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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. I personally am too used to adobe software to move on to gimp, I see no reason as to switch to gimp or open source when I am already proficient enough in adobe. The learning curve might be small when switching but like I said why switch when I have adobe PS already to gimp. I can do things in photo shop that I can do in Gimp. Yeah the price tag is a bit high but its an investment if you look at it that way. Most schools you go to will teach you adobe photoshop because it is the standard, most companies probably already use photoshop also so it makes sense to stick with the standard unless your really good at gimp then it wont matter what you use.
  2. welcome, Its always great to have more web minded people join our forums. this hosting here is great and there are some very knowledgeable people here if you have any problems maybe we can help you out. Looking forward to see more work from you.
  3. Hi all, I'm looking for an open source web based accounting software, preferably a PHP-MySQL based one if possible. I've already started searching but so far no luck.Many Thanks
  4. Yeah I saw that on the news it show him looking real sick and old, He feel flat on this face one time after walking off from the stage ouch. What about his brother then? I don't know what they are both like but I don't think it will be much different with someone close to him in power.
  5. hey there joomla expert, welcome to Xisto. There are alot of people who use joomla here so having someone who has good experience to help out would be nice. I'm interested in trying it out myself when I have time so hopefully your still around when I have some questions about it.Enjoy your stay and good luck on your hosting if thats what your after.sone.
  6. If by adding your own design you mean just changing the banner and default colors that shouldn't be too hard. Changing it further with relaying the format and layout of elements would be a nice touch but can be difficult if you don't know how to properly access and modify the existing design. This is something I've considered I wanted to do if I have some time since writing your own forum would be too much work and most likely fail unless you are real good. If you have time and determination give it a shot but I doubt it will be an easy task.
  7. I found the solution to this problem function news_modify(e, action){ var targ; if (!e) { var e=window.event; } if (e.target) { targ=e.target; } else if (e.srcElement) { targ=e.srcElement; } if (targ.nodeType==3) // defeat Safari bug { targ = targ.parentNode; } var tname; tname=targ.tagName; var targ_do = targ; while(targ_do.name != 'do') { targ_do = targ_do.previousSibling; } targ_do.value = action; //var form = targ.parentNode; //form.action = form.action + '&do='+action; } and when you call it on <button onclick="news_modify(event, action);" . You must supply the object (I think thats what it is called) event or else it wont work.That function will get the object button and travel up looking for other siblings belonging to the same parent "Form" and get the hidden input with name of 'do'.Although this works a better solution to what I wanted to do didn't required this. I was just not using the form correctly. I could have the same effect and control with echo"<form method='get' action='manage.php'>"; echo"<input type='hidden' name='manage' value='news' />"; echo"<input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$rs['id']}' />"; //echo"<input type='hidden' name='do' value='' />"; echo"<button name='do' value='edit' type='submit' >Edit</button> "; echo"<button name='do' value='delete' type='submit' >Delete</button>"; echo"</form>"; Its simple yeah I cant believe I didn't know how you could use buttons like that. So in this scenario what ever button is pressed you are able to to submit 'do' with the correct value and then process your page with control.I hope this helps anyone with a similar problem. sone.
  8. sweet when did you send credits or when will you? because I still didn't receive them yet.
  9. No I'm trying to control the <input type='hidden' name='do' value='' />to be set as either 'edit' or 'delete' depending on what ever button was pushed then submit.
  10. I've got two buttons with an onclick event to set the hidden input field to a certain value then continue submitting the form. I have more than one form on display on the page and I don't want to use ids. Is there a way I can reference it from the button/button onclick event?the forms is laid out like this echo"<form method='post' action='manage.php?manage=news&id={$rs['id']}'>"; echo"<input type='hidden' name='do' value='' />"; echo"<button type='submit' onclick=\"news_modify('edit');\">Edit</button> "; echo"<button type='submit' onclick=\"news_modify('delete');\">Delete</button>"; echo"</form>"; So basically the idea is to fire off new_modify function and start referencing the hidden input type with name of do and set it to the supplied argument then continue submitting the form.any help is appreciated thank you.
  11. Com'on clearly I have won.. eveyone else
  12. I find ads a very distracting element on websites. I know certain people don't mind or actually like seeing them but I find them very annoying. If I'm interested in a product or anything I will go searching for it I don't need it advertised to me. I'm too used to this site having no ads and if it changes I know it will create a bad experience for me.I don't know why you guys feel that bring ads back will benefit the Xisto community. I mean the service is already good and what will happen with the money gained from advertising? will it go to improving our hosting? its already good enough IMO so I don't see the point.Theres already enough spam in this forum and the adds will only add to that effect.
  13. thats pretty slick, I like the cube effect and vanishing effect of windows there. At the end of that video LOL Microsoft classic. err trademark!oh by the way can you load that cude effect on other distribution of linux? whats required etc, sorry I'm a linux noob
  14. Coda 1.1 Anyone here ever use it or still use it? I've been using this for a few weeks now and didn't discover the Clips and remote connectivity feature till just now. Its pretty good I can edit my files on the Xisto server just as if its locally on my laptop.Oh the clips is just awesome, I do a lot of echoing and typing that out is a pain. Now I just drag what ever clip of code I need off the list its so much faster I'm kicking myself for not finding out about coda before.Anyway I'm hoping other mac users give it a try over dreamweaver or others. Its the best for web page coding IMO on a mac.
