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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. try Google those symptoms. There maybe a removal method on there somewhere. Sometimes scanners and anti virus software aren't enough to completely remove certain viruses. Good luck.
  2. sonesay

    So Much Crap!

    Natural evil in ones heart, Yeah i can relate to that and I think it all exist in everyone. you ever think about doing bad things like knocking that other guy out when hes being such an idiot? I get urges all the time in my head to do messed up things but I don't act on them most of the time. I guess what it comes down to is self control and common sense. Its bad to think about committing bad and horrific crimes but I don't know why I just have them. I can watch a lot of violent things and it wouldn't bother me. In fact some I must admit I find entertaining. Of course I'm older now and common sense and self control keeps me from doing those stupid ideas I get in my head. Oh lets go beat that guy up.. wait I can go to jail for that no way I'm going to jail and getting a record for doing something stupid. I wouldn't consider myself a violent person or even a lover of violence as it says in the bible but I do have thought of them I just don't act on them. For one thing fighting I consider a skill and one must train in order to be good at it. I do admire strong fighters does that make me a bad person? maybe in some eyes, I don't know if I can ever rid my thoughts of violence and inappropriate thinking. What ever it is I think its just human nature and theres no way to get rid of it.
  3. I don't know whether its because theres too many people going for this kind of job and don't have the skills or if the lack of enough experience people influencing employees demanding so much from an employee. This trend I'm seeing a lot from https://www.seek.co.nz/information-communication-technology-jobs/ is a very high demand for web developers with 4+ years commercial experience. https://www.seek.co.nz/information-communication-technology-jobs/ is probably the most looked at site for IT jobs in new zealand. They list jobs from Aussie and even around the world I believe. The other place is sjs.co.nz which is geared to getting students into jobs. lower level skills required but way less pay. Sometimes though some jobs at sjs require an insanely amount of experience and expertise with McDonald's pay which is ridiculous. There is no shortage of jobs for experienced and very skill professional web developers and the pay is good, 50-100k a year depending on experience. This is the average on it.seek.co.nz. I've been keeping an eye on these kinds of jobs for a while and every time I see them I awe in amazement at the pay and experience they list. heres a summary of what they usually list as a requirement. not to memtion all the other experience in formal writing such as documentation of all kinds /sigh people skills , time management, etc There is like so much more I'm missing but cant think of them right now, heres an example of a job I figure would be a simple HTML developer job http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You see what I mean, They want you to be a guru or something in all fields. This was just for a basic XHTML job listing but in reality they want you to know a lot more. I don't think its a bad thing in a way because they are the ones who will be paying you so they deserve someone who has the right experience and knowledge in doing the job. But if you knew all that already you could just get your own job and make more instead of being payed by someone who doesn't even do all the work. ok end my little rant on that. I dont mind it too much, I do enjoy building websites and figuring out how things work so I just have to keep learning and build a solid portfolio with enough experience. I only gauge myself with 1 years worth of web develop experience, Still trying to learn so many things all at once takes up a lot of time. One day I hope to be able to have enough experience to apply for these kinds of jobs.
  4. thats very weird, what OS is that on? maybe you could just delete it all together if install the latest one if worse comes to worse. Give it a shot and try and remove those updates.
