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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. Dude that members you lol I thought that was a member id earlier but didn't check. I thought I got it but check some more and found this guy http://forums.xisto.com/user/2643-kedessa/ who was he lol? I dunno if thats it let me know edit. heres my answer :"D 9c3011c55bf7f17ef1acaf1dd5e10864
  2. Could you guy document how you go about it? It could be worth some credits and helpful for others who have no idea about taking on such a complex project. There would be many ways of doing this but having an idea of how others go about it would be a good insight for people learning. They could look at it and see how or why it was done that way. Look at the advantage and disadvantage of how you guys went about it you know. Just an idea if you can share with the rest of us. thanks.
  3. I agree with what SM has said. I would add this.. if you don't like whats going on you can either tell your boyfriend or your cousin, Who ever your comfortable with or what ever reason tell that person. Let them know how you feel about it keeping in mind if you are being reasonable about it too. You don't want to come across being too controlling since they are free to have who ever as friends as they like. I guess it all depends on you and your boyfriends relationship and what you both consider OK. If hes visiting 5 days out of 7 then tell him to go find some other friends but if its once a week or less it seems reasonable enough. I'm a bit different when it comes to friends I can not see them for months years and I wouldn't really miss them. Just last night my friend came over to visit me I found it annoying since we don't really relate well. It would of been OK if it was just him but he brought his kid and his kid is kinda annoying as kids are. He was playing PS3 with my little brother too instead of catching up with me. I dunno I just find that annoying.
  4. No wonder I get more spam, I sometimes view those images just to see what it is exactly and lately I've noticed an increase in the number of spam emails I get. Its not as bad as my first account though which I used to get 30+ spam a day. Right now I'm getting less then 10 and it all goes in the spam box right away.
  5. Yeah thats pretty amazing, I remember seeing a report on this a while back but there wasn't too much detail on it at the time. I think its a great idea and it will open up a lot of opportunities for new features with this kinda of virtual world. The idea of having your own custom avatar would be nice but I wonder what kind of limit you can have on it. There would obviously be people who are going to abuse this with displaying profanity on there if there is no strict control. Remember counter strike where you can spay custom tags? Then someone got the idea of straying porn and what not on there it was OK if you didn't mind but there could of been kids playing the game. Voice chat is on there and it will be interesting how its implemented there. Open chat to all would be a problem if there are too many speakers, maybe some kind of filter system would be put in place.edit:The only thing I found disappointing was you have to purchase some more cloths to wear, screw that I will just wear plain clothes lol. It wasn't mention if you could design your own cloths or not either, Probably not and also the face creation edit feature looks OK but it would be nice if they gave you more control over models and skinning. How about a little tattoo or scar across the forehead? Or what about a black eye you got from having a scuffle in the arcade the other day? Or if you can lose teeth that would be awesome.Theres way too many things to comment on it its worth having a look for sure.
  6. My little brother was playing lost planet demo yesterday on PS3. I was surprised you mentioned it was originally on XBOX360 as now I remember seeing it one time. I guess I only take notice of what I like heh. The graphics on the PS3 I would say looked OK. We have a 50inch plasma and HD cable from the PS3 connection to it at home but when I saw it on XBOX 360 it looked much smoother maybe because when I saw it at the store it was on a much smaller screen who knows what it could of been.The game play is pretty good, a lot of features I haven't really played with on other games like controlling those mini Mechs, grenades that pop decoys, shooting out hooks and pulling yourself up high places, a large variety of guns made things interesting. All that combination worked well and I was only watching him play for the most part. I had a go myself but I'm not used to shooter style games on controllers. Keyboard and mouse for me and I will start owning :E.
  7. I'm not saying they are stealing ideas or what ever, Everyone copies everyone theses days. I'm only pointing out the fact that they don't seem to have the time them selves to create these kinds of plug ins when they are busy trying to keep their browser from exploding lol. It would be much nicer if they included some of the nice plug ins Firefox has but then again IE is not Firefox and you cant expect them all to be alike. I don't know what I'm trying to say here . The part about being concerned about what would happen if you installed those and then update IE7 later on I don't like. Firefox updates and the plugins I've had no problem with so far even if its 3rd party plugs that I use but I don't know I just plain don't expect much from IE7.Sorry for my dissing of IE so much if you are an IE fan. I cant help it it drives me crazy every time something works in FF and it docent in IE 7. OK enough of that...bye
  8. Hey that sounds tempting to gain some valuable experience. What kind err how desperate are they to get people in on this? I'm still a noob in PHP but I'm willing to invest as much time as possible in learning more when I have time off around my school work and such. I cant say exactly how much time I'll have free at this stage but I just want to know what kind of levels of programmers are they taking in for that kind of role.
