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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. Firstly make sure you understand the rules of Xisto.com, Most of it is common sense but if you lack it then make sure you do have a good read of the rules. When you post new topics or replies make sure it contributes in some way or if you are unsure do not post it as it may be spam and will do nothing but increase your warning level when people report it. I don't think your warning level will go down if you do not post any topics (good ones) so you may have to have a good think about what you intend to contribute to our forums before posting. Remember quality post are way more important then the number of post you make. Try and bring something that has not already been brought to the forums and can help other members in the process. Like I said mostly common sense and don't break any rules. Good luck to you.
  2. LOL at that one. This ones missing but I'm sure we all know it. Your mums so fat her belt size is equator.
  3. Yeah the double voting is being exploited. I have to admit I did a few just to test it out. Its not a bad system in terms of interface but I think if you integrated into Xisto's database of users and only allow you to log in and vote on it once for each section this would definitely fix the problem. But thats of course if you have access to it. Maybe you can talk to the administrators here to see if that is possible. Or you could just code it up and give it to them to check and implement if they see no flaws in the code.
  4. This whole block in your original code would never return true since its $submit is not defined in PHP yet. if($submit){...} So you can either change it so you define $submit before its used or just change $submit to $_POST['submit']; directly. Submit is coming from your button named 'submit'. // this $submit = $_POST['submit'];if($submit){..}// or thisif($_POST['submit']){..}
  5. I'm sorry to hear she's gone. It much be a very difficult time for you right now. I can only imagine how difficult it must be as I have never lost a immediate family member before. I've had distant family members past away but since I hardly knew them I didn't really have that difficult of a time as if it would of been an immediate family member. Not to take anything away from your loss but I think this is something we all have to deal with in our life time. Just thinking about losing anyone of my immediate family members would kill me. Get comfort from your friends and family because thats what they are there for. Take time away from everything if you need to clear your mind. Do what ever you have to to get through. Take careSone.
  6. I have a mac book pro and an imac at home. I have accounts of user 'sone' on both machines and I scan most of my on the imac and it gets saved automatically in my home/pictures folder. I know its not shared by default here but is there any way I can be able to mount that folder or even give access to myself from my macbook pro to it? It would save a lot of tedious steps to share it other wise i.e copying it to another shared folder.Any information much appreciated thank you.*****OK never mind I just learned I can do it easily enough. OS X already provided access to connect to my own account remotely. Please lock or delete this thread.
  7. sonesay


    Just make sure you brush every 12 hours or so throughly and your teeth will begin to whiten. It may take much longer if its been stained in the past from neglect like smoking and not brushing as often. But once you get in the regular habit it should start to whiten. As mention above I wouldn't rely on whitening products as it can be more damaging then good on your teeth. If you smoke quit it as it not only bad for your teeth and gums but also your health and its probably the main cause of gum and teeth problems.
  8. you didnt say if that was your entire code you posted. Looking at it now $submit is not defined as when its submitted your checking if($submitrefer to it as $_POST['submit'];
  9. Yeah the finger prints would be ugly appearing on the screen as you use it. You just gotta keep your fingers and hands clean when using it. No eating and playing . I wonder how they will implement the keyboard on that thing? If they do it like the iphone with a virtual display of keys it might be in the way of the work area. You wouldn't want to have to carry around a keyboard would you? Someone gotta be bringing the elitism right? Who better to bring it then apple .
  10. Either check through cpanel if entries are being inserted into the database using myphpadmin or what ever its called. Then if entries are being inserted there check your actually receiving results from the query by using $found = mysql_num_rows($result);echo $found; if your getting the correct return entries then we can assume its correct and the error is on the loop where you try and output the results. How you have done it I never do while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)){//variables from table$time=$r["time"];$id=$r["id"];$message=$r["message"];$name=$r["name"];?><?php $time ?><br /><?php echo $name ?><br /><?php echo $message ?><br /><?php } ?> while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)){//variables from table$time=$r["time"];$id=$r["id"];$message=$r["message"];$name=$r["name"]; echo $time."<br />"; echo $name."<br />"; echo $message."<br />";} ?> I would just keep the while loop in side the same php tags. I dont know what the effect of it doing your way does but obviously it did not pick up the error when you tried to just do "$time" with no echo . just try it this way and see if it works.
  11. Hey all, I'm not sure if anyones familiar with this subject but I'm hoping someone can explain to me how the left matrix gets simplified to the right. I tried looking at the difference but they don't to show any pattern. Hopefully someone is familiar with this subject and can help me out.I have attached the image file
  12. I like the site overall. Everything seems much more fine tuned than it was in your older versions of the site but there is always room to add and enhance. I don't really want to point out what you should change as it probably is more of personal preference then good design. What I think might look good may not be the same for others. There would also be too many to list but I think if you keep working on it some more ideas will come up so you will go back and refine it. I already have some ideas for my own site but I'm only going to go back and refine it when I have more time (assignments due soon for many classes already). Good job on the site!
