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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. Thinking it over last night as I went to bed I think It would be much easier to use tables to structure the output. It will get clutered with tags but the upside is no futher tweaking of the CSS tabs would need to be done to accomodate the extra inner divs.Thanks for your input truefusion.
  2. Sorry to bump up an old thread but I've found a problem with IE7 and this solution. IE 7 does not support display:table-cell (one of manythings IE 7 really sucks at). The only way to get <li> elements displaying in the same line similar to the effect of display:table-cell solution in this post isdisplay:inline;But there is still another problem in IE7. li.col1 {width:120px; The width class we have been using to give our widths dont work also. So you see IE 7 offically is the worse compliant broswer out there. I have no doubt I will find more features it does not support and it will continue to make life for us designing webpages as painful as possible.If anyone has a solution to the width spacing for 'display:inline;' method please share.edit:Ok I'm still looking for a suitable sultion that works in IE 7 but the only thing I know is tables now. I'm trying to test out if I can use more divs inside to structure it but with truefusions code it hides all div by default as you can see in the source code in the screen shot. I'm still not fimilar with how to modify it to not include the inner divs.
  3. gender = Ext.get('race_gender').dom.value; face = Ext.get('race_face').dom.value; hair_id = Ext.get('race_hair').dom.value; // race race_letter = Array('H','E','T','M','G'); race = race_letter[race_id]; /* //gender if(race == 'G' || race == 'M') { gender = ''; } //hair if(hair_id == 1) { hair = 'a'; } else { hair = 'b'; } image = '80px-'+race+gender+face+hair+'.jpg'; Ext.Ajax.request({ url linenums:0'>function reload_char() { race_id = Ext.get('race').dom.value; gender = Ext.get('race_gender').dom.value; face = Ext.get('race_face').dom.value; hair_id = Ext.get('race_hair').dom.value; // race race_letter = Array('H','E','T','M','G'); race = race_letter[race_id]; /* //gender if(race == 'G' || race == 'M') { gender = ''; } //hair if(hair_id == 1) { hair = 'a'; } else { hair = 'b'; } image = '80px-'+race+gender+face+hair+'.jpg'; Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'includes/forms/char_image.php', params: {img:image}, method: 'POST', success: function (response, options) { div = Ext.get('char_img'); div.dom.innerHTML = response.responseText; } }); */ } ok I've commented out the code that throws an error in IE7. does anyone have any ideas why because this whole function seems to work fine in everythign else execpt IE 7. the line race = race_letter[race_id]; is throwing the error. fixed replacing that line with var race = race_letter[race_id]; did it. very weird thing I thought 'var' keyword in javascript was only needed for decalring global vars. another problem anyway with that fix still is another problem with that same page and 1 ajax call. The first field where users are asked to enter a character name and then it runs a check to see if the character already exist in the database. if it dosent then the 'add' button is enabled for users to add the character. Again in IE7 it doesnt work but other broswers seem to be ok with it. The button dosent get enabled in IE7 when its suppose to. code Ext.Ajax.request({ url linenums:0'>function ck_char_name() { name = Ext.get('char_name').dom.value; Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'includes/forms/char_name_ck.php', params: {name:name}, method: 'POST', success: function (response, options) { div = Ext.get('char_name_result'); div.dom.innerHTML = response.responseText; if(div.dom.innerHTML == '<span class="ok_header">Available</span>') { Ext.get('btn_insert_char').dom.disabled = false; } else { Ext.get('btn_insert_char').dom.disabled = true; } } });} WOW IE 7 is so crap look at what it does with my test code on second attached image. I know I shouldnt really compare strings for something like this but I didnt want to create a hidden input just for that. If IE 7 gonna be retarded I may have to. It thinks its doing me a favour by converting my lower case span tag to upper case. Good job MS you really messed up on IE 7. Ext.Ajax.request({ url linenums:0'>function ck_char_name() { name = Ext.get('char_name').dom.value; Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'includes/forms/char_name_ck.php', params: {name:name}, method: 'POST', success: function (response, options) { div = Ext.get('char_name_result'); div.dom.innerHTML = response.responseText; alert(div.dom.innerHTML); /* if(div.dom.innerHTML == '<span class="ok_header">Available</span>') { Ext.get('btn_insert_char').dom.disabled = false; alert("false"); } else { Ext.get('btn_insert_char').dom.disabled = true; alert("true"); } */ } });}
  4. I've never played this game but I'm thinking of trying it out just because it was wirtten in java. I dont know many games that were written in java so I just wanna see how good it looks and plays. As for complaining about how much you hate it I dont think its bad. Look at the location of post 'vent' A place where you can vent out so if you hate hearing about it then just dont read it.