  9. Not a bad site but theres a number of things that you could do to make it more appealing. The colors of green light blue and white don't go well together. It looks too plain and bright. I suggest you play around with some colors that are more softer on the eyes. The header seems OK but try and make a logo or something instead of it just being plain. If you cant think of anything put your name up there at least so it looks like a title. I think also playing around with the content fonts will make your site a bit more attractive. It doesn't have to be too fancy just something a bit different. Maybe color or size adjustments. Don't be afraid to try mixing it all up, maybe you will come up with a combination that works. Its all part of the process of getting your site just that little be closer to goodness/great. Good luck I'm looking forward to see what you'll do to it.Sone
  10. This does sound like a challenging task if not almost impossible from my point of view. I would like to join and help out, get more experience but I'm not sure I have the time to commit. Classes at university are just starting this semester and I've got a big work load already so I just dont know. I would like to see how this turns out. See what hows its done first hand you know.
  11. Too bad microsoft didnt come up with this them selves, Oh my site just died in IE7 yes maybe my coding is bad but firefox loves it. Anyway IE just plain sucks as well and I'll have to go back and redo it checking what I have changed recently. I should be used to IE7's dissapointment by now but it never gets old lol.
  12. I saw the trailer on apples website for this movie a few months back and it looked sick. I cant wait to see this movie when he it comes out.
  13. No rush I wont be needing it just yet since I'm no way near 280 credits for the free domain name . It will probably take me another month to get that.
  14. Why did they ring the council i don't get it? I feel your loss man I had a dog a while back I had him for about 13 years and when he died I felt a part of me die with him. Makes me sad just thinking about it even though I didn't treat him the best I don't know. You never know what you got till its gone. How long did you have the bird for? at least you got more then one but still its sad.
  15. Yeah so the only way to determine a users GMT off set is for them to choose one like in their profile. This means they must be signed up and have their settings on your database. I do not currently use a system for my current site theres no way I'll be able to determine each users GMT time offset.Is there any other way to determine what timezone they are in from their IP or what ever, If you didn't have them register on the site like in the above situation. I'm guessing its going to be difficult to obtain this. Probably too much trouble then its worth.Update:I been messing around and reading a bit on the PHP.net on dates and times. There is some good info there too, most examples I've seen people have been writing functions that take in the unix timestamps and output a GMT taking parameters ($sign, $hours, $daylightsavings) not in that particular names but you get the idea. This works well if you know the users time zone they are in and if daylight savings applies for them. i.e membership details just like how we have on Xisto forums.I cant have that on my site and even if I did I doubt users would even sign up. I still would like to be able to get the same effect like displaying the correct time for each user no matter where they are in the world when I'm outputting my news articles. I was thinking one way would probably have a drop down menu with the GMT offset on there where users can pick but that would require page reload to take effect not to mention annoying. also another problem would be to determine if day light savings did apply for them as this can vary depending on where you are from. Just those two problems I still need to work out. Unless I just let it be and display time in NZL only but thats too easy.
  16. Sorry about not voting. I didn't want to get into saying which one I liked more but after looking at them more closely I cant help but say the dragon is very mean looking. Hes going to eat that sexy looking girl alive with one bite. The detail of lighting effect is pretty good IMO. Theres actually a few more things I liked about it. The font+effect and the shape behind it looks sick. As for the lighting effects on it the flames and rays of light are too awesome, the scales on the dragon are nicely detailed.SM's check is nice also and the details are nice but I think I'm being biased and going for the meaner looking dragon over the human female. I know its too late but I guess its not a vote and SM won already.
  17. Talk about reinventing the wheel dude lol. No offense intended I had a crazy idea to make my own I must admit but after considerable time spending on coding in PHP I cant even show a complete site, I know I sucks lol. Anyway The idea is not all that bad I mean having your own custom forum would be kick *bottom* but the expertise and time needed to build one would be too great. You say you have the funds does that mean your are willing to pay people? Depending on how complex you want it to be it could take forever to complete. Not to mention very buggy if you don't plan and test it out properly along the way. I'm not saying don't do it as I love seeing things get attempted. Heh I would of done this myself If i had the time. I wanted a custom forum to run inside my website you know keep things the same so users don't feel like they are leaving your site when they are viewing your forums. I've seen this on one site the guy did in ASP it was awesome looking too with nice skins. It blending in so well with his site you couldn't tell you were in a forum section at time.I was going to look into finding a lite forum where you could place inside a website but I don't know if there are any out there designed specifically for this sole purpose. If one knows let us all know thanks.How would you co-ordinate this? I mean doing it over the net with people around the world would make meetings difficult. I suppose voice chat would help to some extend but keeping people focused on the same idea/task at hand may prove challenging. I would offer my services to help out as I want as much experience as I can get in PHP but I have doubts about project succeeding due to my ability personally and others. I'm not saying others here aren't capable, this is depending on what members we are talking about of course. If I got a chance to work along side and learn off some talented people I would take it.
