorance, their form of "music" and so forth, every part of that is a choice, if they don't want to be violent, simple, relax and watch how you act, if you don't want to be a binge drinking drugged up moron, simple watch your actions! I do not see how anyone can defend chavs in any shape or form, if it is genuinly not their choice then how can you even view them as human beings, we usually reserve that attitude for a bran damaged house pet, so by your standards they are a de-evolved sub race who should not even have basic human right, kill em all they will NOT be missed, if that is the case then sure I will agree with you hat it is not their choice but only because it would not even phase me in the slightest to see scum like that publicly and brutally murdered in front of me, if they even deserve that kind of mercy. -reply by Anon