  15. I cant stand the ads. If they bring them back I'm leaving free host or not I'll just pay for it. I think xisto make enough money already to be giving away free hosting so why take a step backwards for the users by bring it ads. You may not mind them but thats just you, what about everyone else? Its like me never ever going back to 56k lol.
  16. Hey you got that tiling side image to work. I never thought of using a background image for the div with the combination of an image in there to get that effect. Nice job . I think I will steal this idea for my future designs.I just checked under safari and it works fine.
  17. You have to code as page makers will include code that is not as compatible or optimized as it can be across different browsers. Once you get into dealing with trying to obtain pixel perfect layouts with elements across multiple browsers you will understand the need to code things from scratch. First learn HTML then move on to CSS once you picked that up. You will also want to learn javascript as well later on to give you come more control over your website.
  18. My original link seemed ok but when I added content to it it expanded past the footer so I had fix that. new one is at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I had a look at your code and saw your using images inside the divs eg <div class='wrapper'> <img .../> </div> you should just be able to apply the backgound to the div class also I had to create use different class or id for each row since their height was going to be different. that fixed my expanding problem similar to what you have. I was able to set a different height to each row because they were different. for example <div id='top' <div id='content_row' <div id='footer' content_row is expandable so I gave it height 100%, just to make sure. I'll try get a working example from your layout now, its good practice anyway as with my one I think I may of fluked it so I'll update. I just wanted to provide what I did so you can maybe have a good as well instead of waiting. update* This is how I would do it http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The side images you are using don't tile well... I had a similar problem before and just went for basic plain texture that tiled. Hope that helps.
  19. http://www.anelectron.com/board/index.php?tid=435&tpg=1 I tired that link you gave me for the IE6 png fix but it dosent seem to work. I put a delay with setTimeout on the function call but it still does not work. Any ideas why? update* I found out more about pngs and IE6 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ So it does not work for css background images, also does not tile and other bad effects. Check out my new banner its pimp. I was bored last night and got sick of my plain old banner so I decided to change it. I was thinking about how people create those cloud effects and wanted one of my own so I spent a few hours messing around until I got this. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I had a hard time because of image ready crashing on me so I got to this version and no save lol. If I get enough request I'll make a tutorial on how to get that effect. But since I don't see it often maybe no one likes it or no one knows. /gloat update: I did a bit more work today on my site, The CMS for my site to handle portfolio entries seems to be working as expected. Still more tweaking needed. As for the work to put in I need to work on more lol. Also minor tweaks for tthe news section with CSS will help.
  20. I'm just wondering since I'm assuming you have used it a bit to be talking about it. How does it compare to other web developing languages like php asp and all the others you may of tried. I wish I had more time to try out more languages but sticking to one does help you improve me. maybe I'll give it a shot and see whats it all about if you can give examples of what sites are written in python.
  21. I've always started projects and never finish because I try and do too much but this time I figured out I really need my own protfolio site when going for a job you need one, people want to see your work and having it online in one location would be much nicer then having them go to different links, look in your CD/DVD or computer hard disk drives. I started this 2 days ago and have the template almost solid. There is probably some bugs I'm missing but I'll try and clean it up later when I have time. I think I'm happy enough with the overall look and layout, its a nice expanding width content layout, first one I have done with containing blocks of images as borders. thanks for j man(cant remember his full name as of now) for helping me out. I went for png + transparent type of image so I can possibly change background colors later without needed to reload images up. Sorry IE 6 users I don't see the point in trying to build a gif style layout. If your using IE 6 its because you cannot upgrade to IE 7. Anyway heres the link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ oh yeah I put you straight to my abouts page. Maybe I can get some comments on my resume too since I'm not a very strong writer. Thanks in advanced. let me know what you think please.
  22. Before I got a mac I always liked Winamp because it loaded fast on windows, before that I used to use crappy windows media player for a while until I discovered Musicmatch. It had many handy features I liked including ripping your CDs into mp3 and also the CD info to grab user submitted track info like names and album titles. I think it also hand cd cover images displayed while you played it too.At first I didn't really like itunes but once you get used to it it kinda grows on you. I'm not sure what else are great for media library's like itunes for mac is out there so I think itunes is probably the best in that category of players. I like the library views it offers very easy to use.
  23. Hi all, I can't seem to create a new database, I thought we have unlimited databases in mysql with our free hosting, If I'm wrong then disregard this. I have only 1 database created on my account and I need another as using the same one would be conflicts with my naming convention.Anyone have any idea why? # Create new database: DocumentationNo Privileges
  24. I just had a quick look and I would say not bad. First off you did it in tables wow LOL good job I don't know whether to laugh or congratulate you on a monolith task I think both is appropriate. As for the back end stuff I had a quick look it it seems OK but I didn't not test it all out for any bugs. I would say good job there if its all working as expected. I had a quick look at the source files and noticed you didn't layout the site from a template. If you learn how to template your sites you'll build them quicker next time. it also keeps look consistent from each sections.not sure about cookies if ($_COOKIE['loggedIn'] != 'Admin'){ java('location.href="security.php";'); } that was from your admin.php page, I'm not 100% sure as I never use cookies so can somone answer my question on it.These are just suggestions I'm giving to try and help you out.Again nice job overall.oh by the way fix the links up they are not correct.
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