  18. Thanks for the link, Yeah I suspected it had to be done that way. I've actually been here before but as I was getting into reading up how to handle this issue and starting getting exposed to some of the terms and lost in it all I gave up as it was not a big a deal to me then. Now I have meet my nemesis once again and I have time and enough determination to try and win this round. Yeah all that technical terms and jargon like GMT, UTC Unix timestamps goes right over my head but I'll keep at it. As nice as it is to get spoon feed a code and example with step by step instructions on how to do it I'll keep at it and see if I can figure it out. How can you call your self a web developer if you cant even figure out some time issues right? Another skill set to put under your belt I guess once you learn it.Thanks again for info and I'll post any updates if/when I figure it out.Update: After messing around with it for a bit I think I get it now, My local time is about 13 hours ahead of the unix time stamp or what ever time stamp its called. So I basically add it and I get my local time but this brings me to another question on how to properly handle it when users are from all over the whole and are in different time zones. How would you be able to figure out what time zones they are in to appropriately apply the offset for them?
  19. There may be situations where you would like parts of a same style to be used through out your website but also need things a bit differently across certain elements. A combination of #ID and .Class selectors can usually do the job but there will be cases where a combination of of multiple classing would be better for the job. To try and make this situation more clear for you to understand lets take a look at an example. We have a website that has many sections in it that we need consistent styling too. A news section, forms, portfolio items.. How we need the styling done for these 3 items is each will be contained within a border and have a background color fill. we could solve this problem by using a combination of #ID and .Class selectors. .news_container {border: solid 1px #aaaaaa;background-color: #eeeeee;width:80%;}.forms {border: solid 1px #aaaaaa;background-color: #eeeeee;width: 400px;}.item {border: solid 1px #aaaaaa;background-color: #eeeeee;width:300px;}#add_form{width:500px;color:0000ff;}#delete_form{width:500px;color:#ff0000;}Here by using a combination we can control how our elements will get displayed to some extent without too much repeating code, But there is still repeating code across .news_container, .forms, .item with the background and border declaration's. Now if we wanted to change the color of the border and fill we could have to change it in 3 places. This may not be much of an issue if we didn't have too many sections but it can be annoying and a pain if you have to change it in 10 places if your site is very large. Now you might think why not just create one class for the border and file style across multiple elements and apply it that and then use the ID to controls the widths. This would work if we only had 1 element of each so the using ID's would be valid. Remember we can only have 1 unique ID per element. As for our news and portfolio items there can be many so that wont work alone. Here is where multi classing can help. You can break down what is consistent across your elements and give that a class of its own. In our example its the border and fill we want. Next identifiy what other classes you'll need again in our example its the news_container class with a width specific to news and a portfolio item class with its own width. We can then apply the base class of the element with the specific class to it(Multiclassing). Heres the solution (Multiclassing) .box{border: solid 1px #aaaaaa;background-color: #eeeeee;}.news_container {width:80%;}.forms {width: 400px;}.item {width:300px;}#add_form{width:500px;color:0000ff;}#delete_form{width:500px;color:#ff0000;} We can use it in this fashion to address our problem </div> <div class='forms box'> </div> <div class='item box'> </div> linenums:0'><div class='news_container box'></div><div class='forms box'></div><div class='item box'></div> Now all our elements are making use of the base class .box which has the consistent styling while also getting the specific styles associate with their kind of element. Now when you need to change the style of the border and fill you only have to do it in one place. This will help you cut down on your CSS code and make maintaining code much easier. The only thing you will need to do is think about what you need thats consistent across the different types of elements on your page and break them down into classes. Note. You need spacing between classes. I just learned this last night and cleaned up my own CSS code a bit with it. I hope it helps if you didn't know about it like I did. Peace Sone.