  5. Hey all, I'm interested in hearing from people who actually work with them. If you don't it wont matter you can still respond. I went for a job with this one guy and we discussed what he actually needed to be done with his website. He also asked me a few questions regarding my experience and I told him the truth not trying to lie my way into a job that I wouldn't be able to handle, The job sounded simple enough some PHP and MySQL maintenance and some further add ons to the current system. He told me he would get back to me in a week on this. During the discussion he talked about needing a project plan written up and I cant quiet remember if he wanted me to do it or he would or if we both would be doing it. I was thinking since he knew more about what he wanted he could probably write it up himself but who knows. I've done a paper on project planning and to tell the truth I don't remember half of it LOL I barely passed that paper. There are time lines I know where you identify mile stones and you have to set goals. I think theres other parts to it like dependencies and maybe even a requirements specification is part of it? Hopefully someone can clear up some details on this.What I wanted to get from some of you trap 17 members is your experience in writing them? I know you will obviously get better at it the more you do and such. I've never written one only in class for that paper. I think this semester I'm doing a similar paper but might be a higher tier on it.So my question to you all is do you use them?, What kinds of jobs did you use them in and was it specifically asked by a client? I'm guessing there will also be people out there doing jobs where they wouldn't even write one up and just go a heading doing the job without them.Most things I take on I never use a project plan because I never stick to schedule and the part about needing to write one up just takes up time I would rather spend doing the project. Also its paper work the kind I really hate, An as things change you have to document everything. Have you identified every possible feature and given it a time line? oh You changed something go back and readjust the project plan. See how much hassle it is, This kind of paper work I really hate.Look forward to hear your thoughts on this discussion.
  6. { // do what ever you need to be done here } else if($do == 'option2') { // do what ever you need to be done here } else { // the previous 2 checks didn't match do this section of code } linenums:0'>if($do == 'option1'){// do what ever you need to be done here}else if($do == 'option2'){// do what ever you need to be done here}else{// the previous 2 checks didn't match do this section of code} You can add more else if checks if needed but its too hard to cover all possibilities so if none match you can add a final statement of else at the bottom and it will execute if none of the above checks are true.
  7. I think this could look real good if you just use the left navigation links without the cut and repeat of the C4D render. I personally think its an over kill to do that. The layout is good as for the main render on the right hand covering below the content you can have a boarded layer with some transparent background to cover the render for a glassy/transparent look. I think if you come up with a great border it will work. that way you can keep the full size of the render but it wont get in the way of content. You dont want to lower the content just to keep the render because it wont look right if its offset too much down.the footer will work with the current design. Also is this going to be a fixed width? probably easier if it was but if it was expandable it would be neat. good job just those two things I think needs changes.
  8. I was in your shoes a few years ago, I ended up buying a book and went through the tutorials in them. It helped but then I was way to busy and never even did any PHP for a year or 2 and then I never progressed. The only advice I can give you is keep doing it. Thats how I improved, You know the old saying hard work really pays off and it does. You may not pick it up in a few days/weeks/months but you will pick it up eventually. And also if your stumped you can always post here.Good luck.
  9. You can control what gets processed in index.php by taking the tagged get variables at the end of the URL and using it in your code.For example if you have a file called index.php <?php$do = $_GET['do'];if($do == 'option1'){ // do what ever you need to be done here}else if($do == 'option2'){ // do what ever you need to be done here}?>?> so now you can make links that go to index.php and add controls to it by adding to the end of the URLi.e index.php?do=dothis
  10. I have to say I'm not a big fan of hers and I'm sick of hearing about her on the news. You might say its not her fault shes losing her kids if its not then who's fault is it? If you have kids that should be your first priority in life and obvious it wasn't for her if it got to the point where shes going to lose custody. I think hes very talented and a good artist/performer but I don't like her for anything else to be honest. She was fat at one stage and when I saw that video I think it was called gimme more lol I almost throw up in my mouth. Flabs everywhere.
  11. I use VLC player because it plays most formats and a lot quicker to load up than default quicktime player from mac. Quicktime for me is sluggish and buggy. Maybe it was because I had so little ram. I have not tested it out again yet but it was like that when I only had 512MB memory, now I have 2GB of memory so yeah its a huge difference. too bad thats the max my macbook pro can handle my mates one is 17inch model and can support 4GB.I've got other players as well like Divx player and Real player but they don't play a lot of formats so I always end up back using VLC player.
  12. wow running at 1950MHz for GDDR3. I didn't they got up to that speed already.. amazing. I am definitely building me a gaming machine with one of these when I get the money. about 3000 grand would build me a nice system I think (keeps dreaming) something with dual video card a must.Anyway thanks for the heads up.
