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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. Does anyone know of a program to give you a visual view of your hard disk? I know there is one on windows but I dont remember the name here sorry. I've got only 80GB of space and only 10GB is free. I am not sure what is taking up all that space could it be the OS?. A program to give me a visual view of how much space is taken up by what would help a lot in tracking used up space.If there is any other method for hunting down used space and clearing it on OS X would be greatly appreciated thanks.
  2. LOL please tell me chicks don't actually fall for those lines. I was thinking of using "Sup @#$$%? wanna hang out? would that work?
  3. I'm sure this sort of thing happens all over the world not just china. The worse I've seen done to a fish is from this documentary I think it might of been 60 minutes anyway what happens to the fish is instead of being killed before its eaten they keep it alive while eating it. Yeah I know when I saw it I was like eww. Its basically prepared I assume with scales taken out and I'm not sure about the gutting I don't so if its still alive. They cook it on a sort of grill or pot I cant remember and they pick flesh off it and eat it and the fish is like looking at them crying out no doubt if it could make sound. Remember indiana jones ? The scene where monkeys brains are eaten while its still alive :
  4. On a bad scale of 1 to 10 thats like 100 right there easily. The article didn't say how many months pregnant he was even thought it shouldn't matter you shouldn't be doing that in the first place to someone. Man I thought I was evil but these guys are beyond that. The article said the injuries or attacks were from several weeks. What did they do lock her up there and feed her while they beat her? It also doesn't reveal how they are related to her if any. Are these guys hill billies?
  5. Yeah I've noticed many companies including major leading players in the IT industry don't even bother to make their code valid to html or xhtml w3c standards. I don't know why they would bother if their code works consistently across certain browsers already. They are probably experienced enough to code html so that it does display across the main browsers correctly without being valid html or xhtml. It makes you wonder if you should even bother learning to code valid to those standards if the professionals aren't doing it themselves. I see it as a good skill to have none the less and it is better to know how to code to valid html and xhtml standards then to not. All the other hacks to get something to work you can always pickup along the way if needed. The simple truth is most people only care if it works and the code was probably written along time ago before anyone even cared about html standards. Can anyone name a major IT company that has valid html or xhtml code? I cant think of any myself .
  6. The reason is the code can be several pages long and if you count that as credits earned you will be getting a lot. Then all anyone has to do it post source code and say look at this source code here I need help. Then they will get plenty of credits with little work. Does that seem fair to you?
  7. To some extend javascript would be able to do what PHP does like parsing out HTML code and it can do things PHP cannot like modify the page content dynamically. In most cases what you will want to do futher down when you want more interactive sites is use a combination of both. There is no reason why you cannot learn both at the same time if you have good memory and can pick up concepts fast.. You will need to grasp HTML > (PHP + Javascript + CSS (MySQL)). How much you need to learn in the parenthesis depends on what you need to do in your web page.
  8. Man the oil price is going up its crazy. More and more people are opting to catch a bus into the city rather then take their cars and it makes sense because its much cheaper. The comments made about war over oil is true I think. I've heard talks from many sources, people, news about USA over there for oil but I don't how they can just be over there for oil alone. They cant just take the oil right without paying because that would be stealing? Are they taking it and saying oh we are helping out with security and we will pay you this x amount for the oil. Yeah suddam was a crazy guy but he may or may not have been involved with the attack on 9/11. You guys got hit bad and wanted to eliminate any chance of it happening again so theres nothing wrong there. Except I hear theres no WDM.. Makes me think you guys wanted to kick his *bottom* and maybe hopefully get the guys who actually did it in the process? Back on the oil issue, I'm not saying you guys went in there solely for the oil. When I say you guys I mean your government because thats who decides things right but it would make sense if that was part of the agenda. When the oil eventually runs out and theres only enough for use in the military whats going to happen when armies cant move their forces around on the vehicles that depend on fuel. You wont be able to launch air strikes or move your ships in the water if there is no fuel. Tanks will be useless stationary. Your rockets and missiles cant fly on electricity so I'm sure there is going to be a lot of weapons and oil stored away by each government for time of war in the future. I don't know whats going to happen. The way war is fought might change a bit and depend heavily on land conflicts. Its going to be chaos as more people are going to have to fight with guns instead of planes coming in and dropping bombs to clear an area or how ever they do it. Who knows whats the point of invading another country if you cant transport your people there right lol? What ever happens in Iraq I hope they recover soon or else alot more people will continue to die there. Makes me feel lucky to be safe in a country like mine.