  13. I have to disagree with number 1. I know for a fact if a girl throws herself on me I cannot resist. Guys are weak to their sexual urges so if you are super hot it will be a lot easier to get guys. Dress to impress. If you are wearing cloths that make you look unsexy then you lower your chances of guys noticing you. Most times guys will be shy just like you probably are so just make the first move, Saying Hi can be enough to get the ball rolling. You will never know if you don't take a chance right? Keep the conversation simple, threes been many times where I've gotten hints from girls but I'm too slow to follow lol, After they are gone I finally click but its too late. If your interested make sure he knows.
  14. Ah I always respond to spam post so no wonder I got hit with -10 points or more. Makes sense really even if you are helping them out by providing them information its still spam. Its better to just report i t and move on. We don't need multiple topics on the same subject and too weak tutorials being reposted over and over again. This site is suppose to be about quality post remember.
  15. Can you list some code and/or maybe the steps you are taking to handle the date? When you say it just doesn't work we have no idea what just doesn't work. The kettle doesn't work? My lines on the girls don't work? Please be a bit more specific about your problem if you wish to get better help. In your case I'm assuming your piece of code isn't doing what you want it to do so please post it so we can take a look.
  16. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/56225-php-time-difference-how-to-handle-different-time-zones/ A topic by me a while back. I think this is what your after just have a bit of a read.
  17. The ""Ratings Given" is ones given out by you. So basically it tracks ratings you have given out to people (right column). Left column ("Was rated") is ratings given to you by others.I kinda like the script and think it should stay .
  18. I'm going to keep it like I do with most my possessions I do not like to sell things back even though I could in this case and make some money back from it. Its cheating in a way if I do do that but I'm not going to. Your right if I need the disk again in the near future I will be in trouble and the price I paid for it is reasonable enough. A lot less cheaper then windows OS. Apple just seems to amaze me by not enforcing any restrictions on you and trust you will not violate the agreement. Since you can only use it on a mac and they are making their money off selling hardware anyway piracy wouldn't really affect them as it does Microsoft.
  19. My sites in my signature but its not even near complete. Feel free to take a look and make any comments you like.
  20. I just brought Leopard from the store 2 days ago and installed it. It did the upgrade and so far my existing applications seem to continue to work which is awesome. I was able to get iphone SDK installed and run my very own virtual iphone . I haven't had much time to look into it because of assignments but I will hopefully try and make my own one day. OS X Leopard costed me $199 NZD retail here so its a bit pricey but worth it I guess. Its has a lot more features then 10.4 so yeah. There was no serials provide it just installed straight away from the DVD. I am wondering how they implement their security to prevent people pirating. The disk is over 4.7 GB so you can just copy it with any old burner and DVD. After the install I was about to register my info well update but it took so long during the connection phase to the internet then I just canceled it and rebooted to do some updates. It never prompted me again to register my updated info. Is this not necessary? I'm puzzled at how OS X implements its registration process and prevent people from passing on that DVD to do another install on other machines. I've seen OS X Leopard DVDs on sales on auction sites but I wonder if they are just reselling the DVD since they already installed it and no longer need it. Not that I plan on reselling mine but I would just like to know what is the deal. My sister has an imac and I am wondering if it would be ok to use that DVD to install on hers. I didn't buy the other one where it said something about being a family pack. Update: after reading this http://forums.macrumors.com/threads/leopard-single-user-vs-family-pack.371714/ I take it apple does not enforce any licensing procedures on you and trust you will purchase the right number of copies you intend to install them on. Thats probably why people are reselling the OS back in auction sites.
  21. Lets see some pictures of how dorky your glasses look . I'm kidding I wear them too and apparently someone said I wear them to try and be cute which is not even true lol. I need them because my vision is not very good from long range. I guess I'm short sighted but its probably from my right eye being a lazy eye.
  22. Hey I need some help with domains. I haven't been able to find any info so far as search terms are too common. If there is a link to this can you please sticky it or something. Domain: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hosting: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ My problem.. I have registered my domain and I have no idea how to configure it so it works. At this stage I would like my domain name to point to my existing Xisto.com hosting account.
  23. I am running OS X 10.4 right now and am looking to upgrade to Leopard soon. I was browsing online for OS X and came across two types one that listed as being an upgrade only requiring you to have 10.4 already installed I believe and one that did not list any requirements. Obviously the one listing no requirements seemed the better option but I would like to know if this is correct. If I just get the version that doesn't specifically say I need 10.4 installed as a requirement(upgrade version). Will the other one do both upgrade and full installations of OS X? I just want to be sure so if anyone can verify this please.ThanksSone.Edit: Oh by the way does OS X ship with serials? Maybe a obvious answer to this question but I don't know for certain.
  24. Some paper and crayons will do the trick . You said you needed diagrams charts or graphs but if you told us what kind of data you are using for the input it may narrow it down a bit. There are different types of programs for different types of graphs but I think Microsoft suite would probably handle most required graphs and charts. For diagrams you may need a separate program depending on its requirements.
  25. I would suggest you back up all the important files on the computer right now if you have not on to a DVD or CD. Then format your computer and reinstall from scratch. I'm telling you this because its the most quickest way to get your computer virus free instead of running scans which may or may not find all the virus(s). If you have enough experience and want to attempt to recover instead of a full install then go ahead but unless you have patience and ability to follow instructions and find possible solutions then just format.Good luck.
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