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take a look when you land in googleMake It Impossible To View Page Sourcebut it can be done by manipulate or using code, dunno exactly. Just take a look when you land in google, view source and can be copied but not for beginner. -reply by sijibae
Try Guild Wars. Go to their website and you should get a free trial (the game does not cost to play)The Trial is missing a couple things yeah but its a trial Other games: Redstone, MU Online (these two don't cost) Games that cost but are overall rated great by many people: World of Warcraft(I hate this game, but your oppinion might be different from mine, other people tend to love it.) , Final Fantasy XI (very time consuming, takes a while to level. IMO its great, but I lost interest after a few years. Also complex, I wouldn't recomend jumping into this one unless you plan to devote A LOT OF TIME into it) Lord of the Rings online(never palyed myself but a friend from FFXI tells me its great).
nearly the same problemTsstcorp Ts-l633l Cddvdw And Vista64I have a similar issue as the original poster. I bought a HP G60 a few months back and it has the same TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-L633M ATA drive. Inexplicably, it just stopped working. I've tried updating the driver and it says I have the latest one already. I delete the driver and reinstall, still nothing. I delete the drive itself and the driver, re-detect it, reinstall the driver and get nothing. I tried Microsoft's auto-scan fixer and it basically tried everything I've already done, so still no progress. I don't really want to go poking around in the registry myself and Microsoft's recommendation is to contact the manufacturer. I dunno, maybe the drive went bad somehow. I don't know how that happens. But I guess I've got to get in touch with the manufacturer. -reply by Bill
Meridian Proxy Servers | New Proxy For Smart Broadband
iGuest replied to joseph0829's topic in Computer Networks
thanksMeridian Proxy Servers | New Proxy For Smart Broadbandthanks a lot, this helped me on my problem on myspace videos, because it's being blocked by the server -
How Do Violent Video Games Affect Children?
iGuest replied to FreedomOverdose's topic in General Discussion
Maybe your wrongHow Do Violent Video Games Affect Children?Hello friends listen up! Although you may not have been affected by the shooting in the video games of "your time" you have to understand that there's alot of crazy things going on in video games these days that I know I wouldn't want anyone in my family seeing. Have you ever played games like Grand Theft Auto or even simple ones like The Godfather? These games make you the "good guy" although you are killing prostitutes, friends, and at times even strangers! I guess thats why these types of games are restricted to people of a certain age.. OH WAIT!! I'm underaged in somehow I along with many of my friends have played these games! SOMETHINGS GOTTA CHANGE!! -
software requirementWhat Is Intel Atom Processor?I was going to purchase the Roxio cd/dvd burner software for my daughter's mini 9 but it's processor is an Atom and the software asks for the Pentium. Will it work on the Atom? -question by gini
You know you people who defend these rapist and say 'oh just because they rape someone they shouldn't be killed' need to shut up. Do you know what it is like to be raped? To have something sacred to you taken away? At 14 yrs old I was raped and then again I was raped at 16 for over 6 months, over and over again. And those two men deserve to be put to death. They took something that did not belong to them! They ruined my child hood and I will never be the same. I can not look at a man the same way again. I have nightmares til this day and I am 19 yrs old. I have a hard time being sexual with my husband because of this. At 14 yrs old I was scared to talk to any man at all. And by the time I was recovering it happened again. So why shouldn't they be killed? I seen the guys who raped me and tried to reason with them and ask them why but all they do is smile and think it was funny. Do you really think people like that deserve to live? I think every rapist should be put to death!