  13. I highly doubt laptops today are housing their graphics cards/chip in a slot where you can take them out and replace them easily. I think the room is not big enough to house such mechanisms. I think they are just mounted on the main mother board them selves I could be wrong. The only thing I know for sure that you can take out are the memory, hard disk drives, some cd roms. they all got be replaced with the same interface/connection/size, type of device.Oh yeah another thing too is if they were replaceable then you would see them being sold. i.e Radeon mobile Graphics Card xxx amount of dollars, but you don't so thats probably the case.
  14. I like the overall design its pretty solid. The banner is great. CC fan huh lol, its a great game I loved it too back in the days. Great job!.
  15. In effect what your using kansuke is a template. Thats what how I do my webpages at the moment. The only improvements that I think you can make are include the full HTML in your layout.php. That way you can contorl everything such as headings, javascripts includes, CSS. now when you need to make changes to the site you just edit the layout.php template and it will affect your whole website.when you use it you can create a page (example.php) and pass it variable specific to that page. example.php$title$content = "example_content.php" (I always do this as in include in the actual template)include('layout.php'); So first thing you would do is create a plain HTML layout you like and set where you content and items will be. Then identifiy what changes and make place holders in your template for it. Then when you are happy with it you turn it into a PHP file being the templat you will use for all your pages.Now when you need a page or extra one you just create one and pass it the variables appropriate to it. Heres an example of my index.php page <?phpsession_start();include('includes/db.php');$title = "Welcome";$location = "index.php";$content = "includes/home_content.php";include('_core.php');?> and heres my tempate <?php/*Core template==============$titleinclude('menu_list.php');$content*/$title = $title." - Si Web Portfolio";echo"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns=\"http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\" /><title>$title</title><script type='text/javascript' src='js/si.js'></script><link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"main.css\" /></head><body> <!-- Begin Wrapper --> <div id=\"wrapper\"> <!-- Begin Header --> <div id=\"header\"> <div id=\"header_leftside\"></div> <div id=\"header_rightside\"></div> <div id=\"header_center\"> <div id=\"header_logo\"></div> </div> </div> <!-- End Header --> <!-- Begin sub_heading --> <div class=\"container\"> <div id=\"sh_center\"> <div id=\"sh_block\"> <img src=\"images/si_15.png\" alt=\"\" /> </div> </div> <div id=\"sh_left\"></div> <div id=\"sh_right\"></div> </div> <!-- End sub_heading --> <!-- MAIN CONTENT --> <div id=\"content_container\"> <div id=\"leftsidebar\" class=\"leftbar\"> <div id=\"left_nav_container\"> <ul class=\"navigation\">"; // include menu list include('menu_list.php'); echo" </ul> </div> <div id=\"left_nav_footer\"></div> </div> <div id=\"maincontent\" class=\"centerbar\"> <div id=\"center_content\">"; // include Content if($content != "") include($content); else { // default notice echo"<h1>No content</h1>"; echo"<p>"; echo"There has been no content added in this section yet. Please return back later at a later date. Thank You!"; echo"</p>"; } echo" </div> <div id=\"si_closing\"><img src=\"images/si_closing.png\" alt=\"\" /></div> </div> <div id=\"rightsidebar\" class=\"rightbar\"> </div> </div> <!-- MAIN CONTENT END --> <!-- Begin Footer --> <div id=\"footer_container\"> <div class=\"footer_centerbar\"> </div> <div class=\"footer_leftbar\"> </div> <div class=\"footer_rightbar\"> </div> </div> <div id=\"footer_notice\"> <a href=\"http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ src=\"http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml10-blue; alt=\"Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict\" height=\"31\" width=\"88\" /></a> </div> <!-- End Footer --> </div> <!-- End Wrapper --></body></html>";?> Hope this gives you some ideas on how to do things. Theres always more then one ways to do something but what ever is easier for you and works should be good enough. This is the method I have just picked up while doing websites. I used to copy and paste the whole layout to each page not too long ago lol.