  5. One of the tier 1 programming papers I took at uni taught us java but it was using a custom application called blue j. That approach took us into learning about OOP first because thats what it java uses. So you got taught comcepts about OOP but if I was to go and try write java code now I wouldnt know where to begin as I only been taught the concepts of OOP in the book.I've only gone through 100 pages of it so far but I can see where this approach is handy because if you cannot understand how objects are created and used then it would be very hard to program in java. The syntax is very stricted unlike php so it can throw alot of errors thats where the book and blue j helped. I think most tutorials on java would expect you to know abit about OOP or even C or C++.
  6. Fixed Button submits in IE now <button type='submit'>Submit</submit> Thanks for the link jlhaslip. IE will only submit a button if it has that attribute type='submit'
  7. The page is was set to 100% and the problem still existed. I applied that to body{} style. setting it lower like 942px would get rid of the center alignemnt and make it stick to the left wall.I'm going to be using an image later for buttons but at the moment just basic default looking one will do as long as it works. I'm trying to get some experience in trying to make it work for IE 7 also. I know IE 7 sucks but I'd like to be able to say to a client one day "yeah I can make it work on lolIE7" you know. I'll keep working and if I find a fix I'll update.
  8. The reasons for button is they look consistent across different brosewrs. input types look more different. I remeber coming across somewhere on the web but cant remember the link or information. I will get back to you on this one. as for the UL list its been covered on http://forums.xisto.com/topic/53517-align-text-column-without-tables-using-css-is-it-possible-to-get-a-3-column-alignment-without-using-tables-with-c/ as to why I'm using it that way . The solution given there works for all broswers exectp IE. THat method gives you a table like spacing without tables. the margins and padding I'ved used and still smilar results. instead it makes it difficult to keep buttons consistent across brosewrs nd dosent help with the horzontal scrolling. I'ved kept my width to 942px yet it still gets horizontal scrolling. I've seen sites recommend withs of 950-960px. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with my CSS setting to align it in the middle of the page.
  9. I've been trying to use CSS to display most of my page content consistently across safari, firefox, and IE 7 but there is still number of elements that still display differently. I'm using only one style sheet and I am wondering if there is anyone whos fimilar with this problem that may be able to give me some advice. I know trying to use one style sheet is kinda difficult but I dont like the idea of having to build 1 style sheet for each broswer. It means more work that I really would rather not do. Some major issues I'm having is: -UL list are not displaying correctly on IE7 take a look at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . This also dosent display correctly in firefox and safari sometimes. What wil happen is when it loads it displays elements on a new line instead of on the same line. There is enough width space but it still puts it in a new line. -horizontal scrolling - I've been trying to get rid of this problem for 1024x786 resolution by reducing my page structure size yet it still has scrolling and some kind of padding that I dont want. This is noticable when page content gets long and vertical scrolling is required. -*{padding and margins} affect things differently between broswers. in fire fox it doesnt affect buttons but in safari it does so applying an additional button{} will still not work. - IE buttons. I dunno why the code that works for other brower buttons just submits by default and IE dosent. Is the only way around this is to have different style sheets for different broswers? I'd really like to learn methods to code for all broswers so if I have to I will do it. Having your webpage display too differently btween broswers is not very cool.
  10. I've only been able to watch the highlights on TV but I think sharapova is going to win, Shes been playing very strongly from what I've seen shes beaten most of her opponents very easily including world no 1 henin. I dont think the game will air here sadly.while I'm posting this Roger Federer (SUI)[1] v. Novak Djokovic (SRB)[3]is in progress I dunno who is leading ; ;. Both are awsome players and that other guy too who already made it to the finals jo-Wilfried Tsonga. He looks pretty good too.Well my picks are:Womens - SharapovaMens - Federer
  11. Ninjas are the coolest thing in the world. Growing up I always pretended to be one lol. Its so much fun climbing stuff and jumping off from high places. Yeah a ninja chick would be sexy. Also ninja movies are kick *bottom*. There is even that new show / recently called ninja warrior where people test their abilities moving through obstacles that are extremely difficult. Its very funny watching them fail. Obviously to be a ninja you need serious training like any other form of fighting. While I was doing kyokushin with my mates we were talking about ninja training and they said its crazy. There are no rules they grab balls and do eye gulges. Any means to win as ninjas are ruthless and dirty fighters. I was kinda freaked out and didnt even want to think about training to that extreme lol. There was a book I read once where they talked abit about their training. Part of it was they had to live in the forest and hunt the animals there on their own. They would have to run insanely long distances in a short amount of time. The teacher training them would tell them when they hunt they must be silent as possible. Of course being new to it they would make alot of noise while moving in the woods and the master would punish them with more work. He said something along these lines.. "You will starve to death scaring away the animals your suppose to be hunting making that much noise if the enemy dont find and kill you first". yeah that was a good book I cant remember the title of it though ; ;. I should go back and find it again in the library.