Replying to iGuest well now nexon has finnally gotten off their a** and started releasing a lot of new stuff in my opinion they should thank these guys for actually making them work lol
Chase-good Example Of Bad Banking Stay clear of them
iGuest replied to Joshua's topic in General Discussion
Chase feesChase-good Example Of Bad BankingI recently had to make an emergency trip to Europe due to my mom being taken to the hospital due to a stroke,well I have all my utilities taken our of my chase account automatic and I used my card in Europe which gave me a negative balance by less than five dollars,now because of my utilities chase charged me four overdraft fees in two days,this is pure evil so beware of them,july 2010 can not come soon enough,my question is what is barney frank doing while chase gets away with this evil? -reply by Will -
Start Multiple Programs With One Shortcut Windows XP
iGuest replied to coolcat50's topic in General Discussion
There's a tidier way to do that... Instead of cd "C:Program FilesProgram" start File.Exe you can just have "C:Program FilesProgramFile.Exe" This is incredibly simple. -reply by Benjamin -
Dear Shivam, First, you should tell your friend how you feel about this girl, and ask his permission to pursue a close relationship with her. If he says yes, then comes the hard part of talking to the girl. On the otherhand, if your friend says no, and the friendship between you two is really strong, then you shouldn't let a girl ruin it. However, that doesn't mean you can't say hi to her or help her out when she is in trouble: that you could still do. I wish you the best, and follow your heart! ~Patty -reply by Patty
Voyage 200Programing a TI Voyage 200Interesting I bought one because I was programming for a ti84 and ti 83 but the basic was too easy and I maxed out on it. so I bought a voyage 200 because it was better faster and more memory, plus its BASIC was more c like which provides a stepping stone for some programmers -reply by Oracle343
What is the biggest hard drive in the worldWhat Is The Biggest Hard Drive In The World ?The largest capacity single spindle hard drive for a notebook computer is 500 GB (Dec 2009). The largest capacity single spingle hard drive SATA II for a desktop computer is 2TB (Dec 2009). 3TBsingle spindle hard drives are supposed to be released in 2010. Larger capacities can be obtained with RAID ... @TB x # of drives = the capacity of the RAID. Examples 2TB, 4TB, 6TB, 8TB, etc. -reply by wem0320
byethost sucks!ByethostA couple of days ago, I decided to host my web site with byethost and that has to be the worst mistake I've made this year. Byethost redirected most of my pages to some dubious social networking site called mybookface.Net and broke my blog. Now I have to get hosting somewhere else and while I wait for the DNS to propagate, anyone who tries to go to my site will be redirected to mybookface. That's just disgusting. DO NOT sign up for byethost, you'll definitely regret it.
GMX Email UnreliableGmx MailThis free service sucks big time. After sign-up, I could not log in for several weeks. I was close to giving-up on them, suddendly it worked.Since then, more then often, about twice a week, I cant log-in, receive mail or do anything, like their servers are down. Today again. With Outlook I get the following error message:Cket Error:10060 Error Number: 0x800CCC0EI don't get it. How can they survive for that long?I am switching to Gmail-reply by chris
Cheating Runescape Ban Appeals how to get unbanned
iGuest replied to threesix's topic in Computer Gaming
Banned for macroing.Cheating Runescape Ban AppealsU know what's the worst part of being perm banned for macroing? 1: your high level acc and membership are lost. 2: The evidence column says: "None" I mean seriously. Jagex needs a reason to ban. They could at least put in the evidence box: Our botting detecters or w/e found that you were running runescape in a botting program, not the website. So you are banned. At least thats a reason. God its like jagex makes a living of scamming players. Encourage them to buy a membership, they bot for money/levels and get banned. Where does all the money go to? You probably cant even cancel your subscription while banned. Jagex scamms. >.< -reply by 1ST TIME BANNED -
I Hate Cell Phones Being unavailable rules
iGuest replied to Sarah81's topic in Science and Technology
I Completely Agree!I Hate Cell Phones I wish that people would stop texting enough to realize that they've missed out on a lot. I agree that they are important in case you are in a car crash and NEED to call someone.Otherwise, who cares if you are in you're car going to the supermarket. Not me. Cellphones have caused the level of intelligence to go downand the level of incompetence to rise. I'm in middle school and according to everybody besides the teachers and one of my friends, you must have a cellphone in order to be supposedly "smart". If you tell anyone that cellphones are stupid, they just say that you're stupid and are jealous. They are so addicted to them and are the sort of people who are turning an intelligent society of people who have captivating face-to-face conversations into a boring, unimaginative society full of people with robot personalities.This is why I'm glad to not have one. -
