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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. new css html layout http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I did the orginal http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ with the template css of a 2 column fixed with and tried to work it into a expandable one which I had serious trouble with so I looked on the web and found a 3column expandable one that worked out better for what I wanted to do. It was simple enough too but just took time to rework it all. By the way photoshop slicing does suck alot renaming my slices on adjustments made it a night mare to update on the html. the template for 3 col css expandable content. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ can anyone recheck if my new layout displays ok in IE 6/7 my computer is bust again.
  2. Ok I may be not 100% correct on this one but I've see articles about this and if I can remember correctly blah I should I just worked on something similar just now. the div will only expand down to how much content you have hence why your middle content has some <br /> in it so its got some and expands. the only way to get a similar effect is to use a image for that divs background and tile it vertically. so before get into doing that decide what is actually going to be in there. because if the sides are going to be a tiling image or color making changes later on can be difficult. heres my example I am currently working on. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I am tiling the empty side divs with an image. making changes later on would be hard. if you have any more questions just reply here I'll be here working on my layout all night.
  3. Heres a picture of my second item up for offer if your still not happy with the first. It may change your mind. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Yes it was an old picture but shes still beautiful just as beautiful. Considering how valuable she still is I take my offer back to to 20 credits for the woman and no less! Clearly my offer is the best so far.
  4. OMGz 20 credits! give it to me I want it, If you give me those credits I will name my first born after the great Alex. I will train him in the way of the jedi and when hes old enough I'll send him to aid you in any battle you battles. He will be strong, ruthless a and obedient to your every command. All this for a measly 20 credits what do you say? Cant get a better deal for that. If not you can have my wife for 10 credits, I wont go any lower.
  5. I could use the extra 20 credits, it will go towards my domain name hosting eventually. I'm on about 160 now or so plus I'm on this forum everyday not like its going to waste on someone who maybe will leave or just use it to host their web page with no content for an extra 20 days yes you suck if thats you. If I don't get it I don't care 20 credits wouldn't be hard to get see I already made a credit or so off this post.
  6. I've updated that part and removed all other min-width min-height to just height and width, and it seems to show up in IE 6 OK now. I will just change and boot into my windows with IE 7 to double check again. Safari and FF still works. By the way you said earlier you had both IE 6 and IE 7 was that on the same windows or on different installations? thanks again.
  7. with that current css and html code IE 6 fails. the only thing that will show up is the main tiling background.heres the screenshot I have on my win xp machine running IE 6.
  8. I'm not sure what other programs are available out there for divx conversion from DVD format but I think http://www.divx.com/en/software/divx a windows version http://www.divx.com/en/software/divx I havent used it personally but if I was going to try any I would this one first since its from the people who make it. Only problem is its a 15day free trail so you have to pay for it. Let us know who it goes.
  9. I think PHP fusion was the first and only CMS I ever worked with. It was a while ago and I remember it being very slick. There were alot of mods for it but out of the box polls didn't work for me. I don't have a need for a forum no more as my old linkshell no longer is active so we discontinued using it but from my experience it offered nice skins and the functionality was there.Overall a good experience with it, it was easy to setup and instructions where detailed enough even for a newbie like me to follow. This was a good 2 years or so back when I used it so it should of improved if its still around.
  10. You are the man Jlhaslip. I'll test it on other broswers and update this post.works under safari, IE7 and Oprea as well.
  11. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Just a new layout I'm working on, Any ideas how I can get the logo to be centered? At the moment I can only float it left or right. I think is possible to get it done in tables but I would prefer to stay away from them in layouts. Any insight appreciated. by the way source code and css is at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/index.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ thanks
  12. Funny how I didn't notice this before but the horizontal scrolling text is very bad for users to track IMO. I have trouble following it and reading it at the same time. I think if you are going to have any scrolling text a vertical scrolling from bottom to top would work better and have it scroll slowly as well.You content area I think its a bit confusing because each section of content kinda blends in with the other. Your fonts are all the same for the most part, maybe style the text outside the legend area differently from the outside. I think a faint horizontal rule between each section might work. Your navigation may look better with some kind of block border around it or maybe even a different background color or border line running down the right column may look ok.
  13. I personally don't like how your on joomla and then switch to aef for the forums, I could be wrong but doesn't joomla have forums already? what ever the case you probably prefer aef so thats a good enough reason to use it.
  14. ID's are used when you need define a single element and apply CSS to that element only or you need an easy way for javascript to get to it.Class are used when you have 2 or more elments you need consistent styling. e.g All the the content sections need to be the same style(you may have several division blocks of content).I cant think of any other reasons why you would them at this stage.