  12. We need an official Starcraft 2 Xisto Members only tournament. Entry fee 10 credits and the winner takes all :)What do you all think about that idea? I'd like to have a challenge with some of you trappies here.
  13. Its not even out yet lol. Anyone know when its planned for release?
  14. There is suppose to be a script that runs everyhour to reactivate your account once you have enough credits. I cant remember what the minimal is maybe its 4 credits? From what I've noticed it can take up much longer.good luck on getting it back soon.
  15. I havent seen much on fable but i've seen the trailer for oblivion on ps3 and it looks awsome! I dont think you can go wrong with oblivion.
  16. Like most that have said before me and I agree with the adds blend in too much with the actual content so It does annoy me when I read a section then continue on reading then bam! I hit the adds.I think the font in your header is abit too plain looking personally. The navigation is abit too small and dosent look like it fits in very well to the sites design.The sides seem to blend in with the background grey. maybe add drop shadow effect on both sides or a border might help the eyes abit.I think a drop down shadow effect under the navigation would look nice. maybe even a border or something.Good luck on your site.
  17. Obviously that person hasnt been active for some time so their account got suspended when they ran out of credits.
  18. Dreamweaver because I'm used to the syntax highlighting. It works good for commenting /* , //. Dreamweaver dosent have bracket highlighting too so it can be hard to find nested brackets if there are many.I've treid komodo but it dosent pickup // comments as one line and ends up greying out all below. Abit bulky too for my liking but I've only tired it out on PHP scripts.BBedit is pretty nice and quick. seems to have good syntax highlighting for php but no support for expanding and collasping brackets.Operating system is Mac OS X.
  19. Will this do what you need? http://pfn.sourceforge.net/?lg=ing
  20. Yeah and the cause of his death was drugs, so sad to hear about people dying to drugs.
  21. I'm not too sure how buying gold affects your game but on one other online role playing game that I play "Final Fantasy XI" Gold/Gil farmers who camp certain monsters everyday just to get the item drop to sell at the auction house then sell the Gold/Gil onto players who buy it is really annoying. It really did ruin the game experience for many legit people who play it and dont resort on buying Gold/Gil to have to compete with the Real Money Traders (RMT). I know you need currency in game to get the items you need or what ever and its difficult but dont buy game currency, you are supporting a very bad industry. Uou are cheating by buying currency what is the point of playing if you didnt not earn things in the game legitmately. I had very poor gear and I wasnt too ashame of it when I started but I earned all of my gear the right way and didnt buy online currency. I think its just lame to resort to buying online currency.
  22. Valid code on validator doesnt mean it will display poperly but it helps narrow down the possible problems. It just comes with knowledge and practice to be able to build a good CSS and HTML layout from scratch. Thats why most people use basic templates with the structure already put out. http://ww38.code-sucks.com/css%20layouts/ go here to find a similar style layout you want and build it off there. take a look at the source code and thats how your surpose to structure the layout otherwise you get all sorts of problems when its not structured a certain way.
  23. I'm trying that right now I just changed all the false to 0 valuebut I got a whole bunch of new errors not sure what exactly but I'll try narrow it down. Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/nexus/includes/forms/add_character.php on line 12Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/nexus/includes/forms/add_character.php on line 14Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/nexus/includes/forms/add_character.php on line 14Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/nexus/includes/forms/add_character.php on line 14Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/nexus/includes/forms/add_character.php on line 14Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/nexus/includes/forms/add_character.php on line 14Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/nexus/includes/forms/add_character.php on line 14Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/nexus/includes/forms/add_character.php on line 14 Update:I was able to get it to work. The problem was echoing the object inside double quotes didnt work.the fix was minor but man it took me a while to figure that out. <li>Bastok</li> <li>"; echo $character->mission_rank->bastok; echo"</li>
  24. Theres talk about them making a new console aalready? This is strange, when are they planning on releasing this? Xbox360 hasnt even near the end of its life cycle yet. Maybe that talk is about their next gen console after this gen has died out.
  25. Anyone know the ratio sucessful and failed surgery? After reading about how it can go bad I'm having second thoughts about getting it done anytime soon.
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