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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. Hey dude.. you will WAP sites work on a new technology quite different from HTML.. But they look the same and easy to adapt fast.. Here's a tutorial on it.. https://www.namecheap.com/hosting.aspx http://www.2thumbswap.com/developer/index2.htm Alternatively, you can build your own WAP sites on on free WAP hosting sites.. Some of them which I tried are : http://tagtag.com/ http://www.wappy.to/ You can also do a google search on free WAP hosting.. https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=fing&btnG=Search
  2. I'm currently trying to create a website for myself..But I don't know what to add to the site.. I need suggestions from people who have created their sites..I've added a tag board by the way.. What else can I add... ?
  3. Hey karlo,how did you get yourself a referal of Opera browser for a free registration code ?You may like to PM me the steps.. Thanks...
  4. This morning when I was logging in to the forums in Xisto, I was brought to this page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ stating that Xisto was suspended.. The color theme used in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ was almost the same as Xisto. I was wondering if this webhost is suspended.. Too worried because I couldn't find any better host.. Why is this so ? Did anyone else experienced the same thing ?
  5. A very good example of a person with a WARN attribute is me...I didn't know requesting of ROMs are illegal so I've got my first warn.. :(Anyway, are there pro-factors where the WARN attribute can be cleared off ?Because that warn I've got was stuff that I didn't know that is illegal..And it doesn't look nice with a WARN attribute tagged along with me...
  6. Hey are some alternatives you might be looking for : https://www.veritas.com/product/software-defined-storage/infoscale-enterprise?id=samg http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://hostinterface.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You can also search google for them : https://www.google.com/search?q=backup+soft=utf-8&oe=utf-8
  7. If your brother is able to connect to the internet, it could mean that the PC your brother using is installed with a firewall that block access within a local network.. I had this problem too when I first installed a wireless network in my home. I had a Norton Personal Firewall. You will need to configure your firewall settings such that you allow access of IP ranges in the Trusted zone. It should be the same logic for other types of firewalls. Otherwise, it could be your wireless router / access point settings that you disallow broadcasting of presence for any local computers. That you will have to check with your vendor, or see your manual book. I'm running with a Linksys Wireless-B broadband router and all settings are with ease. If all your settings are properly configured, your gaming shouldn't be a big problem. Remember to check your port configurations on your router as it can block access to internet connection within the game. You will still be able to connect to the server and start the game. Only if all the conputers are play at the same time on the internet (not a local LAN game), it will depend on your DSL/Cable connection speed. Faster speed means it can handle better. Check if you are not downloading stuffs while in the game as it can cause slowdowns. COD (Call of Duty) I've heard has alot of networking problem even playing with a local network (LAN). Maybe you would like to benchmark your network before setting off you gaming experience.. I've found some links which you might be interested in: http://www.passmark.com/products/pt_advnet.htm https://www.nts.com/?tstcat=21 http://www.benchmarkhq.ru/english.html?/be_net.html Cheers
  8. I'm not very sure about what you are really asking... But I've done some searches on it.. And hope it helps... http://it.tamu.edu/Former_Departments.php http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://freedns.afraid.org/?no_webforward_fwww.rawcomm.net http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope all these are quite or some-sort related to what you are trying to ask...
  9. -Is it possible to change background and other colors? .. YES since it's just a form.. -Is it possible to (when click submit) to open it in the same window...completely resized to serve as a gamechat? .. YES by using Javascript.. -When I first logged in everything was fine, I modified the above code to get the players name and "force" it to use it in the chat, is it possible to end the session of a username? if so i would like to put a logout button in the chat too. ... Huh..? I don't understand.. Background color : (By adding style="background-color:yellow;") <form target="entropychat" action="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; style="background-color:yellow;"> Nick Name: <input type="text" name="nick" value="" size="20"> <input type="hidden" name="channel" value="online.trap17.com"> <input type="submit" value="Enter Chat"> </form> Open in Same Window : (By changing your target to "_self") <form target="_self" action="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; style="background-color:yellow;"> Nick Name: <input type="text" name="nick" value="" size="20"> <input type="hidden" name="channel" value="online.trap17.com"> <input type="submit" value="Enter Chat"> </form> Resize window: http://www.javascripter.net/faq/resizing.htm http://www.codeave.com/javascript/code.asp?u_log=7065 As for your 3rd question, I believe it's the part http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ that controls the nickname. That script in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ should be configured to accept the nickname and carry the nickname into the script for use.. Hope all these helps...