  15. I have a Photobucket account but I do not use it much lately to be honest. My files are still up there it has a handy feature to create folders and make public I think. As for bandwidth restrictions i do think photobucket has any but I'm not 100% sure.
  16. Are you talking about mysql service running on Xisto or one of your own machines? If its one of your own machines then just type ifconfig or ipconfig to see what the IP is. If its Xisto I dont know, also they might not allow connections from outside their servers?
  17. Regarding the top image corners of the layout not showing under IE 7 I'm assuming I've had a similar situation and I think it may apply here. I looked at your code yesterday but the way your divs are laid out I'm not accustomed to. There were so many nested divs that seem to stack on each other and I mean 7-8 of them I did not want to carry on trying to figure it out. Anyway the problem I think that relates here is those divs that are used to position your images around the border have no min or max widths set. This was the problem I had during my layout under IE 7 if you do not specifiy a minimum width where there is no content it will not display or display only to the width of the content in that div. I hope that makes some sense and maybe you can try adding min widths to it.Sorry but this requires a lot of trial and error work to fix. I still am not a expert at layouts in divs just yet.
  18. I don't think you can get complete books online in PDF format. The simple reason being the book publishers will not make money if their books are being downloaded and collecting dust in bookstores. Who will sit there and scan 1000 page book into pdf format for you? if there were PDF's for some of the books I wanted I would rather get them for free then paying 100 dollars for them.
  19. Has anyone started working on any of these new technologies? I've got flex beta 3 its free if you did not know. There is a beginner tutorial I done today it was fairly easy to follow, it only took 15-20mins. Its pretty basic you search for pictures off flicker but the results seem to be limited I don't know why. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ tutorial link here: https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html you can get flex builder 3 here (331MB) https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/cs6-product-downloads.html theres also a windows version but I lost the original link so you may have to fill in some details to get to the download.
  20. Anyone ever use a MacBook Pro for a few hours? The thing heats up around the on board keyboard area so much it can burn you. I think the case is aluminum or some kind of metal. It looks nice and shiny like a house hold appliance or high-tech gadget. It is a beautifully made and elegant looking laptop. I think the reason it heats up so much is because of the thickness of it. Its really thin compared to other common types of laptops which are about 1 and a half its thickness on average. I like it being thin because its so much easier to carry without being bulky. The area where it will heat around is the speaker/vent holes, well pretty much all around the surface of the base. The LCD screen does not heat up at all. It will be useful in winter when its cold as a heat lol. I can live with it as I do love my mac alot and putting up with the heat is not a really big deal as I have a wireless keyboard I use most of the time anyway.Just something to consider when you think about buying one of these.
  21. I saw a report on the news about her death and it was sad, I don't know much about her but I do admire her courage to do what she believes in even when faced with the possibility of being killed for it. This just makes you think about how lucky you are when you live in a country with little violence and more opportunity and theres people out there worse off then you are. I feel sad just thinking about what happen over there.
  22. I enjoy milk, Its a very good healthy type of drink but its price has gone up so much here even though we produce a lot of milk locally the demand around the world for milk and other products made out of it is the cause. They say we have to pay for what everyone else is paying for it even overseas. So the cost gets passed on to us here in New Zealand even though its produced here if we don't pay the asking price then it gets sold overseas because the demand is there. I think the change in culture where more Asian countries are consuming more has something to do with it.Just last year butter in New Zealand cost only 2 dollars average for a block now its 5 dollars roughly. A lot of complaints are being made but the answer we get is they are just trying to get more money for the farmers for their milk and there fore we pay the standard market price or it get sold overseas.
  23. I thought that would of worked but it didnt sorry.add this it worked for me I just tried it out now. <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-gb"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"><title>New Page 2</title><style>body{margin: 0px;padding 0px;}</style>
  24. the margins and padding are left on by default causing the spaces. these values are different for each type of browser so setting it to always to 0 is best practice and then assigning any margins or paddings for other elements as needed <body margin='0' padding='0'> that code should do it. Your also not using css its just html code by the way. Best way to format and style your webpage is using CSS.w3schools.com is a great site to start out learning.good luck.
  25. Not many girls are into webdesign, free webhosting so there are not that many coming here to our forums. I'm not sure why but I think it has something to do with our culture of girls general playing with barbie dolls while boys play video games. It might be changing slightly as more fancy toys like cell phones with more advance applications on them being widely available to females. They may start to wonder how to do this and that with it and stop asking the guys how to do it and learn it them selves. I think it really all comes down to interest, we are all here because we are interested in free hosting. If girls are not interested then they wont stick around simple as that. As long as your not after a dating service here at Xisto then it shouldn't be a problem. On the other hand it works out well for the girls with like 100 guys to 1 girl lol.
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