  9. I see you've changed it to using some package for joomla. It looks awesome at first look. There is one noticable difference from moving from the home/default section onto forum. I like how it keeps the same look and skins but the default width on forums is fixed. It kinda looks weird when you come from a expandable width page to a fixed width page. Other then that I don't think I can comment on it anymore.
  10. That sounds awesome lol. Everything below you and all around you would be going by so fast it would be a different experience from the traditional plane ride. Isn't glass much heaver then the materials used for planes? I don't think this will every happen though since the thickness require of glass to be strong enough would be too great and we'll end up with a bulky plane . nether the less great idea.
  11. Are you sure 32bit OS only can handle up to 3GB of memory? I'm sure it was more like 4GB max for a 32 bit OS. I don't remember the caculations for getting the max memory for this but I'm sure it was 4GB instead of 3GB. Anyone can clear this up? As for your new Laptop wow I'm bl owned away thats some very impressive specs you can get for a laptop now a days. The hard drive space is incredible and the CPU speed is what impresses me the most. You didn't mention how fast your dvd burner was but I'm sure it will be fast enough. I've got a 4 speed dvd burner on mine and every time I have to burn a DVD its so slow. Edit: I just search around the web on the memory thing and it does say something about 32bit CPU's being able to address only 4GB of memory but a chunk of that is used for devices so the amount of memory address available is minus that being used for devices. I think it varies form OS on how they allocate that. Maybe someone can shed more light on this?
  12. She must of been a very dirty girl to have to stay in the bathroom for that long lol. How did her boyfriend meet her in the first place if she was in the bathroom all that time? Thats just messed up and I think she needs some serious help if shes got to the point of not wanting to leave because of fear. I'm assuming this just happen while she was with her boyfriend or on her own because if anyone else knew surely they would of gotten help for her along time ago.
  13. Even if apple picks up these guys theres more to take their place. Nothing is really secure when it comes to software so this doesn't surprise me one bit. In New Zealand we don't have iPhone's officially on sale by apple but I've seen those Asian computer stores around the city selling them. They are going for about $900-1000 dollars here which is standard for a phone of that caliber. Do you have any screen shots of what 3rd party programs they are running? This would be neat if I owned one I would be doing some programming on the go while traveling on the bus . I'm seriously considering getting one since I think its the most versatile phone out there but at that price I'll have to save for a few months lol.
  14. Hope your mum gets well, Its always sad to hear about news like this ; ;. I don't know what else to say to you just best wishes to you and your family.
  15. It looked like it had a great story line, too bad I only had about 2 hours of play time on it. I got up to the part where the sea monster attacks the boat and that was it. I only borrowed the game off a buddy so I couldn't play it anytime I wanted. But I'm definitely going to buy ff xiii this time round for ps3
  16. I forgot you mention you had a book on ASP. If you do then you may as well try get going on that even though PHP may be much easier to find help on online. ASP is pretty big as well so I don't think you will have much trouble either there. Just setting up an ASP testing server might be more difficult then on PHP. But yeah you have the book so just use it. I wouldn't want to own an ASP book and let it go to waste collecting dust. There should be plenty of tutorials and examples to give you a solid foundation to progress into good or even expert status if you wish. What ever you choose good luck and work hard it will pay off.
  17. This is stupid and if you think color has anything to do with how smart you are then you are dumb. Stop generalizing people with certain traits that aren't true. We don't see people saying all whites are in the KKK do we and they are only a small group in a larger community. I'm sure there is just as much dumb people in the white community as there are in blacks or any color for that matter. I'm at university with a lot of smart and dumb people from all sorts of skin color. Look around you the ratio of who's smart or stupid will vary but its never just one color. That doctor is just a racist and the comments he made proves it. If you don't get that then you are stupid and maybe should check your skin color and report back to the doctor.
