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stay well clear of a company called profitcentre.Com biggest scam going. Had to cancel my card because they took money without my permission...Now got my bank fraud team onto them. They pass themselves off as google.
Emulator + Roms No need spend money also can play console games
iGuest replied to silverkaiser's topic in Computer Gaming
They are legalEmulator + RomsRoms are illegal, but if you own the console and game, emulators are legal under terms of fair use. -reply by jmccain -
How love works some timesRap LyricsI aint rich, I aint poor, ima talk about this girl that I really adore, she always does right, and never wrong, and just for her I dedicate this song, at the age of 12 I liked her style, then asked for her numba and I gave her a dial, we went out... For a month or two, then I gave up... Farley soon, I didnt know what to do I was really young, then the next day... My phone just rung, it was her, then we talked for a long time, I said sorry baby you aint ment to be mine, we always gana be friends till the end of my life, so don't forget me untill after I die, so this song goes to you please don't crie... I'll see you later when were in paradise. -reply by Pablo Chavolla
Wireless Router Problems. Keeps dropping network.
iGuest replied to Damen's topic in Computer Networks
wireless signal constantly droppingWireless Router Problems.I have a 2wire dsl moem that has worked good for the last 6 years with 2 wireless computers and one hard wired. I recently switched to charter cable and the wireless signal constantly drops and reconnects. Great strength on the signal but it keeps dropping. I have tried dlink and belkin routers with the same results. I called charter and they came with a wireless/cable modem. Same results. The hardwire computer great. I have disconnected all phones all kids games the invisible dog fence but still the same results. Right now I am still using the dsl 2wire wireless but really want to use the cable. Anybody please give ideas. -reply by Bill -
Master of Darkness for the Sega Master System I find quite hard. Final Fantasy X was no problem for me. It took me a fair while because I wanted to complete everything, mostly the monster arena, really not worth it. Still enjoy the game, however. I find the early (PS1) Tomb Raider series extremely hard. I have completed them all with no problems, but they just used to scare me to death! The bad graffics and the enemies jumping out at you always put me on edge! They still do. Zelda: Majora's Mask can be rather confusing when you first play, it took me a fair while to get the game going, It's a frustrating game. The last few levels of Theme Hospital always got to me! The original Metal Gear Solid caused me a bit of grief back in the day. Half Life, I could not stand those games yet I continued to play. I could list loads, but shan't -reply by Alexander
What has piracy ever done to you?Can Software Piracy Be Stopped?Why does piracy need to be stopped? What have pirates ever done to you? Just let the pirates keep on making a quick buck and let the buyers keep on saving a buck. The sofware companies are still going to be living just as well off as they would without piracy. Piracy is not going to make anyone homeless. People against piracy are evil, they're just out to punish people. I would feel disgusted with my self if I were driving a new Benz while some poor guy is in prison for copying my stuff.
I have the identical issue as FirefoxRocks Windows 7 Media Center IssuesNo guide download downloads in Windows 7 64bit. Stopped spontaneously but I did note that in the Windows media center settings about the guide that Zap2it had an end date of 02/12/2009 not sure if this is relevant but haven't found a solution as of yet apart from reinstalling Windows 7 -reply by milty
Thank YouImages In XML - Help?Replying to mimi_m Thanks for your help! I had to do the same thing for an assignment in Intro to XML (CSIS 115b in the California State School System). I was required to supply the DTD so I appreciate your thoroughness. I bet a lot of XML students in the future come across your post. -reply by SirGuff
MSN vs SKYPE...Skype Vs. MsnI use MSN for mac 7.0.2 and I don't see how one can even call another MSN user. Skype is so much easier, I can call cell phones, regualr phones and anybody around the world. MSN..Absolutely not. And...Here's the kicker. I try to erase some old contacts I do not want to keep and MSN keeps telling me theer's a bug and it won't erase it. So...Bottom line...MSN sucks *bottom*! -reply by Millenium Falcon
Iq Test Accuracy How accurate are they?
iGuest replied to cemeteryrecords's topic in Health & Fitness
IQ TestingIq Test AccuracyI personally do not believe in the relevance or validity of IQ testing. IQ testing online is a growing phenomenon, and it is a fair assumption that the person being tested can only be as "intelligent" as the manufacturer of the test. Such tests can also be practiced/cheated. Who defines what intelligence actually is? IQ tests totally disregard the multiple intelligence theory, as their focus is on numeracy and literacy skills in isolation. Is a musical genius for example not intelligent, because of the field in which their outstanding capacity lies?-reply by colourlessteardrop -
HeightHow Can I Grow Taller?Don't worry, you are still young! You will probabley grow 3-4 more inches. Eat healthy, drink 2 glasses of milk a day, eat whole grain stuff, and a lot of protein foods. Also water helps the procedure go faster. You can also try some stretching excersizes that may help. Play basket ball, swimming, stretch as soon as your up in the morning. My granny told me when I was 12 that monkey bars makes you grow taller too. Up till I was 13 I was just 5 feet tall, I didn't feel really good about it. I went to boarding school when I turned 14 and grew 5 inches. I grew a little more when I was in camp. I am 15 now and 5'8. I know that I am still growing, but my growth spurt already hurt. Just be positive, one day you might wake up 5 inches taller just like that. Don't worry stress can affect it too! Be happy you are 5'2. I know some adults that have kids and are just 4'11. Their kids are 9 and taller than them. Don't try pills and junks like that, it will probably stunt your growth. God will decide. Just prey, and think positive! good luck to u babe -reply by Maya
you can use array_unshift to push it to the front of the array and then remove with array_shift the first value