F19 Stealth Fighter The Best Flight Sim Of All Time PMPL
iGuest replied to juice's topic in Computer Gaming
I used to have a copy of this game on 3.5 inch floppy disk it was good fun, although I was about 6 lol you ever try the gun boat game released in the 90's? another class game -
Hi! Can you please review my cufflinks sale website. I would like your opinion on its design and functionality. The website is: http://www.cufflinksdepot.com/ Regards Ardit
Just thought I should let you know: the title of this page is misleading.Your title suggested that you would be talking about "boot screen"s, but you're actually giving instructions on how to change the "login screen."To clear up any confusion: The boot screen is the screen with the windows logo and the scrolling progress bar while you start up windows. To change this screen, you pretty much need to resource hack the NT Kernel (ntoskrnl.Exe, ntkrnlsp.Exe, ntkrnlpa.Exe depending on version of windows xp) and actually replace the bitmaps it uses to display the boot splash.These are all risky procedures of course, and I MAKE NO GUARANTEE THEY WILL WORK FOR YOU without breaking your pc. Don't say I didn't warn you. Backup EVERYTHING and if you're really nervous, add another line to your boot.Ini for the custom kernel you hack, so you don't /physically/ replace your current kernel, only change it as an option, and you can choose to boot in your normal kernel if you screwed up the boot-screen hacking to fix things. I can't find a good website; I must've closed that tab. If you google "windows xp boot screen change boot.Ini" (without quotes) you should find something on it. If I remember correctly you just add a line exactly like your normal one except you add "/KERNEL=mycustomkernel.Exe" at the end of it (but don't quote me on that, I could be VERY wrong).On that note, there are plenty of good, full tutorials online already, so I'd suggest finding one of those if you were looking for a way to change your Windows XP (sp1, sp2, MAYBE sp3) boot screen when you visited this page. I have found TONS of good ones for SP1 and SP2 users, but if you're using SP3, good luck, my friend. The only thing I've been able to find out so far about SP3 is that it's different, and there doesn't appear to be any free software that can do it for you on SP3 (most of them work on SP1 and 2, but DON'T work on sp3 (userXP's program, for instance, says "WILL NOT WORK ON SP3" in big letters on its home page). <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; is a really good one; he even uploaded the palettes you need to download to edit/create your own boot screens with the default color palette.<http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; is a great one if you want to change your boot screen, and add your own color palette. I believe it also tells you how you can move the progress bar on the boot screen (only vertically, not horizontally.)Hopefully this helps dispel any confusion of people like me, who came here looking for "boot screen" instructions instead of "login screen" instructions. ~ FireSBurnsmuP
Sonic Adventure 2 : Battle Its all about the Chao raising.
iGuest replied to Dart-kun's topic in Computer Gaming
Reincarnating ChaoSonic Adventure 2 : BattleYou don't have to be completely nice to a chao to get it to be born again, I've thrown my Melody before by accident, I've taken food from her, and I've even jumped on her by accident. She's been born again 3 times. All you hve to do is hug them and pet them untill they stop crying and you will be forgiven, they will still love you, she even gets happy when I pick her up. -reply by Gemini Gold -
i like horrorA List Of Great Movies!I like horror movies1_ the mist2_ the ring (1,2,3)3_ the exorsist4_ Drag me to hell5_ wrong turn(1)6_i know what u did last sammer7_ day of dead8_ ( house of wax)And I like (knowing,,, the once,,,and transfarmer 2)...-reply by Faizal
i like actionA List Of Great Movies!I like Amelie cas its so funny and whimsicle.Spirited Away because the world it's set in is so unique and moving.The Royal Tenenbaums (spelling?). It's weird and unique.Kill Bill Vols 1-2. I love stylish movies.I'm surprised to see that most people favorite movies are very mainstream.-reply by Jhonny x
BOOK 4 New Eragon BookThis is what I found from a web page "Book 4 is the last untitled book in the Inheritance Cycle. Originally there were only supposed to be three books, Eragon, Eldest, and according to Christopher Paolini, the last one would be called Empire. However, while writing the third book, he realized that there would be too ma...Ny pages in Empire to fit into one book, so he expanded the Inheritance Trilogy into the Inheritance Cycle, adding a fourth, as yet unnamed book. The five names that are going around are Eldunari, Empire, Brom, aundra, and Shurt?ugal. The most likely are Empire or Eldunari "-reply by DRAGONFIRE