  16. Wow.. All the games there look amazing, I will probably get one or a few of those games when they are out. Time to save money no more coffee, eating out, taking a bath and anything else that cost unnecessary money :E. They will probably end being 100 dollars or more here when when they come out. Thats kinda sad considering our exchange rate to the rest of the world is getting better. My definite picks that I'll get for sure are Starcraft 2 and Final Fantasy XIII. What ever comes out first I'll be getting asap. The rest look ok but I'll just wait and borrow it off a friend if they own it, or maybe even rent just to try out.Thanks for sharing the links it was awesome.
  17. One of my dads friend reckons that it will be since the Chinese are becoming a more developed country and they are doing more business more and more with more people around the world. He even went on to say things like screw other languages go learn Cantonese or some other Chinese language. It was something along the lines of that anyway. Now this is coming from a non Chinese person (Hes white) but I don't know anything about business of economics so I don't know. With more news reports of china appearing on news about their development it does seem to make sense. They are a country with so many people. So imagine you sell a product to only .5% of the population you'd still make millions? that depends on the product of course but yeah they have so many people its insane. Cheap labor and high productivity I know of one guy indirectly who gets work done in china for dirt cheap and hes a million air here. He just has an idea and gets designers to design it then gets it built in china. One product I know of was his spanner apparently it was a super spanner that did not break and could grab any nut. The other was those boats they use to shoot movies in the water. It was large enough and stable to hold their camera and what ever gear. I know some Chinese people who go to my university they are rich. You gotta be to be paying for international studies. Theres so many of them. Yeah so go China.
  18. I think this code will do it <?phpheader("location: newlocationname.php");?>
  19. Yeah that does not sound right, I know there are so many crocked businesses out there. When rules or ethical practices aren't followed like this that gets to me. I'm sorry for your loss but like truefusion said it may pay to try and get some of your money back. You have nothing to lose other then a few minutes of your time talking to them?good luck with getting your money back.
  20. sorry to hear about your loss dude, but its too late I have already won . by the way....
  21. I dont know what it's called but I came across it somewhere.. cant remember that either lol. anywhere here it is and this is what i use echo"<span class='header'>Title</span> {$rs['title']}"; if I don't use the {} around the array/resource, it won't work. hope that helps ya out and if anyone can shed some light on its former name and use of the {} in this case, it would be appreciated.
  22. Thats strange that we get PHP 5.2 with free hosting but you guys who pay for hosting don't get it. Maybe its something to do with upgrading procedures, the risk of something going wrong during it and affect your hosting account too great ? I dunno just something I thought about.Maybe we are the test dummies at Xisto with php 5.2?
  23. Thank you for the links. I've download and in the process of trying out bambooinvoice. it looks promising and easy on the eyes. Update: - Tried BaboonInvoice This is a very neat little package. I love it its so simple to use and has nice reports on all aspects of invoice. You can see which ones are opened and find them easily. Its PHP and MySQL based and allows a neat backup. The only down side is it doesn't include any payroll facilities. I guess I will keep this one and let my brother use it for his solo business and I'll keep looking for another one with payrolls.
  24. At my university we have some experts running our system, I think there was one time when we discovered net send wasn't disabled and it was abused for about a few days then I think someone reported it. Now it doesn't work at all. There was also a flaw with their login system where they would log off their computer and the next user who logged in could just open up the browser and their account was still logged in so they could use that persons internet until that session ran out. I think they fixed that as well. At high school level don't expect your schools system to be secure. Its a different thing at universities where you have so many smart people working there who are responsible for securing the network. They run windows xp and a combination of novell networks or something. I would of thought the combination of a windows server and client would be enough. I don't know why but yeah I'm no expert in that field. The facility they offer is pretty amazing I can access my files from anywhere with an internet connection and a browser and its SSL encryption too.
  25. smart move, I think this way they can retain and gain more windows users as more software will like me made for windows. I think they only decided this because it had some benefit to them. It will be interesting to see how this turns out, I cant wait.
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