On Firefox 3.5.5 install to OS-X get ERROR CODE 10822?- No Install!Cannot Connect To My Webserver - All Pages Give Error Code 500 Prior version of Firefox on MAC OS-X Went to upgrade with version 3.5.5 Get ERROR MESSAGE (CODE) 10822 "Operation could not be completed due to unexpected...Error code (as Above!) This happened when atte=mpting to move(slide) Firefox icon over to Apps box? Any ideas whay is going on? I have tried a restart etc.. Same thing on a few downloads? Thanks Mike -reply by Mike Davids
Gf cheated Love Problems?This is 1st time I'm writing,,, I'm fun loving guy who loves to enjoy life. I had a girl in my life v had relations from past 4 years. I was over committed and even introduced her to my family and they too don't ve any objections. Things were going smooth one day v had fight and she said she don't wanna continue anymore, she gave me reason that she loves some other guy. V broke up. When I was surfing her email I got to know that she had relations with other guy from past 1 year. I cant take this and I'm confused how to tel this to my family.V really had good moments and also I'm afraid abt her future. Please help -reply by ramesh
Simpsons is way better.Family Guy Vs. The Simpsons Point A. Simpsons is cleaner humor. If your reason for watching family guy is The humor is more adult then watch south park instead, or is that too adult for you. Point B. Simpsons jokes are relivent to the plot. The simpsons include jokes that have to do with what is going on ex. Grandpa simpson holding up a sign that says I still like Ike in a election that made obama president and in that same scene they were joking about how people think that electric voting machines are rigged when homer clicked on obama, it sayed 1 vote for the republican party. Family guy jokes are off topic, always using similies to compare things ex "like the one seagull watching an adam sandler movie" that is kind of funny but they have to explain it with a ten second clip. What does that say about the veiwers of family guy? Point C. Compare the first few seasons of family guy and the simpsons and you will know which was better. The jokes in the second season of the simpsons is way better then the jokes in the second season of family guy. Point D. Making fun of family guy. Both the simpsons and south park have done it. See a trend? In fact South Park made the joke that manitees could write the jokes on family guy because they are so random and off topic. Conclusion. Simpsons is way better! -reply by Random Turkey
EDIT DVD MADE FROM VIDEO TAPEVideo Editing FreewareNeed free DVD editor wher I can edit existing DVD that was made from Video Tape. In am a novice at this. Any suggestions? -question by BVelsor
Counter-Strike Source Clans - Post Your Server IPs
iGuest replied to x2crazy4shadyx's topic in Computer Gaming OR X-Mas Maps - Public Server -
Problem Using Photoshop CS3 in Windows7 QuestionPhotoshop Help NeededI bought a new Dell computer with OS Windows7. I have loaded my Photoshop CS3 into it and when I try to open any pix, etc, I am getting a message box that says, "The specified module could not be found. C:Program Files (86)Common FilesAdobeAdobe Version Cue CS3Client3.0.0Version CueUL.DLL" Then 'OK'...Is there a plug in or workaround for this? Thanks
Chase-good Example Of Bad Banking Stay clear of them
iGuest replied to Joshua's topic in General Discussion
Interest paid on savings accountChase-good Example Of Bad BankingI had about ten thousand dollars in my Chase savings account and another six thousand in my Chase checking account. After a couple of months, my Savings account had amassed a grand total of $0.26 interest. I withdrew all except two thousand of my savings account and put the withdrawn amount in a credit union. This past month, Chase paid me $0.01 interest on my $2000 in savings - a percentage rate of 0.0006. I left the money in savings so they wouldn't charge me a service fee on my checking account.-reply by Bob H -
Wireless Router Problems. Keeps dropping network.
iGuest replied to Damen's topic in Computer Networks
Cannot plug in my wireless router?Wireless Router Problems.Hello, Well, I'll be forward with this. I do not know how to plug in my D-Link wireless router ( DIR-628 ) to my Motoral Cable Modem ( SB5102 ). I'm pretty sure you have to connect an ethernet cord from the router to the modem, but the modem doesn't have any ports ( or whatever they are called )! Here is a picture of the two. Modem: And my router: Any help will be much appreciated! Please and Thank-you guys. =] -question by Josh -
VB.NET: MS-Access Interaction Tutorial (Part I)
iGuest replied to miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG's topic in Programming
Can work with database on a serverVB.NET: MS-Access Interaction Tutorial (Part I) I am using vb.Net 2005 as a front-End and Ms-Access 2000 (Mdb) database as a backend. I'm designing a quiz application The problem which I am facing is that. I would like to connect my database to a client which has my application... In such case what is the connection string to be used for connecting the database stored on other system...???? -question by Deepak -
very good mmorpgList Of Free MMORPGsA very nice mmorpg is http://www.legendarena.com/ it is browser based, no annoying graphics or banners,totally free and very well administred I am playing it for years,and it still is fun and kinda addictive try it out,you`ll learn it in no time -reply by holo
Selling Used Games At Eb How much money do they give you?
iGuest replied to RockinTheCasbah's topic in Computer Gaming
xbox gamesSelling Used Games At EbIf I was to sell and xbox game don't they like give you 2 to 5 dollers 2 being the most lowest they buy it for coz all I need is 2 for each of my games-reply by dreadfake -
why should maplestory sue them for a private server anyway. They are more helpfull than nexon's ms :S first nexon kick euro out of global leaving Europe with a lower patch and crappy stuff then they sue private servers and you think that in the private servers gm's come more times to help than nexon has its just stupid! You can choose what you want to play so its your choice. If 1 private server goes down the others will(thats what nexon think)but most people wouldnt play the real ms anyway. Either have fun against bosses and everything on private servers or spend ages grinding just to get 1 more level. Simple really, private servers win nexon fails -reply by Dogs Diner