  18. Dont use line breaks thats horrible way and does no justice to CSS lol. I've came across this problem many times and there are ways to do it I just cant remember off the top of my head. I think SM's solution should work. Plus the line breaks you will need will vary depending on the size of the contents. I used to do this lol its bad, just learn to do it correctly in CSS. If remember solution off the top of my head I would tell you guys but I'm too tired to go find it. There is solutions out there on the web its a common problem. Using tiling background image is one way but I think SM's method looks a lot more better.
  19. Joomla isnt a PHP editor its a Content Management System built on PHP. What your after if your starting off to learn PHP is a basic text editor with simple highlighting for syntax so you know when you miss-type a keyword. Maybe having the editor be able to show you hints will help out too. Dreamweaver has this for PHP. Yes you can just work on the file then save it as file.php and upload it with FTP to your hosting account in the correct folder. All you will need to do is type in the URL address in your browser then you can start viewing it. Make sure you ftp your files into www folder. Once you get the hang of it you will probably want to setup your own testing server as uploading and checking can take a bit of time where as being able to test locally is much quicker. You can then download and try xampp that is your own personal web server with PHP built in. Google it.
  20. Trapper of the Year-TruefusionMost Valuable Poster-TruefusionModerator of the Year (New Category)-jlhaslipVelma for being only female mod lolTruefusionMost Helpful Member-jlhaslipSMTruefusionMost Improve Member of the Year-???GFXtrap GFX Elite-???7Gears Gamer of the Year-???1337 Programmer-Truefusion(Javascript Master)Comedian of the Year-???Shoutboxer of the Year-???Lives at Xisto-SMMost Reported Posts-???Tech Geek (New Category)-SMWelcome Committee-MichTrap Eye for the Poor Guy-???Crazy Reviewer Person (Updated Category)-???Dr. Phil Wannabe-SMMost Creative Trapper-AlexpYoutube Junkie (New Category)-???Person most likely to be Bill Gates Boss-??? ======My votes. Probably abit bias but I'm going off what I remember and the topics I tend to visit. Hopefully votes give an edge to people who need it instead of me voting for 10 people
  21. It all comes down to preference if you are used to Microsoft products then ASP might seem much easier to learn then PHP. PHP is more widely available so unless you have easy access to setting up an ASP server then I would go start with PHP. I've only worked with ASP once and it was a tutorial to build a ajax type of user interface where you have forms and it will submit data, compute it and display it back. In the source code of ASP I did not like the bulk of the ASP tags. It seems as though they have proprietary <tags> that make learning HTML confusing if you are new to both. They have custom asp tags for form elements etc I believe. With PHP the code does not resemble HTML so you wont get confused as easily and its much easier on the eyes IMO. The choice is up to you of course what you go for. I would suggest PHP because we have a lot of users here and if you new to programming there will be a lot more help available on Xisto forums.
  22. Congratulations on the baby. He looks healthy which is a good thing, was that your first, second, third?
  23. Is this for real or did they just take the deer out there and let him learn to swim for a few minutes then go back and pick him up? Its still funny and wack none the less lol. I'm going to go ahead and assume it was just a joke and they took the deer out for a swim because I cant imagine any other way a sane deer would go swimming on its own out there lol.
  24. I have to agree with the above you need a good balance between everything, work, play, exercise. I just woke up from 5 hours of sleep and I feel like *BLEEP*. but I have class in a few hours. I been up working all night on some java programming. Its paying off and I'm learning new things all the time except sometimes I think I'm over doing it. As soon as I get into town the tiredness will kick in and I'll be sleepy during classes . I'm pretty sure everyone needs at least 8 hours of sleep each day.I've never mediated before but I'm sure you need physical rest no matter what. tricking your body that its rested is not right.
  25. You can use windows task scheduler to schedule task, I'm not sure if you can do it every hour though on the links I've seen so far (only 2) it shows only these few options Daily? Weekly? Monthly? One time only? When my computer starts (before a user logs on)? When I log on (only after the current user logs on) Maybe you can investigate further in this if you haven't found an option yet. I cannot check for myself since my PC isn't ready accessible. good luck.
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