  20. I'm trying to figure out how to deal with time entries in my mysql so it can be displayed correctly on my end. On my local server its not a problem as the time created is in line with my current time zone. The problem is when I use my scripts on Xisto server the time that gets created is the time on that server so its off. I haven't really experiment on ways to handle this but I've seen some articles related to his in the past but didn't bother to read them up. I want to know if theres anyone who's dealt this with problem before and what solution did they use to get around it. I'm storing my dates as 'year-month-day hour-minute-seconds' in mysql. If this is wrong then how am I suppose to be storing my dates and time. I use it for my creation and modify dates for my news article entries and portfolio item entries. I have a section on my page where I also log visiters so its displayed for me to view easily instead of going into cpanel. The log shows your current date of 29th February while on my end its already 1st march. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Over here in New Zealand there are fire arms but there are rules on what kind you can own I believe. You have to get a license to own one also and they must be locked up in a secure place at all times. You must keep the gun unloaded and separate from the bullets which I think is dumb because if you had a gun in the first place you'll want it loaded just in case you need it right away. Oh someone just broke in "Hold on please Mr Crazy Man while I go unlock my gun in the cabinet and load some bullets in OK?". Lately there has been more reported shootings and killing in New Zealand and I think we are catching up to the rest of the world with this problem. Too many crazy people out there with easy access to firearms will always result in people dying. I think in your country its good that guns are only permitted to people in authority. You can keep it that way without too many getting upset about not having access to firearms but for countries like USA where guns have always been around you cant just take away whats normal for them. I am referring to the gun owners and lovers over there. The problem with guns is its so easy to kill with where as if they had to resort to other methods it would most often be more harder to inflict as much damage. This would hurt people who depend on defending themselves with guns also. They would need to think about other methods of defending them selves. Crime will always be there if you take away guns you'll probably start seeing a trend of more stabbings happening or other kinds of offenses. So for countries with guns already you cant take them all away and for countries without don't introduce them in. I don't think its the guns to blame in a way because when you think about it who is the one pulling the trigger its the person behind it. I think in any country there are crazy people its just in bigger countries theres more crazy people.
  22. PS2 is dead if not already it will be soon, I doubt Sony will continue to support it when it has PS3 out there. Unless you have a lot of cash to spend don't get a PS3 unless you plan on using it alot. There aren't many games out yet so you may want to wait till the price drops and more games start appearing or you will be disappointed. I brought my PS3 when it first came out knowing there wasn't going to be many games but I have faith in the console as playstation has always had great games. I don't depend on it for everyday entertainment so I'm not that impatient waiting for the good games to come out. Also I enjoy the blue ray movies on it a lot. Right now my little brother is its master and plays on it everyday so its not really going to waste. My only regret was buying the only RPG game that came out on release, I had no choice it was the only game and it sucks LOL. Enchanted arms is what it was called.
  23. After you get suspended you get 30 days to get out of it. If not your account will be automatically terminated. If you don't want your account any longer you don't need to do anything. Yeah keeping credits is tough so if you don't the ads theres always free hosting with ads and you don't need to worry about keeping the credits up.
  24. Wow mac haters LOL chill, I have to step in and defend my favorite OS. I don't know what macs were like back in the days but currently they are one of the smallest computer sizes available. For laptops i don't think I've seen many that are smaller in size then the macbook pros, I'm not talking about the airbook either. As for the OS rebooting every 5 minutes lol thats never happen to me on my macbook pro, If you load your OS with weak software that has errors you're going to have problems no matter what OS it is. I have to agree prior to the OS x the OS was so ugly, My middle school teacher had one of those mac box, it was so ugly. It felt like I was living in the dark ages. But OS X now IMO is so robust. Remember theres more ways to do things so just because your used to doing things a certain way in windows doesn't mean its the correct way to do it. I've used both windows and mac and I prefer mac, I've had less trouble with it granted I've only had it for under 2 years while I have been using windows for over 10 years. If I had switched to mac OS before OS x I probably would have had a bad experience.As for other things I like about it. The updates are great you just click update when you get alerts with new ones available, enter your password and thats it. It will download and install in the background. I don't even got to worry about viruses or my firewalls, I think the os handles all this for you. All I do everyday on it is boot up and start working. I don't have to worry about security.The macbook pro's aren't for games, its for work and media stuff. I busted the R key spamming a hot key on DOTA. yeah its almost broken so learned my lesson there. The parts are more expensive but I get a sexy machine and sexy OS to go with it. Well worth the money IMO then paying for a regularly laptop running windows by other manufactures. their plastic looking cases look like they were made in China, and the thickness is like a brick.I don't really mind if you don't want to buy one and think its a waste of money, You probably never owned one so have no idea how good it really is. Anyway its your loss and I couldn't care less, I just wanted a legit rant to rack up my points. Stick with your windows vista since you think its the best.
  25. At first I was feeling disgusted thinking you were putting meat pies inside cakes. After reading on a bit there was no meat and I saw the sweet pies hmmm. I would like to try something so sweet, A good sugar rush now and then I enjoy. Wash that back with some cold ice coke and its heaven. /drolls. My mouth is feeling so much excitement I think my teeths is going to fall out soon.
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