  10. Try both then...It's a personal decision...You will need to try both to know which is better... -_-Well.. ya.. but that's really true...
  11. That's a good idea...Maybe ASP topics should be placed together with PHP forum since they are the same thing...
  12. Not bad... but not as expected...It could be better...
  13. Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies. The Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages specifications are developed by Sun under the Java Community Process. Find out more at http://tomcat.apache.org/ Tomcat is available at the Jakarta binary downloads page. http://jakarta.apache.org/site/downloads/index.html http://jakarta.apache.org/site/downloads/dds_tomcat-5.cgi
  14. Hey, that's what I really need...I'm having a final year project on 3D Game Programming..We are making a Strategy RPG based on MUOnline...Thanks for all these info...
  15. FTP is faster because you can upload multiple files or even a folder all at once..On the other hand, using webbase uploading scripts like CPanel will require you to browse and enter the directory of every single file..
  16. What's CounterStrike Source ?Is it the source codes for the game or just an expansion..If it's expansion, I don't seem to find the reviews on the net...The only expansion for CounterStrike is CS Condition Zero
  17. Best game for me is always Real Time Strategy...And it's Command and Conquer Generals : Zero HourWarCraft III Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III Frozen Throne comes second..
  18. Is this game free ?Or you need to subscribe and pay for it... ?The screenshots looks like World of Warcraft...Seems nice but I didn't try both..Anyone knows of free alternatives like these games ?
  19. I use Opera.. It renders webpages faster, tabbed browsing etc...It also able to remember your last visited webpage in case you closed it accidentally.. That's different from History option as you will need to search for the closed pages there..
  20. Use Opera then...Its faster and it's also free...Paid versions are just without ads...
  21. Creative Zen... heard before ?That's my favorite...Creative emphasize on sound quality you know... It rox !
  22. OK... Try these : Software http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.dvd-x-player.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hardware http://www.codefreedvd.com/ http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=dvdbuyingguide&e=com
  23. The TDK Professional Disc, which uses a blue-violet laser with a short wavelength for recording and playback, boasts a capacity of 23.3GB -- approximately five times that of DVD media -- as well as a rapid transfer rate of 72Mbps(a). Thanks to its random data access capability and other features available only from optical disc media, it can be expected to find growing acceptance in broadcasting applications. In the development of its Professional Disc, TDK, a world leader in specialty recording media manufacturing, has incorporated technologies specifically developed for use with the advanced blue-violet laser. These technologies include the recording materials and recording layer that form the basis for its performance utilizing high-sensitivity phase change materials and a layer structure designed exclusively for high-speed recording. Through high-precision spin coating technology, discs are manufactured with an extremely smooth 0.1mm-thick transparent cover layer. In addition, to accommodate the disc's extremely narrow track pitch, high-precision mastering and injection technology achieve the exceptionally accurate recording and playback stability demanded by the Professional Disc System. Due to the high-density recording required by the Professional Disc System, adherence of any dust on, or scratches to the disc surface can have a serious impact on recording and playback accuracy. By utilizing TDK's DURABIS PRO(, a hard coating technology developed for professional-use discs, TDK's Professional Disc offers extremely high durability and recording reliability. The new TDK Professional Disc media will launch worldwide in June 2005. Reference : http://www.tdk.co.jp/teaah01/aah15500.htm The future is a world of unlimitation...
  24. That will depends on how that template is made... HTML or CSSIf its HTML, it should be easy to edit... If its CSS, it depends on the IDs or Classes declared and you would like to change its margins / paddings or top bottom left right alignment settings...You might want to host a zipped file of the template that you are using so we could edit them for you.. That's the easier way out..
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